SMU Catholic Fall/Winter 2019 Newsletter

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fall / winter 2019 newsletter



Father Arthur


Dear FriendsAs the calendar year and the fall semester come to a close, I have been spending much time reflecting in gratitude on all that has transpired in the last year and the many people who help this ministry thrive every day. This time of year warrants the opportunity to evaluate our ministry and its goals. It is easy to evaluate success solely by the numbers; number of events and number of attendees. However, after much deliberation and intentionality, we set ourselves a different goal for this semester: to focus on the individual lives of the students and to structure our programs as opportunity for servant leadership development. Our programs continue to provide an opportunity for students to encounter God and each other. But we want to go beyond just programming to invest in and form our students in such a way that they invest in and care for one another. We invest in our students through intentional one-on-one formation, sharing life with them and teaching them how to have a personal relationship with Christ. It is our hope that this model of ministry will have a ripple effect and permeate our entire community. We are already beginning to see the fruits of this model. I hope in this newsletter you can see a glimpse of how our new goal was lived out this semester and how it has transformed the lives of our students. We are grateful to God, to our staff, and to our community for all the personal relationships formed and investments fostered throughout the semester. As we look forward to the new year, I hope you share in my excitement and energy as we continue to carry out this vision and mission. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Many Blessings, Fr. Arthur Unachukwu




At the beginning of the school year, we always look forward to gathering for the Back to School BBQ. For our community, it’s the chance to connect with old friends after a long summer break, and the opportunity to meet new people. It’s the perfect way to kick off the new school year, and usually a key outreach opportunity to invite First Years and newcomers to experience the love and fellowship of the Catholic community at SMU. The Back-to-School BBQ isn’t complete without good, Texas BBQ on the menu, dancing, and even the chance to pet some farm animals. Lauren and Dave Moore were our DJs for the night and kept the classic tunes coming! This year, we hosted the event at the Catholic Center for the first time, which proved to be the best location for showcasing the hospitable, beautiful and vibrant community of SMU Catholic. This has become one of our favorite traditions, and we are thankful for the chance to build community and fellowship.


SERVANT leadership COUNCIL This fall has brought exciting growth and development to the Servant Leadership Council (SLC), our primary body of student leaders who take ownership and responsibility for the ministry on campus. At the heart of this growth is the desire to intentionally form and invest in our students, so their engagement with the ministry provides concrete opportunities to practice and develop the skills of a servant leader. To this end, a strong emphasis has been placed on the formation of the whole person. Rather than simply training students for a particular task or to implement certain programs, our goal is to foster growth in the four key dimensions of formation for ministry:

• human formation: fostering a healthy and well-balanced personality • spiritual formation: growing in love of God and neighbor through practices of prayer and spirituality • intellectual formation: developing one’s understanding and knowledge of our faith • pastoral formation: cultivating knowledge, attitudes and skills to minister effectively to others This formation is occurring for our students at the monthly SLC meetings and through intentional one-on-one relationships with the campus ministers. Additionally, the Servant Leadership Council has been charged with focusing on people over programs this semester.


Julia Bugos, 06


Harnessing a Generous Spirit: WORKING FOR THE COMMON GOOD The Winter Care Kit Thanksgiving Initiative project helped SMU Catholic encounter the face of Christ in our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness. The project was carried out from the community, through the community, and for the community, in hopes of meeting brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness where they are and reminding them of their God-given dignity. Pope Francis recently reminded us that among other things, being at the service of the common good is one of the noblest tasks anyone can undertake. Michael Fogarty, a community member of SMU Catholic, inspired the Thanksgiving Initiative, based upon his work with our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness in Dallas. Our community collaborated with him to implement this practical, useful and needed project to meet the needs of those most vulnerable. As winter descends, they feel it the most and need the aid of our community. While a knit hat, gloves, blanket, and a pair of socks bring some warmth and relief, a human connection also uplifts the soul and gives hope. After November’s Jericho, a night of praise and worship during Eucharistic Adoration, care kits

