for constructing
3.1.1~3.3.1 4.1.1~4.3.1 5.1.1~5.3.1 6.1.1~6.3.1 7.1.1~7.2.1 8.1.1~8.3.1 9.1.1~9.3.1 10.1.1~10.2.1 remaining
! ! ! ! !
week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 week 1~2
WEEK3 Tutorial section
E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE structure elements/structural geometry & equilibrium SYSTEM footings & foundations MATERIAL brick/block/stone CONSTRUCTION mass construction: masonry KEY TERMS
structural elements
the loads is applied across the slab; loads will be distributed to beams below; sometimes loads could be transferred in 2 direction
STRUT compression element (within the trust)
TIE tension element (been pull apart) carry loads; transfer loads through/to footing/slab below
key structural elements BEAM PANELS SHEAR DIAPHRAGM
as a bracing system to prevent building overturning; without this, you need bracing system which might consists struts/ties
material that has been used
mass construction
they are all strong in compression but weak in tension • • • •
has the tendency of changing shape (top is in compression; bottom is in tension); it will be stretched apart; material used should be both support compression & tension, e.g. timber, steel
(hard; resists abrasion) (compressive strength) (good thermal mass) (durable)
MODULAR • • • •
clay brick mud brick concrete block ashlar stone
concrete rammed earth monolithic stone (columns & beams)
footings and foundations the picture of basement
are used where soil conditions are unstable & the required soil bearing capacity is inadequate; loads is transferred from the foundations down to levels where bed rock, stiff clay, dense sand/gravel is located
END BEARING PILES extend the foundations down to rock/ soil that provide support for the building loads
FRICTION PILES rely on the resistance of the surroundin g earth to support the structure
are used where soil conditions are stable & the required soil bearing capacity is adequate close to surface of the ground; load is transferred vertically from the foundation to the ground
PAD FOOTINGS help to spread a point load over a wider area of ground
STRIP FOOTINGS loads from a wall/a series of columns is spread in linear manner
RAFT FOUNDATION provides increased stability by joining the individual strips together as a single mat
it’s a particular subset of mass construction
definition: refers to building with units of various natural/ manufactured products; usually with the use of mortar as a bonding agent
properties: the units together act as a monolithic whole
walls columns/piers
beams/lintels arches
vaults domes
Brick is a standard size masonry unit made out of clay, its proportions may vary sightly depending on types and countries but it will always be a hand sized unit
PROVENANCE: Bricks are manufactured from clay/shale which is shaped and then hardened by a firing process (in a kiln)
3 TYPES: • • •
extruded & wire-cut machine moulded handmade
PROPERTIES: medium - high; can be scratched with a metallic object
medium; can be broken with trowel
very low ductility
! ! ! ! ! !
very low flexibility & plasticity
! !
medium - low; becomes soaked only if placed in prolonged contact with water
flexibility/plasticity porosity/ permeability
! !
medium; approximately 2~2.5 more dense than water
! !
poor conductors of heat and electricity
! !
typically very durable
! !
high; can be re-used with no change or crushed to be used as recycled aggregate
! !
tends to be locally produced; the firing process adds to its carbon footprint
! !
generally cost effective but required labour coasts should also be considered
density conductivity durability/life span reusability/ recyclability sustainability & carbon footprint cost
Block is a standard size masonry unit made out of concrete. There is a large range of sizes and proportions available in order to suit different purposes.
PROVENANCE: Blocks are manufactured from cement/sand/gravel/ water. The manufacture process involves mixing/ moulding/curing.
CLAY BRICKS VS CONCRETE BLOCKS CONCRETE BLOCKS: shrink for several reasons; the cement paste reduces in volume as it hydrates & drying shrinkage occurs as water is lost to the atmosphere. • CLAY BRICKS: tend to absorb moisture from the atmosphere & gradually expand. •
Movement joints are required for each material
medium - high; can be scratched with a metallic object
medium; can be broken with trowel
very low ductility
! ! ! ! ! !
very low flexibility & plasticity
! !
flexibility/plasticity porosity/ permeability
medium - medium; some concrete blocks are sealed to reduce the opportunity for water absorption
! !
medium; approximately 2~2.5 more dense than water
! !
poor conductors of heat and electricity
! !
typically very durable
! !
durability/life span
medium; sometimes re-used with no change but more often crushed to be used as aggregate in other concrete products
reusability/ recyclability
inclusion of recycled & waste products from other processes is allowing a positive reduction in carbon footprint & increase in sustainability for many concrete products
sustainability & carbon footprint
! !
example of vertical movement joint; ! ! impede the generally cost effective but labour penalties are often applied as bricks to the larger format units mean construction usually progresses at a expand faster rate
PROVENANCE: 3 types of stone: • igneous :is formed when molten rock (lava/ magma) cools! • sedimentary :is formed when accumulated particles are subjected to moderate pressure! • metamorphic :is formed when the structure of igneous/sedimentary stone changes when subjected to pressure/ high temperatures/ chemical processes
! ! ! ! • ! ! ! ! ! •
MONOLITHIC they are so difficult to transferred, not common used today ASHLAR they tend to be flat face
they have been manipulated a little bit, but not smooth; they need skills to be placed
large range generally igneous is hardest, then metamorphic & then sedimentary
largely geometry dependent (thickness to surface area ratio)
most stones have very low ductility
! ! ! ! !
