Design Portfolio, Xuanrun Yi, admitted to Umich, AA, UCLA,UPENN,UCL

Page 1 | +8618329168550 | Taizhou, China Apply for MArch Housing and Urbanism PORTFOLIO Xuanrun Yi Selected Works 2020-2022

Xuanrun Yi

Education Background

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU, Sino-American Cooperation)

Michael Graves College, School of Public Architecture

Bachelor's degree in Architecture Srudies


Shanghai Dedang Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd.

Wenzhou-Kean Design Lab (WKDL)

Project: Villa NordEk


“Moon Dragon Tail”, "The Land of Promise" Exhibition, Wenzhou Longxi Art Museum

“Tardis” (Tiny House Physical Model), The 3rd Art and Design Innovation Future Education Expo, Shanghai West Bund Dome Art Center

“Lohas Square of Xiaxie Village”, Wenzhou New Read Gallery

BUGA23, Excellent Competition Works on Display

Competition Awards

Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) 2022, shortlisted

School Gate Design Contest, Wenzhou-Kean University, Second Prize

Wangzhai Village Renovation Contest, Third Prize

Wenrui Tang Renovation Competition, Third Prize


BUGA23 manual


Sep. 2019 - Present


01 Page 1-5

Device | A variable Balcony for flood response

Jun. 2022 - Sep. 2022

Jun. 2022 – Jan. 2022

Draped Skirt

02 Page 6-9

Architecture | A "Wild Flower" on a Tokyo street



Architecture System | A Remote Woking Community for Creators



Tiny house&High Rise Buidling | Renovation of Vacant Office Buildings


Offline Park

Landscape&Technology | The Engine of the City of the future


Other Work

Models and Photography

Page 10-15

Page 16-21

Page 22-25

Page 26-27

Dec. 2020
Mar. 2023
Jun. 2022 - Dec. Sep. 2021 – Mar. 2022 Sep. 2020 - Nov. 2020 Sep. 2019
Nov. 2019
Nov. 2021 – Dec. 2021 Mar. 2022 – Apr. 2022 Oct. 2020 Mar. 2023


A variable device for flood response

Cause of Flood Initial Stage Mid-Term Last Stage

The flash flood with very destroying power caused by increasing river water level and surface runoff is the sign of the beginning of flood disaster.

The underdeveloped drainage system couldn’t cope with the flood, let the rural area to be in a waterlogged state for a period of time. This can cause immersion damage to people and property.

Damage to housing and infrastructure after flooding. The harsh environment can easily cause the breeding and spread of diseases.

In China, unlike residential areas in the city, where houses cannot be renovated by themselves, people live in rural areas and build their own houses. Rural self-built housing has the ability to transform and build independently.

Every few years or even every year, China has experienced several floods, with significant occurrences in the eastern and southern regions.

A flood-relief area is a place that the government opens to divert flood water to a defined area to reduce the danger to the surrounding waters. Because of the location and the low productivity of the poor land, many rural areas in Anhui Province have become flood-relief areas for the upstream cities. Although the upstream cities ensure people's property safety, the rustic Anhui residents experience flooding yearly.

The project analyzed the various stages of flooding experienced by the villages in Anhui and the difficulties encountered by people. Take advantage of the free addition of rural buildings to equip each household with a portable device. As a balcony in peacetime, it can become a life-saving device when the flood comes and meet people's physiological and psychological needs in various periods.

Due to the LACK OF EMERGENCY FACILITIES , flooding which is difficult to predict accurately. Victims find it difficult to move away from the flood zone when trapped in the water. Direct contact with dirty, flowing floodwater and flood carriers is a major cause of injury and infection.

Due to the LACK OF ESCAPE DEVICES in people’s homes and LIMITED NUMBER OF BOATS put into use, most of the victims were trapped in the buildings waiting for rescue when the flood came. The situation of long-term waiting under low rescue efficiency and run out of supplies will gradually make victim hungry, cold and anxiety. Having too many people in the same boat at the same time will also cause dangers such as capsizing.

