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come holy spirit:



AT Jerusalem hOUSE OF pRaYER fOR all nations

This was one of the two foundational scriptures for JHOPFAN in 1987: Isaiah 62 and Isaiah 56, which is about the house of prayer for all nations. Isaiah 62 is clearly about Jerusalem and 24/7.

A little less than 2 years later, on Pentecost Sunday, May 28th, 2023, as we were welcoming the Holy Spirit at exactly 9:00 in the morning from the City of Pentecost in our Global zoom service (the time and day the Holy Spirit fell 2,000 years ago), we saw this second white dove sitting down on the mural that has the King's Prayer: “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” Then it began to rain! God’s presence was so strong. We bless the Lord for His faithfulness and His goodness! Surely He is coming quickly!

OnJune 22nd in 2021, we had an awesome day in the House of Prayer. I went up to the prayer tower in the evening, and a white dove came and sat on the Golden Gate of the prayer tower for about 10 or 15 mins. Then it went over on top of our mural “I've posted watchmen on your walls day or not they should take no rest until Jerusalem is established as a praise in the earth.” It stayed on top of this mural for over 11.5 hours, through the night, until early the next morning. It was amazing! The Lord spoke to us and said that we’re in the 11th hour just before midnight, and we need to be vigilant watchmen because the fullness of time is coming. We were all greatly encouraged by this, and we thank God for His goodness. This was a very strong challenge for us to stand as watchmen on the walls, preparing the way for the King of Glory.

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