Com 220 week 9 final project persuasive research paper (uop)

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COM 220 Week 9 Final Project Persuasive Research Paper (UOP) To Purchase This Material Click below Link MORE CLASSES VISIT

Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper · Due Day 7 [Individual forum] · Resources: Appendix A and Appendix H · Use the checklist in Appendix H to proofread your final draft. If you cannot answer yes to an item in the proofreading checklist, revise your paper accordingly. · Construct a persuasive research paper in 2,000 to 2,500 words, formatted according to Axia-style guidelines. · Include the following elements: Title page Introduction and a thesis statement Body with supporting evidence and in-text citations Effective visuals, appropriately introduced Conclusion Reference list with at least five to seven sources, at least three of which must come from the University Library Completed peer-review form · Review Appendix A to ensure you have completed every step required for the final project.

¡ Format your paper according to APA guidelines. ¡ Post your final project and the peer review checklist a classmate completed for your research paper as attachments.

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