Architecture + Design Portfolio

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JI GYAS BORA Depar t mentofAr chi t ect ur e & Lands cape Des i gn,SMVDU Kat r a,Jammu& Kas hmi r ,I ndi a

j i gyas b@gmai l . com /14bar 015@s mvdu. ac. i n

+91 9854349602 ht t ps : //www. f acebook. com/j i gyas . bor a. 1

Bi ogr aphy Choi ce ofSt udyi ng Ar chi t ect ur e wast o pur s ue mydr eamscompr i s i ng ofar tand s ci ence r el at ed t o humans ens es .Ihave beenpur s ui ng myi nt r os pect i onal ong wi t h mus i c,movi e maki ng and phot ogr aphy.Iam a wander erwho i spr oudl yi ndul gi ng hi ms el fi nobs er vi ng t he expr es s i onsofs ubcons ci ousmi nd and t r i est o cr eat et hi ngst os t udyand anal ys et hem t o br i ng outs ome pos i t i ve r es ul t s .

Educat i on Aug, 2014-May, 2019

Pur sui ng Bachel orofAr chi t ect ur e

Hi gherSecondar y,passed-2014

(StarMarks),D. K. D.Col l ege,Der gaon,Assam

Hi ghShcool i ng, passed-2011

(School,SchoolTopperwithdistinction),Kur alGur iHi gherSecondar y,Assam

Ski l l s Sof t war e

Pr of essi onal


Movi e Maki ng

Adobe Phot os hop

Adobe Pr emi erPr o

Phot ogr aphy

Aut odes kAut ocad


Sound Pr oduct i on

Sket chup

FlSt udi o

Sket chi ng

Vr ayf orSket chup

Cubas e

ModelMaki ng

Adobe Li ght r oom

Adobe Af t er ef f ect s

Leader shi p

Aut odes kRevi t

Mi cr os of tOf f i ce

Publ i c Or at i on

Adobe I l l us t r at or

Or gani zat i on

Mi cr os of tPower poi nt

Ar chi t ect ur alDes i gnPr oj ect s St udi o Pr oj ect s

Pr of es s i onalPr oj ect s

St udentPl aza

Res ear ch-Sound Aes t het i cs

Bungal ow

Bat hr oom ( I nt er i or& Cons t r uct i on)

Ki nder gar t enSchool

SchoolBui l di ng ( Des i gni ng & Cons t r uct i on)

Res or t

Acous t i c Tr eat mentcor r ect i on

Cont empor ar yAr tGal l er y

Document at i on( f orLI KTr ophy)

Meas ur ed Dr awi ng Anal ys i s

Document at i on,Mawl ynnong,As i a’ scl eanes tvi l l age

Document at i on,Gar l i ,Hi machal

Sound pr oduct i ons t udi o

Exper i ence,Achi evment s& Compet i t i on Achi evement s /Exper i ence

Compet i t i on

Wona chance t o ConductOf f i ci alWor ks hop asChi efTut or -

UOW I nt er nat i onalDes i gn

“SOUND AESTHETI CS”at59t hAnnualConvent i onofNat i onal

Compet i t i on, 2015/16-won“BESTDESI GN EXCELLENCY”

As s oci at i onofSt udent sofAr chi t ect ur e,I ndi a I NTERNSHI P-Cent r ef orCent r alEur opeanAr chi t ect ur e,Pr ague CzechRepubl i c Wons pons or s hi pt o pur s ue r es ear chr el at ed t os ound f r omMus i ks hack& YAMAHA Mus i c St at i on

UOW I nt er nat i onalDes i gn Compet i t i on, 2016/17-“SORTLI STED UNDERTOP6”

Cont ent s Bungal ow St udentPl aza Res or t Cont empor ar yAr tCent r e Res ear ch-“Sound Aes t het i cs ” SchoolBui l di ng The Squar e Bat hr oom “The UnknownPl ace”-Des i gnCompet i t i on “Pagdandi ”-Des i gnCompet i t i on I nt er i orDes i gn Ot herWor ks

Bungal ow ExperimentalDesign Somet i meyouneed t ol ookat ,

   

f r om a di f f er ent


Thi sopenTer r ace wi l lpr ovi de s ceni c beaut y.And t he cover ed t er r ace cum bal conywoul d pr ovi de uni que exper i ence dur i ng r ai n. and t hi st wo s pace al s o bi f ur cat est he St udyand Lear ni ng s pace f r om t he ot herf unct i onals paces .