Students were reminded to: • Take precautions for your own safety • Talk to the person they encounter with respect • Recognize that those experiencing homelessness and their problems are not all the same • Pray for those experiencing homelessness • Encourage brothers and sisters experiencing homeslessness to get help at local shelters • Support local homeless centers.

were assembled by students and community members. This “pack and pray” activity brought together the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy in a tangible way to which we are called as Catholics. Through the generous participation of the entire SMU Catholic Community, we were able to assemble 250 winter care kits. People were eager to participate, some with more bags than hands as they assembled the kits. After the assembly of the kits was completed, each student received up to five care kits to give to our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness, who they encounter in Dallas or in their hometowns as they traveled for Thanksgiving. Before the care kits hit the streets of Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, California and beyond, students were given some project context as this work is less about the kit itself and more about the encounter. On one account, a man was looking for help in the rain and was given the Care Kit (which includes a poncho). The visible work of charity immediately inspired a nearby woman to give the man a box of pizza. He left with a means of staying warm, his next meal, and with his face and name on the heart of those around him.



first year student homes FYSH stands for First Year Student Homes and are small groups that encourage students to continue their faith in college and dive deeper into their relationship with Christ. This year, Marisa Nieto and Luke Tanner are FYSH student leaders alongside FOCUS missionaries Russell Pier and Alexandra Huffines. FYSH seeks to bring new students into the community of the Catholic Center, while developing each individual through transformative bible studies. Many Catholics entering college lose their faith, and FYSH aims to bridge this gap by offering opportunities for students to grow in faith. The first year of college can be a difficult transition. It can be hard to navigate when you’re trying to figure out who your friends are. As Christians, we are made for communion, and community is such a vital part of SMU Catholic. FYSH groups aren’t just a bible study, but a First Year’s home away from home. It encourages First Years to share life with one another and build each other up. It’s an invitation into living the abundant life as a community.



“Last year FYSH allowed me to feel more

“FYSH was a huge part of my freshman year. It

comfortable with living out my faith in college. I

gave me a community of peers to share my faith

was able to see other students selflessly lead

with and resources to continue growing closer to

others, and I wanted to do the same. Being a

Christ. It provides a great opportunity for First

FYSH leader has given me the opportunity to

Years to see that there are other students

see how badly college students, especially First

striving to live out the faith and connects them

Years, need to be reminded of God’s desire for

to the Catholic community on campus.”

them to be in relationship with Him.”


Marisa Nieto ‘23, Monday FYSH Leader

Luke Tanner ‘23, Tuesday FYSH Leader


written by Sam Giles ‘20, SLC Spirituality Chair The season of Christmas can be a perilous one for Catholics. The busy schedule during the holidays, as well as the effects of consumerism, can overshadow and distract from this joyous season. We believe, as Catholics, that we are just passing through this life on the way to our ultimate destination of heaven. Now, to know this in our minds is easy, but to what degree do we believe this in our hearts? I notice in my own life so often that this belief exists in my intellect but stops short of my emotions and instincts. How is it that so many great saints were so fixated on heaven that they were willing to die for their faith, yet the stress of a final exam can cause me to momentarily set aside my relationship with God? What do the saints have that I don’t, and how can we learn from them this Christmas season?

It seems to me that to be a saint is to conform one’s heart so closely to Christ’s that there remains no disparity between what we believe in our minds and what we believe in our hearts. It is at this point that our beliefs as Christians overflow from our intellect into our emotions, instincts, and desires. During this season, it is so easy to fixate on the stress of shopping and finals, and in doing so, to conform our hearts to these things. That’s exactly why I think Christmas serves as the perfect opportunity to imitate the saints by remaining fixed on eternal life, and to reflect on the things that might be keeping us from conforming our hearts to Christ’s. In doing so, we can give ourselves fully to Him and begin to prepare for the coming of our Lord. 09