Although the government was able to organize temporary relief centers, victims were exhausted before they reached there and they will not be able to get adequate rest and protection. This is because ONLY PLASTIC TENTS with convenient transportation are considered, and there are problems such as poor sound and heat insulation, poor waterproof, and no wind resistance.

However, due to the LACK OF DIVERSIFIED SUPPLIES in resettlement sites, although the unified aid does rescue the victims, victims’ complex demands cannot be responded. For example, victims have no choice but to sleep together in similar space. Moreover, victims can only submit to the unified aid and unable to carry personal belongings. This means that victims are PASSIVE during the rescue process. No privacy, low life quality, and repressive living conditions can lead to the incidence of infectious diseases and mental illnesses.

Location: China, Anhui Province

Competition | 2021 Summer

Individua work

Disaster emergency devices need to be prepared at all times to reduce the victim's exposure to floodwater.

Mobile escape devices with disaster relief supplies need to be kept in every people’s home so that they can escape in time in response to floods by themselves.

Stable and flexible shelters to provide basic living and safety for victims who have just escaped from the flood are needed.

The initiative is important for victims to meet personal demand and have better living condition under governments’ rescue.

Flash Flood 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 11 Day 16 Waterlogging Epidemic Destruction Continuous Heavy Rain Upstream Flood Discharge

Before the Flood After the Flood During the Flood During the Flood

I. Balcony Mode II. Boat Mode III. Tent Mode IV. House Mode

Balcony as the attached structure attached to the facade of the building, the balcony of each family is refit, so that it can be disassembled in the event of a flood emergency device. It has the ability to respond to all phases of the flood and has the necessary emergency supplies in place, which gives it the flexibility to respond to floods that cannot be accurately predicted.

After the balcony is disassembled, it should have the function of transforming into an escape vehicle (raft). In order to alleviate the rural flood relief time, the lack of relief facilities. The victim can use the escape device to rescue themselves and evacuate to a safe area in time..

The balcony device should also provide a safe and stable shelter after reaching the safe area, and can be installed in any safe position. On the one hand, this can solve the problem of instability and discomfort in commonly used disaster tents, and at the same time, it can avoid the inconvenience and danger of centralized resettlement of victims.

Balcony device has a high degree of flexibility and variability, can guarantee the victims safe and comfortable living on the basis of the disaster to meet people's richer physical and spiritual needs. This allows the victim to be proactive in the relocation process, deciding what to take with them and when to leave. In addition, they can have a perfect community environment after collective resettlement.

The board has several possible modules that can be assembled in different orders depending on the requirements.

The way the hinges are linked allows the device to fold, deform, and install hidden furniture. Retractable iron frames hold up the space, and the film between them becomes opaque when inflated and energized to ensure privacy.

Axonometric of "Transformer" Steps of Construction
1 1
1. 4. 2. 3.
2 2 3 3

Step 1

After floods, victims usually gather in large open and safe open-air environments such as playgrounds and stadiums to settle down and rest while waiting for the government to rebuild infrastructure and the environment.

Step 2

The government will first place a certain number of "transformers" in the site, which will take care of the complex and soft service needs and separate the community clusters.

Step 3

When pre-placed "transformers" shape the site planning scheme, victims fleeing from the flood danger period will come here on their own and place their own "houses" on the site according to their needs and actual conditions.

Step 4

As the victims continue to arrive at the safety of the settlement, the primary governmental planning and the spontaneity of the residents joining in give the payment an urban texture and identity.

Government-planned "transformers"

Victims' own "transformers"

1: The "round" transformers are located at the two ends of the playground and are highly accessible and transportable, taking care of soft service needs. The clustered service rooms assume convenience services and physical and mental health care.

