Our goal is to advance God’s kingdom by publishing biblically focused authors who proclaim the power of the gospel and minister to the spiritual needs of people around the world.
Impact the Nation
Mobilizing Christians Through Intercession, Prayer, and Action KUBAL, DAVE
The Body of Christ today doesn't understand a crucial aspect of the Abrahamic covenant: we have a calling, gifting, and command to influence places and people in authority in order to impact culture with Kingdom values. Christians are called to bless all nations and we have divine power within us to impact nations. The book will address the difference between prayer and intercession as well as the impact of God's permissive and perfect will on how we pray.
Christians often misunderstand their role in their nation and in impacting the leadership of their nation As a result, many Christians have forfeited being salt and light in their culture and nation This is the result of an effective demonic strategy to sideline the Church This book will encourage and empower Christians to fulfill their calling to impact nations
National Day of Prayer May 1st
MAY 6, 2025
9798887693910 | 176 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 6" x 9" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 68 Religion / Religion, Politics & State
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Dave Kubal is CEO/President of Intercessors for America, a massive grassroots organization uniting over 300,000 citizens to pray, and then take action, on the issues confronting America Equipping Christians to engage and speak truth into the important cultural debates of our day, Kubal is a nationally-recognized faith leader serving as a faith advisory member to former President Trump, and on the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
With over 35 years of national ministry experience, Kubal is a seminary-trained ordained pastor and former Vice President with Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Kubal has appeared on Real America’s Voice, Newsmax, Victory News, Water Cooler with David Brody, FlashPoint, NTD Television, CBN and others He is author of We Declare, Inspired Stories, Inspired Prayers, Inspired People, and Fasting and is published in Washington Times, Newsmax, Fox News, The Stream and other print and online publications Kubal has also been a featured speaker at national conferences and events, from The Western Conservative Summit to NFL Chapels Kubal and his family reside in the greater Washington, D C area
Dear Unity
Becoming One in Christ for the Sake of a Divided World (tentative) RYALL, PHILIP
It began with the breaking of the bread On Pentecost Sunday 2024, Australian entrepreneur Philip Ryall and his wife Jennie invited church leaders from various Christian backgrounds and denominations into their home for what they hope will be the first of many Unity Meals around the world. Like yeast leavening a loaf of bread, out of that meal grew the impetus for the book Dear Unity, a collection of thoughts from nearly thirty Christian leaders around the world. This powerful compilation of personal reflections, teachings, back stories, and cross-denominational letters brings a whole new perspective on the way we view our fellow believers. What they all share in common is a desire to make the church one body in Christ, as Jesus wanted us to be Dear Unity is both a book and a movement centered on fostering experiences and expressions of love between brothers and sisters in Christ Starting with influential figures within the global church, it’s designed to involve everyone from the leaders to the layperson, to move beyond any past walls of division to embrace what unites us at our core. Among the twenty-eight authors are Randy Clark, president of Global Awakening; Bo Sanchez, founder of Light of Jesus Family; Darlene Zschech, singersongwriter and lead pastor of Hope Unlimited Church; Nicky Gumbel, pioneer of Alpha; Francis Chan, founder of Crazy Love Ministries; and Bill Johnson, senior pastor of Bethel Church
AUGUST 12, 2025
Started by author and his wife inviting friends over to share in a dinner
Events - Dallas, Atlanta,...........
Unity website has a video that show how this all came together.
Content is
about respect and coming together Even though we have differences it is focusing on what we have in common. Unity comes at a very high cost.
9798887693972 | 256 Pgs
Paperback - with flaps
$18.99 USD | $25.99 CAN 6" x 9" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 48
Religion / Christian Living / Social Issues
Editor Philip Ryall is an ecumenical and Spirit-filled entrepreneur He is the founder of Harvest Journeys, which offers pilgrimages to the Holy Land and other destinations around the world, fostering powerful faith movements and global church related mega-events and gatherings of 3,000+ participants Randy Clark (president of Global Awakening): Recalls that his spirit was joyous when his children played well together, loved each other, spoke words of life to each other and how it grieved his spirit when they spoke ill of each other, were mean to each other, and didn’t play well together He says feels the same way about us Bo Sanchez (Filipino Catholic megachurch pastor and author): With his Facebook audience of over 3 million followers and known affectionately as the “preacher in blue jeans,” he takes us on an intimate walk through his life and insists that unity must be born of humility and not uniformity Darlene Zschech (world-renowned Pentecostal singer/songwriter): A pioneer of the modern worship movement, she implores her many followers to bend any past selfish ways to a higher way of maturity. She calls us to foster a godly confidence that is not threatened to honor another above oneself. Nicky Gumbel (Anglican pioneer of the Alpha movement): He offers reminders that we are indeed living in a time of great crisis, which presents the church with a massive opportunity to stand together and fight together, not against each other He claims that unity around Jesus is the key to the evangelization of a nation Francis Chan (American Protestant author and global evangelist): With contagious humility, this renowned world evangelist’s stunning insights will provide a fresh openness to the real power of Christ at the communion table He challenges us to join with him in his concluding cry to all separated Christians: “Please forgive me I need you ” Bill Johnson (senior pastor of Bethel Church, Redding, California): He reminds today’s Christians of the importance to connect together and be built up as a family, united around fathers and mothers of the church, to give a powerful sign of unity that the world is so desperately looking for
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Standing Strong in the Anointing
Discerning the Traps and Embracing the Blessings of Supernatural Encounters
How Do We Handle Supernatural Power?
God desires to anoint His people with supernatural power, and He invites us to encounter Him in deep ways Yet the reality is that we might walk in the anointing with signs and wonders following and even see lasting fruit for the kingdom of God but not be walking in personal integrity and godliness. This may be equally true of someone in full-time ministry and an individual believer who receives supernatural encounters. How does God want us to think about all this? After experiencing numerous moves of the Spirit and seeing many tragic casualties in the church, Dr. James Goll has written Standing Strong in the Anointing to help us understand the biblical nature of the anointing, interpret the various ways of the Holy Spirit, and walk wisely as we experience divine encounters You will learn how to:
Cooperate with the Holy Spirit to increase the anointing in your life
Unlock supernatural encounters
Recognize the deception and temptations that can undermine the anointing
Safeguard your faith so you can finish strong
Supernatural experiences are exciting, but they also can be diverse and complex, and we must understand how to respond to them and the power we receive through them. James shows you how to walk in the anointing and experience supernatural encounters and still remain fully grounded in Christ avoiding the pitfalls that have caused so many others to fall into error.