JERICHO from the perspective of SLC Jericho Chair, Chris Stuchly ‘19 Jericho is a monthly praise and worship night, featuring Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation for those in need of spiritual healing. There is a speaker to round out the evening followed by a social hour directly after the event. The major theme within Jericho is “breaking down the walls to our heart.” We are fortunate to be able to host Jericho in-house this semester in the Chapel of the Annunciation. Hosting Jericho in such a familiar place encourages unique intimacy and closeness to those around you and with Christ on the altar. The combination of praise, adoration, and a speaker sets the perfect mood for Christ to break down the walls of our heart, for Him to heal us. I chose to lead Jericho this year because I had a unique and life-changing encounter with Christ at my first Jericho. I felt so close and so loved by Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. I wanted to bring this encounter to so many people I’ve met. I wanted to help facilitate the very event that brought me so much deeper into my faith. I have the added benefit of having an amazing committee to support and help me. Working with Madison Leyens ‘23, Bobby Morrissey ‘23, and Daniel Porting, Campus Minister, made this much more than a leadership role. They’ve helped me learn how to entrust responsibility to them. Jericho wouldn’t be the life-changing event I experienced several years ago without their help. For those who have attended Jericho or those who are hesitant to come and experience these nights, I encourage you to come with all your anxieties, come with all your fears, your disappointments, your sufferings, your doubts, and your struggles. Go to Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receive His mercy. Come to Him broken and exposed, willing to submit to His grace. Leave all your pain at His altar and praise Him with those around you. Tell Him about all your successes and your failures. Leave it all in the chapel and fall completely into His gaze. I encourage each one of you, who may be attending your first or last Jericho, to let go of the world outside of that room, and you will find a peace that will settle all your problems. I can say this confidently because it happened to me. I let go, and Christ poured his Spirit within me. In the words of Pope St. John Paul II, “be not afraid” for Christ has been waiting for you, and He will wait for you until you come to Him.


monthly night of praise & worship 11

Mustang Awakening XII Mustang Awakening is our annual student led retreat for college students. Awakening is a retreat format used by many universities throughout the country, and this year we hosted the 12th Mustang Awakening (MAXII) at SMU. Our goal is to provide students an opportunity to encounter Christ and begin a relationship with Him. This retreat has been in the works since May, and as coordinators, we felt called to highlight the grace of knowing how essential God is in our lives. “Now this is eternal life that they may know You, the one true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” - John 17:3. As we think of how to prepare our friends to be disciples of Christ, we thought of St. John, the beloved disciple. His closeness to Christ made him an excellent disciple who understood the life or death decision to choose a relationship with Jesus. John 17:3 highlighted exactly what we wanted 12

to convey and it became the theme of the retreat. After the retreat, students came back with so much zeal and conviction to pursue God the Father. It’s incredible to witness that zeal at daily Mass, where we have seen several retreatants now attending consistently. We hope the students can use what they learned and apply it to their prayer life to create order amidst the chaos and temptations that oftentimes seem like the only path to choose. Our SMU community has strengthened because of the vulnerability and level of trust the retreatants had with each other and the staff. The Lord blessed us with an incredible retreat this year, and it is truly beautiful to see the work He has done to prepare the next generation of SMU Catholic Campus Ministry.




Our SMU Catholic Staff and Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Missionaries work together to form servant leaders on campus. Our team works to not only minister to our students and community, but also to ensure our ministry is running smoothly. Father Arthur Unachukwu

Danna Knight

Emmeline Miles

Clare Shawaker

Priest and Director

FOCUS Team Director

Musician for 8PM Mass

Campus Minister

Deacon Bill Fobes

Jillian Lim

Candice Mohapp

Ken Swinson

Campus Minister

Marketing and Comm. Coord.

FOCUS Missionary

Musician for 9AM Mass

Sterling Foley

Beverly Mendoza

Russell Pier

Andrea Stoglin

FOCUS Missionary

Director of Development

FOCUS Missionary

Administrative Assistant

Tammy Grady

Dave Moore

Daniel Porting

Spiritual Director

Musician for 5PM Mass

Campus Minister

Alexandra Huffines

Lauren Moore

Christina Roncal

FOCUS Missionary

Musician for 5PM Mass

Associate Director of Ministry



Buddy Anslinger

Dennis Grindle

John Ofenloch ‘98

Julie Young

Win Bell

Garrett Hanrahan ‘93

Susan Piot ‘91

Fr. Arthur Unachukwu,

Karen Carney ‘82

Janet Horton

Mary Smith


Patrick Carew, Chair

Sissi Jorge ‘03

Smokey Swenson ‘71

Dave Crawford, Jr.