most stones are rigid (very low flexibility & plasticity)
! !
flexibility/plasticity porosity/ permeability
large range (pumice is very porous, granite is not)
! !
largely depending on stone types; stones most often used in construction (granite/marble/sandstone/slat) are 2 1/2 to 3 times more dense than water
generally poor conductors of hear & electricity
! !
typically extremely durable
! !
conductivity durability/life span
very high; can be re-used with no change or re-worked into new shapes for new uses
reusability/ recyclability
transport energy is the main factor (local stones have low carbon footprints); stone sourcing has a high environmental cost
sustainability & carbon footprint
! ! ! !
largely dependent on labor and scarcity )how common/rare the stone is)
lot 6 cafe
underground carpark & south lawn (195)
arts west student centre (148)
stair on west end of union house (130)
beaurepaire centre pool (101)
structure system: frame/skeletal structural system major structural elements: concrete columns; beams; concrete flat roof slabs main material uses: glass window; concrete wall & roof; aluminum doors, rubber sealer - basically strong material
the structure is expressed; the joints between columns & roof is fixed joint.
structure system: concealed solid structural system major structural elements & materials: concrete arches & vaults, columns; steel framework inside the concrete column the steel framework is concealed.
structure system: hybrid structural system major structural elements & materials: steel trusses & timber beams; roof with cladding; brick wall; concrete strut: window glass structure system: single structure of a staircase major structural elements & materials: beams, wires, flat decking all made up of steel. structure system: frame system major structural elements & materials: brick walls, steel columns & beams; window glass sunlight can be get in day & night to save energy
the structure is expressed; the joints between columns & roof is fixed joint.
fixed joint.
the structure is expressed; the joints between columns & roof is fixed joint.
north court union house (130)
frank tate pavilion (west of sidney myer asia centre (158)
structure system: membrane structure major structural elements & materials: membrane shielding; steel ties & columns.
structure system: hybrid system major structural elements & materials: steel cladding; timber floor; timber truss; steel beam & columns; concrete plate. expressed structure, fixed joint.
new Melbourne school of design under construction - from various sides (133)
structure system: frame structural system major structural elements & materials: steel truss
old geology south lecture theatre entry structure (156)
oval pavilion (north side of oval)
structure system: frame structural system major structural elements & materials: steel columns, steel, brick wall, steel roof; glass door
structure system: steel frame system major structural elements & materials: timber roof; wood columns; concrete wall & floor.
steel column & tie are highlighted in blue and pink separately
KEY TERMS moment: the forces that produces rotation of a body upon a point or a line.
retaining wall: walls that support the superstructure above and enclose a basement, holding back the soil.
pad footing: footings that help to spread a point load over a wider area of ground.
strip footing: the spread footings of foundation walls.
slab on ground: a structural engineering practice whereby the concrete slab that is to serve as the foundation for the structure is formed from a mold set into the ground.
substructure: the foundation, the lowest section of a building constructed partly or wholly below
1.ENVS10003. W01C1 structural elements http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQIa1O6fp98&feature=youtu.be 2. ENVS 10003. W03C1 footings & foundations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAcuwrecIz8&feature=youtu.be 3. ENVS 10003. W03M1 introduction to mass construction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Au2upE9JN8&feature=youtu.be 4. ENVS 10003. W03M3 introduction to masonry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC8Hv8AKQ8A&feature=youtu.be 5. ENVS 10003. W03M3 bricks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lYlQhkMYmE&feature=youtu.be 6. ENVS 10003. W03M4 stone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vn5_dk4RtQ&feature=youtu.be 7. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons 8.STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS geometry & equilibrium https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2003/GEOMETRY%20AND%20EQUILIBRIUM.pdf
WEEK4 ! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE span & spacing/beams & cantilevers SYSTEM flooring & framing system MATERIAL concrete/pre cast concrete/in situ concrete/the pantheon example of roman concrete KEY TERMS
steel framing systems takes various forms, with some utilizing heavy gauge structural steel members and others using light gauge steel framing.
floor and framing systems
traditional timber floor framing systems use a combination of bearers (primary beam) & joists (secondary beams)
steel flooring
The span of the bearers determines the spacing of the piers/stumps and the spacing of the bearers equals the span of the joists.
it sometimes combine with concrete slab system to where the particular benefits of steel framing & shallow depth floor slab systems are desired
slabs of various types are used to span between structural supports.
