Portfolio for UCL MArch Design for Manufacture by Huang Jian

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Tel:+86 16601299356


Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 09/2017-07/2022

Major: Architecture

Degree obtained: Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture

Core Courses: Architectural Design, Architectural Design Practice (Site Design), Architectural Design Practice (Quick Design), Architectural Mechanics (Structural Mechanics), Digital Architectural Design (BIM), The Principle and Methodology of Urban Design, Urban Planning Theory


Beijing Norendar International Co., Ltd. Beijing

Assistant Architect 09/2021-12/2021

Handled preliminary analysis drawing and modification, project 3D model establishment, project construction drawing, and modification work

Beijing Green Viewpoint Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. Beijing Assistant Architect 01/2020-03/2020

Assisted architects with the preparation of the preliminary analysis PowerPoint presentation, preliminary analysis drawing and modification, and the project construction drawing and modification

Beijing Green Viewpoint Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. Beijing Assistant Architect 01/2019-03/2019

Assisted architects with the preparation of the preliminary analysis PowerPoint presentation, preliminary analysis drawing and modification, and project construction drawing and modification

Language:Chinese(Mother language),English(Fluent)

Hobbies:Basketball,Very fond of parametric design and curve design

Spring 2020


Location:Bamiyan Individual Work Spring 2021


Yueguang Ma Location:Houston Individual Work Winter 2021 Instructor:Yueguang Ma Location:Lofton,Norway Individual Work Spring 2022


Yueguang Ma Location:Lofton,Norway Individual Work Winter 2017-Spring 2022 Individual

Rhinoceros 3D
:Yueguang Ma


Bamiyan is a small town in central Afghanistan. It is the capital of the province of the same name and the cultural and political center of the Hazara people. In March 2001, the world witnessed the destruction of two giant Buddha statues standing in Bamiyan Valley by the Taliban. These two Buddha statues were carved about 1500 years ago. They are the largest standing Buddha statues in the world so far and an inseparable part of Buddhism and local culture. This project is built for the purpose of protecting existing heritage and promoting local social and cultural development

. Spring 2020 Instructor:Yueguang Ma Location:Bamiyan Individual Work


Bamiyan is a religious holy land and a place of war. Bamiyan Buddha witnessed its history and gradually turned into ruins with the war. Once a prosperous Buddhist country, bamiyang Buddha was built with it, but Buddhism gradually disappeared and local people began to believe in Islam. Later, there were four major wars here, and bamiyang Buddha gradually broke up in the flames of war until it was destroyed.

Design intent analysis


In the past, Buddhists gathered here for worship and communicated.

Now, Buddhists have no place to worship and communicated. Therefore, they need indoor space for meditation and lecturing.

In the past, local people herded sheep here.

the old -lost their emotional sustenance Newborn -knows nothing about the Buddha.

Emotional sustenance -architectural modeling Introduce the past history-screening halls

Water analysis: the land is close to the river, and the water flow is small, which can be used for tourists to play.

Site analysis

The project land is located in the south of bamiyang Giant Buddha site in bamiyang City, Afghanistan. The east side of the project land is the main road of the city, and the north side is the river that runs through the city. There are many trees beside the river, and there are a lot of farmland on the north side of the river. The south side of the project land is a residential area, which needs to consider the daily activities of local people. There is a good view in the land, and you can see the two blasted caves on the north side.

Road Analysis: the east side of the land is the urban trunk road

suitable for setting up the main entrance

Greening analysis: there are a lot of farmland around the land, and the field of vision is relatively open.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21th Arab army aggression Establishment of East Giant Buddha West Giant Buddha West Community East Community Buddha Road stone Road AmberRiver East Giant Buddha Establishment of West Giant Buddha Buddhism
Buddha oil painting Large
was completely destroyed
flourished Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Shamanism coexist
of Buddhism Believe in Islam
and small damages to the Buddha
Imperialist colonization Taliban war Mongolian aggression
Tourist Buddhist Native Past
Now Design intent
the past, tourists could visit the Giant Buddha at will. Now, people can only face the empty Grottoes with doubts. Therefore, they need an exhibition hall to understand the culture.
Site Site Site

General layout

Shape generation

Step 1: refer to the above story, project the projection of the former giant Buddhas into the site, and cut them along the projection edge.

