4 minute read
Mishaps of Many
from Thoughts?
A Collection of Tragically True Tales from Anonymous Students and Staff
I gotta go find another spot, tire still ya know empty and *imitates broken car noises. I make it like partially through C lot, and I’m like ‘no, I can’t do this anymore.’ So I pull in at the end into one of those not parking spots that ya know, isn’t a parking spot and that I make fun of people for parking in, and I’m like ‘well this fantastic,’ and then I get out of the car and look ya know, tire is in fact popped, shocking right? And I’m like, ‘well this is a problem for later cause I gotta go to chem,’ and I was late for chem and I reported the person for parking in my parking spot.”
Stair Scare
“One time in 4th grade I was avidly playing Build to Survive on Roblox and I had gotten so into the game that as I walked down the stairs, holding a 2011 Mac Book Pro, I slipped and slid down to the last floor, falling so hard on my tailbone that I ripped the back seam of my pants open. I never played that game ever again.”
Get Your Head in the Game
“One time in 9th grade I was in a volleyball game and I wasn’t paying attention, and the volleyball came straight at my head and instead of hitting it I kind of ducked and then I got a concussion and threw up in the bathroom.”
“I was in PE in 9th grade and we were walking around the track, it was like in May and I didn’t have any friends in this PE so I was walking by myself and I was distracted by some relationship drama happening across the track, so as I was watching them I walked into a hurdle, completely fell over, and collapsed on my face in front of the entire class and I cut my knee open. To this day I have a scar on my knee from it.”
He’s a Runner He’s a Track Star
“I didn’t sign myself up for track, one of my friends signed me up for track because I was fast...it was the first race of the season. I was wearing the Nike green camo jersey, everybody thought I was smoke, so coach put me in the sprint medley, 400 meter anchor, I had never ran a 400 so I took out off the gate on this bad boy I probably ran a 22.5 the first 200 meters. I got to about the 330 mark on the hundred straightaway, so I’m running this bad boy, first 330 was pretty quick and then I start to lose it as I’m coming around the curve at about 330, and then I kinda remember blacking out, tripping over myself and the sliding about five meters on the track-which doesn’t feel good.”
“One time I had a crush on this person and I was driving out of the parking lot and I called my friend and was gushing all about them and then next thing I know they pull out in front of me and I hit their car.”
Tire Trauma
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
“One time in Lunch in elementary school I was going to the table and I was right in front of my crush and I was walking right past him and I totally tripped. My hot dog and chocolate milk went everywhere.”
“So I woke up this morning feeling like death, right? I check my phone and I realize I don’t have to go in for 1st period cause it’s blended us history and I’m like, ‘sick yo’ so then I went back to sleep and I got up again and I was like ‘gotta go to chem’, ‘cause ya know, AP chem, it’s a priority, always. So I get up and I go get in my car and then I’m like ‘I’m gonna get Starbucks.’ So I went and got Starbucks, and I’m turning into the parking lot and am like ‘this is a good day, little bit close on time but ya know I’m gonna make it.’ As I’m turning into the parking lot I barely tap the curb, and my tire explodes. Pew! And so I’m like ‘oh, that’s fantastic,’ so I’m like going into the parking spot, and I can hear the tire like *makes questionable car noises. And I’m like, just gotta make it to my dragon of the week parking spot, cause ya know, I’m the dragon of the week, proud to be it. Turn in, make it all the way to A lot and my car’s like, *continues to imitate broken car noises and I find my spot, and there’s somebody in my dragon of the week spot. ‘This is fantastic, this is fantastic.’ So now
The Big Bite
“In 4th grade, after recess I was just minding my own business and I was just standing in line waiting to go inside, when all of a sudden these kids just start absolutely sprinting down to the line and so one of them falls and BAM the other one falls BAM. It’s a domino effect and the kid right behind me has his mouth open and literally bites my head. His teeth go straight into my head so then my friend was like ‘woah, your hair is-your head’s bleeding’ and I was like ‘yo?’ And at first I was not crying and then once she told me and I put my hand on my head it was gushing-there was so much blood.”
“Me in PreCalc. That was Embarrassing.”
Math Mania
In my room, we have the stadium seating....high desks, medium high desks, and low desks. All the high/medium desks have chairs with wheels. A student was sitting in the back row of the class (in a high desk) and leaned over to pick up something off of the floor and fell out of his chair...due to the rolling chair moving out from under him when he leaned over. He fell into the back wall and his elbow went through the drywall. So, there was a big hole in the drywall.
The hole was right under an outlet. And he was currently charging his iPad in that outlet. So, when he fell....his must have hit the wall....and his elbow must have knocked his charger out of the outlet on his way and, sure enough, his charger(brick) fell INTO the hole in the wall!
So, the student not only fell out of his chair....and made a hole in the wall....but now lost his charging brick because it fell INTO the hole in the wall!