http://www.google.com.au/imgres? imgurl=http%3A%2F %2Fwww.kithomes.net.au%2Fdiypics %2Felevated-floor.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A %2F%2Fwww.kithomes.net.au %2Fslab&h=187&w=450&tbnid=u3lR7K8vQe QFXM %3A&zoom=1&docid=1zWipFXQlAS1RM&hl =zhCN&ei=a6R4U7aQEcXYkQXhx4GQDA&tbm= isch&ved=0CIUBEDMoIzAj&iact=rc&uact=3 &dur=422&page=1&start=0&ndsp=52&biw= 2271&bih=1237
a slab which spans in 2 directions
concrete PROCESS: formwork is the term used for the temporary support or moulds used to hold the liquid concrete in place until it becomes hard
1. concrete is permeable. If the steel bars are too close to the surface they will not be protected from moisture & oxidation. This will cause aesthetic & structural degradation. 2. concrete is vibrated to get rid of the air bubbles that get caught during the pouring process. These bubbles can compromise the structural performance of the element, or result in the element failing
if too much water is added to the concrete mix, the final concrete will not be strong enough (weak) if too little water is added, the concrete mixture will be too stiff and it will be very difficult to work with (unworkable)
REINFORCEMENT: Since concrete is very strong in compression but is weak in tension; to improve this, steel (very strong in tension) reinforcement in th form of mesh/bars is added
FINISHES: bush hammered
exposed aggregate http://www.google.com.au/imgres? imgurl=http%3A%2F %2Fwww.constructionphotography .com%2FImageThumbs %2FA023-00025%2F3%2FA023-0 0025_Placing_and_spreading_pu mped_in_situ_concrete_to_reinforc ed_slab.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A %2F %2Fwww.constructionphotography .com%2FDetails.aspx%3FID %3D1652%26TypeID %3D1&h=480&w=478&tbnid=L9L SGQe3_owF8M %3A&zoom=1&docid=vmuE8a0jn 9AJaM&hl=zhCN&ei=RaV4U6fNIc3ikgXJ4YHQA g&tbm=isch&ved=0CF4QMygFM AU&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=599&pa ge=1&start=0&ndsp=57&biw=227 1&bih=1237
in situ concrete
raked finish
board & batten boardmarked
in situ concrete USES:
• • •
pre cast concrete • • •
low; can be chipped with a hammer
very low ductility
! !
footings retaining walls bespoke (non standard) structural elements
! ! here is the basement wall between structure piers down under the ground
high; can be scratched with a metallic object
! !
low flexibility & plasticity
! !
medium - low; depending on proportions & components
porosity/ permeability
medium - high; approximately 2.5 more dense than water
! ! ! ! !
poor conductors of heat and electricity
retaining walls walls columns
typically very durable
! ! ! !
durability/life span
medium - low; can be partially re-used when crushed to be used as aggregate for new concrete elements
! !
high embodied energy; non-renewable; long lasting
! ! !
generally cost effective; labour dependent for formwork & pouring
reusability/ recyclability sustainability & carbon footprint cost
span and spacing
beams and cantilevers
the pantheon example of roman concrete http:// www.google.c om.au/imgres? imgurl=http %3A%2F %2Fwww.uh.e du%2Fengines %2Fpantheonv iews.jpg&imgr efurl=http%3A %2F %2Fwww.uh.e du%2Fengines %2Fepi1345.ht m&h=381&w= 550&tbnid=U0 NiRJ2Q_KRRM M %3A&zoom=1 &docid=TzOd KuEJfRlPCM& hl=zhCN&ei=Mqh4U 6S4HYqykgWU wIDQBQ&tbm =isch&ved=0C GIQMygKMAo &iact=rc&uact =3&dur=230& page=1&start= 0&ndsp=55&bi w=2271&bih= 1237
Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for the dimensions?
TITLE BLOCK List the types of information found in the title block on the floor plan page: consultant! key plan! client & project! drawing title & drawing number! ‘table of issue’
What might be important? project name/drawing name/direction pointing north/building project members/ scale
unit: mm
drawing set p. A21-02
Is there a grid? What system is used for identify the grid lines? -
Yes, there is grid. The grid lines is indicated by numbers
How are windows and doors identified? Provide and example of each. Is there a rationale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawings?
the door is identified like this
What is the purpose of the legend? -
it explain the symbol on the drawing, and show the structure more detail/clear.
Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotations are associated with the relevant part of the drawing.
Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan?
DRAWING CONTENT! - plans What types of information is shown in this floor plan -
inside structure of ground floor! room name! material of the wall! floor level! mechanical system! dimension! context of wall! fire rating
here is annotated;! in order to shows the detail of construction method.
Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotations are associated with the relevant part of the drawing.
Are some areas of the drawing clouded? Why? -
this annotates the relative page
the floor level is noted like this
here is some detail of construction that has been changed
What types of levels are shown on the elevations? illustrate how levels are shown in relation to the elevation.
illustrate how the doors and windows are identified on the elevations
drawing set p. A30-01
What type of information is shown in this elevation? how does it differ from the information shown on the plan? -
the information is more specific! the external content of the building! the height of the building! some relative surrounding
Is there a grid? If so, how/where is it shown? -
Are dimensions shown? if so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? provide an example of the dimensions as they relate to the elevation.
there is no grid.