2: Right-angle transformers, evenly spaced around the traffic flow, to meet the basic needs of residents (distribution of food, management, and promotion)

3 :The "triangular" transformers are distributed between the clusters, acting as separators and buffers, providing various public services and spaces.

4 : Residents will tend to arrange their houses according to their existing conditions and preferences. For example, people will place their homes around each other in an area to create shared spaces.

1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

The Draped Skirt

In 1943, a Japanese man was born, and no one could imagine that this man would change fashion. He is Yohji Yamamoto, the designer and new leader of the Japanese fashion wave in the world. He is known for his simple but full of charm, smooth lines, and anti-fashion design style. This project is a concept studio designed for Yohji Yamamoto, which integrates the functions of the clothing store, design studio, learning, and exhibition.

Roppongi is a lively entertainment district in Tokyo, Japan, where locals and tourists mix. Pioneering ideas and bold attempts collide here, which convinced me to pick this place as the site for Yohji Yamamoto’s concept studio - The Draped Skirt. Roppongi will be the hotbed, prompting it to bloom like a black flower.

The gesture of The Draped Skirt is high-profile and rebellious. It comes to breaking the tradition and creating subversion, entering this field with a conquering attitude. It looks rugged and inviolable from the outside but soft and delicate inside. Young designers and genius will communicate and learn from each other here, bringing out more inspiration and vitality, leading to the future.

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Acagemic | 2021 Spring Individual Work

A Wild flower on a Tokyo street
Story & Concept Form Generation Volumn Up Volumn Expand Structural Grid Attachment Volumn Deduct Space Slope Structure Apply

The structure's front is almost entirely covered by glass, creating some high zig-zagging vestibule and window, leading up to a series of enclosed terraces and culminating in waves of louvered glass panels.

The dynamism of the rectangular volumes cleanly contrast with the baroque glass shields of the building



Resting on a base of white stone, the construction has a strong sense of lightness.

Structural Analysis

First Floors include the men and women section, whereas the third floor houses a private space and an enclosed terrace that can be used for intimate dinners and events as well as exclusive appointments.


UV Split

The glass is subdivided by the UV structural lines of each surface, allowing for the next manufacturing.

Reflective glass

The glass gives the building its transparency and sense of movement while allowing the building to reflect the water, woods, and garden and continually change with the light.


Exit Studio
frame beam colonm
/ Reception
+ steel stripe concrete
Terrace Gallery Counter
±0,00 m 4,50 m 8,00 m 11,50 m 15,00 m Fitting Studio Meeting Room Bathroom Gallery Section
Vertical Load
element structure) Deformation(whole)
points Horizontal Load colomn
Reception Office
on structural
- beam shell

“If clothes fit perfectly, it’s like sculpture, not fashion.”

“Perfect is ugly. Perfection is the presentation of order and harmony, the result of coercion. Free humans would not expect such a thing.”

Yohji Yamamoto’s life is legendary, which cannot be described in a few simple paragraphs. He always seems to be breaking, breaking fashion, breaking music, breaking design, breaking rules. The Draped Skirt is free and unfettered. It is like the smooth curves in Yohji Yamamoto’s hand-painted books, like the soft cloth he touches, like the ideas come to his mind.

The Draped Skirt is not a container of Yohji Yamamoto, it has no boundaries and fixed form. On the contrary, it is a new starting point, more stories will happen here.

The rapid growth of big cities has given birth to many new career types, such as stand-up comedians, comedians, and video creators. They represent the spiritual needs of the new people in the new era. But these creators are also trapped by the busy, boring, and lonely life in big cities, which hinders their inspiration and desire to communicate. Many people are more inclined to find a place away from the town to enjoy the slow living mode.

The site is an abandoned village on Shengshan Island, China's easternmost island. The remote location and unique environment provide the creators with rich materials and a great living environment. Use the method of destruction with the pure "ring" to break down the abandoned house overgrown with weeds. The created infrastructure provides a wealth of space that induces different activities and gives birth to a new type of office space. At the same time, the insertion of the ring into the abandoned village also indicates the punk beauty that the people of the new age will come to the old-fashioned environment.