Des i gnPr oces s A compar at i veanal ys i sofcas es t udi es

St udy& Lear ni ng:T hi sSpacei spl aced

hel pedt ounder s t andt hewor kabl ear easof

i s ol at edf r om t her es toft hes paces

t hef unct i onals pacesofabungal ow

t opr ovi deal ear nerbet t eri s ol at i on f r om ot heraci vi t i esoft hebui l di ng.

T hear eascal cul at edwer eaddedandt he s quar er ootoft hes um wascal cul at ed.T hi s val uewasf i nal i s edast hedi mens i onsofone cube Ar andom compos t i t i onoft hes ecubeswas cr eat edwher et hecubess har edbot hs ur f aceandvol umet r i cs paceswi t hi nt er l ocki ng vol umesands pat i alt ens i on.Oncet hevol umeswer edef i nedt hr ought het r ans f or mat i onofmas s esandvoi ds ,f unct i onal i t yand wor kabl econnect i vi t yoft hes paceswasde t er mi nedt hr ought heanal ys i soft hecas e s t udi es .



enl i ght enst he st udentpl aza by Connect i ng t he exi st i ng sky br i dge ofsi t e-r esembl es t he r ol e off l ash ofCAMERA

Smal lStage ofthe StudentPl aza-r esembl esthe Mode Di alofCamer a

Rearentr y-r esembl esthe vi ewf i nderofCamer a

ConceptualDesi gn

StudentPl aza

CONCEPT Thi sSTUDENTPLAZA i san abstr actofcamer a The per specti v & aestheti c vi ew ofmy desi gn symbol i ses the par tsofa camer a

STUDENT LI FE i sf ul lofmemor abl e moment s .A Camer a hl epsust o capt ur et hos e moment s . T hati swhyt hi sconcepti sper f ect f ora St udentPl az a.

Ent r yf r om t he exi st i ng exi st i ng Nescase si deResembl est he ent r y ofl i ght i n Camer a

Fr ont/RearVi ew r esembl esthe sense ofol df l i m thatwer e used to captur ei mage

Fr ontVi ew

RearVi ew


Reas i,Jammu& Kas hmi r

Demand ofa r es or ti suni que ascompar ed t o Hot el sasi t canpr ovi de a bet t erexper i ence whi chi sawayf r om ci t yLi f e. Her ei nt hi sDes i gnIhave Zoned outt he s pacesi ni t i al l ybas ed ons ound i na vi ew t o pr ovi dng bet t erexper i nce ofnat ur al s ound oft hats pace


Pl acementoft ht i sz onesal ong c

Cot t ages Recr eat i onal Hot el s Res t aur ant

Noi s yRoad Noi s ypar ki ng Bus yzone( Noi s e) I nt er medi at e Noi s e I s ol at ed Zone


These Cot t agesar e desi gned usi ng t he st r uct alsense ofl ocalAr chi t ect ur e. St one and ot herl ocalmat er i l sar e used Fi r s tFl oorPl anbbb

Doubl e Bedr oom Cot t age

Si ngl e Bedr oom Cot t age

The nat ur alr i ver i ne i sundi s t ur bed.I thasbeen us ed t o enhance s ceni c beaut y& f oract i vi t i es

cont ourwoul d al s oz one outbas ed onnoi s ei t s el f Thi scent r alwat erbodyf r om t he exi st i ng r i ver i ne i scr eat ed f orr el axi ng act i vi t es

A per son on t hi sbr i dge woul d exper i ence t he sceni nc beaut yoft he r esor twhi ch woul d pr ovoke t hem t o exper i ence i tmor e.

