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For the Lord shall build up Zion; He shall appear in His glory. He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, And shall not despise their prayer. This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may praise the Lord. For He looked down from the height of His sanctuary; From heaven the Lord viewed the earth, To hear the groaning of the prisoner, To release those appointed to death, To declare the name of the Lord in Zion, And His praise in Jerusalem, When the peoples are gathered together, And the kingdoms, to serve the Lord. Psalm 102:16-22 We hosted Christmas parties in 2 locations – both at JHOPFAN for our neighborhood and in a new location we were invited to, as we delivered the Nativity story and coloring books galore! The children were so joyful to ride on the live camel and donkey at JHOPFAN.

We thank God for our “Coloring Book” ministry and outreaches, as we distributed over 12,000 in Hebrew and Arabic during the Holiday season. We now how 11 biblical coloring books in the local languages and we can see that this is a great blessing for the children of this land, as the leaders are always asking for new ones and higher quantities. Please pray about sponsoring the printing of the coloring books, a great need we have in order to freely distribute them to the children.

We thank God for how the Lord is building up Zion, regarding the prayers of the poor and destitute, and for a generation that has been created to praise Him in Jerusalem! It says when these things happen, then He will appear in His Glory! We are praying and working for this day to come.

King’s Harp Program Jesus’ Birthday Parties

Coloring Books

We continue to earnestly develop our King’s Harp Program among children in Israel. We have around 20 children we are training. We were invited to present an hour long program for Christmas at the Christ Church. The place was packed and so many came to us how they were touched by the innocence and holiness that came through the children’s worship. Everyone was listening so attentively, you could hear a pin drop. Numerous of the children will be playing in this year’s All Nations Convocation. They are eager to learn and worship the Lord! We offer the program (harps, transport, professional teaching, food, etc,) free of charge. With your generous giving, we will be able to continue to offer this program to the children whom the Lord is drawing to be a part.




Mother’s Day Hospital Harp Program

During Mother’s Day, once again, we were able to give gifts, including the Word of God, to women in our neighborhood. They were all very excited and have come to expect it every year. Some neighbors told me they were waiting for us to arrive this year as we have in the past. Also, we were able to host another women’s day gathering in another neighborhood and share the Word of God for the first time. We thank God for new open doors of utterance for the Word and Kingdom of God! With the support of our generous donors, we have raised support for 12 harps for our Hospital Harp Program, placing harps in the hospitals that are used by music therapists and the children themselves to help facilitate healing. We have received wonderful testimonies of the healing influence and affect of the harps upon the children. We would like to donate 13 more, a total of 25 harps to 2 major hospitals in Jerusalem in the children’s wards. If you are interested to be a part of this, please contact us at: jcf@jhopfan.org

We continue to generously give as the Lord is providing through His people worldwide.

As you pray and give, may the Lord build up Zion and may Jerusalem become a praise in the midst of the earth!!!

Please prayerfully and generously invest in Jerusalem Children's Fund. In doing so, you are storing your treasure in heavenly places for all eternity. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:15 To Give: http://jhopfan.org/give Progressive Vision International P.O. Box 31393, Jerusalem 91313, Israel Account#: 548001255134, Swift: BOFAUS3N ABA#: 026009593, Bank of America, One City Center Portland, ME 04101, USA As you give may these children live! THE WATCHMEN'S Journal 19

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