Many citizens have favored the leisurely, slow pace of life in the countryside. People go to remote places specifically for a brief moment of inner peace. Such a living environment is conducive to sincere communication between people, and calming down the heart is easier to find inspiration in life.

Big cities attract people for better employment opportunities and facilities. However, at the same time, people face mechanical work and fast-paced life. In an urban environment, people go about their dull lives, estranged from each other, living like "Urban Aliens" in the city. give


The uploader can be interpreted as "Chinese Youtuber" who create videos as their primary job and source of income (they make money from views and advertising). They were born and met in the big city as a new-age profession. The main problems they face are

1. New environment. They want to get away from the monotony of the office where the studio is home

2. Community. Uploaders want more opportunities for peer interaction, both for collaborative working and for making friends

3. Inspiration. They need new friends and materials to spark their inspiration.

4. Professional equipment. They wanted a place to provide all professional equipment for filming.

service space

Location: Shenshan Village, China

Academic | 2022 SPRING

Individua work

Tutor: David Vardy

The office space is changing with The Times, the proportion of service space in the office space is increasing. In addition to work, other activities will take place in the space, such as living, entertaining, communicating, and creating.

Village Urban Uploader
Taylorism Atrium Corridor Work room Action Office Burolandschaft Cubicle Farm Modern Coworking
infrastructure 03
birth to
A remote woking community for creators

Shengshan Village is an ancient fishing village located on China's easternmost island. However, people began moving out of the town in the 1970s in search of a better way to make money, and a more convenient life, making this place an abandoned village. The ring's insertion combined creates new Spaces and possibilities and introduces new people and activities. Bring new vitality to abandoned island villages.

old house

Demolish infrastructure Space Activity

"Demolish" is usually regarded as the result of the passiveness of the building, but it can also be the active action of the designers. No one wants to use the original abandoned old house crawling with ivy. However, such an environment is what urban creators love best. Destroying the out-of-control old homes with a purity ring will create a new "infrastructure" through the different heights of the floor, which provides a rich and varied space, and the area induces the possibility of the birth of various activity scenes.

Closed routes are more conducive to spontaneous encounters

Circles are more conducive to the formation of communities because of their centrality

The circle is more different from the old house shape, reflecting the punk feeling

The circle can better withstand typhoons, so it is more suitable for the island climate.

The circle is more insulated

The circle has a wider landscape

The circular office space is homogeneous and has no hierarchy

Axonometric of "Infrastructure" N

Soft space separation Function of furniture

Cut Swallow

Space division, split-level, indoor sight interaction, lighting (patio)

Glass facade, light, indoor and outdoor view penetration, space expansion

Door/Window Corridor

Rigid space partition Corridor

Soft space partition Overhanging aisle

Door/Window Corridor

Window Overhanging aisle

Soft space partition Skylight

Window Skylight

Glass rings act at different heights to enrich the space experience and enhance interactivity.

Gym, dance studio, coworking, communal kitchen, meetings, living room...

Glass ring act at the same height, dividing the space and creating private and functional rooms

Studio, bedroom, balcony, toilet, storage room, kitchen...

When there are two or more rings acting on the space, it can not only divide the space (soft/rigid) but also enrich the space.

The site's eastern side is gently sloping, with less difference in housing heights and more rings crossed with a combination at the same height. People can travel through several rings, forming flat floors to reach different parts of each house. It facilitates the formation of large residential communities.

The terrain is steeper to the west, and the house has a significant height difference. The ring crosses the house from various heights, forming specialized spaces with their characteristics, which facilitate the creation of special events.

