Portfolio_MA in Architecture at KADK

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PORTFOLIO Selected Works of Jiarong Yao for application to Work Position 2018 - 2020

The Yellow Crane Tower, a place of interest in Wuhan From Tanhualin Community Dec, 09, 2019


The Memory of the Urban Fabric and Public Life 01 CITY PROJECTION


JOA, Spring 2020 The Fifth Landscape as a Dynamic Transition 02 FALLOW LANDSCAPE


KADK, Autumn 2019 Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art in Sharjah 03 36 COURTYARDS


Competition Project, Autumn 2019 Place of Self-Refelection for Metropolis in the Future 04 THE BABEL OF DESIRE


WHUT, Spring 2019 Knowledge-Based Community of the Future in Wuhan 05 URBAN INCUBATOR


Competition Project, Autumn 2018 Urban Renewal Practice in North Melbourne 06 BAR PLUS


RMIT, Autumn 2018 A Scenario Writed for Everyday Life 07 THE NEW REFLECTED ON OLD JOA, Autumn 2020


01 CITY PROJECTION [ The Memory of the Urban Fabric and Public Life ] An entry in the International Competition for Cheongju New Cityhall, S. Korea Practical/team work, Role in team: Team Member, research, stragety and concept, technical drawings and architectural design *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao unless the author is noted (page 01, 05, 07) Team Leader: Kai Wang Contact: kai@justopenarch.com Collaborator: Guangrui Chen , Jiayun Xu, Jingyuan Zheng Spring 2020 Cheongju, S. Korea

In addition to foundational knowledge in architectural and urban theory, history, representational techniques, design methods, form-making, strategic-development, systemic thinking, etc.; new research methods, and rhetorical formats, and spatial visions formulation should be introduced as a basis to contribute novel spatial responses to the evolving conditions of our time. The new Cheongju Cityhall is not the grand utopia of political version of “total planning”, but it is the future collage of citizen participation and observation. It accommodates the whole range of utopias in miniature. It should project the requirement of everybody. The “City Projection” present the connection between government and citizens in a spatial form and reflects the value of the past, the present, and the future.

©Jingyuan Zheng


Projection of Memory

Projection of Urban Life

1. The new footprint: the current footprint of existing buildings are part of the memory of urban fabric, which create harmony atmosphere in scale fitting for the large urban context. The new foot print is not only the replica of status quo, but also is to read as new representation, which is given to urban context with new social interaction. The interaction includes open outdoor theatre, sculpture art garden, basketball field, skateboard sphere, and etc. The Scenario is given back to public and it will be redefined by the public.

3. Diveristy: As Richard Sennett mentioned, “the city is the place where the strange meet”. The urban Life should be inclusive with friends and strangers. “By the 18th Century, when people spoke of the world as a theatre , they began to imagine a new audience for their posturing - each other, the divine anguish giving way to the sense of an audience willing to enjoy, if somewhat cynically, the playacting and pretences of everyday life.” The city is the stage, and the citizen is the actor. The positive urban space is packed with spontaneous urban activities and they are intertwined as a holistic form. The diversity shows the expression of the city. It is not only an entire activities park, but also need be performance from individuality. The platform with 28,459 m2 is all activated and finally it will become the source of urban vitality.

2. The old Cheongju Cityhall: It become the node of new meeting place, between civil servants and the local citizens. It keep the four sides of facade, but is infilled by an open large meeting hall (460m2) with four floors height. At top, we set up a coffee lounge for both civil servants and citizens.

Projection of Citizenship

Projection of Public

4. Citizenship: A citizen is a member of a political community who enjoys the rights and assumes the duties of membership. The citizenship also reflected on the level of participation among the citizen. The platform is not only the place for behaviour, but also for participate. The place accommodates the requirement of events, organised and controlled by the authority, but it is operating together. The voice of the citizen could be heard loudly, but it is also supervised by the authority. The diversity place of enclave is much more defined by the requirement of local citizen. It is the adaptable place instead of the fixed emptiness. The interior of meeting room, it also organised by different classes or parties, aiming to approach the issue from different directions. The old city hall what we keep could be observed as the intersection between authority and citizenship.

5. 100% Public: It is the 28,459m2 public platform which arranged by citizen. The public life has become a matter of formal obligation. Most citizens approach their dealings with the state in a spirit of resigned acquiescence, but this public enervation is in its scope much broader than political affairs.

Projection of Together

Projection of Urban Life

7. Urban Agglomeration: the society is living with people who differ-racially, ethnically, religiously, or economicallyis the most urgent challenge facing civil society today. The new platform is the agglomeration.

9. Intellectual Society: As the intellectual society, the idea is the public resource need to be shared. For the educated person of a society, participating in the public sphere—the political affairs of the city state—is a civic responsibility. According to the adjacent urban context, there has a lot education facilities, such as Chejongju university, Cheongju Sangdang municipal library, Chungbuk Career education institute and etc. The platform has be knowledgable place for students to attend, according to different education events and social public lecture or presentation. In the meanwhile, when the decision- making by the authority, the advanced knowledge platform become the “City Think Tank” organised by the specialist from the university, government, and local representation.

8. Site Agglomeration: The integrated Cheongju City, working as a whole, need to present working cooperation and communication in efficiency, The first integration is to condense the 9,220m2 w o r k place i nto a tow er, combi ng 4,700m2 affiliated space for the city hall. Its composition reflects the most efficient working flow connected with 6 fast lifts and integrated staircases, in order to achieve the most efficient working mode in-between the different bureaus. The openness in the tower accommodates the 4,700m2 affiliated space and common use space and even further urban context.


6. Connection: in the micro-scope of the urban context, it is multi-connected with context, the accessibility is reflection on the different direction road from surrounding. The roof top is also the platform to be public, open for 24 hours events, and absorbing the people flowing from multi-direction. In the meanwhile, it also setup by a diagonal strip, connecting with the north and the south of the site and penetrating the existing city hall, where also open for public meeting space.