Wyatt Maxwell

Carolyn Thompson ‘85


Candyce Eoff ‘90

Annie McLeod ‘97

Brian Tusa

Kathy and Tony Herring

Joy Godvin

Ricardo Mier ‘14

Kristen Whisenant ‘99

Brenda and Joe McHugh

Susan Godvin

Mark Miller ‘97

Mike Willick

Judy and Tommy Neuhoff

WHY SUPPORT SMU CATHOLIC? SMU Catholic Campus Ministry is a self-funded ministry that provides a home, guidance, and leadership for students to transition to an adult faith. With the generous support of donors, we manage a 3-story building that includes study and social spaces, offices, a chapel, kitchen, a full-time priest, campus ministers, and administrative staff who support hundreds of students who attend Mass, participate in programs, mission trips, Bible studies, and social events. The ministry engages students in a convenient setting on campus. We are nimble in our programming to ensure that students can engage in ways relevant to their culture and generation. SMU Catholic provides the tools for growth and fellowship around the moral and ethical challenges we see in our society today.

Please consider a recurring gift via bank draft or credit card to support endeavors. Other ways to give include Venmo (@smucatholic), stock transfer, cash, and check! While general operations are critical to our mission, you may designate your gift to a specific area in which you are passionate. Questions? Contact Beverly Mendoza, Director of Development, at 214-987-0044 or


A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS FOR 2018-2019 Mary and Larry Ackels Ann S. Adams Jeanie and David Adamson Gayle and Tom Agnew Nancy and Richard Allen Santos Alomar Cynthia and Julian Alva Richard Anastasi Mary Eileen and Mark Anderson Dial Anderson Monica and Robert Andres Anne and Kenneth Andrien Kim and Buddy Anslinger Kim M. Anthony Gabrielle Appeddu Marguerite L. Archer Jimmy Archie Dania and Jerry Ashmore Nancy and George Asmus Connor Axtell Barbara and Leroy Bailey Meg D. Bakich Michelle and Mark Banas Matthew Banas Sammie and Matt Bandy Pat and Bob Barnard Kay and Mike Barnes Ray Barras Karen and Ray Baughman Alexander Baughman Beautykind Foundation Mary and John Beecherl Medora and Robert Beecherl Debbie and Bob Begert Bozena and Anthony Bennett Della and Bob Best Robert Bezdek Vivian E. Bigelow Kristy and Paul Billings Ed Bittner Rebecca and David Black Francesca and Drew Blackard Erica Blair Nicholas Blaire and Aleida Gomez Mark Blaskovich Taruna S. Bolding Marla and Michael Boone Ester Botella Margaret and Terry Bouchard Mary and George Bowles Katherine and Harrison Breaud Laura and Brian Brown Barbara Brum Ursula and Michael Bumpass Dirk Burghartz Diane and Jim Burnham Jessica and Jeff Burrow Jane and Carter Butler Helen Butler Jean and Joel Buys R. W. Calloway Anne and Stewart Campbell Julie and John Campbell Michelle Campbell Mary Campfield Julye and Patrick Carew Eric B. Carlson Karen and Mark Carney John L. Carter Cari Castaneda Mary A. Cates Catholic Foundation Kelsey Cavanaugh Steven Chadick Ashley Chan Karen Chapman Paul Chappell Connor Chase Jean Anne and Richard Cheatham Christ the King Catholic Church Sue Cicherski Jose Cisneros Leslie and Duke Clarke Janet and Vick Clesi Thomas P. Cloherty Cecilia and Calvin Colbert Cynthia and Bruce Collins Michelle and Peter Collins Mary Ann Collins Judy Combs Communities Foundation of Texas Brock Compton Shelley and Tom Cooper Maureen Cox Sean Craig Cindy and Dave Crawford