The ultimate goal of any supernatural encounter is to reveal Jesus. He is our great reward, and He is also able to keep us from stumbling as we discern the traps and embrace the blessings of supernatural encounters
How can someone who is so anointed fall into sin and stay in sin.
MAY 27, 2025
9798887694016 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$18.99 USD | $25.99 CAN 6" x 9" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 56
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
DR JAMES W GOLL is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has been in ministry for fifty years, ministering in over fifty nations He has also founded numerous other ministries, including Global Prayer Storm, Kindred Heart Society, and Women on the Frontlines He is a member of Harvest International Ministries (HIM) and the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). James is the author of numerous books, including The Seer, The Feeler, The Discerner, and the award-winning The Lifestyle of a Prophet, and multiple study guides and full curriculum kits He is the father of four and the grandfather of a growing number of grandchildren
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Seeing the Spirit
Revealing the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible TAN, JAMES
The Spirit and the Word Bring Unmatched Blessing and Power
God wants us to live in the fullness of His Holy Spirit. Yet we can only truly come to understand who the Holy Spirit is and how He works by learning what God says about Him in His Word. We often put the cart before the horse, trying to experience the Spirit without really understanding Him. But when we do this, how do we really know who or what we are experiencing?
From Genesis to Revelation, the books of the Bible reveal multiple aspects of the Spirit’s nature, purpose, and works including His gifts, fruit, grace, flow, power, and creativity, as well as His atmosphere of glory, peace, and love In Seeing the Spirit: Revealing the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible by dynamic speaker and author Dr James Tan, you will discover how to experience the same types of influences and workings in your own relationship with the Holy Spirit and you will see the Spirit’s impact in ways you may never have seen before:
Leviticus: See how to allow the presence and power of God to flow through you
Jonah: See how the wind of the Spirit can blow you into the callings of God but also blow you out of the entrapments of the enemy
Philemon: See how the Holy Spirit can work in remarkable ways to change lives through your obedience to His leading
This book, a wonderful guide for both devotions and Bible study, depicts an ongoing story of lives deeply touched and transformed as God’s Spirit moves upon them and through them. Experience fresh power for loving and serving God and manifesting His works in the world.
AUGUST 19, 2025
9798887693767 | 384 Pgs Hardcover
$26.99 USD | $36.99 CAN 6" x 9" x 1¼"
Carton Quantity: 16 Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Dr James Tan is a visionary leader who declares the goodness of God and the reality of the Spirit internationally to a new generation of believers Called to pioneer and establish a standard of both the Word and the Spirit, he ministers scriptural insights while making room for demonstrations of the Holy Spirit to bless and empower believers Teaching crossculturally and across denominational lines, James is a voice and mentor to a growing number of churches and ministries around the world He is the author of Walking in the Flow and Power of the Holy Spirit and Releasing the Miraculous: Walking in All Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit Releasing the Anointing:
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What’s in a name? Plenty, it turns out Each name for God in Scripture reveals a wonderful aspect of His nature that can meet your deepest needs, comfort you in times of personal tragedy, and release you to new heights of praise in times of joy. God is so vast that the heavens cannot contain Him. Likewise, His personality is so complex that one name cannot adequately describe Him. Throughout the Bible, God revealed Himself to His people through His various names.
In 30 Meditations on the Names of God, Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling share their heartfelt thoughts about the importance of meditating on God’s Word and how meditating specifically on the names of God can help us with every need
When we are fearful, we can pray to Him as Jehovah Shalom, “the Lord my Peace.”
When we are uncertain of His will, we can seek Him as Jehovah Rohi, “the Lord my Shepherd.”
As Jehovah Jireh, “the Lord our Provider,” God is letting us know that He sees ahead of our need and makes provision for it.
God is our health and well-being as Jehovah Rophe, “the Lord our Healer ”
No matter what you’re going through or how you feel, knowing God’s names can give you comfort and confidence to invite Him into your life
JULY 1, 2025
9798887693842 | 128 Pgs Trade Paperback
$15.99 USD | $21.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 92
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Marilyn Hickey actively ministers internationally as the founder and president of Marilyn Hickey Ministries, a nonprofit ministry and humanitarian organization based in Denver, Colorado She has traveled to over 140 countries, impacting nations through disaster relief efforts in Haiti, Indonesia, and Pakistan and providing food for the hungry in Mexico, Costa Rica, Russia, and the Philippines.
Along with her daughter, pastor Sarah Bowling, Marilyn co-hosts the daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah, which is broadcast globally in nearly 200 countries with a potential viewing audience of over 2 billion households worldwide Marilyn has also authored over 100 publications Sarah Bowling is on a mission to connect everyone with the heart of God while loving those who are overlooked, excluded, and ignored. Led by Holy Spirit and anchored in the Word, Sarah seeks to inspire all to know the unconditional and transformational love of God in our daily lives She is a discerning Bible teacher, an international speaker, and a global humanitarian
As part of Marilyn & Sarah Ministries, Sarah co-hosts the daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah Sarah has been a keynote speaker at events all over the world and has also authored numerous books including In Step with the Spirit; Hey God, Can We Talk?; and Your Friendship with Holy Spirit Sarah is the founder of Saving Moses, a global humanitarian organization saving babies (ages five and under) every day by meeting the most urgent and intense survival needs where help is least available Sarah and her husband, Reece, have three children and are lead pastors of Encounter Church in Denver, Colorado
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A Grand Way to Live Faith, Wisdom, and Joy for Every Grandparent (A 90-Day Devotional) PAYLEITNER, JAY
A Grand Way to Live: Faith, Wisdom, and Joy for Every Grandparent (A 90-Day Devotional) is the newest title from author Jay Payleitner As a grandfather to eight wonderful grandchildren Jay is excited to share an eclectic and surprising blend of practical advice, personal anecdotes, biblical wisdom, authentic prayers, and wellchosen quotations to grandparents. This devotional helps grandparents apply biblical principles to all the issues grandparents face. Whether it’s reinventing yourself, facing culture change, connecting with your grandchildren, being awesome in-laws and beyond, Jay has carefully crafted each devotional through his years of writing and speaking to groups across the nation
Jay is committed to broadening helpful resources for grandparents He’s consulted on a new series of grandparenting retreats, contributed blogposts for GrandKids Matter, and is a creative strategist for Christian Grandparenting Network. Jay wants to impart the knowledge and value of applying God’s Word to the lives of grandparents.
Have sold 400,000 copies of books on parenting.