Find where this elevation is located on the plans -
What types of information on the elevations are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done -
they are drawn as how they look like in reality
where new information has been added! or something has been changed into another
the elevation is indicated on plan like this
DRAWING CONTENT - SECTIONS drawing set p. A40-01
What type of information is shown in this section? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan and elevation? -
the length of the building is showed.
the aim of the room is showed
Provide examples of how different materials are shown on the sections
Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings at this scale.
drawing set p. A46-01 -
What sorts of things are detailed? -
there are some details in structure of particular part, e.g. the detail of link.! some materials has been illustrated, e.g. insulation material
Are the details compressed using break lines? Why?
there are some details in material of particular part! we can see the timber roof, brick wall on this drawing
Find where this section is located on the plans.
the materials are much more detailed drawing! we can see the use of insulation on this drawing
Find the locations of these details on the plans, elevations and sections.
the section is located here
the section in the break lines is the enlarged picture of the original section, it shows more details and more clear in structure.
KEY TERMS joist: the parallel supporting of beam.
steel decking: steel corrugated to increase stiffness and spanning capability.
span: the entire distance measured between two structural support.
girder: the main beam
concrete plank: hollow centre/solid flat beam used for floor or roof decking.
spacing: distance between bearers, stumps and joists.
1. ENVS10003. W04C1 floor system http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otKffehOWaw&feature=youtu.be 2. ENVS 10003. W04M1 concrete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1M19C25MLU&feature=youtu.be 3. BEAMS AND CANTILEVERS https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2004/BEAMS%20AND%20CANTILEVERS.pdf 4. SPAN AND SPACING https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2004/SPAN%20AND%20SPACING.pdf 5. ENVS 10003. W04M2 in situ concrete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3zW_TBGjfE&feature=youtu.be 6. ENVS 10003. W04M3 pre cast concrete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scYY-MMezI0&feature=youtu.be 7. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
! !
WEEK5 ! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE short & long columns/walls, grids & columns SYSTEM wall systems/frame MATERIAL from wood to timber/ timber properties & considerations/ engineered timber product SITE WORK gehry’s own home - wrapping KEY TERMS
walls, grids and columns
frames be established through bracing/ sheer walls/ by making the joints rigid
since the stud is very slim and long, there is nogging placed to prevent it to bend or buck
ply bracing the reinforcement is placed in the core of the block the outside is brick, inside is concrete, and there is a insulation layer in between
short and long columns COLUMNS vertical structural members designed to transfer axial compressive loads
shorter in length & thicker in cross-section the ratio of effective column length to the smallest cross section dimension is less than 12:1 fail by crushing (shear) when the compressive strength is exceeded
medium - low; most timbers can be reasonably easily marked
medium - low; geometry dependent, generally will not shatter/ dark
low; some timbers in their green state can be manipulated into a range of shapes
! ! ! !
high flexibility & medium plasticity
! !
high; varies depending on seasoning, finishing (protection) & fixing
! !
extremely varied depending on timber type
! !
poor conductors of heat and electricity
! !
porosity/ permeability density conductivity
can very durable; varies depending on types, seasoning, durability/life span finishing (protection) & fixing
taller in length & slimmer in cross-section the ratio of effective column length to the smallest cross section dimension is greater than 12:1 fail by buckling
! !
very high; second hand timber is very desirable
! !
very low embodied energy; fully renewable if correctly sourced
! !
generally cost effective; labour dependent for on-site work, but also suited to highly efficient factory based manufacturing processes
reusability/ recyclability sustainability & carbon footprint cost
from wood to timber
advantage: best grain shows on face good wearing surface for floors, furniture - radial face preferred for coatings - lower width shrinkage on drying - less cupping & warp than other cuts - can be successfully reconditioned disadvantage: - slower seasoning - nailing on face more prone to splitting -
advantage: season more rapidly less prone to splitting when nailing - wide sections possible - few knots on edge disadvantage: - shrink more across width when drying - more likely to warp a& cup - collapsed timber more difficult to recondition -
advantage: dimensional stability - less prone to warping, cupping - less wastage in milling disadvantage: - wedge shaped cross section - more difficult to detail - more difficult to stack -
not so useful in construction, it doesn’t last long
weak points; cause slope of grain
you want the knot in the top of the beam, because the top of the timber is in the compression, and the bottom of the timber is in tension. Timber can break if you pull apart the knot
grain direction: determines the structural performance of wood
timber is strong parallel in both compression(strong parallel) & tension(stiff parallel)
but weak perpendicular to grain
http:// whistleforth ewind.blogs pot.com.au/ 2011/05/ case-studyfrankgehry.html
CONSTRUCTING STRUCTURAL SYSTEM PREPARATION:! material 1. balsa wood 2. super glue 3. sticky tape 4. cutting mat 5. pencils & erasers • printing the right scale [1:20] on the paper; stick the paper to the board
What we are trying to build is a two floor structures, it is the kitchen of Oval Pavilion
ground floor
timber roof frame
our working board
the area we try to construct
the structure system is frame system; the load path of it is relatively simple.