Step 2: lift the end of the cropped surface to form a staggered oblique surface.

Step 3: extend the curved surface downward to form a building volume. One side near the site is used as a viewing platform and the other side is used for greening.

Step 4: connect the five individual blocks so that they form a whole, and people can walk on it.

Step 5: grow the viewing tower in the middle of the whole, so that people from all parts can reach the viewing tower at the same distance

Step 6: generate a building. Five individual blocks correspond to five different functional spaces.Their roofs form an interesting walkway.

In ancient times, Bamiyan once had a great Buddhist country
I will build the world's largest Buddha and temple in the mountains for worship.
The people of the Buddhist kingdom are proud of building the Great Buddha, which is a great project.
I'm still young, so I'll carve a small niche!
Finally, the Giant Buddha was built. Very solemn and magnificent.This
is also the most important project in Buddhism.
The whole project includes two standing Buddhas, one Reclining Buddha and one temple. People everywhere will worship around the projection of the Buddha.
You can project the projections of these giant Buddhas onto your site.
Buddhas Main entrance

There are seven Catholic death penalty, but a series of bizarre murders, seven of the victims were killed in this one. Somerset full experience of detectives and make unremitting efforts to finally does not appear to be linked to the murder of a loss as to how many, 5 after the murder, the murderer who is the next target? Where?

Character Analysis

Scene 1: Three identical entrances are set at the entrance, and people can freely choose the tour route, and each route will have different experiences

Scene 2: An arc-shaped exhibition wall is set in the exhibition hall, which conforms to the external shape and generates flow sensation to guide tourists to visit

Scene 3: The staggering large steps make the movie watching more relaxed and less rigid. Tourists can also rest here.

Scene 4: Arrange a circular path around the Giant Buddha, collude with indoor and outdoor spaces, and restore the space form of the original site of the Giant Buddha.

Movie characters Visitors

John: Religious scientists, who hate this city that has lost faith, decide to preach in their own way.

Willion:A old policeman tortured by this corrupt city, calm and sophisticated.

David: A young policeman,just came to this city, impatient, like to make simple conclusions.

Buddhist: Regret the destruction of the Buddha , want to make contact with the Buddha

Native: tortured by this corrupt city, full of nostalgia for the past.

Tourists: just came to this city,full of curiosity about everything.

Psychological Changes

Scene 8: A ring-shaped observation platform, people can see both the Great Buddha site and the whole city, reminding tourists that the war has never gone far.

Scene 7: Viewfinder: use the space modeling of a telescope to aim the viewfinder frame at the Buddha site. People press the shutter here.

Scene 6: Use the large steps to make a sermon. The steps are more regular and make the audience feel more ceremonial.

Scene 5: The arched small holes are used to set the meditation space. The prototype comes from many small stone holes around the original site of the Great Buddha.

A.confused E.Spiritual communication F.Appear B.emerge
Film Background Space Translation First Plan Plot Development Plot1 The first case |00'20''-02'27''| |Entrance space| Willion&David Plot12 The police completed the plan |1:59'50''-2:01'31''| |viewing platform| Willion&David&John Plot2 Have no idea |02'27''-19'16''| |Three holes| Willion&David Plot11 Shoot the killer |1:56'29''-1:59'50''| |finder frame| Willion&David&John
The case is still happening |19'16''-28'58''| |Exhibition hall| David Plot10 Get a frightening gift |1:36'35''-1:56'29''| |Tower| Willion&David
Browse information |28'58''-1:02'28''| |Projection Hall| Willion Plot9 surrender |1:34'57''-1:36'35''| |Grand staircase| John
Find a breakthrough |1:02'28''-1:03'27''| |Scene recovery| Willion&David
Killer appears |1:33'26''-1:34'57''| |Sermon| John
Infer the plan |1:02'28''-1:04'03''| |Circular ramp| Willion&David
The killer is at large |1:04'03''-1:33'26''| |Meditation room| John chapter A chapter B chapter C chapter D chapter E chapter F chapter G chapter H There are three openings.Which way do you choose? Interesting Exhibition I want to see more. want to see a movie. Buddha! It's like going back to the past. This is a loop. I'm back here. Buddhism or Islam. Let's take a photo! It turned out that this place used to be so brilliant. This place was once a Buddhist holy land. Let me be alone. want to make contact with Buddha. As if the Buddha is right in front of you. I can have a rest. C.seek
H.vague G.shoot
D.All plans
Arrest God&Communication local&Tortured foreign&Curiosity
Willion David
Buddhist Native Tourists
Main entrance B C D H H G G F F A
Top floor plan
A.Entrance space B.Exhibition hall C.Projection Hall D.Scene recovery E.Meditation room F.Sermon G.finder frame H.viewing platform G H