AUGUST 26, 2025
9798887693934 | 192 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 64
Religion / Christian Living / Devotional
After a decade of penning advertising campaigns for airlines and beer, Jay Payleitner became a freelance radio producer, working for Josh McDowell, Chuck Colson, Voice of the Martyrs, Bible League International, and others He is a popular speaker on parenting, marriage, creativity, and getting life right Jay has authored more than twenty-five books including Checking the Boxes Only You Can Check, The Next Verse: What You Never Knew About 60 of Your Favorite Bible Passages, 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad, The Prayer of Agur, Hooray for Grandparents! and What If God Wrote Your Bucket List? He’s a longtime partner of Iron Sharpens Iron and the National Center for Fathering Jay and his wife, Rita, live near Chicago, where they raised five kids, loved on ten foster babies, and are cherishing grandparenthood
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for Spiritual Growth
Weeks to Build a Habit That Fosters Spiritual and Emotional Maturity
Your Guilt-Free, Non-Intimidating Journaling Guide
Over the centuries, journaling has emerged as one of the most consistently transformative practices, recommended by leaders across spiritual traditions, therapists, coaches, and others. Why, then, are so many people intimidated by journaling today, while others try it only to give it up, feeling frustrated or guilty that they couldn’t maintain the practice?
Author Marc Alan Schelske experienced the same feelings of frustration and guilt Through personal experience, research, and working with others, he has compiled proven ways to develop and maintain a wholehearted and fulfilling practice of journaling which he’s now kept up for over twenty-five years
Journaling for Spiritual Growth is different from other kinds of journaling. Its focus is getting to know yourself better, with an expectation of God’s presence in the process and a commitment to listen. Incorporating both ancient spiritual wisdom and current neurobiology, Marc explains how to be present to your life and hear what the Spirit is doing within you Although based in the Christian tradition, this material has been used successfully by people from a wide variety of backgrounds and traditions
Through a step-by-step process over six weeks, you will gradually learn and grow in the practice of journaling through empathetic instruction and prompts infused with “gracious flexibility ” The author shows you:
What mindsets and questions are most helpful for lasting growth
Which journaling pattern is the best fit for you
What expectations undermine and enhance journaling’s effects
How to create a sustainable habit for your individual life and temperament
As you are guided by this encouraging book, you will find journaling to be a vital and life-changing spiritual practice for you.
JULY 8, 2025
9798887694054 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 56
Self-Help / Journaling
Marc Alan Schelske is a thinker and speaker who has served as a full-time pastor since 1995 and is currently the teaching elder of Bridge City Community Church in Portland, Oregon He also hosts The Apprenticeship Way podcast and is the author of The Wisdom of Your Heart and Discovering Your Authentic Core Values “In my writing, I focus on what it takes to nurture a healthy inner life, something found at the intersection of grace and growth,” Marc says “I write and speak to help people find belonging, redemption, and growth as they discover the life God has designed for them ”
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What’s in the Word Bible Handbook
Where to Begin, Who You Will Meet, and Why It Matters SUGGS, ROB
How do you explain what the Bible is all about to someone who has never opened one? Where do you turn if you’re interested in learning a little more about each book of Bible but don’t want to be overwhelmed? What if you’re a pastor pressed for time and looking for quick reference material?
What’s in the Word Bible Handbook: Where to Begin, Who You Will Meet, and Why
It Matters
is a reader-friendly handbook that provides a quick summary of each of the sixty-six books of the Bible.
Written by Rob Suggs, author of The Book that Conquered Time: How the Bible Came to Be, it explains the major themes of each book, when it was written and by whom, major characters and events, what to look for, and an outline of the chapters and verses.
What’s in the Word Bible Handbook isa perfect complementary book to give to someone when you are giving them a Bible as a gift Suggs notes it says to those new to the faith, “Hey, don’t be afraid The Bible was written for you, and we’re here to walk you through it ”
JULY 15, 2025
9798887693736 | 176 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 68
Religion / Biblical Reference / Handbooks
A versatile and creative storyteller, Rob Suggs is the author of The Book that Conquered Time: How the Bible Came to Be and What’s in the Word Bible Handbook: Where to Begin, Who You Will Meet, and Why It Matters He has written or collaborated on more than sixty books His clients have included New York Times best-selling authors such as Kyle Idleman, Lee Strobel, Mark Batterson, David Jeremiah, and Bruce Wilkinson. A graduate of Furman University, Rob served for three years as a senior editor at Walk Through the Bible Ministries An experienced teacher and preacher, Rob has led a four-part seminar on how the Bible came to be He wrote and illustrated a six-part history of Christianity for His magazine published by InterVarsity Press He also wrote the LifeGuide Bible studies TheTen Commandments and Christian Community. For two decades, Rob contributed many cartoons to Christianity Today and Leadership Journal Collections of these cartoons were published in the books It Came from Beneath the Pew and Preacher from the Black Lagoon Rob is a fourth-generation native of Atlanta, Georgia He and his wife Gayle have two adult children Readers may connect with Rob at www robsuggs com View on Edelweiss
The Essential Works of E. W. Kenyon
Six Classic Books in One Volume KENYON, E. W.
Legendary Bible teacher E W Kenyon had a rare gift for presenting the deep and profound truths of God’s Word in a simple and easily understood way His teachings on expressing “positive confessions of faith” formed much of the foundation for Word of Faith Pentecostalism.
The Essential Works of E. W. Kenyon includes six classic books from the evangelist:
The Wonderful Name of Jesus explains the power vested in the name of Jesus and the believer’s right to use His name in prayer.
In Jesus the Healer, Kenyon fully explores the powerful gift of healing that Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry, unpacking God’s methods of healing and how to live the abundant life that Jesus promised
The New Kind of Love: God’s Heart Cry to Broken Humanity explains how agape, the kind of love that Jesus brought into the world, can take away the hardness and bitterness of life if we strive to love like Jesus
In His Presence: The Secret of Prayer reveals our ability to stand before the presence of God, leading us out of spiritual mysticism into the true light of life.
In New Creation Realities: A Revelation of Redemption, Kenyon delves deeply into Paul’s Epistles, revealing what happened on the cross and in the tomb, and how that affects who and what we are in Christ today
The Blood Covenant explains the difference between the old covenant God had with Abraham and the new covenant, sealed with the blood of Jesus, available to believers When we understand our rights as Christians, we can realize all the power, victory, and miracles of God
This anthology of some of Kenyon’s most beloved works will inspire believers everywhere, no matter where they are in their faith walk.