1. top: pin joint bottom: pin joint performance: bend a lot
3. top: pin joint bottom: pin joint performance: bend a little
2. top: pin joint bottom: fixed joint performance: bend less than last one
4. top: pin joint bottom: pin joint middle: nogging! performance: nearly don’t bend
KEY TERMS stud: a vertical framing member that cut to a accurate length to be used in framing system.
nogging: a horizontal timber placed between vertical studs or beams to give lateral support.
lintel: a horizontal supporting member, placed above an opening such as a window or a door, that carry the weight of the wall above.
axial load: load applied along the line of an axis of an object.
buckling: sudden lateral or torsional instability of a slender structural member induced by the action of an axial load before the yield stress of the material is reached.
seasoned timber: dried timber, come from the wood with moisture content less than 15%. REFERENCE!
1. ENVS10003. W05C1 walls, grid and column http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq41q6gUIjI&feature=youtu.be 2. SHORT AND LONG COLUMN https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2005/SHORT%20AND%20LONG %20COLUMNS.pdf 3. ENVS 10003. W05M1 from wood to timber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJL0vCwM0zg&feature=youtu.be 4. ENVS 10003. W05M2 timber properties and considerations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul0r9OGkA9c&feature=youtu.be 5. ENVS 10003. Gehry’s own home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqn2bYoO8j4&feature=youtu.be 6. ENVS 10003. WO4M3 engineered timber products http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YrYOGSwtVc&feature=youtu.be 7. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
WEEK6 Tutorial section PRESENTATION
! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE trusses/plates & grids SYSTEM roofing strategies & systems MATERIAL introduction to metal/ferrous metals/nonferrous metals BUILDING spanning spaces KEY TERMS !
โ ข
roofing systems FLAT ROOF pitch: 1ยบ ~ 3ยบ
are generally flat plates of reinforced concrete; the top surface is sloped DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROOFS towards drainage points and the entire roof surface finished with CONCRETE ROOFS: applied waterproof membrane
pitch: > 3ยบ tile need to be 15ยบ or higher; sheet metal roofing can come down to much lower, like 5ยบ
STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMED ROOFS: FLAT: consist of a combination of primary & secondary roof beams for heavier roof finish such as metal deck/concrete; roof beams & purlins for lighter sheet metal roofing. SLOPING: consist of roof beams & purlins & lighter sheet metal roofing PORTAL FRAMES: consist a serious of braced rigid frames (2 columns & 1 beam) with purlins for the roof and girts for the walls.
TRUSSED ROOFS: constructed from a series of open web type steel or timber elements
SPACE FRAMES: 3D plate type structures that are long spanning in two directions
! ! !
http:// www.ar boretaoak.co m/ product s/ orangeri es/
PROPERTIES: varied; depending on types
low; generally will not shatter or break
high (due to their atomic composition
! ! ! ! ! !
high flexibility & medium plasticity
! ! !
medium - high flexibility & high plasticity (while heated)
porosity/ permeability
generally impermeable - used for guttering, flashing etc
! ! ! !
high (from 3x density of water for aluminum to 19x density of conductivity water for gold)
! !
durability/life span
can very durable; varies deepening on types, treatment, finishing (protection) and fixing
! !
very high embodied energy; recyclable and renewable if correctly managed
! !
generally cost effective (can be very material - efficient and an economic option)
reusability/ recyclability sustainability & carbon footprint cost
ferrous metals
non-ferrous metals ALUMINIUM
DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES magnetic very reactive good compressive
• • •
TYPES wrought iron cast iron
DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES very strong & resistant to fracture transfers heat & electricity can be formed into many shapes long lasting
TYPES & USES 1. structural steel 2. steel sheeting 3. stainless steel alloys
• • •
reddish very malleable & ductile good conductor of heat & electricity roofing material heating pipework electrical cabling
very light non-magnetic pure one is soft
• • • •
window frames door handles cladding panels power coating & anodization
can be toxic very soft, highly malleable, ductile relatively poor conductor of electricity resistant to corrosion roof cornices tank linings flashing strips for waterproofing
brittle at ambient temperatures; but malleable at 100 to 150 ºC
silvery-white metal • lining lead pipes malleable highly crystalline structure resists distilled, sea, soft tap water • bearing BRONZE • clips • electrical toughness connectors resistance to corrosion • springs
hot rolled steel cold formed steel reinforcing bars cladding & roofing coil, sheets, bars, wire, etc
malleable relatively low melting point not ferromagnetic
excellent corrosion resistance high strength - to - weight ratio
• •
used where friction is required used in fitting
plates & grids
KEY TERMS rafter: extend from the wall plate to a ridge board or ridge beam, supports the sheathing & covering of roof.!
purlin: the several horizontal structural members that support roof loads and transfer them to rood beams.
cantilever: the structural element that anchored at one end, overhangs.
portal frame: load applied along the line of an axis of an object.
eave: overhanging lower edge of a roof.
soffit: underside of overhanging roof eave.
alloy: combination of two or more types of metal.
top chord: the top member of a stress that extend from end to end connected by web members. REFERENCE:!
