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‘CLEFS’ are made up of a pair of intertwin-ing curvilinear structures, which its form creates shelter, shade and seating area in the pavilion. When viewed from afar, the undulating form appears to be morphing to the ground. Therefore, the aesthetics language developed in the pavilion is extended into the landscape by laying curvilinear pattern of red panels on ground to indicate seating area. A wide walkway is created following this pattern, which the circulation through the pavil-ion is facilitated to direct viewing of pavilion at multiple angles. Additionally, plants are used deliberately to define threshold in addition to softening the hardness and coldness in the materiality of the pavilion. The use of these el ements thus define space for lunchtime seminar and evening quartet performance.
Pipes acting as structural elements that support panels on base of the pavilion, at the same time acting as illuminating device that lights up at night.
Cladding (Panels) acting as cladding elements that cover the base of the pavilion, providing a smooth surface for visitor to lean against or sit on. The reflective surface of the panels reflect light and catch attention of passerby.
Form of Pavilion form curving upwards provide shade and shelter the intersection area form interesting view framing elements form in the middle curving downwards and transform into seating area form in the end curving downwards, creating illustion that the pavilion is morphing to the ground when viewed from afar�
Walkway that follows the curvilinear forms of pavilion and panels on ground. The wide walkway is aimed to channel movement around the pavilion so that visitors could be directed to view the pavilion at different angles. Additionally, the vast space enables it to act as a mini plaza that could be used for social activities.
Base Structure the geometries generated using Pufferfish and Weaverbird plug-ins provide intricate details to the pavilion. The angular and crisp edges of the tubings provide slight contrast against the overall curvilinear form.

Topography (Grass) the terrain has gentle slope towards the walkway to create smooth transition be-tween softscape and hardscape.
Gentle mound in area bounded by pavilion structure to create differentiation between interior and exterior, in addition to softening the overall hardness and coldness in materi-ality of the pavilion.
Panels on Ground
Laid in assymetrical pattern at both sides of pavilion using same materials as cladding of pavilion. The pattern of these panels follow the curvilinear form of pavilion. This is aimed to extend the aesthetics language developed in the pavilion through using the panels to indicate seating area on ground.