PLANS 1: 4000 @ A4

©Jingyuan Zheng




©Jiayun Xu, Jingyuan Zheng


02 FALLOW LANDSCAPE [ The Fifth Landscape as a Dynamic Transition ] A coursework in KADK Academic/team work, Role in team: Team Member, research, stragety and concept, technical drawings and architectural design *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao unless the author is noted (page 14) Instructor: Morten Kjer Jeppesen Contact: morten.jeppesen@kadk.dk Collaborator: Dongping Sun the first semester of master, Autumn 2020 Copenhagen, Denmark

In addition to foundational knowledge in architectural and urban theory, history, representational techniques, design methods, form-making, strategic-development, systemic thinking, etc.; new research methods, and rhetorical formats, and spatial visions formulation should be introduced as a basis to contribute novel spatial responses to the evolving conditions of our time. The new Cheongju Cityhall is not the grand utopia of political version of “total planning”, but it is the future collage of citizen participation and observation. It accommodates the whole range of utopias in miniature. It should project the requirement of everybody. The “City Projection” present the connection between government and citizens in a spatial form and reflects the value of the past, the present, and the future.



Four Nature in Denmark

Biodiversity in Denmark

The fourth type of nature is the nature grows in the area that is charac-terized by previous human exploitation

Soil pollution caused by human activities has led to the loss of biological habitats which brings Denmark witl a low level of biodiversity

Agricultural Landsacpe

Soil Contamination

Agriculture Area takes 62% land of Denmark which will show a negative landscape in the fallow period

Farmers prefer to use chemical fertilizers instead of fallow because they cannot get income during this period

Through the mappings of the current condition of feral nature, we can intuitively feel the distribution and influence of human activities on the Danish national scale. The scale and richness of human activities determine the strength of human power in the gathering area.As we can see, human activities affect almost every piece of land on the earth.


AN APPROACH IN BETWEEN HUMAN AND NATURE Compared with the other three natures, feral nature has a closer relationship with humans, and it also has a different effect on the soil than other natures. Feral nature responds well to the land contaminated by humans, especially that it can decompose harmful substances in the soil and increase the nutrients in the soil through its own growth process to provide better for other organisms.

FERAL NATURE & COMMON WEEDS IN COPENHAGEN Based on the strategy and the new system, we try to find the weeds in Copenhagen we could introduce into the program. The feral nature actually formed a unique landscape almost everywhere in Copenhagen. These species were considered useless weeds in the past and were not valued by people, but obviously, they are occupying different types of spaces in this city in their own way.

















Danish Council Danish Council

EnvironmentalEffectiveness Protection Payment


Payment Business Business


Danish Agriculture & Food Council

Food Production Food Production Business Business

European Council


Famers Produce Produce

Danish Agriculture & Food Council

Effectiveness Right

European Council

New Technology

Effectiveness Right

New Technology




Public Function Public Function

Business Business

EU Agricultural Policy

Organization Organization

EU Agricultural Policy

Environmental Protection

Co-Operatives Produce

Economic Profit



Economic Profit

Existing Agricultural Production System

Denmark has a population of 5,8 million inhabitants. However, the food production is high enough to feed 15 million people, a feature population of 5,8 million of inhabitants. However, the food production is high enough to feed million people, a featuremost that shows the high productivity of the The that Denmark shows has thea high productivity the Danish agricultural production. Due to this15excess production products are exported. Danish agricultural production. Due to this excess production most products are exported. The agricultural sector contributes by 24% to the total Danish export of goods, with Agricultural Production System agricultural sector contributes by 24%Sweden, to theExisting total Danish export ofmarkets goods, Germany, Sweden, the UK and China as the main markets Germany, the UK and China as the main andwith pork, fish and dairy as the main products.

EU COUNCIL PUBLIC SECTOR FOOD ENTERPRISES OWNERS THE FAMERS Denmark has a population of 5,8 million inhabitants. However, the food production is high enough to feed 15 million people, a feature that shows the high productivity of the Danish agricultural production. Due to this excess production most products are exported. The agricultural sector contributes by 24% to the total Danish export of goods, with Germany, Sweden, the UK and China as the main markets and pork, fish and dairy as the main products.


Danish Council

Environmental Protection Payment


Food Production Co-Operatives Business



Economic Profit Land Owner

Fallow Program


Planner Fallow Landscape

Land Owner


Organization Environment Protection




Danish Agriculture & Food Council


New Technology

European Council



Public Function


EU Agricultural Policy


Organization Attracts




Economic Profit Activities

NEW AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION SYSTEM as a method respected by EU council, the benefits of fallow go far beyond just improving soil fertility. For the current 1/5/20 year fallow, they can restore the cultivation quality of the soil to varying degrees. Repair soil pollution, attract other species to bring higher biodiversity, and form a virtuous circulation





An agricultural field with diverse conditions locates in the rural area on the boundary of the finger plan

A combination of different fallow periods and farming land with the help of human movement with the national cycling system

EXSITING FALLOW OF FARMLAND The single biodiversity of agriculture crops will seriously damage the soil quality which will show a negative scene in most of the time. The result of this damage is that the biology of the land affected by agriculture is extremely low. In traditional agricultural production, biodiversity and agricultural intensity have always been in opposite positions

INTERACTION LED BY BOUNDARY After human activities were introduced into fallow land, because the infrastructure and activity itself that carried the activity occupied a certain space and created a field, they defined the boundaries of the expansion of weeds. This kind of boundary makes different activities and weeds form different interaction modes and spatial forms after being introduced to farmland in the timeline

GROWING MECHANISM Reflected in a diverse site, the three types of activities will show different spatial forms of influence, like dots, lines and radials. These different interactions will make fallow land in different periods show different changes in the timeline. However, the boundary of activity is different from the physical boundary, it is softer and more interactive




©Dongping Sun




0 1 2



0 1 2



0 1 2




A site with an abandoned tower in 2020 to show how the new fallow strategy affect In 2021, one piece of farmland will start fallow under the use plan. Some of the people the agriculture landscape over time. start to use the land spontaneously

In 2022, the site will be more natural, and some outdoor facilities will be arranged to maintain more kinds of activities

In 2023, the species will increase, and another piece of farmland next to the first piece will also begin to fallow

In 2025, the old observation tower will be removed in the near future. People's activity areas will be clearer with the increasing of the bioversity

In 2030, one farmland will be restored to farming. The old obeservation tower has been removed which has presented a clear boundary of human activities

In 2040, more stable infrastructures will be brought to the site. Holiday in the In 2050, a new birdwatching tower will be completed. The relationship of human and farmland will be one of people's weekend plans other species will be rebuild in this process