Roof Layer




Exhibition hall


Exploded Figure Small Perspective
Tourists listen to some open-ended speeches here, such as site experts and eminent monks Three openings, three streamlines and three experiences
There is a reclining Buddha in the middle of the exhibition space on the third floor. The exhibition walls are arranged around the reclining Buddha on each floor.
view A complete roof walkway combines all functional spaces。 The direction of the viewing platform is the same as that of the Giant Buddha site
The interior of the building is connected by three corridors on the first floor to the functional spaces on the first floor and the second floor. Each functional space has an independent staircase to return to the first floor.
Circular Walkway Corridor Curtain
Layer Second Floor Underground
Layer Glass Curtain Wall
Viewing Platform
Wall Structure



Spring 2021 Instructor:Yueguang Ma Location:

Houston Individual Work

The United States is known as the kingdom of tornadoes, and Texas is one of the states most affected by tornadoes in the United States. With the impact of global warming, tornadoes have caused more and more people to die. Because of the characteristics of tornadoes, such as short formation time, small scale and strong destructive power, the meteorological bureau can not accurately predict their arrival. People have been greatly affected from physical injury to house damage. It takes a long time to get people back to their normal lives. At the same time, people have to go to many places to repair their bodies and houses. The design intent of this project is to focus these activities on the super high-rise buildings in the city center, shorten the distance people travel around , and let the affected people quickly recover to normal life.

Site Analysis About Tornadoes

1935 1960 1980 2009
2021 2025 2030 2035 2040
The invention of Doppler radar enables people to predict the arrival of tornadoes earlier The US government has gradually strengthened its response system to tornadoes People marched and protested, demanding that the government strengthen measures to deal with tornadoes President signs bill to strengthen tornado response system. All industries respond to national policies
central building for dealing with tornadoes was built in Houston The severity of tornadoes in the United States in the past 50 years, the redder the color, the more serious. On the one hand, architects need to consider the firmness of the shape when the tornado comes. on the other hand, they need to reasonably distribute all departments of the response system in the building. Rescue Team National Hurricane Center Doppler Radar The President who founded the National Hurricane Center Parliament Technology Company Weather broadcast Meteorological expert team Architects and engineers In the past decade, the number of tornado deaths in the United States has gradually increased. Houston was hit by a tornado, and the response system failed to perform its duties In recent years, tornadoes have become more and more frequent due to global warming, and more and more people have died from tornadoes
The largest tornado in the 20th century occurred in the United States, with heavy casualties.
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹
Upper Wind (12km-18km) Top Cloud Anvil cloud Cumulonimbus Cloud Front Wing Downdraft Cyclone Cloud Wall Condensing funnel cloud Short duration the generation is very sudden, and the impact time is relatively short, generally only a few minutes to a few hours. Small diameter: the diameter is generally less than 100 meters, and the large is hundreds of meters to one kilometer, which is difficult to be detected by radar. Strong destructive power: it can overturn cars, pull up trees, destroy crops and buildings in an instant. It quickly attracts warm and humid air to form a tornado Storm Movement direction Middle Wind (3km-6km) Surface Wind (10m-600m) Buildings higher than 100m Site Government Park Park Company Company Company Company club Bank Buildings less than 100m Green System River System Highway A-A The second tallest building in Houston Wind direction analysis Business type analysis The southeast wind blows all year round in Houston. The southwest wind and northeast wind are smaller. Bank of America Realistic view of surrounding buildings Trend of urban skyline Railway analysis Site status Health club B-B Due to the local wind direction, the height of high-rise buildings also changes in accordance with the T-shape. The project is located in a high-rise building complex, which also needs to follow this trend. Building height A A B B
The site is located in Texas, USA.
Houston is located in the west of Texas, tornadoes often occur in this area. The project is located in Houston, Texas, the United States. Houston is the most prosperous city in Texas. The urban planning here is very strict. The urban texture is divided into many regular squares, and skyscrapers are concentrated in the downtown area. Tornadoes damage here all the year
All the skyscrapers in Houston are located in its downtown area.
project is located in the middle of the skyscrapers.