JUNE 3, 2025
9798887693750 | 768 Pgs Hardcover
$49.99 USD | $68.49 CAN 6" x 9" x 2¼"
Carton Quantity: 8
Religion / Christian Living
E W Kenyon (1867–1948) was born in Saratoga County, New York At age nineteen, he preached his first sermon He pastored several churches in New England and founded the Bethel Bible Institute in Spencer, Massachusetts (The school later became the Providence Bible Institute when it was relocated to Providence, Rhode Island ) Kenyon served as an evangelist for over twenty years. In 1931, he became a pioneer in Christian radio on the Pacific Coast with his show, Kenyon’s Church of the Air, for which he earned the moniker “The Faith Builder ” He also began the New Covenant Baptist Church in Seattle In addition to his pastoral and radio ministries, Kenyon wrote extensively Among his books are The Blood Covenant, In His Presence, Jesus the Healer,New Creation Realities, and Two Kinds of Righteousness
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7 Minutes with Jesus for Men CUMMINGS, RAY
This sixty-day journey through John provides a bite-size approach to Scripture in the hopes that you will carefully God’s Word to your everyday life Jesus practiced this same approach of smaller teaching segments with His first disciples. His longest sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, can be read in less than twelve minutes. Peter’s sermon at Pentecost was less than three minutes long, and 3,000 souls were saved! So, a lot can happen in a short amount of time when the time is set apart by God and for God.
This book was written for men to spend sixty days walking through the Gospel of John in order to kickstart our spiritual maturity and make us more like Jesus Each day is divided into explanation, application, and prayer The explanation section is short, relational, and inspirational The application section is brief, making it doable and sustainable. The prayer section is designed to jumpstart your dialogue with God for the day.
JUNE 10, 2025
9798887693828 | 192 Pgs Trade Paperback
$9.99 USD | $13.99 CAN 5" x 8" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 64
Religion / Christian Living / Devotional
Dr Ray Cummings has pastored churches in Mississippi and Alabama and has served in ministry for over thirty years He now resides in Purvis, Mississippi and serves Hattiesburg Community Church as Co-Pastor He is a graduate of William Carey College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary He and his wife, Amanda, have three sons one daughter, and one daughter-in-law They have a non-profit named after their daughter called “Mercy’s Mission” that feeds and educates children in an orphanage in Goma, Congo Ray loves preaching, writing, hunting, and anything sports related
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Instrument of Peace
Meditations on the Prayer of Saint Francis PATON, ALAN
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love Thus begins the beloved prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. Although there is some debate over whether the mystic Italian friar actually wrote this poetic prayer, it well expresses his sentiments as a preacher of peace, love, and unity.
Author and freedom-fighter Alan Paton shared those sentiments, drawing upon the Prayer of Saint Francis to write Instrument of Peace (originally titled Instrument of Thy Peace) while his wife Dorrie lay dying of emphysema.
“Sometimes we cannot pray because we are fallen into a melancholy and therefore have for the time lost our hope and our faith and have no one to pray to,” he wrote “I am in unrepayable debt to Francis of Assisi, for when I pray his prayer, or even remember it, my melancholy is dispelled, my self-pity comes to an end, my faith is restored, because of this majestic conception of what the work of a disciple should be. … This world ceases to be one’s enemy and becomes the place where one lives and works and serves. Life is no longer nasty, mean, brutish, and short, but becomes the time that one needs to make it less nasty and mean, not only for others, but indeed also for oneself.”
Each chapter of Instrument of Peace begins with a line from Saint Francis’s prayer “Christians disagree about many things,” Paton noted, “but they seldom, perhaps never, disagree about St. Francis. It is impossible for any Christian to hear or read or pray the immortal ‘Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace’ and not realize that he or she is in the presence of holiness.”
As for his book, when he reflected on it more than a dozen years after it was first published in 1968, Paton wrote, “it still speaks to me clearly I can come to only one conclusion, that I was given help to write it I can only relate the strange experience that as I reread it, there are parts of it that help and move me as though some other hand had written them.”
MAY 13, 2025
9798887693804 | 128 Pgs Trade Paperback
$14.99 USD | $20.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 92
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Alan Paton (1903–1988) was a man of God and an internationally bestselling author whose now all-time classic debut novel, Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) is reported to have sold over 15 million copies Twice adapted for film as well as a Broadway musical, it has been translated into numerous languages around the world Paton began his career as a teacher and later director of a boys’ reformatory, where he introduced what were then considered to be controversial reforms, with the intention of bringing dignity and freedom to the troubled urban African boys in his care He later toured correctional facilities across Europe, Britian, and North America, and it was during this journey that he first began writing Cry, the Beloved Country Paton secured a publisher with the help of his new American friends. His editor was Maxwell Perkins, who worked on the novels of Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe. Back in South Africa, Paton found himself in the newly established apartheid regime, where policies of extreme racial segregation were being introduced In response, Paton and others formed the Liberal Party of South Africa to counter apartheid; at one point, he went into hiding with his wife Dorrie In 1960, Paton traveled to New York to receive Freedom House’s annual Freedom Award Upon his return to South Africa, authorities confiscated his passport for a decade, making it impossible for him to leave the country Paton’s political party, because it was comprised of both black and white members, was ultimately forced to dissolve in the 1960s In addition to his critically acclaimed novels, Paton also wrote numerous books of nonfiction, including two memoirs, poetry, plays, and short stories He is noted for his psalmic and balanced prose style Instrument of Peace (formerly titled Instrument of Thy Peace) has a special place in Paton’s oeuvre Written while his wife Dorrie lay dying and yet refusing the despair he undoubtedly felt at the time, Paton encourages us to remember the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; not so much
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The Imitation of Christ
The Devotional Classic (Deluxe Gift Edition) KEMPIS, THOMAS À
This beautiful deluxe edition of what is considered the most widely read Christian devotional work besides the Bible makes a perfect gift for loved ones, friends, pastors, and others, and is a wonderful way to deepen your own devotional life.
As Thomas à Kempis, a serene and devoted man of God, walked in the Lord’s presence, he discovered priceless steps to becoming more like Christ every day. Using simple, straightforward language and urging his readers to personally respond to Christ, the author presents timeless principles for living the Christian life, including how to:
Hear God’s voice
Turn adversity to good Overcome temptation
Have perfect love
Find lasting peace
The Imitation of Christ has been translated into more languages than any other book except the Bible. Join the millions of believers who have been inspired by this renowned classic book to become imitators of Christ.
“Follow Me.”
Matthew 16:24
JUNE 17, 2025
9798887693866 | 224 Pgs Hardcover
$19.99 USD | $27.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0¾"
Carton Quantity: 40
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
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ith Christ and withdrawal from the attractions of the world Born in the Rhineland town of Kempen, he attended a school at nearby Deventer in Holland that had been started by Gerard Groote, founder of the Brothers of the Common Life These were men devoted to prayer, simplicity, and union with God. When Thomas was nineteen, he entered the monastery of Mount St. Agnes, which the brothers had recently started near Zwolle in Holland. He spent the rest of his long life behind the walls of that monastery Thomas devoted himself to prayer, study, copying manuscripts, teaching novices, offering Mass, and hearing the confessions of people who came to the monastery church He wrote a number of sermons, letters, hymns, and information about the lives of the saints Thomas is most famous for The Imitation of Christ, an instruction book on how to love God.