03 36 COURTYARDS [ Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art in Sharjah ] An entry in the Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019 Academic/team work, Role in team: Team leader, research, stragety and concept, technical drawings and architectural design *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao unless the author is noted (page 15, 18) Instructor: Kai Wang Contact: kai@justopenarch.com Collaborator: Jining Zhao , Dao Wu the first semester in super senior, Autumn 2019 Sharjah, UAE

Cities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are in danger of losing their social and cultural identities after four decades of rapid urbanisation and construction since the advent of the discovery of oil. While cultural heritage underlines the relevance of historical, cultural and social anchors, the rapid modern urbanisation of Sharjah is erasing its genius loci. Although the carefully selected artifacts in the museum, the “high culture” in Bourdieu’s phrase, are regarded as the best material evidence to condense the history of the city, I think the subject of social culture lies in people themselves. People's behavior which is regarded as a vibrant “low culture” is affected by space. When the modernization of the city changes people's familiar scale and living environment, how to integrate cultural heritage into contemporary urbanism and so sustain a sense of place and belonging has become the core issue discussed by the Museum for Modern Arab Art in Sharjah.

©Dao Wu









Clearing 1968



Sharjah spread from the coastal (1930s) towards the desert (2000s) with the rise of a new urban mode. Prompted by the influx of economic wealth, generated by the oil industry and the desire for modern amenities, the vehicular urban layout confined the old Sharjah. The priority was given to the roads, at the expense of the social and community fabric, which resulted in the lack of the social and cultural sense of the place.



American University of Sharjah

Chamber of Commerce Industry

Rolla Square Park

Al Taqwa Mosque

Al Maghfirah Mosque

Al Ittihad Park

Wasit Square

Al Ezra Park

The Flag Island

Al Fayha Park

Semienclosed Patio

infiltration Patio

Enclosed Patio

Open Courtyard


Sharjah Municipality


Public space is an important way to bridge the gap between crowds and reshape the social culture. Although the geometric pattern of square and the transition space of the private courtyard in Sharjah reflect the artistic and cultural connotation of the Arab world to some extent, the types of public spaces are so clear that limit the functions and the types of people participating in the activities. And it is still difficult to reflect the integrated social culture.






Inspired by the concept of Flâneur by Baudelaire, we would like to open the ground floor of the museum as a city square while the main functions of the museum are put on the first floor. The social culture of Sharjah will be generated in the integration of different types of social activities. In the museum, the concept could be transformed as watching city life on the ground floor from the veranda on the first floor.






There are two factors dominate the design of public space. On the one hand, inspired by squares in Sharjah, we hope to bring different geometric space experiences along the sequence from outside to inside on the ground floor of the museum. While the spatial sequence changes, spaces with different shapes could accommodate different types of activities. On the other hand, in order to maximize the integration of different groups of people with different types of social activities, we add the number of geometric edges in this sequence, so as to increase the chance of the meeting of different groups and activities.

The veranda on the first floor is based on the axis and the ground floor is further dividid to form a series of courtyards. The form of the enclose and the elements of partition are determined by the type of activities in the sequence.

SECTION A-A' 1:600 @ A4

©Jining Zhao, Jiarong Yao


COURTYARDS FOR PUBLIC ACTIVITIES The life of the city will be integrated in the courtyard on the ground floor, together with the courtyard itself as exhibits in the museum, which are connected by visitors and in the process of integration form the social culture of sharjah

HIERARCHICAL OVERVIEW AXONOMETRIC The first floor inevitably become a result of the axis of the ground floor while the atrium gives rise to a vault at the center of the building. Following the logic of generation, the structure of the building is divided into three parts: the courtyard on the first floor, the core space on the second floor and the peripheral structure





01 Courtyard of Light

08 Lockers

15 Courtyard of Exhibits

02 Box Office

09 Open Office

16 Dining Room

03 Reception

10 Waiting area

17 Pantry

04 VIP Reception

11 Courtyard of Wall

18 Locker Room


-Open Exhibition

22 Business -Toggery

23 Courtyard of Water

-for Staff

24 Courtyard of Sculpture

-for Staff -Archives Room

25 Courtyard of Vine

-for Staff

05 Café

12 Courtyard of Stage

06 Fabrication Zone

13 Souvenir Shops

20 Office

27 Public Market

14 Courtyard of Stair

21 Courtyard of Tree

28 Playroom for Children

-Open Air Theater

19 Lounge

-for café

07 Storeroom

26 Courtyard of Column

-for Staff -also Night Market

-Reading Room


29 Courtyard of Tweedle -Music Room

30 Lounge

36 Parking Entrance

43 Library

50 Exhibition Hall

-LG for parking and storage

37 Meditation Room

44 Hallway

31 Prayer Room

38 Courtyard of Artware

45 Exhibition Room

32 Folk Art Performance

39 Restaurant

46 Multipurpose Room

33 Courtyard of Lawn

40 Toilet

47 Exhibition Room

34 Courtyard of Sand

41 Staircase

48 Film Screening Room

35 Business

42 Janitors Room

-for public -for Rotating exhibits -for public -for Permanent exhibits -for Staff & Emergency -Handicrafts

49 Control Room -for Multipurpose Room













Steel Connection A (Vertical) 1: 30 @ A4


20 mm Substrate; Sealant 5 mm Vapour Barrier 200 mm Reinforced- Concrete Slab with 5% Slope 18 mm Plywood 12 mm Gypsum Plasterboard 160 mm Steel I- beam 5 mm Stainless Steel Cover fixed to Steel Beam

2 2x 6 mm Lam. Safety Glass Adhesive

Steel Connection B (Vertical) 1: 30 @ A4

fixed to Aluminium Framing 3 Solar Protection: Adjustable Louvers 4 45 mm Mavel Paving 60 mm Cement-and-Sand Screed Polythene Separating Layer 18 mm Plywood 25 mm Concrete Slab Slab Reinforcement Shear Connector Bottom Reinforcement

Steel Connection C (Landscape) 1: 30 @ A4

76 mm Corrugated Steel Decking 18 mm Plywood 12 mm Gypsum Plasterboard 5 45 mm Mavel Paving 60 mm Cement-and-Sand Screed Polythene Separating Layer 12 mm Mineral-Wool Impact-Sound Insulation 5-10 mm Lightweight Concrete Levelling Layer

