Check The Pulse Of The Customer To Gauge Your Position In The Market For the growth of any company or organization a good customer base is surely needed. If you do not have buyers to whom are you going to sell? And if there are no sales where is the profit going to come. Not making profit is akin to loss and the closure of the company is nearing. So the mantra that no customers no company holds good for any company whether it is a century old or a startup. So what does a proprietor of a company need to do to increase the customer base and also retain them? The ideal case will be for all the customers to be loyal. In practice though this may not be possible but you can have a large chunk of your customers to be loyal. Just to know whether you have a loyal customer base and to know about their loyalty you can take a small survey asking a few questions is the opinion of Jignesh Barasara.
To find out the answers you can check the comment box on your website. Candidly check all the comments whether they are negative or positive. The negative
comment will help you improve if you take the complaint seriously and start working on the lack of service and the quality of the product on your part. Do the customers find your product trustworthy? Keeping your promise on what you are offering via the product will surely fetch you customer trust. To keep this trust intact you need to keep the promise and never exaggerate about your product. The customer will eventually call your bluff if the claims are found to be false and you lose the trust and many a loyal customers too. Are your products held in high esteem by the customers? Serving the customers with dedication can earn you the much needed appreciation about your product. It may take years to reach this stage but you need to strive in this direction and be appreciative of the customers who are loyal personally. This will achieve a lot for the company you are running and the product will gain a long term trust and appreciation. How is the quality of your brand perceived? You need to survive in a business and do well too. in fact you need to beat the competitors and march ahead of them to be a sought after brand. You need to find out if your brand has reached this stage. If you stand out amongst your rivals then you have created a niche for yourself. Achieving this is a big thing in business and it spells success. Is the value of your product perceived right? People appreciate and also go for high quality products and services no doubt. However, do they have to pay too high a price for achieving this? If so many may be deterred from buying your product as they do not get good value for money. either they get substandard product or pay a high price for quality. good quality at fairly reasonable price is what the customers wish for. If you are able to deliver this your products will have a high value in their eyes. The answers to these queries in the survey will tell you where you stand. If you improve on the weak points no one can stop you from becoming a number one company. You need to strive for it hard but with time you will be able to achieve this.