Bounds on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Five Books in One BOUNDS, E. M.
You have a very real enemy in this world: Satan Forget the caricatures of the devil you may have in your mind a man with horns, a pointy tail, and a pitchfork The Bible depicts the devil as a powerful being of cunning intelligence, a creature who is determined to derail your faith and ruin your life.
Legendary author E. M. Bounds explains how you can protect yourself by recognizing and defeating the strategies of the devil. You will discover...
Weapons that really work against Satan
How to defend yourself against the devil
How to expose the rulers of darkness
Your most vulnerable areas for attack
How to overcome the enemy
Remember, Satan is a liar, and his main objective is to discourage you and weaken your faith Starting today, you can engage in spiritual warfare and emerge victorious!
JULY 29, 2025
9798887693873 | 496 Pgs Trade Paperback
$24.99 USD | $34.49 CAN 6" x 9" x 1¼"
Carton Quantity: 24
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare
E M (Edward McKendree) Bounds (1835–1913) has given us a powerful legacy of prayer, believing it to be the strongest link between God and man Bounds was a pastor and editor who spent many years reading, writing, praying, and taking part in revival ministry Deeply concerned for the world, Bounds would rise at 4 a m to pray Since the time of the apostles, no man besides Bounds has left such a rich inheritance of research into the life of prayer.
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Rightly Dividing the Word
Fully Illustrated with 55 Enhanced Charts and Graphics LARKIN, CLARENCE
Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed,
2 Timothy 2:15 (kjver)
As a follow-up to his highly successful and much sought after work Dispensational Truth Rightly Dividing the Word
, Baptist minister Clarence Larkin wrote to explain how the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith should be “rightly divided” in a series of contrasts, such as law and grace, faith and works, sin and salvation. Larkin’s aim was not to express his opinion or the thoughts of other writers, but to present biblical concepts “based solely on the Scriptures,” with chapter and verse given for every statement The Bible, Larkin said, “is not a heterogeneous jumble of ancient history, myths, legends, religious speculations, and apocalyptic literature There is a progress of revelation and doctrine in it You cannot understand Leviticus without Hebrews, or Daniel without Revelation The judges knew more than the patriarchs, the prophets than the judges, and the apostles more than the prophets.” While the Bible is written for everyone, he maintained, it is addressed to three classes of people: Jews, gentiles, and the church. Larkin’s goal in writing this fascinating book was “to confirm in the Christian faith those who are wavering and to instruct those who have not been clearly taught the great cardinal doctrines.”
JUNE 24, 2025 rightly dividing the word of truth
9798887693781 | 336 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 6" x 9" x 0¾"
Carton Quantity: 36 Religion / Biblical Studies
An advocate of gap creationism, Rev Clarence Larkin (1850–1924) was an American Baptist pastor, Bible teacher, and author whose writings on dispensationalism had a great impact on conservative Protestant visual culture in the twentieth century His intricate and influential charts provided readers with a visual strategy for mapping God’s action in history and interpreting complex biblical prophecies. Larkin’s study of the Scriptures led him to adopt many of the tenets of the premillennialist theology that was gaining favor in conservative Protestant circles in the Gilded Age After World War I broke out, God laid it on his heart to prepare a work on dispensational truth Larkin spent three years of his life designing and drawing charts and preparing the text for his seminal work, Dispensational Truth. The book became a bestseller around the world. During the last five years of his life, Larkin gave up his pastorate and wrote full time He initially envisioned Rightly Dividing the Word as “an ABC book” to introduce Dispensational Truth, but after writing and condensing several times, he felt led to abandon that idea Instead, Larkin aimed to write about the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith in a clear, concise manner that was accessible to the average reader
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Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease Study Guide
Powerful Answers to Your Questions About Healing and Disease Prevention WRIGHT, HENRY W.
Which Spiritual Roots of Disease May Be Affecting
Dr. Henry Wright spent decades learning the spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing In his journey, he discovered that there is a spiritual root issue in about 80 percent of all diseases that is a direct result of a breakdown in our relationship with God, ourselves, or others Through his groundbreaking teachings, he helped hundreds of thousands to experience wholeness in their lives
This follow-up companion to Dr Wright's eye-opening book Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease helps you to dig deeper to identify which spiritual roots of disease might be affecting you. It guides you to personalize your application of the truths presented through a helpful review of key points, questions to increase your understanding of blocks to healing, and steps for practical application to experience freedom and wholeness.
Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease Study Guide provides you with a thoroughly biblical and compelling case for healing If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing, it’s time to take another look Dr Wright clearly shows that disease is not a random occurrence and that science and medicine have their place in dealing with illness but can only offer disease management. What if the answers to true healing and freedom have been in the Bible all along?
If you have recently received a diagnosis or have been struggling with your health for years, there is hope and healing ahead
MAY 20, 2025 9798887693996 | 144 Pgs Trade Paperback
$19.99 USD | $27.49 CAN 8½" x 11" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 32
Religion / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides
Dr Henry W Wright (1944–2019) was the senior pastor of Hope of the Generations Church in Thomaston, Georgia, and the president and founder of Be in Health Global Be in Health is a ministry that teaches on the spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing, and it hosts the world-renowned For My Life Retreat Wright presented conferences worldwide and across broad denominational lines for over twenty-five years. Recognized for his understanding of disease from a spiritual perspective, he was a frequent guest on many well-known television and radio programs Under the leadership of Pastors Scott and Sarah Harper and Dr Wright's wife, Pastor Donna Wright, Be in Health and Hope of the Generations Church continue to carry on Dr Wright's vision and ministry
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The Path to Divine Presence
365 Days of Spiritual Insights and Reflections from Andrew Murray MURRAY, ANDREW
Compiled from many of Andrew Murray’s most beloved books, these uplifting messages will comfort and refresh you in your walk with God each day of the year Spending time with God daily will bring a new joy and peace into your life as you:
Receive help through every trial
Conquer fears that have defeated you
Receive the Master’s healing touch
Discover God’s will for your life
Experience the presence of God
Have your every need met by God
Be an effective soul winner
As you daily explore these truths from Andrew Murray, you will connect with God’s glorious power and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed. And you will experience the joy of seeing powerful results in your life as you minister to others. Don’t miss out on the most important part of the day your miraculous, life-changing moments spent with the Creator
AUGUST 19, 2025
9798887693958 | 400 Pgs Trade Paperback
$26.99 USD | $36.99 CAN 6" x 9" x 1¼"
Carton Quantity: 28
Religion / Christian Living / Devotional
South African pastor and author ANDREW MURRAY (1828–1917) was an amazingly prolific writer Murray began writing on the Christian life for his congregation as an extension of his local pastoral work, but he became internationally known for his books, such as With Christ in the School of Prayer and Abide in Christ, that searched men’s hearts and brought them into a deeper relationship with Christ. With intense purpose and zeal for the message of the gospel, Murray wrote numerous books even after his “retirement” at age seventy- eight.