Section of "Infrastructure" Part2 Plan of "Infrastructure" Part1 Plan of "Infrastructure"
1 2 3 4 5 6

The ring's height, size, and function are not fixed, creating more spatial possibilities for inspiration and activity to take place. It connects indoor and outdoor spaces, creating landscape Spaces that provide different sight lines and spatial interactions. When the floors and walls of the old house are also damaged or removed, more rings and action forms will take place in the double-height space. Strong spontaneous community formation and homogeneous but varied Spaces combine well with the life and work of the up Master.

Tardis 04

For a long time, most urban planning has divided the city into obvious functional areas, commercial areas, administrative districts, and accommodation areas. This urban planning scheme raises several potential problems. Nowadays, China's cities are developing rapidly. People come to the cities for work and better living facilities, but they need help to rent and buy a house in the center of the town. This tendency has resulted in higher vacancy and failure rates for high-rise buildings in the city center, while new housing has been added in the suburbs. On the one hand, this increases people's commuting time and makes urban roads congested. On the other hand, the unreasonable use of urban space resources reduces the possibility of development.

At the same time, industrial changes in the postpandemic era and the rise of online offices intensify the need for dynamic allocation of space.

The project uses modular units with a sliding core block to transform unused and abandoned office buildings in the city center. Because the sliding core has mobility, functionality, and specific separation, it can change the proportion and use of space with time and demand. Let the abandoned office structure into a mixeduse new functional area. While providing the community with a variety of space resources that can be deployed, it also promotes the interaction between the various functional areas so that they can create value for each other.

Location: Shanghai, China

Academic | 2021 Fall Individua work

Tutor: David Vardy

Given the US and Japan developments, China faces a similar situation: vacant office space and a need for renovation.

The usage rate of different functional Spaces within a building or area changes over time. People tend to do similar things simultaneously, such as working during the day and sleeping at night. Similarly, the utilization rate of different functional Spaces in a neighborhood or city varies significantly over the time scale of a week. For example, on weekdays, the utilization rate of administrative districts is high, while that of public service areas is low. On weekends, the opposite is true.

Modular renovation of vacant office buildings

Almost all office buildings in China adopt core tube structure as the main structure. Chinese office buildings take the form of a core barrel as the central support and a circle of supporting columns lined up around it. The columns are arranged around the façade or set back at a certain distance. The spacing of the columns is generally between 8 and 10 meters.

The height of typical office buildings is between 30-40 floors, less than 200m. The facade does not have gray space, nor does it have spaces related to landscape and urban environment.

The arrangement of rooms (space) on each office building floor has several forms: close to the core, close to the façade, or in the middle. The effect of space formed by different arrangements is also different.

The office building needs more functional areas to meet the needs of activities outside of work. Secondly, the space is fixed in nature and can cause congestion at different times of the day.

Rails and flexible pipes give the core the possibility to move.

Axonometric of single unit

Standard functions such as toilets and aisles are placed into the core sliders, and furniture is installed on both sides to serve the parts of the respective Spaces. (For example, side "A" of the room is the kitchen, and the hearth is installed on side "A" of the core) Then the core will become the separation and buffer in the space, making the space on both sides a relatively blank space with possibilities. As the core moves on the slide rail, it can change the space ratio on both sides and play the role of space resource allocation. It enables "A" to borrow more space from "B" side space when people are in "A".

There are many possible combinations of forms based on the grid.

Example Unit: live/work

When a unit is used as a living room, then its two sides are likely to be "A: living" and "B: working (reception)." When the core is pushed to one side, the side space with the kitchen furniture on the core will become the welcome side, a social and public place, taking on the role of dining/living room for work and reception. When the slider is pushed to the opposite side, the space with the appliances needed for living will become a private and service space, assuming the role of a bedroom/study.

The furniture installed in the core is the fixed furniture that defines the primary use of the Spaces on both sides and throughout the unit; with the insertion of different furnishings in the core, the nature of the use of the unit changes. The Spaces on both sides of the unit are filled with portable furniture that can be moved/ folded to accommodate the changes in the space.