Suzanne and Eddie Crawford Katrina and Andrew Craycroft Mary and Stephen Crisler Charles E. Curran Brinley and Chris Czuppon Mike Dalbo Dallas Foundation Pamela Dalton Ellie Dambra Brent Dau Anne Davidovich Barb and Joe Davis Jan and Alan Davis Cera and Michael DeFeo Georg Deutsch Tony Dewer Robin Diamond-Williams Kelly and Franklin Diaz Molly Dickson John Diehl Suzan and Steven Diller Cecilia D’Olive Larry Donze Julie and Mark Douglass Donna and Stephen Dover Dot and John Dowling Brian Driesse Leon Duesman Anne and Steve Duffey Sandra and Brad Duhe Nancy Dunn Katelyn Dunn Denise DuPont and Jesus Soto Michelle and Mark Early Joanne Early John Eder Kathryn and Glenn Edwards Rene and Lance Edwards Cindy and Phil Eichenholz Raul Elorduy Javier Espinoza Shannon and Jeff Estes Meaghan and David Evanich Laura and Doug Evans Fredeye and Dennis Factor Billy D. Farris Thomas Federer Jared Feeney Maxene and Marvin Felux Tony J. Fiacable Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Glen Fitzmartin Kathleen Fitzpatrick Christine and Christopher Flanagan Gretchen and Christie Flanagan Jene and Tom Flood FOCUS Susan and Michael Fogarty Sterling Foley Angela Ford Melissa and John Fosdick Camille and David Fournier Karen and Steve Fox Eurico R. Francisco Maureen and Ed Frieze Barbara and Brad Fritts Ted Frossard Elizabeth F. Fruth Peter J. Galligan Jeanie and Pat Galvin Diane and Frank Gasparro Jennifer Gassner Jennifer and John Gates Cameron V. Gatt Matthew Geiger Kim and Charles Giglio Mary Giles Betsy Glasenapp Carol Biondo and Billy Glasstetter Joy and David Godvin Goldman Sachs and Co Matching Gift Program Mari and David Gonzales Gladys and Luis Gonzalez Anna Gonzalez Lindy Goodnight Annette and Stewart Goodson Elizabeth and Todd Goodwin Susan and Thomas Gordon Donna and Lou Grabowsky Jacquelyn H. Graves Jill and James Grover Leslie and Bill Guess Lorraine and John Gurun Kathryn and Peter Gutowski

Anthony Guzman Maria and Ruben Habito Paulette and Mike Haggerty MiChel and Dan Hagood Sue and Steve Haley Madeline and Fred Hamm Kim and Garrett Hanrahan Robin and Matthew Harkey Kirk Harrell HATD Sales, Inc Trisha and Barry Hayes Sylvia and David Heck Mary and Ashton Hecker Donna and Mike Hellrung Judy and John Henneberger Claire and Ed Henry Pilar and Jay Henry Nelda B. Hestand Anne and George Hill Catherine and Hunter Hill Lauren and Austin Hill Trish and John Hill Jonnita and Robert Hilton Shirley and Joseph Ho Jane R. Hodak Jennifer and Mark Hoesterey Marybeth and Dick Hoesterey Stelly and Jerry Hofelt Holly and Bill Hoffman Alexa and Harrison Holmes Holy Family Parish Dorothy and Hal Hopkins Janet and Tom Horton Marcella and Ken Houston Carla and Pat Hrncir Rose Hrubetz Devin Huffines Patty Hughes Erin and Tom Hughston Matthew Huhn Randy Huntress Hussman Family Foundation Stacy and Reid Hyde Regina Inglin Cathy and Dale Irby Laura and Scott Irving J. M. Haggar III Family Foundation Inc. Lisa Jackson Lynn and Richard Jacobs Jeannine J. Barrett Foundation Jeffrey Mark Vance Trust Barb and Kevin Jeffries Jane and Pat Jenevein Valerie and Tom Jiede John J. Gurun IRA GA Johnson Ellen and Charlie Johnston Biddie and Lee Roy Jordan Sissi and Paul Jorge Ania and Matt Joy Martha and Paul David Kaiser Tom Kang Plaisier Katelyn Madalyn Katz Beverly and Michael Kazickas Elizabeth C. Keasler Marie Kechijian Ricky Keh Janet and John Kelly Richard D. Kelly Tish and Marvin Key Lisa and Stephen Khoury Selina Knudson Shelley and John Koeijmans Susan and Tom Kohler Kathy and Kevin Korioth Judy and Jim Kramb Mary L. Krauss Marie Krebs Eleanor Krebs Holly and Adam Krug Lori and Tom Kuchler Carla and Sherma LaBarba Heather and Bruce Lachenauer Mary Noel and Bill Lamont Carole and George Landry Patty and Mark Langdale Sandra Lanoie Alfredo Lara Orbez Jocelyn LaRue Chris Lascano Fran Laspina Collette and Mark LaVigne Hanh Le Anna and Rick LeBlanc