Encountered a tornado, and the home was destroyed. People have nowhere to live.

The victims were sent to the hospital for treatment and inspection.

Later, they were sent to the temporary residence for accommodation.

In addition to government aid, they need to purchase a lot of living materials.

Finally, purchase all kinds of new furniture to move home.

Then ask the company to repair the power and waterway.

They need to purchase materials and ask workers to repair the house structure.

As the tornado damaged the road, the team needs to clear the roadblocks.

Tornadoes Occur In Different Areas

When a tornado occurs near Houston, people need to go to these places to move home.

Situation 2

All functions will be concentrated in a super high-rise building to form economies of scale and bring convenience to the people.

Building Generation

When a tornado occurs in the Jersey village ,they need to cross 78 roads and 23 rivers to complete the route.

When a tornado occurs in the Pasadena ,They need to cross 68 roads and 27 rivers to complete their route.

When a tornado occurs in the Kingwood ,They need to cross 63 roads and 35 rivers to complete their route.

Due to two interlaced light rails, the site has an oblique pedestrian flow line.

Keep this streamline and stretch the building vertically into a high-rise building.

Rotate the building in the form of alternating cold and hot airflow of tornado.

Tighten the central part, so that the building has a tendency to soar into the sky.


The core tube is placed in the atrium to meet the structural requirements .

Generate Building.People enter the building after the disaster.

Rehabilitation Center Rehabilitation Center Rehabilitation Center Rehabilitation Center House repair Company House repair Company House repair Company House repair Company Temporary Residence Temporary Residence Temporary Residence Temporary Residence Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Power Company Power Company Power Company Power Company Disaster Location Disaster Location Disaster Location Disaster Location Road Repair Company Road Repair Company Road Repair Company Road Repair Company Furniture Centre Furniture Centre Furniture Centre Furniture Centre
Post Disaster Travel Of Victims
Function Space Research Frame structure Frame structure Frame structure CITIC Tower Core structure Core Truss Glass Floor Fins Core structure Rehabilitation center Temporary Residence Supermarket Construction Company Furniture Centre Function Traditional Space Design Technique Extraction Case Study Apparatus Tent Space Goods Shelves Negotiation Space Comprehensive Space Big Steps Capsule Space Large Shelf Space For Exhibition And Negotiation Vertical Space Large Steps And Instrument Space Elastic Capsule Space Combination Of Large And Small Shelves Interlaced Negotiation Space Vertical Selling Space D'Youville University Medical Center C Capsule Hotel Hubei Foreign Language Bookstore Temporary Sales Office Hyundai Seoul Department Store
Leeza SOHO
Situation 1 Jersey village Pasadena City Center Kingwood
Situation 3

Affected by tornado, people need to recover physically and mentally. The design of multiple platforms allows people to have a broad vision, and the combination of plants and rehabilitation appliances gives people a new experience.

Due to the large number of victims, people need temporary shelters that can accommodate a large number of victims. Capsule hotel is the most economical model, but it cannot meet the needs of a family, so the shelters have been improved.

The traditional furniture city is to buy specific furniture on specific floors, but the affected people need to consider the damage of their families in an all-round way, so the umbrella roof is used to divide the area and then the vertical traffic is used to connect.

