New Zealand March 2023
March 2023
This trip was 9 days in north of South Island of New Zealand
We flew into Blenheim (Marlborough airport) and rented car. Stayed at 14th Lane Urban Hotel in town. Was terrific. Then to 4 gardens:-
1) Winterhome in Kekerengu developed by Sue for 25 years. After she died young daughter in law Niki and husband Winston Macfarlane have taken over. With 2 young children it is a challenge and other gardeners have guided her. Plus the pandemic mad it hard to get staff. A gorgeous garden
2) Barewood Garden with Carolyn and Joe Ferraby. A seasoned garden with vision of Carolyn. It is just charming
3) Welton House. Amazing. Backs on to miles of vineyards as far as the eye can see. mountains.. mild climate
4 Hortensia Garden modeled on Monet’s garden at Giverney.. Owner from French Reunion island.
Queen Charlotte track hike . First boat ride from Picton to the track.. beautiful Te Koi Resort with Ali and Ian. A highlight of the trip.
Fly fishing Owen River lodge in Murchison
Bridge to Avocado Grove Niki Macfarlane is the new gardener for Winterhome after her mother in law died. Sue Macfarlane was the inspiration and developer of this wonderful garden. Together with her husband Winston they are continuing the garden design. coffee nearby before heading to Barewood Garden Barewood Garden Carolyn and Joe Ferraby The Pavilion inspired by Anne Boleyn’s childhood home of Hever Castle Hortensia Garden.. modeled on Monet’s Giverney Garden Welton House Grovetown near Blenheim Wendy Palmer gardener Musselpot restaurant Havelock - green lipped musselsHiking part of Queen Charlotte track. Boat from Picton to the start of track 72 km.
Hike back 10 k and arranged boat picked us up to return to Picton.