1. ENVS10003. W06C1 roof systems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5ms8vmhs50&feature=youtu.be 2. ENVS 10003. W06M1 introduction to metals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RttS_wgXGbI&feature=youtu.be 3. ENVS 10003. W06M2 ferrous metals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQy3IyJy-is&feature=youtu.be 4. ENVS 10003. spanning spaces http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx4tM-uSaO8&feature=youtu.be 5. ENVS 10003. W06M3 non ferrous metals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDtxb7Pgcrw&feature=youtu.be 6. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
WEEK7 ! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE arches, domes & shells MATERIAL rubber/plastics/paints BUILT-ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONALS detailing for heat & moisture/moisture & thermal protection KEY TERMS !
detailing for heat and moisture flashing is required here
eaves protect walls
forces to be considered: • gravity: use slopes & overlaps • surface tension & capillary action: use drip or break • momentum:move through simple gaps • air pressure differential:through a complex labyrinth
a window joint the wall: high risk area for penetrating
building’s flashing •
• • •
sloping roofs so that water is collected in gutters which then discharge water to downpipes overlapping cladding & roofing elements sloping window and door sills and roof/wall flashings sloping the ground surface away from the walls at the base of buildings weatherboard overlaps
opening: • planned: windows, doors, skylights • unplanned: poor construction workmanship • deterioration of material remove opening:seal the openings with • sealants (e.g. silicone) • gaskets (e.g made from artificial rubbers) http://www.google.com.au/imgres? imgurl=http%3A%2F %2Fwww.wbdg.org%2Fimages %2Fenv_wall_3.gif&imgrefurl=http %3A%2F%2Fwww.wbdg.org %2Fdesign %2Fenv_wall.php&h=290&w=460&t bnid=EijM_2y1nh0tfM %3A&zoom=1&docid=CL5pjiiSUuo aSM&hl=zhCN&ei=Qi15U8XWJcWikwXqwICIC A&tbm=isch&ved=0CCkQMyghMC E4ZA&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=442&p age=3&start=124&ndsp=76&biw=2 271&bih=1237
used in roofing/walling; use it replace glass sometimes
act as seal; help to separate different metals
radiation can be controlled by: • reflective subfacces: reduce building elements from becoming warm/hot; e.g. low-e glass • shading systems: prevent radiation striking the building envelope; e.g. verandahs, eaves, solar shelves, bilnds, screens & vegetation
paints • • •
used prior to plastic patins (water based) very good high gloss finished can be achieved not water soluble (brushes to be cleaned with turpentine)
• •
most common today (except where particular finishes are desired) durable and flexible tools and brushes can be cleaned with water
strategies to stop air leakage: • eliminating opening/air present at the opening/a force to move air through the opening • wrapping the building in polyethylene or reflective foil sarking to provide an air barrier • weather stripping around doors and windows and other openings
large areas of exposed thermal mass can be used to absorb and store heat over a period of time. materials traditionally used for thermal mass includes: masonry/concrete/water bodies
conduction can be controlled by: • thermal insulation: to reduce heat conduction • thermal breaks: made from low conductive materials like rubbers and plastics to reduce the heat transfer from outside to inside • double glazing: the air spaces between glass panes reduces the flow of heat through the glazed elements
rubber PROVENANCE • •
• • -
low; generally will not shatter or break
high (when in heated state); varies (in cold state)
natural rubber synthetic rubber
! !
! !
natural rubber seals gasket & control joints flooring insulation hosing & piping synthetic rubber epdm neoprene silicone
harder rubbers resist abraision, softer rubbers provide better seals
weather related damage, especially sunlight
high flexibility, plasticity and elasticity
! !
all rubbers are considered waterproof
! ! !
approx 1.5 x density of water
! !
very poor conductors of heat and electricity (ie useful insulators)
! !
flexibility/plasticity porosity/ permeability density conductivity durability/life span
can very durable
! !
reusability/ recyclability
embodied energy varies greatly between natural rubber (very low) and synthetic rubbers (medium); renewable if correctly sustainability managed & carbon
! !
generally cost effective
footprint cost
KEY TERMS drip: the break between two surfaces to prevent capillary action of moisture.!
vapor barrier: material used to prevent the moisture into structure.
gutter: shallow channel along the eaves for collecting water from roof.
parapet: the part of a wall that extend above the roof level.!
down pipe: pipe carry rainwater from roof to ground level
flashing: sheet of material that prevent water flowing into a structure from an angle/joint.
insulation: material that is poor conductor to heat & electricity.
sealant: provides effective seal paginating the passage of moisture & air.