Steel Connection C (Vertical) 1: 30 @ A4

130 mm Existing Reinforced Concrete Coffered Slab Suspension Layer/Services Zone 200 mm Mineral Wool 3 mm Powder-Coated Sheet-Aluminium Suspended Soffit, bent to shape 6 22 mm Parquet 40 mm Screed 200 mm Reinforced- Concrete


01 Courtyard of Light

11 Courtyard of Wall

12 Courtyard of Stage

Light also has a special meaning for the religion of Islam, and the light in the atrium matches the sequence of streamlines

The bookshelves in the archive appear in the courtyard in the form of walls to bring people back to the small scale of space

The stage allows for the most traditional performances whose sound could bring people upstairs back to the streets of old Sharjah

14 Courtyard of Stair

24 Courtyard of Sculpture

26 Courtyard of Column

The stepped library leads the eyes to the courtyard, which combines the people in the two Spaces

Different lighting and spatial forms bring different experiences to the exhibition on the upper and lower floors

Extract element of the colonnade from islamic architecture and transform it into a courtyard of columns to bring the sense of belonging

31 Prayer Room

34 Courtyard of Sand

50 Exhibition Hall

The prayer room was open to the public of the first floor and had direct sunlight, just like Ivan in the mosque

The people upstairs and downstairs interact in different ways with the courtyard of sand, which is both an event space and an exhibit

The gallery, with light treatment at the top, acts as the main body of the outer structure while providing space for exhibition.


04 THE BABEL OF DESIRE [ Place of Self-Refelection for Metropolis in the Future ] A coursework in WHUT Academic/individual work *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao Instructor: Jing Lu Contact: Jing.Lu@whut.edu.cn the second semester of senior, Spring 2019 Future Metropolis, Real World with ultrahigh density

The motif of the design comes from the orientation and thinking of the future library. The explosive growth of information shows an extreme trend in the 21st century while the contradiction between the virtual and the physical world lurks in the competition for physical space. Based on the current pattern of information storage and production growth, this contradiction will break out at some point in the future. The advantage of modern information media in the virtual world lies in its infinity, which caters to the growing distribution of human desires. By organizing these desires in a certain sequence in the tower, the creation of spatial atmosphere prompts us to think about the possibility of establishing a new relationship with the world's objects and the space we live in.

Voluntary Prisoners of the virtual world & the Architecture that exist to disappear



Electronic devices have become a new way of information acquisition. As an emerging information medium, compared with other ways of information acquisition, it is supported by the cheap and huge amount of information in the Internet, which brings great convenience.

In fact, information seems infinite, but the storage, backup and maintenance of information all need to rely on physical space.To further extend the advantages of electronic devices over other methods of information acquisition, people build as many hardware devices as possible to store servers and databases of information.

Because of the huge cost of storage and maintenance, information is cleaned up after a certain period of time. Storage devices can accommodate new information. However, in order to make up for the disadvantage of storage time compared with books, people try to store as much information as possible even those with low usage rate.

Electronic devices that rely on huge amounts of information do provide a better experience, and more and more people choose it as their preferred way to access information. But more and more people find that information in the virtual world itself is far more attractive than it is as a way to access information.

As a result, people kept expanding the amount of information to maintain this attraction, but it was soon discovered that the development of hardware capacity could not keep pace with the expansion of information, so people had to build more physical databases to hold more new information.

The more information people read, the more they want to seek. More people would rather believe the new media, a stranger without any credibility, than to believe the government that rules them. Under the influence of these new media, people addicted to the virtual world began to destroy the physical buildings that they thought could be replaced.

As the rebellion grew, they began planning to encroach on the city's land to house the machines that built their virtual worlds. Two factions have emerged in the city: those who think the physical world should be compromised to meet the expansion of the virtual world, and those who think the physical world has irreplaceable value.

It was at this time that the babel librar y of desire was proposed, a place of imprisonment and self-reflection for voluntary prisoners of the virtual world.






Collect / Save Information

Display / Share Information

Process / Transmit Information

Detach from Information

The earliest libraries existed as private archives. Libraries in antiquity were not always designed for the public to freely consult texts or take them offsite.

Not until the Roman period did genuinely public libraries allow all comers to come and read. And lectures, exhibitions and other functions are generally introduced to display information.

Along with the development of electronic devices, the library provides digital services for readers and tries to create digital collections and services for machine learning.

When information is everywhere and accessible without physical space, the library, as a real place, needs to help people understand the meaning of information and pull out those lost in information.







is the desire for information.


is the desire to get victory


is the desire for aggression.

Curious people are constantly looking for something new, and the torrent of information on their devices feeds their desire

Winner will continue to pursue the victory, the loser will increase the investment to recover the loss. Unlike in the real world, you can continually input to get this kind of pleasure.

People used to watch executions to satisfy the desire for revenge. Some entertainment information also relies on violence to get people's attention.




is the desire for self-reliance.

is the desire for social justice.

is the desire to get excitement.

Many people do not want to be controlled and seek a certain degree of independence in vitual world with which they are comfortable.

Most of the people eager to get the ideal life and work state, as well as absolute fairness like some of the games, but unwilling to put in the effort.

Most of the people eager to get the ideal life and work state, as well as absolute fairness like some of the games, but unwilling to put in the effort.




is the desire to influence others.

is the desire to be approved.

is the desire for beauty and sex.

The desire for power can be so strong that it dominates an individual’s personality. Virtual world gives people an easier way to impose their will on others.

Some people have such a strong sense of honour even in vitual competition that they put it above everything else.

The charm of love lies in the ultimate experience of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. New electronic devices are dedicated to making the experience more multi-dimensional.




is the desire for inclusion.

is the desire for social standing.

is the desire to escape.

The desire for acceptance can lead to an undue sensitivity to criticism. Sensitive people habitually hide behind the Internet to avoid other people's eyes.

The status of reality labels different people, and those who do not want to change it with action indulge in the virtual world to escape it.

People seek peace in the internet by escaping the real world, but pent-up anxiety, stress, and fear can themselves exacerbate the disorder.


Social Contact


is the desire to collect things.

is the desire for companionship.

is the desire to be focus on

The pursuit of wealth comes under the desire for saving. Some games use this mentality to increase user viscosity.