Whether the core is mobile or not defines the nature of the space, allowing the same type of composite space to have more varied forms.

The core of the unit and the form of the walls on both sides can be changed to create new variations. It changes the nature and interactivity of the two sides of the space, allowing the unit to adapt to more scenes.

When units need to be combined and arranged, the grid generated by the office tower structural network will become the basis for inserting space units and core blocks.

Movable core block

Fixed core block

Variable space


Food and beverage

Unit: Box/rest + Unit: booth/ kitchen.

The open sides of the units are shared into the ample public space in the middle, making it a multidimensional dining space such as hall food, sales, and performance. Both sides of the relatively private area work as restaurant boxes and kitchen spaces.


Peripheral public space


Intermediate shared space


Active boundary

Axonometric of layout01

Public/Shared Space

Private/Professional Space

Office area --Unit: Welcome/Work

Plan of layout02

Each unit has a reception side and a private office side. The welcoming sides are shared in the general public area. The workinmg side is adjacent to a community space where colleagues can communicate and rest.

The layout has two forms: outwards and inwards, which are based on the initial floor structure edge of the office building. Different layouts overlap each other to create balconies, terraces, and another kind of gray spaces.

Community Space--Unit: Outdoor/Grey space

Plan of layout03

Both sides of each unit are public, allowing the space to be integrated into the existing walkway space. The walls and the moving core can create variable grey space in an ample space.

Arrangement of single row

Arrangement of combinations

Living area --Unit: Social/Private

Plan of layout04

The internalized arrangement provides a vast activity space and security for the living space. Social Spaces such as the living room and kitchen in each house can be opened into the public space.

1 2 2 3 4 3 4 1
Studio/Office Box dining room Living room Entrance Public Space Share Space Fixed Space Public/Shared Space Private/Professional Space
Renovation case in Lujiazui, Shanghai Using an abondoned office building structure Plan of 26F

The choice of different materials adds a sense of hierarchy to the façade while ensuring functionality and safety. The concave and convex balcony walkway space makes the façade more "active" and opens up to the surrounding urban fabric.


Offline Park

The engine of the city of the future

Reduce Generate +


Plant microbial fuel cells and urine powered microbial fuel cell public toilets. +39.42 MWh

Plant microbial fuel cells are a bioelectrochemical system that integrates the photosynthetic reaction from living plants to generate electricity via microorganisms at the rhizosphere of the plant roots. The fuel cell uses organic matter in the soil as fuel, converting solar energy into electrical power by using microorganisms, which degrade root exudates and pollutants at the anode and pass the electrons to acceptors at the cathode. Further, human waste, such as urine, contains organic compounds that can also be utilized as fuel for a microbial fuel cell system, along with disposing of the waste from toilets.

Woven open solar mesh incorporating multitude of micro spherical solar cells (flexible suspended canopy surface) +3,045.38 MWh

The sun's position is constantly moving, and light does not fall uniformly (it is dispersed and reflected by the environment). Spherical solar cells, such as those developed by ‘Sphelar,’ are able to receive light from multiple directions. This opens new possibilities for a large solar array to be both a flexible curved surface and also a surface that may change formally over time. Microengineering of such solar cells, to around 1mm diameter, may be incorporated into a woven mesh designed for maximum transparency (in our design, this is a 98.4% open mesh).

Woven open ‘faraday cage’ mesh blocking electromagnetic radiation through enclosure (as part of the solar mesh canopy) -6.72 MWh

A Faraday cage is essentially a container, or a shield, that blocks out electromagnetic radiation from across the electromagnetic spectrum, such as radio waves and microwaves. A faraday cage can be made of any material that can conduct electricity, such as a wire mesh, and is perfectly safe with a grounding wire. The mesh can be fine and thin and engineered to be open whilst also blocking phone signal and access to the internet. A faraday cage will block the entry or escape of electromagnetic fields, meaning both downloading and uploading to the internet from smartphones, for example. A Faraday cage may also be designed to block particular frequencies and radiation harmful to insects such as butterflies.