2. ENVS10003. W07C1 detailing for heat and moisture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhwm8m5R_Co&feature=youtu.be 2. ENVS 10003. WO7M1 rubber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPhjDijdf6I&feature=youtu.be 3. ENVS 10003. W07M2 plastics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pfnCtUOfy4&feature=youtu.be 4. ENVS 10004. W07M3 paints http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrydR4LA5e0&feature=youtu.be 5. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
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Tutorial section 1:1 DRAWING TASK
! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE door & windows strategies for openings STRUCTURAL CONCEPT geometry & moment of inertia MATERIAL glass/glass skins BUILT-ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONALS deformation KEY TERMS
door & window frame terminology it can be made up of different material:! timber! metal ! aluminium!
http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwindowspriceguide.com%2Fwpcontent%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F10%2Freplacement-window.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F %2Fwindowspriceguide.com%2Finstallation%2Funderstanding-basic-replacement-windowterminology&h=394&w=470&tbnid=K7JAaIj-hWRnQM %3A&zoom=1&docid=4z1fArYxq7ygsM&hl=zhCN&ei=F9B4U9LiCYmQkAXanIDQDw&tbm=isch&ved=0CHkQMygZMBk&iact=rc&uact=3&dur =4893&page=1&start=0&ndsp=65&biw=2271&bih=1237
different types of door:! security door! flash pedal door! traditional door
geometry & moment of inertia
• •
flat glass shaped glass
high; can be scratched with a metallic object
high; differs depending on the type of glass (tempered glass is not as brittle as float glass)
! ! !
very low
! !
vert high flexibility & plasticity when molten.low to very low flexibility/plasticity when cooled TYPES:
1. clear float glass 2. laminated glass 3. tempered glass
porosity/ permeability
! !
medium-high; approximately 2.7x more dense than water (more dense than concrete)
! !
transmits heat and light but not electricity
! !
typically very durable - chemical, rust, and rot resistant
! !
durability/life span
very high
! ! !
typically high embodied energy and carbon footprint but ease of recycling.reuse makes it a popular sustainable product
! !
generally expensive to produce and transport
reusability/ recyclability sustainability & carbon footprint cost
TASK: During the tutorial, we will need to draw a 1:5 detail an blow it up to a 1:1 drawing on the A1 paper. drawing set p. A60-02
fire resistant plaster board thermal insulation timber packing concret plate vapour barrier steel member MATERIAL NEEDED:! - scaling ruler - pencil & eraser
wall lining joint sealant
cavity flashing
ANALYSING THE SECTION:! - the section I chose is ‘service area roof’.
vapour barrier
weep hole
brick exterior wall wall tie
KEY TERMS window sash: a framework of a window which panes of glass are set.!
deflection: to bend or turn from a straight line.
moment of inertia: the mass property of a rigid body that defines the torque needed for a desired angular acceleration about an axis of rotation.
door furniture: fixtures on the door; such as handle, lock,etc.!
stress: pressure on an object
shear force: the force acting on body which tends to slide one portion of the body against the other side of the body.
1. ENVS10003. W08C1 openings: doors and windows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7QQIue58xY&feature=youtu.be 2. ENVS 10003. WO8M1 glass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I0Jqcrfcyk&feature=youtu.be 3. ENVS 10003. glass skins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW_GibnyBZc&feature=youtu.be 4. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
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Tutorial section SITE VISIT
! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURE stress and structural members/joints & connections/movement joints STRUCTURAL CONCEPT geometry & moment of inertia MATERIAL composite materials SITE WORK finish work CONSTRUCTION construction detailing KEY TERMS !
construction detailing
help people within danger situation or make stairs safer
choose material that can cope with local environment
the corner’s material selection
composite materials MATERIALS
e.g. the safety glass
materials are: - a single material or; - materials combine so that components are undistinguished ( e.g. metal alloys)
combination of materials which differ in composition or form remain bonded together retain their identities & properties act together to provide improved specific/synergistic characteristics not obtainable by any of the original components acting along
materials are: - created when two or more materials are combine in such a way that the individual materials remain easily distinguishable
4 main types
e.g. products containing discontinuous/ continuous fibres
e.g.sandwich panels
e.g. gravel and resins
e.g. combinations of two/more composite types
some examples fibre reinforced cement (FRC) •
uses: cladding for exterior/interior walls, floor panels benefits: will not burn; resistant to water & termite damage; resistant to rotting & warping; reasonable inexpensive
fibreglass •
uses: translucent roof/wall cladding benefits: fire resistant; weatherproof; relatively light weight & strong
aluminium sheet composites •
uses: cladding material in interior & exterior benefits:lighter weight; less expensive; weather resistant, unbreakable, shock resistant’ seamless
timber composites •
uses: beams (floor joists & roof rafters), trusses benefits: maximum efficiency; cost effective; easy to install; easy to accommodate services
fibre reinforced polymers •
uses: decking (external cladding); structural elements like beams & columns benefits:high-strength FRP materials with glass or carbon fibre reinforcements provide a strength-to-weight ratio greater than steel; corrosionresistant
joints & connections
finish work
The slab was built onsite. There is no beans through the slab. There are some grid pattern of plywood formwork on the slab, which used to shape the concrete
There are concrete ceiling & concrete wall & cornet columns. They are all precast concrete. Columns has the responsibility to transfer loads. The concrete columns are reinforced with steel rods, which inside the concrete columns and extend into the floor. So they are both strong in FIRE PROTECTION: tension & compression.
The line in the middle of the concrete shows the joint of two precast concrete plates.