Traditional supermarkets can only meet the daily shortterm needs, while victims sometimes need a lot of materials and large shelves, so the combination of large shelves and small shelves is adopted.

5nd Floor Plan 35nd Floor Plan 15nd Floor Plan 45nd Floor Plan
Layout Detail drawing Exploded views
Supermarket Furniture Centre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 10m 10m 10m 10m Cable keel I-beam L-beam Floor Louver Building glass curtain wall Suspended ceiling of temporary residence Fins Exhaust window Glass screen wall C-beam Plank 1.Vertical Sales Area 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 4 4 4 4 1.Furniture Sales 1.Air Training Area 1.Residential Area 2.Ordinary Sales Area 2.Rest Area 2.Open Training Area 2.Wash Area 3.Elevator 3.Elevator 3.Elevator 3.Elevator 4.Toilet 4.Toilet 4.Toilet 4.Toilet
Rehabilitation Center Temporary Residence

1 1-1 Section



Large waves are used at the entrance to attract people.

Combination of green plants and platform to build an organic rehabilitation center.

Furniture Centre

Umbrella structure is used to connect various furniture display spaces. family.

Two meters by two meters five can accommodate a

The architecture also plays a role in the city skyline, and the organic shape brings symbolic symbols to the city center,It will play a great role when the tornado comes.

Design Renderings
Sectional Drawing
Rehabilitation Centre
Temporary residence



The third world war broke out because of human greed. The use of nuclear weapons led to disorder in the deep mantle. The crust began to change dramatically. Large and small cracks would occur on the land at any time. Humans could not live in one place for a long time. They chose the strategy of Walking community. There was no national dispute, only survival. But is this really a long-term solution? People live like parasites

in abandoned cities.

Winter 2021 Instructor:Yueguang Ma Location:The
after the war Individual Work

All cities in the world have been damaged to varying degrees. There are many large and small cracks on the land.

In the future, due to human greed, the world will erupt into the Third World War, in which nuclear weapons will even be used. Nuclear Bomb Causes Mantle Disorder,the earth has changed.
The continent is divided. The
volatile. Home?
Automobile designers
I agree with the proposal to build the walking community. Walking House 10m 50m 250m 10m 50m 250m 10m 50m 250m Walking City Walking community People learn migration skills from animal habits to build walking communities. Considering the relationship between energy consumption, cost and construction size, walking community is the optimal solution.Adopt
2 scheme:Walking community. The United Nations has begun to build a large number of mobile communities to enable him to walk in abandoned cities, huge ground fissures, thick snow and other complex landforms. Wildgeesefly south Penguin migration Bisonacross theriver Icebound sandstorm House collapsecaused byflood Ten years after the war—— Bomb! I want to go home. I hate war. The earth is going to be destroyed. Energy Consumption Individual construction cost Size Size Size Combine the two Background Determination of scale
climate has become
and Mechanics discuss together. The United Nations
The functional blocks are arranged in a straight line, which will be a shape
too long extension, which is not conducive to coping with adverse conditions Lift the whole community to a height higher than ordinary obstacles,
Put them together into a cube, use space as
Stagger each function block out of some gaps to
a buffer space to prevent the boundaries
tight. Add four
for power. Enrich each block and organically combine them at the junction of each block, so that the community can form a large system. Energy System Ecosystem Social Space Warehouse Garage Engine Room Cooling Chamber Garbage Station Residential Area Inhalation Transportation Wheel Garden Kitchen Control Center Restaurant Hospital Height Noise Place Noise Place Quiet Place Quiet Place Front Back Functional Partition Design Strategy Theoretical Research Measures For Different Landforms Plug-In City Desert Instant City Abandoned City The Walking City Large Fissure As walking communities need to be able to walk in addition to meeting people's needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and also need to cope with different situations, the functional division is more complex, mainly based on dynamic and static zoning. Due to the mobile nature of the walking community, the community should be a high-density, centralized architectural image.At the same time, each function block shall be reasonably distributed in combination with the function partition. Wait Lined up Bottom lifting Integrate into a cube Concave-convex Add wheel Finish Step 1 Step 1 Step 1 Step 1 Step 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 1 1.Social Space 2.Energy System 3.Garage 4.Playground 5.Control Center 6.Warehouse 7.Inhalation 8.Transportation 9.Ecosystem 10.Kichen 11.Hospital 12.Engine Room 13.Residential Area 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 Step 2 Step 3 Step 3 Step 3 Step 4 Step 4 Closure Stable Stop Stop Stop Insert Sunny Roadblock Rotate` Sand storm Sand storm Move Extend Open Connect Drill Drop Take Finish Spread
metal bin
metal bins.
crustal movement, there are more cracks on
Peter Cook put forward three famous masterpieces in the middle of the 1960s: plug-in cities, instant cities, and walking cities.This provides theoretical support for people in this context Due to the disorder of the mantle, large and small cracks appear irregularly, and the land presents three common landforms, namely, desert, abandoned city, and large Fissure.
such as abandoned cars,
other common obstacles.
blocks that need lighting on
between function blocks from being too
wheels at both ends of
community. The smaller front wheel is responsible for steering, and the larger
wheel is responsible
The movable
into the concrete mega structure as a basic component, and different functions correspond to different
Sand storms often occur in the desert, and the size of the dust will seriously affect the stability of the community, so the
drill is used to root the community in the
to enhance
Walking city places the city on a large mobile machine, completely breaking the concept of the city that confines the boundary
to the
than before. When encountering smaller
the community can stretch out the track to cross the
If we take an
as an example, the stage lighting and environment are built immediately, and when carnival is over, all these immediately produced things will lose their meaning.
There are often many roadblocks in abandoned cities. When encountering roadblocks, communities use mechanical arms to remove roadblocks.