Living willow structure (supporting the solar canopy) recycling and remediating the horticultural waste of BUGA 23 -embodied-carbo

Installing energy-generating technology, such as solar panels, usually requires the construction of energy-expensive steel framing and concrete foundations. Alternatively, it can be possible to engineer living plants as architectural structures. The advantages are multiple; instead of a carbon cost, plants and trees provide carbon sequestration and are a natural and renewable resource; growing a structure reduces many energy costs and waste involved in manufacture and transportation; a forest or garden provides habitat for flora and fauna, and contributes to biodiversity. Willow structures and sculptures have a history and culture in Germany, not unlike the culture of creative cultivation of the Schreber garden.

The Federal Garden Show, or BUGA, referring to the horticultural exhibition itself, has been held every two years in various German cities since 1951. At the same time, BUGA is also a development of open space, green and urban planning process that continues for several years. Since the 2000s, fallow or pre-industrial landscapes have been transformed into new local recreational areas through conversion measures associated with conversion zones and restoration. The resulting sports, games, and leisure activities support regional structural change and urban and regional development and improve our quality of life in the long run. To realize the Northeast green corridor is of great significance for the city's climate, life, and recreation in Mannheim.

"Sustainable" should not simply be about using renewable energy technologies but about producing energy while reducing energy consumption. The use of science and technology combined with design can have this effect and create unique spaces. The future will be full of networks and surveillance, and the offline park will become a romantic park where people can escape reality.

Location: Mannheim, Germany

Competition | 2022 Summer Group Work

Inspired by Mannheim urban elements:

01. Art nouveaux lamp post, Wasserturm Water Tower, Friedrichsplatz square, Mannheim

02. Mannheim Multihalle, long-span gridshell, Frei Otto, 1975, “The Wonder of Mannheim”

Energy System Diagram

Living-Structure (Forest) +

Plant Microbial Fuel Cell

Electro Magnetic Block Radiation

Solar Mesh


Carbon Sequestration

Biodiverse Corridor

Bytterfly Repopulation Pollination Cycle

Living-Structure (Woven Willow)

Recycle/ Soil Remediation

1929 1999 future 2023
13 05 07 03 02 01 04 06 10 16 09 07 08 12 11 15 01 07 Plan
offline events plinth 02. online events plinth 03. furniture + forest plinth 04. forest cleraring garden
childrens mesh play zone
suspended hamock floor 07. butterfly large-spaces 08. butterfly small-spaces 09. multi-purpose plinth 10. living-forest (willow structure) 11. living-forest (ground planted) 12. solar canopy 13. mesh screen curtain 14. existing path network 15. cycle path 16. railway-line remains
public toilets
01. solar mesh canopy 02. living structure
03. unearthed platforms 04. cycle path
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 07
05. cable car 06. urban green 07. schrebergarten

Mesh Park supported by Living Structure: The structure provides temporal variability and versatility in use, and the mesh network that is energized while solar power is generated is able to block electromagnetic signals to create a "Faraday cage environment".

Public toilets and various flora will be part of the reactor's power generation.

01. woven open solar mesh incorporating multitude of micro spherical solar cells (flexible canopy textile)

02. woven open mesh (flexible textile to match canopy), suspended and weighted at base, vertical cuts every 450mm (as doorway)

03. the existing soil contains the remains and waste of previous structures and their demolition operations

04. woven willow basket root-ball, sited at BUGA 23 as an horticultural recycling bin, then transferred (gripable and loadbearing) to the site of the new forest

05. biodegradable and breathable soft textile bag outer-covering for fresh soil packing around the basket, and deformed by peoples sitting, resting, and leaning over time

06. rigid structural stake willow rods, bundled and woven to form arches, ballasted by the willow basket root-ball