Anna and Jim Lee Angie Lee Lee Roy Jordan Interests Sheila and Tony Levatino Ann Levell Colleen and Allen Lewis Brighid Lewis Carson Little Scott Lloyd Allison and Drew Lockard Linda Lococo Phillip Loftus Alexandra and James Lomeo Molly and Dan Lyke Joanne B. Lyke Mary and Gary Machak Courtney and John Madden Priscilla Mahaffey Mary Mahaffey Cathy and Pat Maher Betty Manders Catherine E. Manders Cheryl Mansour Lindsay Mansur Carol and Luigi Manzetti Madeleine and Wes Marchesseault Beverly and Larry Marroy Nikko Martiano Virginia Martin Carla Martin Laura A. Martinez Rob Maruster Colleen Maruster Olivia Mason Frank Masur and Linda Vierling Whitney and John Mathes Jessica and Brian Mattes Pat and David Matula Caroline and Wyatt Maxwell Susan and Jon Maxwell Audrey Mazzu Kimberly McCarty and Ben Quindoza Kelly and Wade McClure Patricia McCormack Laura McCormack Pat McDowell Kevin G. McGarry Mary Rue and Wayne McGowen Kiley McGuire Brenda and Joe McHugh Kathryn K. Mcilyar McLamore Family Foundation Annie and Stewart McLeod Sharon and Tom McNearney Mary and Brian McNulty Bill McNutt Mary Blake and Chuck Meadows Marie Meintz Nancy Mellon Lynn and Michael Memoli Cameron and Ken Menard Lydia Mendoza Edwin Mendoza Sue and Tom Merkel Armando Merlo Kevin Meyers Matt and Stephanie Middendorf Mgsr Milam Joseph Robert and Mary Jo Milbank Garry M. Miles Jeannie and Mark Miller Mary and Tyler Miller Rosanne and Jimmy Miller Tricia and Bill Miller Vicki and Brian Miller Kevin M. Mistele Michelle M. Moffitt JoAnne and Eddy Moore Lauren and Dave Moore Theresa L. Moore Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc Barbara and Jim Moroney Robert Morrissey Penny and Jeff Morrow Jennifer and Jon Mosle Elizabeth and Greg Moundas Eric Mueller Teresa Muldoon Michele and John Mulholland Silvia and Chris Munoz Elise and Burk Murchison Linda Navarro Sally and Raymond Neal