Exploded Views

to walk? Control Center Cockpit Shock absorption Ground depression Ground bulging Front wheel Rear wheel Chassis Engine Track Crossing cracks Energy System Gas Oil Coal The walking system of the community mainly refers to the operation principle of modern large trucks. The simulation design is carried out under the condition that the principle remains unchanged. At the same time, the improved system can be freely used for various complex terrain.
As a large number of functional spaces are compressed into a compact cube, it is difficult to judge its internal components through an aerial view. As with mechanical production parts, the use of explosion diagrams can more clearly see the relationship between various functions and the details of various spaces. ① ② ①Elastic connection ②Supply ③Energy transmission ④Production ⑤Control ⑥Turn round ⑦Brake ⑧Power ⑨Load bearing ⑧ ⑨ ④ ③ Quiet streamline Noisy streamline

As energy and materials are the basis for human survival, there is a clear division of labor in the community for the plundering, utilization and self-sufficiency of energy. The main way to obtain energy is to plunder in abandoned cities, supplemented by ecological sheds.

The community allocates residences based on families. Each residence is a metal box that can be rotated to the place you want to reach by gears. At the same time, you can also go to other communities. People's lives include food, accommodation, work and entertainment

People's work includes five categories. They should go to the corresponding work place to work. After work, they can go to the vertical park to relax or square activities.They can get food for consumption in the restaurant.

to operate?
live? Other Facilities Resource classification Machining Scientific Research Ground Drill Office Building Energy Plundering Machine Handling useful materials Control Center Energy System Home Office Building Kitchen Restaurant Vertical garden Playground Ecological shed Hospital Restaurant Ecological shed Warehouse Energy System
People:How to
① ① ② ② ⑤ ①Storage after plundering ②Material transmission ③Energy transmission ④Energy transmission ⑤Material transmission ⑥Material handling ①Go to work ⑤Office worker ⑨Having dinner ⑬Play a ball ⑰Get home ⑦Move back ⑧Storage after production ⑨Supply ⑩Vegetables ⑪Fruits ⑫Rice ②Mechanical residence ⑥Farmer ⑩Go to activities ⑭Rest ③Leader ⑦Medical staff ⑪Cook ⑮Take a walk ④Worker ⑧Report to duty ⑫Eat ⑯Have a rest ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑨ ⑩ ⑩ ⑯ ④ ⑰ ⑥ ⑥ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑪ ⑪ ⑫ ⑫ ④ ③ ③

Walkways between residential areas and other functions. People leave their homes to go to their posts. Walkways are equipped with green plants and robots.