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The Prophet's Gifts
Identifying and Activating Your Prophetic Potential PRICE, PAULA A.
The Prophet’s Gifts: Identifying and Activating Your Prophetic Potential by Dr Paula Price is a comprehensive guide for believers who want to understand and refine their prophetic identity. Drawing from decades of experience in prophetic ministry, Dr. Price provides practical tools and spiritual insights to help you discover your unique prophetic gifts and how to operate them effectively. This book empowers readers to assess their spiritual strengths, identify areas of growth, and gain clarity on their prophetic calling.
Whether you are new to the prophetic or seeking to advance in your ministry, The Prophet’s Gifts equips you with the knowledge and confidence to align your life with God’s purpose With Dr Price’s expert guidance, you’ll learn to recognize prophetic impulses, grow in spiritual maturity, and activate your gifts to serve the body of Christ. Ideal for individuals, prophetic leaders, or church study groups, this book is a must-have resource for anyone desiring to deepen their prophetic walk.
Paula A Price is the international voice on the apostolic and prophetic, widely recognized as a modern-day apostle with a potent prophetic mantle Having been in active full-time ministry since 1985, she has founded and established three churches, and an apostolic and prophetic university, called Price University Paula also founded Flaming Vision Publications, Omni Executive and New Era Apostleship Restitution, a global collaborative linking apostles and prophets for kingdom vision and ventures She is the host of Taking It On, and Spirit of Faith Political Prophetics
She is most recognized for her unique 1,600-term The Prophet’s Dictionary, a concise prophetic wisdom resource, and The Prophet’s Handbook Paula also created an online ministry identifier called Standardized Ministry Assessments that tells assessees who they are in Christ and what He ordained they do for Him in the world
Her ministry goal is to make Christ’s teachings and churches relevant for today “Eternity in the Now” is the credo through which she accomplishes it
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A Passion for Prayer
7 Classic Christian Writers Share Timeless Wisdom and Experience WHITAKER HOUSE
"Whatever else I do, I must pray," emphasized R A Torrey That passionate conviction runs through the writings of all seven of the renowned Christian authors featured in this book.
A Passion for Prayer: 7 Classic Christian Writers Share Timeless Wisdom and Experience
offers spiritual and practical advice on how to engage in prayer, strengthen your prayer life, and see answers to your prayers It includes the writings of:
R A Torrey
Charles Spurgeon
E M Bounds
George Müeller
Andrew Murray
Charles Finney
D. L. Moody
These select excerpts from their works cover a range of topics, including prayer and devotion, the example of Jesus, praying in Jesus’s name, prayer that motivates God, the results of prayer, the problems of prayer, the role of thanksgiving, proper petitioning prayer, and the condition of prevailing prayer. A treasured collection of faithful wisdom, A Passion for Prayer will greatly encourage your prayer life whether you are just beginning the practice of prayer or seeking even deeper communion with God
This book is your invitation to develop the same passionate conviction as these seven men of faith: I must pray!
JULY 22, 2025
9798887693897 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 6" x 9" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 56
Religion / Christian Living / Prayer
Edward McKendree Bounds (1835–1913) is known for writing eleven books, nine of which focused on the subject of prayer, including E M Bounds on Prayer, Essentials of Prayer, Necessity of Prayer, and Power Through Prayer Charles G Finney (1792–1875) was the most noteworthy revivalist of the nineteenth century and one of the leaders of the Second Great Awakening; over 250,000 people were converted as a result of his preaching. Dwight Lyman Moody (1837–1899) was one of the most respected evangelists of the nineteenth century who left a rich legacy of three Christian schools, a Christian publishing business, and a million souls won for Christ George Müller (1805–1898) was used in remarkable ways to provide for more than ten thousand orphans In 1875, he began preaching tours that took him over 200,000 miles to forty-two countries to preach to three million people Andrew Murray (1828–1917) was an amazingly prolific Christian devotional writer. Through books such as Abide in Christ, Murray became widely known, and his books were awaited with great eagerness throughout the world Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892), the “Prince of Preachers,” preached to an estimated ten million people He published over two thousand sermons, as well as numerous books, which compose the largest collection of work by a single author Reuben Archer Torrey (1856–1928) was one of the greatest evangelists of the twentieth century From 1903 to 1905, Dr Torrey traveled the world in revival campaigns, winning thousands of souls to Jesus Christ, and he continued worldwide crusades for the next fifteen years
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A Call to Courageous Manhood COLE, PAUL LOUIS
Daring: A Call to Courageous Manhood by Paul Louis Cole is a transformative guide for men seeking to reclaim their biblical manhood in today’s challenging world Building on the legacy of his father, Dr. Ed Cole, Paul offers men practical wisdom to rise as leaders in their families, communities, and workplaces. This powerful book challenges men to confront their fears, take bold risks, and live with integrity and purpose. Through inspiring stories and actionable insights, Daring empowers men to live out their faith with courage and strength, standing firm against cultural pressures that diminish masculinity
Whether you are a father, husband, pastor, or young man beginning your journey, this book will equip you with the tools to become the man God intended Perfect for personal growth or as a resource for men’s ministries, Daring calls men to live boldly, fight for their families, and lead with unwavering faith.
JUNE 10, 2025
9798887694030 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 56
Religion / Christian Living / Men's Interests
ch planter, pastor, author, and one of the world’s leading experts on men’s issues Paul is an age of Christlike manhood globally The son of Edwin Louis Cole, he has continued the work of the g churches in over 100 nations Paul’s mission is to rescue men, defeat fatherlessness, and end word to men Paul and his wife of forty-plus years, Judi, reside in Grapevine, Texas They have
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La lucha por lo femenino
Reclamando nuestra identidad divina BEVERE, LISA
The very idea of womanhood is being assailed on all fronts: sexualized by our culture, eliminated from language, and silenced by the church For decades, both sexes have been systematically undermined and stripped of their strength. Male and female were originally created as a power union, but that turned into a power struggle. For years, women listened to the lie that to be powerful they needed to act like men. Now the tables have turned, with men acting like women. This attack is more than cultural, it is spiritual. Revelation 12:17 portrays a dragon enraged with women who has declared war on our children Our enemy, terrified of what--and whom--we were made to reflect, seeks to blur the lines, distorting the very idea of what it means for women to bear God's divine image We were made for this fight It will require honest, intimate conversations to emerge with God-inspired answers equal to the challenges of our day Our marriages, children, churches, communities, and futures depend on it It's time to unite, confident in our divine identity, clear in our commission, and courageous in our calling, to confront the darkness with love and light. It's time to fight for female!
