Jianan Ju Portfolio

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I´m Jianan Ju, a young Chinese multidisciplinary designer based in Barcelona. My interests revolve around graphic/product design, installation art, photography and cultures.


I´m passionate about the design, including everything related to it. After high school, I came to Madrid to learn the Spanish language and culture from China, six months later, in a trip to Barcelona, I decided to move to this city and to start my 4-year career here in ELISAVA design school.


I consider myself to be extremly fortunate, because of what I am doing. My ultimate goal as a future designer is to rethink existing frameworks through a personal approach in order to add value in a desirable tomorrow. In other words, being able to take design choices following a conceptual, coherent and personal direction.


师。我的兴趣包括平面/产品设计,装置艺 术,摄影及文化。

热情的。在高中毕业后,我从中国去到马德 里学习西班牙语言和文化,六个月后,在一 次来巴塞罗那的旅行中, 我暗下决定要搬来 这座城市,并在Elisava设计学院完成我四 年的本科课程。

的事情。作为一个未来的设计师,我的目标 是通过一个我自己的方式重新思考现有的设 计框架,以便在未来创造更多的价值。 换句 话说,我希望能够在设计概念,贯通性和个 人风格中做一个很好的平衡与选择。


08-21 Product 产品设计

Moooon Acube MOD

24-27 Display 展示设计

Installation 装置设计


我的 产品设计作品

Here are some of my product design projects

Moooon Moooon is a floor lamp with different light source. Is inspired by the water well system, and oriental Zen Culture. Users can manually adjust the brightness to change the feeling and atmosphere, thanks to a movable bulb and magical light transmission of four different materials of the screen. Moooon是一个有着活动光源的落地灯。设计灵感来源 于水井的升降系统和东方禅文化。该落地灯拥有一个和活 动的光源和四种不同材质的灯罩,这便于使用者根据氛围 和环境需要手动调节灯的亮度和效果。

A-cube A-cube is a paperclip and pin holder. This creative piece is formed from cork and a tiny magnet for a fun way to store paperclips, pins, and other metallic items. It was a totally handmade project, I made 20 pieces of them, designed the whole packaging, and cube the production cost was within 1 euro/A .

A-cube是一个收集回形针和图钉的小摆件。这个小东 西是由软木和一个小磁铁制成的,它能为你提供一个收集 那些书桌上像回形针和图钉这种铁质小物件的更有趣的方 式。这是一个全手工制作的项目,我一共生产了20件, 并将每个A cube生产成本控制在一欧元以内。

MOD MOD is a contemporary standard size workbench. This item is especially designed to solve instant and constant storage requirement for creative people. The middle part of the workbench is a wooden desktop, which has a hidden drawer underneath. The rest of the desk is covered with high density natural rubber foam. Users can simply cut the foam surface with a normal cutter to modify their desktop "storage system". The flexibility of this material means that can be very easily split, and elements be inserted into it, while leaving no visible marks after multiple uses. The personalization of this product can make the experience of creating a workbench playful, unique and original.

MOD 是一个为解决临时/长期储藏空间而特别设计的标准规格的工作台。其中间 部分为木质写字台,并且有一个隐藏的抽屉。台面的其他部分均包裹着高密度的天 然橡胶泡沫。使用者可轻易用小刀划开泡沫去修改台面的“储藏系统”。 材质的柔软性使它可以被非常轻松地划开,并且在插入其中的物品被取出之后也不 会留下肉眼可见的痕迹。这个工作台的个性化设置为用户提供了 一个有趣,特别的 使用体验。

prototype 模型

photo of materials 材料照片

photomontage with Render 渲染图及照片合成

我的 展示设计作品

Then I have some set design stuff to show you

Display of Materiality 概念材料展 Concept: Soft but Hard 概念:柔软却坚硬

I chose seven different materials, from soft to hard, to complete this set. My intention is through different combos of materials and positions of the elements, to express difference and unity of the combination. Materials(from soft to hard): wool, felting foam, low density natural rubber foam, high density natural rubber foam, cork, pine wood, methacrylate.

我选取了七个不同的材质,分别从柔软到坚硬形成阶梯形 排列。我希望通过材料间不同的组合来表现统一与对比之 间的结合之美。 材料(从柔软至坚硬): 羊毛,毛毡垫板泡沫,低密度天然橡胶泡沫,高密度天然 橡胶泡沫,软木,松木,亚克力塑料。

pine wood

low density natural rubber foam + felting foam + cork

low density natural rubber foam

pine wood + wool

high density natural rubber foam + pine wood


felting foam + pine wood

high density natural rubber foam

felting foam

我的 装置艺术设计作品

And an installation art design project

Video Moenia: https://vimeo.com/159230301

Moenia is due to the collaboration between ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona City Hall) and students of different disciplines from Elisava . Is an ephemeral light installation placed in Pati Llimona, in the old town of Barcelona. An accelerated, contractible, and contemplative construction that ran during three days for LlumBCN 2016 light festival. Moenia is also a piece of architecture that aims to illuminate the memory of the past, scan what is happening in the present and weave the construction of tomorrow. A scenography around the sound of the looms were in the past, the water drops of the nearby hot springs and the elderly that goes to the venue nowadays. Moenia 是巴塞罗那市政府和Elisava学生们为庆祝巴塞罗那灯光洁LLUM BCN

2016的所合作的设计项目。这是一个位于巴塞罗那老城区,Pati Llimona的为期三 天的灯光装置艺术品。 同时Moenia也是一件建筑设计品,旨在照亮过去的记忆,抓住眼前正在发生的事 情,编织与建设更好的未来。

Moenia in process Moenia 进行中

FIMG Girona 2016 We are very honored to be invited to participate the FIMG - Festival Internacional de Mapping de Girona, in July of 2016 we took Moenia to Girona, and the exhibition was a success.

我们非常荣幸地被邀请参加 FIMG - Girona 国际映射

灯光节。在 2016 年七月,我们来到 Girona, 成功展 出了 Moenia。


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