Thi sopent er r ace i scanbe us ed f or bi r t hdayand ot herpr i vat e par t i es

Cont empor ar yAr tGal l er y Dharamshala,HimanchalPradesh LEGENDSA- Ar tGal l er y


B- Audot or i um C-Res t aur ent& Gues tHous e D- VI P& Ser vi ce Ent r y E- Mai nEnt r y



Nat ur alDr ai nage


Bui l dabl e Space on Si t e wi t houtdi st ur bi ng Nat ur alCont our

The Space i t sel fshoul d pr omot e Ar t .and t he spaces shoul d depi ctf r eedom ofar t . . So al luser s(Vi si t or s& Ar t i st s) oft hi sspace woul d be abl e t o exper i ence t he open l andscpae wi t ht hei rown per spect i ve ofART.

Let ’ sbel i eve i nt he FREEDOM of SPACE & NATURE


Att hi sl ar geBal cony,AnAr t i s tora vi s i t orcan exper i ncet heopens ceni cbeaut yoft hes or r oundi ng s pace.Thi ss pacecanbeus ed f orl i vepai nt i ng & ar texhi bi t i on

Thi sSl i ghti ncl i nat i ononf l oorand r oofwoul d engancechangeofper s pect i vevi ew i ns i det hats pace.

Sect i onatAA’

Sect i onatBB’

Themos ti mpor t ants t r uct ur e oft hi sdes i gn-TheAr tGal l er y hasbeendes i gned i nhar mony Pl an-Audi t or i um

wi t ht henat ur alcont ourof Pl an-Res t aur ant& Gues tHous e

t hes i t eand keepi ngi nmi nd t hef r eedom ofmovement oft hevi s i t or s


Har monyofs t r uct ur e accor di ng t o Si t e

Vi s i t or sCi r cul at i on

Level sand t he s t r uct ur ei sdes i gned and pl aced

Of f i ce & Admi ns t r at i onAr eas


aacor di ng t ot he nat ur alpr of i l e oft he s i t e.



r esear ch

Architectural acoustics(also know n as room

acoustics and building acoustics)

deals w ith the m anipulation of the behaviour of sound in a space by controlling the Reflection(through architectural interventions like creating angles, defining the distances etc.) and Absorption( m aterials). Architectural acoustics also deals w ith the physical envelope, dim ensions of the room as w ell.

C ym atics- is a

subset of m odal vibrational phenom ena.Typically the surface of

a plate, diaphragm or m em brane is vibrated, and regions of m axim um and m inim um displacem ent are m ade visible in a thin coating of particles, paste or liquid.[1] Different patterns em erge in the excitatory m edium depending on the geom etry of the plate and the driving frequency.

AIM ai mi st o

l owerdownt hecos tofacous t i ct r eat ment ( s peci al l yf ors oundpr oduct i ons t udi o) byr epl aci ngt hemat er i al swi t hs omel ow cos torwas t emat er i al . Andasapr oductoft hi sr es ear chmyai mi st omakeapr ot ot ypeofs ound r ecor di ngs t udi owher e Iwoul dbedoi ngmyf ur t herr es ear chandwor ksr el at edt os oundandmus i c.

HYPOTHESI S Ibel i evei t ' spos s i bl et oachi eveawor ki ngacous t i cal l yt r eat edSpacei n t er msofL ow f r equencySoundWaves( I nf r as oni c)aswel lasHi ghf r equency Soundwaves ( Hyper s oni c)i naver yl ow cos tmannerus i ngl ow cos tandl ocal l y avai l abl ewas t emat er i al s AndI ns i det hi ss pacei t ' spos s i bl et or ecor daundi s t ur bed monodi r ect i onals oundwave

F URT HER Iwi l l bedoi ngdet ai l edcymat i canal ys i sf ors ens eof-I ndi anMus i c aboutmyl as twor ks hopaschi eft ut oratAnnual Nas aConvent i on: ht t ps : / / www. f acebook. com/ wenas ai ndi a/ vi deos / 1255974857804989/


L ocat i on-Gol aghat ,As s am

Thi sbui l di ng i spar tofa PRI MARYSCHOOL whi chi ss i t uat ed atDer gaon,As s am. Des i gned t hi sbul di ng vol unt ar i l yt o exper i ence t he pr occesofcons t r uct i on af t erone yearexper i ence ofAr chi t ect ur e. Compl et ed t hi spr oj ect wi t hMr .Hi mangs huSekhar