The soldier piles were built onsite and were pouted into the holes. We can see some stains on the concrete wall, that’s because the environment of the carport is wet, and it is not waterproof, so the stain is left on the wall.
TASLK: During the tutorial, we will go off campus for a site visit, in order to understand the construction process of a site.! OUR LOCATION: 127-129 Murray St. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENTIRE OVERVIEW:! - a residential apartment building with four stories. - a hybrid structural system
These pipes is for safety. They can protect the building from fire accident & maintain the fire safety rating of the apartment.
The apartment has identical layout, that means the location of its water pipe and draining system are the same. Here is the location of bathroom. There are some sewage pipes on the surface.
KEY TERMS sandwich panel: panel that formed by bonding two thin sheets of different materials.!
bending: occurs when a force is applied, the object will curve.
skirting: the board placed at the base of interior wall, where the base and vertical frame meet.
composite beam: a beam combing different materials retain their character and improve the structural characteristic.!
shadow line joint: the area where having a small gap.
cornice: any horizontal decorative molding that crowns a building or furniture element.
1. ENVS10003. W09C1 construction detailing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqVwAV7yJCI&feature=youtu.be 2. ENVS 10003. WO9M1 composite materials http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uem1_fBpjVQ&feature=youtu.be 3. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
! ! ! ! !
WEEK10 ! E-learning! Outline
STRUCTURAL CONCEPT dynamic loads MATERIAL building materials BUILT-ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONALS a tale of corrosion/collapses & failures/lateral supports/heros & culprits KEY TERMS !
Tutorial section Continue the work of last week & presentation
heros & culprits issues to consider when selecting materials
only 1% of products are still in use 6 months later -
reduced life span asthma/bronchitis nausea headaches sick days comfort
reduce VOCs: paints/sealers/adhesives/ particleboard/carpets reduce particles/dust: horizontal shelves/ floor coverings/loose fibre products green cleaning practices: vacuuming/ chemicals
wasteful: cost money to buy/replace/ dispose limited resources takes up space breed disease
renewable/abundant resources: agricultural products/earth/timber timber: recycled/plantation/RFA waster: reduce/reuse/recycle; minimise use of composites
climate change; greenhouse effect; global warming wasteful pollution from energy production
minimise embodied energy: extraction/ manufacture/transport optimise lighting: general/task/switching optimise appliances: fridges/dishwashers/ office equip
smog ozone layer depletion acid rain toxicity radio activity eutrification & nutrification dioxins
minimise waster: choose materials that don’t contain toxins national pollutant inventory choose natural materials choose organic
not a problem but a way of looking for the best solution
collapses & failures
expose to the sun; it’s not possible for the painter to paint the inside face, that cause rapping or cracking
the fascia is very thin & wide
to think about: is the glue strong enough; is it the right material to put on the plywood?
the seal between the gap is not well done
• copper oxidisation
the first solution: the two materials were separated at their junctions by a layer of shellacimpregnated cloth
the second solution: the original iron armature frame was replaced with a Teflon-coated stainless steel structure. The selection of stainless steel was made after extensive corrosion resistance testing and consideration of the physical properties of the stainless steel and how well it would work with the existing copper skin.
a tale of corrosion
lateral supports
they are structural elements that resist & collect lateral forces in the horizontal planes of a structure and transfer them to the vertical bearing elements.! roofs & floor slabs that are constructed from rigid materials such as reinforced concrete or steel frames with sufficient bracing are considered to be diaphragms
they are structural systems that are constructed with rigidly connected joints. The joints of these frames provide a continuous interface between the horizontal & vertical elements and make the frame rigid enough to act as a monolithic unit under the impact of lateral loads,
they are essentially truss structures that provide diagonal paths for moving the lateral loads through the structure in the vertical planes.
they are connections placed between the foundation and the substructure that allow the substructure and superstructure to move independently of the foundation during earthquakes
they are structural elements made of didid materials that resist lateral loads in the vertical plane. They collect the lateral loads from the horizontal resisting elements and transfer them to the foundation.
the way to strength the structure:
KEY TERMS shear wall: a wall that made of rigid materials which resists lateral loads in the vertical plane.!
soft storey: floors which are made more flexible and are susceptible to lateral loads.
braced frame: a structure that provide diagonal paths for moving the lateral loads through the structure in the vertical plane.
lifecycle: the length of time a building is expected to serve its function.!
defect: any condition that detracts from the appearance, strength, durability of an object.
fascia: board used on outside vertical face of a cornice.
corrosion: oxidation of a material by exposure to chemical action.
IEQ: indoor environment quality.
1. ENVS10003. W010S1 lateral supports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BodoWgcQapA 2. ENVS 10003. W10C1 collapses and failures http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNEl-fYRi_I&feature=youtu.be 3. ENVS10003. W10M1 heroes and culprits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhdfwGNp_6g&feature=youtu.be 4. ENVS 10003. W10M2 tale of corrosion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IqhvAeDjlg&feature=youtu.be 5. Francis D.K.Ching. (2008). Building Construction illustrated (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons
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