Control Room

The control room has the best view to explore the road conditions, and controls the mechanical devices of the whole community.

Ecological Shed Go to abandoned city

To a certain extent, the ecological shed can cope with the shortage of resources. Farmers need to farm every day to keep their last hope.

The mobile community team is going to the abandoned city, hoping to find new resources. Will the city have the resources they need?How long will people live like parasites?Is there really any hope for human beings under such circumstances?

Every family has the opportunity to go to the top or bottom through gears, and will move once a week.Two huge fan blades at both ends of the medical area drive the air flow in the medical area to improve the ventilation capacity of the medical area Residential Corridor Residential area and medical area



Spring 2022 Instructor:Yueguang Ma Location:Lofton,Norway Individual Work

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, people around the world have been affected to varying degrees. We have to wear masks, which makes our social distance longer; We lose our jobs and become confused; The loss of our loved ones makes us miserable, and the loss of our freedom makes us yearn for the sky. The project was established to heal people's tired minds. On a cliff by the sea, we have a place to talk with the sky



Background Site Analysis

Since the COVID-19 in 2019, people in the world have suffered all kinds of hardships. Some people have lost their normal social life and can only talk with masks. Some people have lost their jobs because of the bad economic environment, some people have been forcibly taken away by the government to isolate and lose their freedom, and some people have lost their relatives. When all is past, people need a place to heal their wounds.

Life Social

Norway is a tourist resort in Europe and a healing country. Norway is close to the Norwegian Sea in the west. The project is located in the Rothton area in the northwest. There are many islands and the aurora can be seen here. It is a good place to heal the soul. The project is located at a high place in the mountain range. There is a nature reserve in the south. A main road passes through the mountain range where the project is located. There is a path that can reach the mountain.

The site is located in Norway in northern Europe.

The northwest side of Norway is close to the Norwegian Sea.

The site can see the aurora in the Lofton Islands.

Freedom Job
ThelossofrelativeMourningEpidemicdiseasekills NoeconomicsourceAngryandpowerlessLossofpurposeinlife WeakOnlinesocialnetworking socialskillsSocialdistance ForcedHomequarantineMandatoryisolation escort Rimrock Cafe-Cure the unemployed SPA-Heal those have lost their freedom Healing place Seaside library-Heal the bereaved Hot Spring-Help people who lost social 1.Healing place(Site) 2.Stave Mount 3.Stave Lake 4.Stavedalsveien Road 5.Skogvoll naturreservat 6.Maveien path 7.Norwegian Sea 8.Supply station 1 2 3 4 8 5 6 7 Proposal Of Architectural Concept
The site is located in the Lofton Islands.This is a tourist attraction. ① ② ③ ④ 0 25 50 100 200m

Architectural Conception

Van Gogh's painting of the starry night is not intended to use the vast universe to contrast the smallness of human beings and make people fear, but to convey a spirit of not bowing to the fate.This is a painting that can heal people's minds. People have suffered different hardships after the epidemic. I want to find the concept of architectural design of the sanatorium through this world famous painting, so that architectural design can also heal people's minds like this painting.

About Color

Blue: Freedom,Refreshing, Pursued and Detached color.

Yellow: Warmth, Brilliance, Harvest and Hopeful color.

About Composition

The composition of this painting is mainly composed of many round stars in the sky and triangular cypress trees on the left. The houses on the lower right corner are many small rectangles, and the Milky Way is a ribbon connecting the whole picture.

About Component

The moon rise and stars surround.It's like the reading area is the main part and the bookshelf is the auxiliary part.

The dining table under the umbrella pillar is like a group of rooms under willows.This is very harmonious.

The two galaxies intertwined, like boys and girls meet in the middle of the bathhouse.Private baths scattered .

The spreading trend of cypress trees is like a flowing space in which people walk.Make the space connection more natural.