I ni t i alSket ch Fi r s tFl oor 1



15300 2400


4 A



Gr ound Fl oor


di mens i onsar ei nmm

L ocat i on-Der gaon,As s am


Pr act i cal l ywor ki ng asa par t ofcons t r uct i ont eam

Thi swi ndow and l ar ge t he vent i l at or spr ovi de pr operdayl i ght i ng whi chmakest he bat hi ng exper i ence mor e nat ur al .And due t ot he l ar ge s i ze ofvent i l at orno exhaus tf ani sr equi r ed.

I ndi an& Ws t er nWC t oget her -


Thi sBat hr oom wasf ora f ami l yt hat compr i s esofgr andma t o gr andchi l d.To meett he need al lmember ,t hi swasdone.




mbe rf ort hi sc ompe t i t i ont e a m.ButIj oi ndt he m duede ma ndofmor e * *Iwworaks.nIowtoarrkeegdisftoerrethdime sdur i ngt hewhol epr oc e s s .Is pe c i a l l ywor ke df ort hec ons t r uc t i ona ndvi de o doc ume nt a t i onoft hi spr oj e c t






PLEASEGO TO THEFOLLOWI NG LI NK FORVI DEO THEDOCUMENTATI ONht t ps : //dr i ve. googl e. com/open?i d=0BykRN9uHp8dRDJXeDhDTXNKYj g

I ni t i a l pr opos a l f orat empor ar ys t r uc t ur et of ull l t heneedofaCommuni t y Spac ei nt hel oc a l i t ywa swel c omedbyS hr i neBoa r d. Aper manents ol ut i on wa ss ought . Des i gnpr opos a l sf ort heCommuni t yHa l l wer epr epa r eda nd na l i s ed . T hepr oj ec twa st a k enundert heCSRs c hemebyt heShr i neBoar d. T hepr oj ec t i sa wa i t i ngc l ea r a nc esf r om t hec onc er neda ut hor i t i es . T heha l l woul dc a t ert o t hef ol l owi ngneedsoft hes oc i et y-

Meas ur ed Dr awi ng -Anal ys i s

Kr i mchi T empl es ,Udhampur ,J ammu& Kas hmi r

T heS r i Yant r ai saf or m ofmy s t i cal di agr am,k nownas ay ant r a,f oundi nt heS hr i Vi dy as chool ofHi ndut ant r a. T hedi agr am i sf or medbyni nei nt er l ock i ngt r i angl est hat s ur r oundandr adi at eoutf r om t hecent r al ( bi ndu)poi nt . I ti scal l edt hemot herofal l y ant r asbecaus eal l ot her y ant r asder i vef r om i t .I ni t st hr eedi mens i onal f or ms S r i Yant r ai ss ai dt or epr es entMountMer u,t hecos mi c mount ai natt hecent eroft heuni ver s e.

S r i Yant r aT r i angl es

Anal ys i s Pl acedt hebi nduofs hr i yant r aont hecent r epoi ntoft he Gr abagr i haands t r et chedt hebas eoft hel ar ges tt r i angl e t o10005. 48mm -

a.T hever t exoft hel ar ges tt r i angl e( s )t ouchest heot her edgesoft heGar bagr i ha. b.L egedgedi mens i onoft hes i det r i angl e( * * )pr ovi des t he di s t ancebet weent wocent r esofcons ecut i ve Col umnoft heGar bagr i ha.

F orL oui sI k ahnT r ophy

Document at i on-Ramnagar

S k et chedPer s pect i veoft heS i t e

Ramnagari sanol ds et t l ementl ocat edi nt heUdhampurdi s t r i ctofJ ammu& Kas hmi r .I twast hecapi t al ofMahar aj aS uchetS i ngh,whoal ongwi t hhi s t wobr ot her sr ul edt heJ ammur egi on.T hecompl excons i s t sofapal ace compl exandaf or tencas i ngacemet er y. T heDocument at i onwascar r i edoutasapr oj ectt ounder s t andt hes t yl e ofcl as s i cdor i car chi t ect ur eandt hel i f eofpeopl ear oundt hi sr egi on. T her ebybr i ngi ngbackt or emember ances omet hi ngwhi chhasbeen f or got t en. I twasbui l tbyBandr al l or dsasaf or t i f i edar eabutr econs t r uct ed byRaj aS uchetS i nghi n1822.Raj aS uchetS i nghwasoneoft hebr ot her sof Raj aGul abS i ngh.

