All of us know that Jignesh Barasara is one of the most efficient business entrepreneurs, social activists and entrepreneurship mentors of the century. The ways used by him to become and remain a successful business entrepreneur includes his out of box thinking to increase sales and hence enhance business. In this article, we have discussed some of his most efficient ways to improve business by increasing sales.
From an independent contractor to an entrepreneur, there is one thing that is c o m m o n a m o ng st all of us. And, that is we all are salespersons. It is simply not possible that you are an entrepreneur a n d not a salesperson. Every entrepreneur is a salesperson. To be a successful entrepreneur, it is very important to do great in sales. However, if due to any reason you are not able to, it’s important to figure out where you are lacking. Sale is a lot about discipline a n d details. If either of these two components is missing, then you surely are not meeting your sales targets. Now, discipline here consists of ethics, diligence, hard work etc.
Sales simply work well for anybody, provided you apply the a b o v e mentioned ingredients right. No mat t er whatever business you are in, sales follow a certain flow. It c a n consist of four to ten steps. But, the sales flow followed by mos t of the successful business entrepreneurs such as Jignesh Barasara is the one which has got six steps. Let’s look at t h e m one by one.
What exactly is prospecting? Many people will think that prospecting is you going out to meet one of your potential buyers. But, that’s absolutely a myth because prospecting is neither limited nor fixed to only one way. It is multidimensional. It is for you to decide which one you are great at and then proceed with the same accordingly. While stepping out for prospecting, you will com e across people whom you don’t know, people wh om you know and then people wh om some of your contacts know. Now, for the people you don’t know, you follow cold marketing, people whom you know are wa rm marketing. And, the third one is where some of your contacts know other people in the market where you are linked but not directly. Now, amongst these three categories, you need to identify where your market is and how you need to get to it.