MAY 27, 2025
9798887694115 | 224 Pgs Trade Paperback
$17.99 USD | $24.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 52
Religion / Christian Living / Women's Interests
Lisa Bevere's authentic, passionate, and hilarious approach weaves profound biblical truths with practical application
books which include Girls with Swords are in the hands of millions worldwide Lisa and her husband, John, are best-selling authors and the founders of Messenger International, in Palmer Lake, Colorado. She is a grandmother and Sicilian mother of four sons.
, and Fight Like a GirlLioness Arising
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Una colección de prácticas que ofrecen esperanza para cada emoción complicada
Feelings are messy, and we all have different strategies to deal with them, usually shutting them down or letting them run amok But what if emotions weren't our enemy but instead a gift?
With a collection of prayers and liturgies to give you voice for every emotion, spiritual director Anjuli Paschall shows that feelings aren't a hindrance to the abundant life, but a pathway to it. Aided by 26 beautiful illustrations, Anjuli gives you language to pray through the six core emotions and the 75 most common feelings you experience, inviting you on a journey to:
Identify and stay present with your feelings
Recognize your temptations and powerfully manage them
Wake up to the gentle presence of God and where He is in the situation
Discern how you're being invited into love and move toward it
Instead of navigating around your feelings, you can use them as a path to prayer, healing, wholeness, and abiding connection with God that you long for.
JUNE 24, 2025
9798887694177 | 256 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 48
Religion / Christian Living / Prayer
Anjuli Paschall is the author of Stay and Awake She grew up encircled by an orange grove in San Diego After graduating from Point Loma Nazarene University, she earned her master's degree in spiritual formation and soul care from Talbot Seminary She currently lives in Southern California with her husband, Sam, and five children She is the founder of the retreat ministry Sojourn and Sage and writes regularly for (in)courage You can find her every day on Instagram at @LoveAlways anjuli Learn more at AnjuliPaschall com
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Las fracturas por estrés
Una guía definitiva para tu reconstrucción emocional HOOVER, JONATHAN
One of the most underestimated resources in our lives is emotional energy It's foundational to every area of a healthy life But a person struggling with burnout is stuck with the disorienting and anxiety-provoking feelings of failure, shame, and depression. The good news is that now we have more knowledge than ever on managing stress to prevent or recover from burnout.
Combining psychological studies with biblical insight, pastor and psychology professor Jonathan Hoover gives you the practical tools you need to:
Uncover your susceptibility to stress-induced breakdowns
Learn highly effective coping strategies for preventing and overcoming burnout
Understand that burnout isn't a symptom of weak faith
Discover how faith can play a role in recovery
You are not defenseless against the hazards of unregulated stress Here is your guide to reclaim control of your life and win the battle against burnout
JULY 15, 2025
9798887694238 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 56
Self-Help / Personal Growth / Success
Jonathan Hoover, PhD, serves as the senior associate pastor and relationship coach of NewSpring Church in Wichita, Kansas He also works as an assistant professor at Regent University's School of Psychology and Counseling, where he is the director of the Master of Science in Psychology program
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12 hábitos para una mente sana y una vida feliz
La ruta para superar los problemas y el estrés diario
Road Map to True Identity and Wholeness from Counselor and International Speaker
More than 70 percent of young adults are confused about their identity and destiny. Instead of seeking healing, they're conforming to the devastating whims of culture. Offering real hope and a new road map for inner peace, especially when dealing with identity confusion, licensed counselor and author Diane Arnold takes you on a redemptive, truth-filled journey toward wholeness. Through uplifting teaching and practical exercises, she helps you:
Discover and accept the real you
Pursue your purpose
Silence shame
Experience unconditional love and acceptance
Find joy, think soundly, and live with courage
The road to lasting healing isn't found in culture's ever-changing map. It's found in the quiet, narrow path of true peace and transformation.
MAY 20, 2025
9798887694092 | 224 Pgs Trade Paperback
$17.99 USD | $24.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 52
Religion / Christian Living / Personal Growth
Diane E Arnold is a licensed professional counselor specializing in family and marriage counseling Through her study of relationship attachment, Diane has spoken and written extensively on overcoming trauma and betrayal with remarkable results She serves on Women on the Frontline, Shiloh Company, and The Children's Hour Foundation boards She has also served on the Ziklag United in Purpose Family Committee boards. Diane is also one of the founders of The Grace Center, an international emotional healing center. Diane and her husband, Neal, live near Charlotte, NC Find out more at TheFamilyCollective com
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Conoce a Jesús como Dios
Un estudio de 10 sesiones del evangelio de Juan COBBLE, TARA-LEIGH
Offering a rich, in-depth study series, the team behind the bestselling The Bible Recap takes your study of God's Word to the next level Continuing with the book of John, the Knowing Jesus series dives deep into the transformative truths found in the four gospels. Perfect for small groups or individual study, this comprehensive, 10-week Bible study explains and connects the story of Scripture in the Gospel of John. Through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments, you will:
Learn how to dig deep into God's Word
Discover how Jesus's character as God is revealed throughout Scripture
Understand how to relate to Him
Apply the truths of who He is to your everyday life
The Gospels help us see Jesus from various angles, capturing different facets of His glory. And through this study of John, you can understand more fully the power and hope that comes when you know Jesus as God.