S ket choft hePur anaMahal

T hePal acecons i s t sof3por t i ons:01Pur anaMahal02-NawaMahal 03-S ees hmahal T hei nt er es t i ngf eat ur esoft hepal acear et hepai nt i ngs .F r es coands t uccosoft heS ees hMahal

S ket choft heent r ancet ot hePal ace

S al i entF eat ur esoft hepr oj ect a)Der i vi ngandunder s t andi ngt he over l ayoft i me b)Cons t r uct i onmat er i al and t echni ques . c)knowl adgeaboutt hepl anni ng concept s

E achMat er i al hasi t sown s hadow ofs t one whi chi snott hes ameas t heofabr i t t l eaut mnl eaf

weal ls mi l ei nt hes amel anguag

Ot herWor ks

T hr oughheras pi r at i onofar t ,-L ET ’ SREVERS

capt ur i ngt heMOMENT Sofj our neyt oday T hatwi l lwow yourhear t st omor r ow


Mus i ci sal laoutt r ans por t i ngpeopl e;Speaki ng al anguagewhi chl anguagesf ai l st oexpr es s -A. R.Rahman

Movi eMaki ng-Ienj oymaki ngs hor tdur at i onmovi e. Ienj oyandt r yt ous ei tasawayofpr es ent at i on.

Mus i chasbeenani nt r egalpar toft hej our neyt hatIam pur s ui ng.Ibas i cal l ypl aypr ecus s i on i ns t r ument shavi ngs peci al i z at i oni nT abl a(I ndi anCl as s i calI ns t r ument ) ,dr umsandf ol ki ns t r ument sof Nor t hEas tI ndi a.Ial wayst r yt ol ear nmor eaboutmus i c.Andnow Iam l ear ni ng& exper i ment i ng s oundpr oduct i on.

Hi Iam Ji gyasBor a,as t udentofar chi t ect ur ecur r ent l yenr ol l edt oB. Ar chPr ogr ammei nI ndi a. Iam pr es ent l ypur s ui ngmy6t hs emes t erofB. Ar chs t udi esandneedt ogett hr oughwi t h ani nt er ns hi pofmi ni mum 100daysasaAcademi cr equi r ement . I ,asas t udenthaveapr et t yvar i edr angeofwor kt hatcons t i t ut emypor t f ol i o. Amaj orpor t i onofmydes i gnt hi nki ngper i odi scons umedbyt heant i ci pat i onoft heout comes andt hei nf l uencesofmydes i gni ngr eat erwor l dandt hebr oaderas pect . Ihavehandyexper i encel eadi ngt eamst os ucces s f ulpar t i ci pat i oni ncompet i t i onsatuni ver s i t yl evel , nat i onall evelandi nt er nat i onall evel . Ial s ohavemi norexper i enceasaf r eel ancedes i gner .Ibel i evemyexper i encewi t h cl i enthandl i ngwi l lgi vemeaoppor t yni t yt os er veyourcl i ent st oo.

Academi cRef f er ences: Ar .Adi t yaKumarSi ngh-


Ar .AnoopShar ma-


Ar .Abhi nayGupt a-


Ar .Navi nGupt a-


T hi spor t f ol i ocont ai nswor ksofmypas tt hr eeyear sofbachel or sands omeot herpr of es s i onalwor k Al lt hewor kspr es ent edar eexcl us i vel ymywor ks . Phot ogr aphs ,Render sandGr aphi csar egener at edbymeunl es ss peci f i ed. Acknowl adement -Ar .Ni khi lKamt am,Ar j unAj ay,Kr i t i kaPur i .

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