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Private Pool Courtyard
Atlanta, Georgia
Multifamily, TOD, Mid-Rise Columbia Ventures 224 Units 1.99 Acres 112.56 units/acre
8340 Meadow Road Suite 150 Dallas, Texas 75231-3766 Located adjacent to a vibrant neighborhood of Atlanta, GA and the Marta Edgewood-Candler Park Station. The collaboration of Columbia Residential, Marta, and various neighborhood revitalization groups targeted the under-utilized Marta parking lots, providing private workforce housing, neighborhood services, and fl exible space. JHP’s design studies focus on weaving into the neighborhood a contextual and catalyst development. Of primary concern was the integration with Marta and their bus service, providing replacement parking in a garage and creating a neighborhood place, focus, and sense of community through a central public plaza.
Architecture / Urban Design jhparch.com 214 363.5687