Each person is an isolated island but someone cannot stand to be alone for long periods of time. Social software helps them escape this loneliness.

People try to gain attention in social software to enhance their presence, but in reality, excessive attention will bring unbearable pressure.

15 DESIRES FROM THE VIRTUAL WORLD On the basis of William James's principles of psychology and combined with the characteristics of human interaction in the virtual world, these 3 categories and 15 desires are selected, which try to cover all behaviors guided by intrinsic value, social behaviour and basic requirements of human. And then derived into 15 themes




Ego Lecture Hall

Multidimensional Theatre


Loop Casino


Island Paradise

Library Labyrinth


Inverted Zoo


Justice Execution Ground


Anti-Monitoring Ground


Undead Colosseum


Ideal Socialist Garden

Social Contact

Chaotic Meditation Room


Endless Shopping Center


Bath of Hierarchy


Focused Church



Library Labyrinth

Multidimensional Theatre

Extreme Sports Ground

The farther inside, the lower the wall is, and when you think you're escaping the maze, the deeper you're trapped by it

The stimulation in immersive theater gradually increases inward, and excessive stimulation will cause discomfort

Endless extreme challenges can bring pleasure but also show you the importance of the opposite of stimulating

Inverted Zoo

Ego Lecture Hall

Loop Casino

Humans like to control, but as they spiral downward the zoo, the relationship between watching and being watched changes

Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself to face the criticism instead of running for cover in the virtual world

The cyclic space allows people to go on endlessly, and no one can be the winner in the end under the endless gambling

Justice Execution Ground

Island Paradise

Ideal Socialist Garden

People gathered to watch public executions stem from a desire for revenge, which will make people lose themselves

A grid can only accommodate one person's activities, people could think about the meaning of the self without the social network

The equal form does not mean the equal environment. The ideal environment and absolute fairness come from everyone's efforts

Anti-Monitoring Ground

Endless Shopping Center

Undead Colosseum

The building's defensive stance allows you to vent all your desires here without control, but the end of destruction is chaos

You can get everything here, but you'll find that the gap to get out of here makes you have to give up everything

The combination of the Colosseum and the gravestone suggests that glory is not above everything else

Bath of Hierarchy

Chaotic Meditation Room

Focused Church

You can see different decorations from four directions, but when you strip everything down in the bath, everyone is the same

The mess across from the meditation room tells you that no matter how you escape, you will eventually have to face the harsh reality

The intensity of the light varies with the sequence while too much focus will create unbearable stress

Focused Church

Chaotic Meditation Room Bath of Hierarchy

Undead Colosseum Endless Shopping Center

Anti-Monitoring Ground

Ideal Socialist Garden Island Paradise

Justice Execution Ground Loop Casino Ego Lecture Hall

Inverted Zoo

Extreme Sports Ground

Multidimensional Theatre

Library Labyrinth




Curiosity - Library Labyrinth 1ST Stage +0.0m

Romance - Multidimensional Theatre 2ND Stage +10.8m/19.5m

Stimulate - Extrem 3RD Stag

Competition - Loop Casino 6TH Stage +72.0m

Vengeance - Justice Execution Ground 7TH Stage +79.2m

Social Contact 8TH Stage

Obtaining - Endless Shopping Center 11TH Stage +122.4m

Honour - Undead Colosseum 12TH Stage +129.6m/140.4m

Status - Bath 13TH Stage

AGES 1: 1500 @ A4

me Sports Ground ge +21.6m

- Island Paradise e +90.0m

h of Hierarchy e +144.0m

Power - Inverted Zoo 4TH Stage +27.4m

Acceptance - Ego Lecture Hall 5TH Stage +64.8m

Idealism - Ideal Socialist Garden 9TH Stage +97.4m/101.0m

Independence - Anti-Monitoring Ground 10TH Stage +111.6m

Tranquility - Chaotic Meditation Room 14TH Stage +151.2m/154.8m

Attention - Focused Church 15TH Stage +158.4m/176.4m


Curiosity - Library Labyrinth

Romance - Multidimensional Theatre

Power - Inverted Zoo

Stimulate - Extreme Sports Ground

Acceptance - Ego Lecture Hall

Vengeance - Justice Execution Ground

Idealism - Ideal Socialist Garden

Honour - Undead Colosseum

Honour - Undead Colosseum

Status - Bath of Hierarchy

Tranquility - Chaotic Meditation Room

Attention - Focused Church

05 URBAN INCUBATOR [ Knowledge-Based Community of the Future in Wuhan ] An entry in the UIA-HIP CUP 2018 international student competition in architectural design Academic/team work, Role in team: Team member, research, site analysis, stragety, structural design and architectural design *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao unless the author is noted (page 29, 32, 33) Instructor: Yusu Xu Contact: 50886632@qq.com Collaborator: Haoyu Zheng, Jiafeng Xiao the first semester of senior, Autumn 2018 Wuhan, China

China is undergoing a rapid urbanisation with the overall transformation from a manufacturing economy to an economy based on knowledge creation, research development and finance marketing. We hope that the urban center will be transformed from a consumer of urban resources into a creator. This gives us an opportunity to provide a real community based on the buildings in the heart of the city for these ideally young entrepreneur who cannot afford the high land price. Living, working and communication take place in customized units, which are organized and moved in the system according to specific logic. In this process, the traditional lifestyle breaks the original boundaries and becomes the motivation behind the urban renaissance.

©Haoyu Zheng


The economic development of China's coastal areas has gradually led to the industrial transformation of inland areas. Hubei province in central China has the most powerful educational resources in China. Wuhan, the provincial capital with 82 universities, is expected to produce nearly 300,000 graduates a year, but it also faces the worst brain drain. Wuhan, China



Linjiang avenue is located in the core of wuhan city. The economy here has developed rapidly, taking advantage of the great resources brought by ports along the Yangtze river. But it has failed to turn the resources of its urban centers into incentives to move into the next phase of a knowledge-based society, and high housing prices have discouraged a large number of creative young people. In order to retain these young creators, we need a more vibrant city center for them.

