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Broker Spotlight Steve Keepin – Edison Ford

1. Tell us a bit about your brokerage, and the origins of the company.


Our brokerage, Edison Ford, was born August 1992 and it seems just like yesterday. We started with no customers and a determination to succeed. Thirty plus years we are still hungry for business and success.

2. What makes your brokerage unique? Our original aim was to be all things to all people and if you needed any insurance for any scenario we were your first point of call. Our brokerage feels unique in that we are a one office situation with no formal ties to a network. It is always our proud boast and aim to remain truly independent without anyone telling us what to do. I do notice that the small brokerage of one site only is a vanishing beast which is a great shame for the industry, big is not always best.

3. What does a typical week look like for you?

A typical week starts to a frenetic Monday and then suddenly it is Friday. We stopped working weekends many years ago and feel it was the best decision we ever made, concentrating our efforts to a five day week.

4. What are the two best pieces of advice you have received in your years of experience working in the insurance industry? ?

The first piece of advice I was given was by my first employer Cornhill Insurance. They told me to be the best and strive to achieve goals set by yourself and the boss. As this was over forty years ago the advice was good and even relevant today. The second piece of advice I was given is to not suffer fools gladly. With insurance it is very easy to encounter people in the industry that could be considered foolish. As an independent broker it is usually easy to move on from providers who do not meet with our expectations.

5. What, in your opinion, is the biggest reason you continue to work with us here at ABACUS?

We have worked with ABACUS for many a year. The camaraderie and willingness to support us as brokers is second to none. Working with ABACUS is a pleasure and not a chore like it can be working with some of the large insurers.

6. Your main office is based near Bristol; If someone were to go and visit, what would you recommend they go and see or do first?

Our office, based near Bristol, is near to the water front of Bristol Harbour. This is well worth a visit and time should be taken to explore the water, surrounding shops, and restaurants. Bristol is truly a super place and needs a visit to explore this maritime based city.

7. What is your go-to holiday destination?

My go to destination is anywhere on a canal. I was recently lucky enough to buy a narrow boat and you cannot beat exploring the UK’s canals and rivers to appreciate the beauty of the scenery from a boat.

8. If you had to choose an animal to represent your brokerage, what animal would you choose and why?

If I had to choose an animal that in my opinion represents our brokerage it would be a Golden Labrador. A Labrador is loved by most people and can usually be relied upon to show devotion and kindness, I would like to think our clients think of us in this way.

9. Do you have any highlights from any day you have spent out with ABACUS?

I recently enjoyed a day at the races with ABACUS, as usual their hospitality was legendary. It was great to catch up with Robin and meet Jasmine. We have always enjoyed the willingness of ABACUS to say yes and fully expect to stay with them for the next 30 years.

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