07. fresh willow cutting strands, woven around the stake willow arches, and rooted into the willow basket root-ball

08. planted open top of willow basket root-ball, as a plant pot

09. harvested rainwater piped irrigation system (as supplement) supported by the willow arches structure, with outlet to each root-ball

10. micro lighting system within mesh (as supplement) to provide ideal lighting for growth

07 09 08 02 03 04 05 06 01 10 Section

3 months after BUGA

9 months after BUGA

12 months after BUGA

16 months after BUGA

Schrebergarten Application

The Schrebergarten is a large area around the city that the German government has set aside for rent to people who need to rent gardens in areas that are not suitable for residential housing. The typical schrebergärten has good access to direct sunlight, and is used both as a space for the cultivation of plants and as a space for living. Our system of a micro spherical solar mesh textile can be such a system, tied between trees, connected to boundaries, and covering new living-structures such as peoples creative willow sculptures.

living structure recycle

Other Work

06 3 photography +6 design project models +1 Landing plan

WKU Shool Gate

Location: Wenzhou, China

Competition | 2021.09

Group Work

Role: Leader 100%Design 70%Drawing


易炫润 Eason

熊思琪 Vickey

陈锦楷 Beck

叶馨怡 latika

As a Sino-foreign cooperative university, we believe that the role of gates and fences is not only to control the entry and exit of the population and delimit the boundaries. As the school's facade, the gate and the wall should be a display belt of the school's image and simultaneously have a particular soft space separation function. We designed the gate and the fence as a whole. The folding of the wall creates a series of continuous experiential spaces on both sides of the campus so that people walking on both sides have a more sense of experience, and at the same time, it makes the fence more functional. It has also become an active and soft boundary. The wall creates a space for pedestrians and people on campus to relax in the landscape, improve the facilities of life, and provide devices for interaction between people on both sides. The array and rotation of the form evolved from the GHK column, ensuring a certain degree of spatial permeability and separation while guiding people's sight to a certain extent and controlling the visual permeability. We move from WKU to the world and welcome the outside world to the campus.

朱泽生 Jeremy


冯开元 Ted

易炫润 Eason

熊思琪 Vickey

陈锦楷 Beck

叶馨怡 latika

朱泽生 Jeremy

冯开元 Ted

作为一所中外合作大学,我们认为门和围栏的作用不仅是控制人口的进出和划定边界范围。大门和围栏作为学校的门面, 它应该是一条学校的形象展示带同时具有一定软性的空间分隔的作用。

我们将大门和围栏设计成一个整体,围栏的折叠在校园两侧创造出一系列连续的体验性的空间,让行走在两侧的人们更 具有体验感,同时也让围栏变得更具功能性也成为一个活跃且软性的边界。

围栏为行人和校园内的人们创造出景观休憩的空间,改善生活的设施和两侧人互动的装置。运用从GHK立柱演化而来 的形态进行阵列和旋转,保证了一定的空间通透性和分离性的同时在一定程度上引导了人们视线,起到了控制视觉通透性 的效果。我们从WKU走向世界,也欢迎外部世界进入校园。


1 2 3 4 互动设施 外卖存放 共享单车 学生展览 景观休憩 Interactive Facilities Takeaway Storage Shared Bicycle Student Exhibition Landscape Area 校门 School Gate 景观长廊 Pavilion 功能区 Functional area 侧方入口/候车区/外卖架 Side entrance, waiting Taxi, Takeaway Takeaway Storage Interactive Facilities Shared Bikes Ehibition Pavillion · 之 间 · ·
· 之 间 · ·
a Sino-foreign cooperative university, we believe that the role of gates and fences is not only to control the entry and exit of the population and delimit the boundaries. As the facade of the school, the gate and the fence should be a display belt of the school's image and at the same time have a certain soft space separation function. We designed the gate and the fence as a whole. The folding of the fence

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