II Cultural manufacturing 2010s

Symbiosis between old and new industries The transition between manufacturing-based industries and knowledge-network-based industries

Symbiosis between the new community and city The connection and communication between the system and the city I Heavy Industry 1950s

II Equipment manufacturing 1990s

Symbiosis between different industries Provide equal opportunities for communication between different industries

Symbiosis of the new community

Network sphere includes living, working and interacting

With the overall transformation of China's economy from manufacturing to knowledge innovation, scientific research and and financial markets, the new city center needs to satisfy four of these symbiotic relationships. Reflected in the system, in order to meet these symbiotic relationships, this megastructure needs to have four characteristics: transition, communication, combination and network.


Low Opennes

Low Communication

A less open city center is not enough to generate enough vitality. Conservative city centre led to the mode of production of the previous era dominated

The lack of communication between existing industries has hindered the establishment of new knowledge networks, which is the driving force for a new round of development

High Building Density

High Land Price

High-density urban centers with a large number of entertainment and service facilities are difficult to build buildings suitable for the new industrial system

High housing costs prevent young people, the prime movers of new industries, from living here. Along with the stagnant industrial transformation, wuhan has suffered a massive brain drain.

High Population Density

Industry Network

The existing building can only provide about 4 square meters of working space per person, while the old way of working restricts the transformation of the industry

The existing relationship could be transformed into the foundation of knowledge network system. A new system could be added to the existing urban centre to create an industrial symbiosis.

Frame-core Barrel System

New Space

Existing high-rise buildings all use the frame-core barrel system, which means that on the basis of not changing the original system, the structure can be used to expand the periphery of the buildings

In what form will the new space appear in the city center, so as to promote the transformation of new industries while providing living, working and communicating space

The ecology around the site faces a series of problems. A less open city center is not enough to generate enough vitality. A large number of entertainment and service facilities cannot turn the resources here into the power of development. The lack of communication between existing industries has hindered the establishment of new knowledge networks and High housing costs prevent young people, the prime movers of new industries, from living here.


These four symbiotic relationships correspond to the space with four formal characteristics. Centrality provides a good transition for the promotion of the industry. Linearity enhances the communication between existing buildings. Symmetry provides equal opportunities for communication between different industries, and radiation promotes the construction of the whole system network.










Symbiosis between different industries Provide equal opportunities for communication between different industries

Symbiosis between old and new industries The transition between manufacturing-based industries and knowledge-network-based industries

Symbiosis of the new community

Network sphere includes living, working and interacting

Symbiosis between the new community and city The connection and communication between the system and the city



Alterable Community

Community Composition

The new creative industries which are based on knowledge networks formed by the movement of units could provide the young creators with a large number of job oppotunities

Some of the functions of traditional housing in the new community are separated in the form of Shared space to provide low-cost living space for young people



Equal Communication

Creativity Enhancement

The movement of units on the circle provides equal opportunities for communication between different industries, which is also the core of knowledge network-based industries

To assist the system in the creation and implementation of ideas, the new industrial units will simulate the process of information in the brain from collection and acquisition to output and application



Transformation System

System Composition

The new system is built on the existing structure, connecting the existing buildings, radiating the new industry to the surrounding area, and guiding the transition from old to new industry

The diversity of the system is based on the brain's processing of information, from collection and acquisition, gathering and communication to output and implementation





Component Variability

Potential Oppotunities

Shared Facilities

Life-long Learning

Enhance Interaction




Blending of different disciplines

Learning and researching in groups

Scientific practice and formation of industry

Accessibility of people

Generate ideas

Gain knowledge and make initial thoughts

Exchange and show ideas

Implement ideas

Connection with the existing buildings

Dynamic changing

Different types of unit components

Adjust to adapt to different group of people

People can change their sttelement way in the system

Input and output system

Gathering of people studying differnet subjects

Adjacent to the commerical complex

Origin of the conceptual ideas

Young maker’s assembly place

Combination with the current commerical complex

More business investment oppotunities



©Jiafeng Xiao, Jiarong Yao

Based on the strategy of creating a mixture of community and work place, in order to provide affordable accommodation for ideally young entrepreneur, the system is proposed to increase the creativity of these as well as the vitality of the city.

Information collection and acquisition

Information gathering and communication

Information output and implementation

NEW KNOWLEDGE-BASED INDUSTRY We hope that Creative industries based on knowledge networks, while providing jobs for young people, will in turn stimulate the creativity of these creators. The new industrial units will stimulate the processof information in the brain from collection and acquisition to output and application, organization and moving through the system to assist in the creation and implementation of idesa.

SYSTEM PLAN 1: 1200 @ A4 Built on top of the existing building in the civic heart, customized units could move on the circular trachs to connect like-minded users physically. In terms of function allocation, we try to replace private space with shared space as much as possible to further reduce the rent for these ideally young entrepreneur.


©Haoyu Zheng, Jiarong Yao


Slice Wall


The built-in furniture in the thick wall is combined into different units to meet the needs of different people with different numbers and lifestyles.

The shared facility is placed in a box- The stair-like components constitute the personal like space and serves as a transition. library, reading room, vedio room and reference room.




The pole-like components constitute the discussion room, exhibition room, The track-shaped components facilitate the work of theater and officie. studios, small factories and scientific research rooms.

Board Public Spaces are interspersed throughout the system.


4200 3600 2700 6000 4800 Ring One Ring Two Ring Three

14400 Ring Four

4800 Ring Five

STRUCTURAL SECTION OF SYSTEM 1: 600 @ A4 The structure is reinforced and extended from the core tube of the existing building to support the track of the new community. Different types of customized units are distributed on different tracks to suit people's needs


The orbital space is suitable for small scientific activities. After exchanging ideas, people can implement their ideas in the units here


The poles can form open Spaces, suitable for open exhibitions, screenings and offices


RING FOUR Exchange/Show Ideas


RING FIVE Implement Ideas

RING THREE Generate Ideas BOX

The stair space provides seating and storage space where people can gather information and generate ideas

RING TWO Shared Space I n a d d i t i o n t o a c c o m m o d a t i n g S h a re d functions, the box space serves as a transition between living and working Spaces

The necessary furniture are stored in the thickened slice walls. Users could combine them freely according to their needs


RING ONE Residential Space

Customized Units The units themselves are customizable, in the form of units designed to stimulate the creativity of users

Base Structure The frame structure also acts as a track allowing customized units to move freely to meet the user's needs


The core barrel in the existing building serves as a support for the new frame structure

Potential Cluster The potential combination of knowledge networks of the industries in the existing buildings

Existing Buildings The frame-core barrel structure serves as the fulcrum of the system

SYSTEM DECOMPOSITION The final size and the form of the system becomes a direct result of the combination of the existing building condition and the economic transformation motivation. Under the established system logic, the functional layers work independently and interrelate with each other to maximize the efficiency of the system.