Margaret and Jonathon Neubauer Margaret B. Neubauer Judy and Tommy Neuhoff Carolyn and Fritz New Marisa Nieto Gloria Nieto Cyrena Nolan Joseph J. Norton Elizabeth Nuter Patrick Nwokoye Coleen and Sean O’Brien Jessie and Mark O’Brien Danny O’Connell Kelly and Patrick O’Connor Jackson O’Connor Eileen and Michael Orscheln Isabella Panko John Paredes Thomas Park Karen and Jeff Parkhill Pat and Neil OBrien Family Foundation Harvey Payne Anne Pennebaker Jodi and Rick Perdue Gaby and Tom Perkowski Edward H. Perry Vanessa Perry Catherine A. Peterman Alec E. Petsche Jeff Phelps Stephanie and Todd Phillips Janina and Gregory Pietsch Susan and Jon Piot Laura Poche Michael Prappas David L. Pratt Antonio J. Quiros Jocelyne and Jocelyne Raad Angelique and Lee Reagor Coni Redding Kristin and Michael Reed Ted Reemtsma Darla and Ken Reimer Mary Kay and Ken Reimer Rex Boating Club, LLC Carol Reynolds Richard T. and Marianne H. Walsh Charitable Trust John Rischard Joanna and Ed Robben Susan Roberts-Loving Kathleen and David Robertson Andrew Robinson Tim Rogers Katya Romo Christina Roncal Mary and Tim Rooney Teresa C. Rosado Sue G. Rose Rosemary Haggar Vaughan Family Foundation Judy and Bill Rowan Vicki and Neal Roy Ellen and Allen Rupple Brenna Ryan Amy and Tom Sabin Tricia and Ken Salyer Ashley Salyer John Charles Sampognaro Colleen and Frank Santoni Scanlan Foundation Denise and Mike Scanlin Linda Scheets Kara L. Schillaci Barbara and Hank Schlachter Lisa Schnitzer Schillaci Family Trust Lorie and David Schrader Ellen and Jeff Schum Lisa and Craig Schumacher Schwab Charitable Fund Sandra Schwan Amanda and Al Schwarz Gretchen and George Seay Diana and Roy Serpa Jean M. Sexton Phyllis and Joe Shamoun Monica Shaw Blaine Shawaker Elizabeth and Edmund Shea Lynn Simoneaux Arlete M. Slenders Mary and Mike Smith Ellen and Bob Smith Nora Smith

Donna Smith Lynn and Jeff Snoyer Debra A. Sprague St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Jennifer and Rand Stagen Susan and Tom Stanzel Cindy and Joe Stefan Joyce and Jim Stempak Kathy and Alan Stewart Barbara and Steve Stockton Tami and Larry Sturcken Scott Susens Lindsley and Smokey Swenson Carla and Steve Swenson Nancy T. Swenson Gail and Ken Swinson Deborah and Daryl Sybert Karen P. Symons Systemware, Inc. Michal Szczupak Peg and Tony Tanner Mary Ellen Tarpley Gwen and Jim Tart Scott Terry Thermafoam LLC Michelle and Stewart Thomas Carolyn and Jere Thompson Debora and Michael Thompson Mayra and Jeff Thompson Jere W. Thompson Amy Thompson Marianne and Robert Thrailkill Lorena and Lorena Tolle Patty and Paul Tomaso Barbara and Michael Tonti Eric Trapp John C. Trifone Shelley and Dan Troxell Cathy and Jimmy Troy Pat and Jay Trungale Katie Trungale Turcotte Development Group LLC Danielle and Brian Tusa Arthur Unachukwu Dianna and Tom Unis Jeffrey Vance Pamela M. VandeMotter Lisa VanDorpe Fernando Vazquez Margy and John Veatch Maria Venegas Tricia and Ben Ver Halen M. Ver Halen Albert Veytia Stephanie and Mike Virag Julie and Charlie Visconsi Christine and Brian Voigt Carolina and Doug Waggoner Kathleen and Christopher Wagner Mary Anne and Gordon Wallace Julie and Donald Wallunas Lori and Dan Walsh Victoria and John Ward Kate Ward Tillman Ward Jan and Athol Ware Rosie Waters Audrey and Mick Webber Michael Webber Peg and Doug Weisbruch Sally and Dave Wengierski Eleanor and Don Wetzel Jane Wetzel-Sole Bonnie Wheeler Judy and Paul Whitman Robert S. Williams Emily and Mike Willick Tracy and Michael Wilson Mary E. Winikates Holly and Paul Wittorf Christina and Eric Wolfe Derek Wolfe Ann Marie and Trey Wood William Wood Christina and Jeffrey Wright Ana and Jim Yoder Julia and John Young Tish and Tom Yoxall Carlos Zarazaga Aida and Jerry Ziemnicki


MASS TIMES during academic year

SUN 9AM & 5PM | Perkins Chapel 8PM | Catholic Center | 214-987-0044 3057 University Boulevard Dallas, TX 75205-1944



12:10PM | Catholic Center

5:10PM | Catholic Center

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