Seaside library-Heal the bereaved

Cypress trees of different heights are similar in shape and have upward momentum when used on the curtain wall.

Rimrock Cafe-Cure the unemployed

Hot Spring-Help people who lost social

SPA-Heal those have lost their freedom

Block Generation

Curtain Wall-The feeling of stretching to the sky


Step1:Pull a box mass on the site.

Step2:Shorten the end near the cliff.


Weight loss Suspension cable Expand the scope of vision Expose the sky

Step3:Raise the shelf and lift the front end.

Step4:The middle slit forms the axis.

2 3 4

Step5:Generation of four functional blocks.

Connection box Create shelter

Step6:Lengthen the outside of the block.

Step7:Joining Function Blocks with Roofs.

Step9:Refine the facade and finished.

Structural Analysis

Since the project wants to cantilever half of the building into the air, it needs special structural treatment. By referring to the bridge construction technique, we regard the main body of the building as the main beam, set up a high python at the end, and tie it with the steel cable to form a common tension structure.

Step8:Fusion of shelf and roof. Wire rope

Zaha Hadid Architects has won the international competition to design the new Danjiang Bridge in Taipei.This is a good structure learning case.

Concrete base Aluminum plate steel products concrete slab
3.Restaurant 4.Library
Site Box Normal
1 1.Pylon 2.Stay
2 3

The two blocks on the east side are mainly used for spa and hot spring, both of which need water. They need more building materials and weight, and are placed on the side of the mountain, while the library and restaurant are placed on the side of the cliff.

0 N N 10 20 2020 2020 2000 1960 2040 2080 2120 2160 2200 2240 1980 2060 2100 2140 2180 2220 Main Entrance Maveien path 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 2140 2160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.Public
14.Toilet 15.Dining
17.Reading Area 18.Scenic
2180 2200 Perspective 2 Perspective 1 Perspective 3 Perspective 4 Main Building Street -2.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 0.150 1.500 0.150 0.150 0.150 40m 120m 60 30 0
Massage Room
massage room
Of Men's Area
Locker Room
Hot Sring
Hot Sring
Of Women's Area
Locker Room
Utility Room
1st Floor Plan General Layout Perspective 1:Hot Spring Room Perspective 2:SPA Room Perspective 3:Seaside Library Perspective 4:Rimrock Cafe

Main Building Street

East Elevation South Elevation Facade Detail

210.000 210.000

Because the side close to the cliff needs a better view, the exposed glass curtain wall on the facade is larger, while the floor far away from the cliff is the bathing place and spa, which requires more privacy, so the exposed glass curtain wall area is smaller, and more skylight lighting is used.

180.000 180.000

Protective Layer
Salk Institute for BiologicalStudies
Louis Isadore Kahn
145.000 145.000 30.000 30.000 11.500 11.500 0.000 0.000 -2.000 -2.000 Concrete Structure Insulation Layer Aluminum Fins Glass Aluminum Handrail Base Layer Mountain Soil Layer
In Kahn's design, additional single elements surround the central "empty" rectangle on both sides, thus "guiding" the space. The mirror image technique is also used here, so the final and decisive symmetry produces two parallel figures, which are connected by a new center.I learned this technique from Kang. I split a hole in the top of the building with a symmetrical layout. At the same time, I used smooth ceiling lines on the top to guide my vision to the far horizon. As I walked in, I could gradually see the blue of the sea and the sky integrated. The whole process was like a ritual dialogue with the sky.
05 Other Works Manual Model&Freehand Expression&Course Assignment Winter 2017-Spring 2022 Individual Work Manual Model Freehand Expression Course Assignment Shed Reconstruction,2019 Restaurant Design,2018 Restaurant Design,2018 Sketch Works,2018 Library Entrance Design 1,2019 Library Entrance Design 3,2019 Library Entrance Design 2,2019 Library Entrance Design 4,2019 Fabrication Process Of Concrete Beam,2018 Sketch Works,2018 Wet Rubbing,2018 Sati's House,2017 Dougong Restoration,2020 Sound Quality Design Of Concert Hall,2020

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