THE SCENES OF LIFE ON DIFFERENT RINGS In the composite functional system of the city center, new ways of living, working and interacting are linked as the response to the symbiosis of the different industries, the different economy and the different communities in the new era.


06 BAR PLUS [ Urban Renewal Practice in North Melbourne ] A coursework in RMIT Landscape Architecture Design Core Studio Academic/individual work, *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao Instructor: William Welsh & Ben Kazacos Contact: william.welsh@rmit.edu.au; ben.kazacos@rmit.edu.au the first semester of senior, Autumn 2018 Melbourne, Australia

Alcohol has a complex role in Australian society. Most Australians drink alcohol, generally for enjoyment, relaxation and sociability. As Arden in north Melbourne will be upgraded from a concentrated industrial area to a commercial and residential area within the next 50 years. Although top-down government regulation is seen as an effective way to control problems caused by alcohol such as violence, traffic accidents and noise, while the lockouts will seriously affecting the region's nighttime economy, I found the bottom-up influence of public spaces on the behavior of drinkers could have a better balance between economic and social security. I redefined Arden's public space with the waste material shipping containers from the old industrial zone, and transformed the architecture as a predetermined imposed concept into a public space for social groups to reflect their self-value with the variable system of three hierarchies.


DRINKING AS A CULTURE IN AUSTRALIA Alcohol has a complex role in Australian society. Most Australians drink alcohol, generally for enjoyment, relaxation and sociability. As drunk people will bring a lot of issues such as noises, assaults and road traffic injures to the night time economy, Australian government has tried for decades to solve the problem such as using lockouts. However, the lockouts damaged the night time economy severely like what happened in King’s Cross, which used to be the most flourished bar street in Sydney.


· Outgoing and the "life of the party" · Loves to have a drink and let loose I drink what I want · Gregarious and loves to make things happen and know what I'm · Drinks to have fun doing. · Likes to be a source of information on alcohol brands, types of drinks and places to go out · Likes to go out and drink at bars and clubs




· Self-disciplined and self-sufficient · Likes to relax and prefers a more chilled-out experience I like to have dinner · Knows when to say 'no' a n d d r i n k s w i t h · Likes to have a glass or two but that's it good friends. · Prefers to drink at home

· Fun, social and easy-going · Influenced by social and cultural pressures Alcohol is a big part · Tends to join in and go with flow of my life. · Gets swept up in the moment and enjoyment of social situations · Prefers to drink at bars and clubs with friends

· Controlled and conscientious · Enjoys having fun in a safeencironment It doesn't bother · Looks out for others when out socialising m e n o t h a v i n g a · Not overly interested in drinking alcohol drink when others are having a drink.

the Closing Time of the Pubs & the Number of Liquor Licensing, VIC

DRINKING AS A CONFLICT BETWEEN NIGHT-TIME ECONOMY AND SOCIAL SECURITY Compared with top-down government regulation, bottom-up influence brought by public space can effectively control people's drinking behavior while ensuring a prosperous night-time economy.

Drinking Culture Most Australians drink alcohol, generally for enjoyment, relaxation and sociability.

Drinking without Limitation Uncontrolled drinking can lead to a series of issues such as violence, traffic accidents and noises

Direct Monitoring Direct control and monitoring will greatly influence this drinking culture and night-time economy

Indirect Monitoring The integration of public activities can make a better balance between economic and social security


2019 - 2024

There are three liquor estabilshment in Arden at present and the main user groups are the redients, workers nearby and the stream of people from North Melbourne Station.

With the move of some industries, more liquor establishment will be established based on the cultural heritage and the activities. The pubs are gradually moving to the center, and the crowd is also driven by the consumption.

2025 - 2030

2031 - 2040

As the pubs spread and recidents can get a localized experience, there will be some activities held in these area like the beer festival or alcohol garden parties, which may attract more natives and form a local drinking culture gradually.

Finally, the pubs will go into the civic heart with the commericial and residential establishment. Because of the cultural accumulation, the drinking atmosphere will become more and more intense.


Site Boundary

North Melbourne Station

Major Intervention Infiltration of Public Activities

Potential Intersection of Public Activities

PUBLIC SPACES IN ARDEN 2050 1: 9000 @ A4 In order to study the temporal and spatial distribution of different activities in the site, I sorted out the major information of the main public Spaces in the site based on the future construction plan of Arden, including the traffic intervention, the infiltration of public activities, the surrounding building functions and the main users, which served as the basis for the further design of each public space

1st. 6,528.30 Community park located at a traffic junction

2nd. 2,412.47 Vacant lots in adjacent residential areas

3rd. 2,082.78 Inner courtyard enclosed by the original factory buildings

4th. 4,160.14 Public square in front of the existing office building

6th. 17,434.03 7th. 4,473.19 8th. 2,152.60 9th. 2,246.25 Footy field with sports activities Open space enclosed by public Public square in front of the new Pedestrian street surrounded by and supports facilities office building commercial buildings

5th. 1,621.80 Private square in front of the new office building

10th. 1,509.26 Public space where two roads meet

11th. 1,935.22 Inner courtyard of the old factory building

12th. 1,756.13 Public Spaces at major traffic nodes

13th. 4,716.22 Sinking square in civic heart between commercial buildings

14th. 972.65 Front square of the high-end residence

15th. 2,042.15 Public space between new buildings and reserved buildings

16th. 3,881.23 Vacant lot in between of the office and residential area

17th. 942.48 Community park located at a traffic junction

18th. 1,572.39 Space between the old factory and the office building

19th. 1,156.52 Abandoned vacant lot in the residential area

20th. 3,781.56 Leisure space in front of the viaduct

Early Evening 6.00PM-9.00PM

Potential Public Transportation Bus Route

Bus Stop

Early Night 9.00PM-12.00PM

Potential Route around the Activities

Creative Lightning Installation

Late Night 12.00PM-3.00AM

Potential Intensity of the Activities through the SiteRelevance between Alcohol and Acitivities Light









Safe Space

The locations and types of activities change at different times, so we need a more flexible system in the open to combine these activities including drinking both in days and nights.


SAMPLE_ 16TH SITE CONDITION I took the 16th site as a sample for the renovation and update of public space, and the rest public spaces of Arden will be able to design on the same pattern based on this. Site 16 is located at the junction of commercial and residential areas, which determines that it will be a meeting place for different types of people and activities. The workshop in the north and the cultural heritage in the south make the activities around the site present a diversified distribution, which needs to meet different needs at different times.

As an old industrial zone, Arden has a large number of waste shipping containers, which can be decomposed and used to establish this flexible system. The light steel structure with connectors are provided that public can easily participate in the transformation of the site, together with extra elements, to form the system to be flexible in three hierarchies. Fixed Programs

Light Temporary Structure with Relative Facilities

Extra Elements

Starting from the fixed and temporal activities in the site, the drinking culture is used as the medium to provide different types of space in the site to adapt to the interaction between activities. Cross Hybridization

Function Distribution

Stream Line for Everyone

Determine the function and approximate distribution of the square according to the situation around the site

Analyze the flow of different people and the sequence of activities to determine the specific location of the container

Defined Area Use different colored tiles to identify the necessary route, with which define the area of expansion beyond the fixed container


FIXED PROGRAMS The surrounding traffic and main buildings will bring three main groups of people, residents, workers and visitors from different directions to the site. Based on the different needs of different groups of people, the activity sequences they need are organized on the specific streamline to determine the location of the fixed programs on the site, and the shipping containers could be transformed into facilities suitable for specific functions.

CONSTRUCTION MANUAL In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the surrounding group and make users involved in the construction of public space, I hope this construction manual will help people understand the whole process of project construction while enhancing the variability of the project. People can participate in the process of project transformation with their families, giving full play to their creativity and making the project a space for them to reflect their self-value.


EXHIBITION MODE (INTERVENTION) Centered on the exhibition shipping container, the exhibition gallery is formed by linear extension, which is connected with the stepped rest space in the center of the site. The soft partition is used to guide the sight and streamline of people in order to control the division and combination of different activities.

BEER FESTIVAL MODE (INTERVENTION) Although the restaurant on the square provides convenient lunches for workers at ordinary times, the Oktoberfest facilities will center on the restaurant's containers, creating new communal dining platform and providing space for activities by enclosing a main internal courtyard. People at different levels will interact visually or physically in different ways.

NIGHT MARKET MODE (INTERVENTION) Centered on the retail shipping containers, the new facilities extend outward in different directions, forming courtyards of different sizes and enclosures. The night market will compound the inherent functions of the site through new connections, while hold the drinking activities on the upper level.

COMMUNITY EVENTS MODE (INTERVENTION) Facilities for community activities will be built on the existing playground and the residents from the east of the field will be directed into the interior of the field. In this case, the drinking area was compressed in place of a specific activity area. For the residents who participate in the construction of the facilities, this is a public space best suited to spending time with their children.


Recreation Facility

Local Souvenir

Recreation Facility

Courtyard for Activities

Community Playground



Exhibition hall

SECTION C-C' 1: 500 @ A4


Recreation Facility

Community Playground

Community Library

Communication & Rest Area Drinking & Eating (outdoor)

Drinking & Eating (indoor)

Exhibition hall Cafeteria


Recreation Facility

Local Souvenir

Drinking & Eating

Communication & Rest Area

Night Market

Exhibition hall

SECTION D-D' 1: 500 @ A4V


Exhibition Hall (outdoor)

Exhibition Hall (indoor)






07 THE NEW REFLECTED ON OLD [ A Scenario Writed for Everyday Life ] Interior design for new office of Just Open Architecture, Shanghai, China Practical/team work, Role in team: Team Member, research, stragety and concept, technical drawings, architectural design and construction arrangement *All drawings are compeleted by Jiarong Yao unless the author is noted (page 43, 44, 47) Team Leader: Kai Wang Contact: kai@justopenarch.com Collaborator: Yihan Sheng Autumn 2020 Shanghai, China

The combination of protection and creation becomes a new type of architecture, which is intertwined and coexist. It is a balance way not to emphasize a certain point of "new" or "old", but to strengthen the logical relationship between the two. The material relationship expressed by the two spaces presents a contradictory duality, that is, separation and fusion, allowing any part to rule the other. The complexity of the space makes the building present an unstable but open state, but the site The art scene and the architectural scene benefit each other. China has gradually shifted from Tabula Rasa to a more sustainable urban transition (Sustainable Transition), which requires more respect for the original historical memory of the city and a new value continuation. Contained in the office space design of this project, the replacement of functions and the superposition of new scenes are behind the trial and reflection of urban space, which stimulates the metabolism of urban space again.

©Hui Zhang


OVERLAY OF NOTATIONS JOA's new office integrates the marks of the "old" and implants the symbols and scenes of the "new". Instead of deliberately highlighting the "new", or ignoring the "old" at will, we try to think about how to derive a new framework logic from the old space system, maintain the tension between the two, contradict and coexist, and use symbolic elements to build the order of the scene.

©Hui Zhang


OLD After 1949, many factories in Yangpu District were owned by the state, and they began to be relocated in 1990. After the historical turmoil, the old factories in Binjiang left a perfect framework to provide an opportunity for upgrading.

REFLECTION As the basis for reorganizing the new space, the space model of the original plant determines the new form of future office space, creating a scene suitable for office space.

STRUCTURE SYMBOL The different space function requirements in office use make the stack make full use of the original structure. There are two main structures for the mezzanine, four angle steels pulled up form a cross column to connect with the original main beam.

LIGHT SYMBOL lighting plays the role of ditch and contrast. For the third level, the "new" and "old" symbols are prominent, such as bookshelves, stairs, and meeting rooms with different color temperatures and different forms of lighting to emphasize.


Scene Symbol

Enclosure Symbol

The combination of the original structure and the new structure of the enclosed space creates scenarios suitable for office space.

The outer protective material uses Changhong glass with a zigzag inside and outside to enhance the visual artistic effect.

Construction Symbol

Metal Symbol

The two main structures of the mezzanine, the four angle steel pulled up to form a cross column to connect with the original main beam.

The metal symbols are dotted in gray tones, the mirror surface stainless steel cross structure edging.


©Hui Zhang


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