JUNE 3, 2025
9798887694375 | 272 Pgs Trade Paperback
$19.99 USD | $27.49 CAN 7" x 10" x 0¾"
Carton Quantity: 40 Religion / Biblical Studies
Tara-Leigh Cobble’s zeal for biblical literacy led her to create and develop an international network of Bible studies called D-Group (Discipleship Group) Every week, over 250 men's and women's D-Groups meet weekly in homes and churches around the world to study Scripture Tara-Leigh also writes and hosts a daily radio show called The God Shot and a daily podcast called The Bible Recap designed to help listeners read and understand the Bible in a year. In just over a year, the podcast has been downloaded nearly 20 million times, and more than 20,000 churches around the world have joined the reading plan to know and love God better
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Conoce a Jesús como Salvador
Un estudio de 10 sesiones del evangelio de Lucas COBBLE, TARA-LEIGH
Offering a rich, in-depth study series, the team behind the bestselling The Bible Recap takes your study of God's Word to the next level Continuing with the book of Luke, the Knowing Jesus series dives deep into the transformative truths found in the four gospels. Perfect for small groups or individual study, this comprehensive, 10-week Bible study explains and connects the story of Scripture in the Gospel of Luke. Through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments, you will:
Learn how to dig deep into God's Word
Discover how Jesus's character as Savior is revealed throughout Scripture
Understand how to relate to Him
Apply the truths of who He is to your everyday life
The Gospels offer us a fourfold telling of Jesus's story, and Luke, drawing on Jesus's humanity, emphasizes Jesus as Savior of mankind. How you understand and live out this matchless gift will be changed through this encouraging study.
JUNE 3, 2025
9798887694351 | 272 Pgs Trade Paperback
$19.99 USD | $27.49 CAN 7" x 10" x 0¾"
Carton Quantity: 40 Religion / Biblical Studies
Tara-Leigh Cobble’s zeal for biblical literacy led her to create and develop an international network of Bible studies called D-Group (Discipleship Group) Every week, over 250 men's and women's D-Groups meet weekly in homes and churches around the world to study Scripture Tara-Leigh also writes and hosts a daily radio show called The God Shot and a daily podcast called The Bible Recap designed to help listeners read and understand the Bible in a year. In just over a year, the podcast has been downloaded nearly 20 million times, and more than 20,000 churches around the world have joined the reading plan to know and love God better
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Los 5 principios del equilibrio
Estrategias fáciles de aplicar que mejoran tu bienestar personal y maximizan tu productividad
Great leaders are driven to win Yet career wins can come at great cost to your health, relationships, and personal well-being Why does it seem impossible to both win at work and succeed at life? Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller know we can do better because he is seen it in his more than four decades as a successful executive and a loving and present husband and father. Today Michael and his daughter, Megan Hyatt Miller, coach leaders to live the double win. Backed by scholarly research from organizational science and psychology, and illustrated with eye-opening case studies from across the business spectrum and their own coaching clients, Win at Work and Succeed at Life (Los cinco principios del equilibrio) is their manifesto on how you can achieve work-life balance and restore your sanity With clarity, humor, and plenty of motivation, Win at Work and Succeed at Life gives you:
An understanding of the historical and cultural forces that have led to overworking
Five principles to rethink work and productivity from the ground up
Simple but proven practices that enable you to slow down and reclaim your life
Refuse the false choice of career versus family. You can achieve the double win in life
JUNE 17, 2025
9798887694153 | 224 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 52 Religion / Christian Living / Professional Growth
Michael Hyatt is the chief executive officer and founder of Michael Hyatt & Company He has launched multiple companies over the years, including a $250 million publishing company with 700-plus employees and his own leadership development company that has grown over 60 percent year over year for the past four years Under his leadership, Michael Hyatt & Company has been featured in the Inc 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for three years in a row He is also the author of several New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling books, including Platform, Living Forward, Your Best Year Ever, Free to Focus, and The Vision Driven Leader He and his wife of forty-plus years have five daughters and nine grandchildren
Megan Hyatt Miller is the chief operating officer at Michael Hyatt & Company. She is also the co-host of the Lead to Win podcast, which is consistently featured in the Top 100 in Apple Podcasts As the architect of Michael Hyatt & Company's standout culture, she is committed to helping her team win at work and succeed at life, while also delivering phenomenal results to their customers Under her leadership, the company was named as one of Inc Magazine's Best Workplaces for 2020, which ranks the top companies in America for their employee engagement When she is not taking the company to new heights, she is fully present at home with her husband and five kids in Franklin, Tennessee
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Salmos en una era de distracción
Experimentando el poder restaurador de la poesía bíblica JONES,
The book of Psalms endures Throughout the centuries, Christians have read, prayed, and sung this rich collection of poems But in our current age of distraction, the daily rhythms of modern life revolve more around screens than biblical texts. Salmos en una era de distracción argues that the psalms are poetry for the soul, poetry that shapes us. Beyond highlighting the poetry of the psalter, the book attends to the theological freight of these poems. As such, we learn to read Scripture more attentively and love God and the world well. The first part of the book explores how we can read the psalms amid the pull of modern distractions The second part moves psalm by psalm, showing what these poems can teach us about living in a more focused, attentive way
This engaging book demonstrates how our thoughts, emotions, and worship of the triune God are sharpened and deepened through the psalms In an era of dimly lit faces and multitasking, the poetry of Psalms remains ready to train our ears, steady our hearts, and teach us to pray so that we might flourish in Christ. The book includes a foreword by Elizabeth Robar.
JULY 8, 2025
9798887694214 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$16.99 USD | $23.49 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 56
Religion / Biblical Studies / Old Testament / Poetry &
Wisdom Literature
Ethan C Jones, PhD, is associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew and the Don and Helen Bryant Chair of Old Testament at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana He previously served as a visiting scholar in Hebrew studies at the University of Cambridge He is the author and editor of several books and numerous articles that engage the language, poetry, and theology of the Old Testament.
El poder de ser tú
Abraza tu identidad única y libera tu potencial LEAF, CAROLINE
There are a lot of personality and intelligence tests out there designed to label you, and put you in a particular box But Dr Caroline Leaf says there's much more to you than a personality profile can capture. In fact, you cannot be categorized! In this fascinating book, she takes readers through seven steps to rediscover and unlock their unique design the brilliantly original way each person thinks, feels, relates, and makes choices freeing them from comparison, envy, and jealousy, which destroy brain tissue. Readers learn to be aware of what's going on in their own minds and bodies, to lean in to their own experience rather than trying to forcefully change it, and to redefine what success means to them Released from the suffocating box of expectations, they'll embrace their true identity and develop a clear sense of divine purpose in their lives Knowing and understanding our identity empowers our choices
Unlocking one's you quotient is not optional it is essential
JULY 22, 2025
9798887694290 | 240 Pgs Trade Paperback
$17.99 USD | $24.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0"
Carton Quantity: 52
Religion / Christian Living / Personal Growth
Dr Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist, audiologist, clinical and research neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in psychoneurobiology and metacognitive neuropsychology Since the early 1980s, she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input Dr Leaf is the host of the podcast Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess, has published in scientific journals and is the author of 18 bestselling books translated into 24 languages, including Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess, How to Help Your Child Clean Up their Mental Mess, and Think, Learn, Succeed She teaches at academic, medical and neuroscience conferences, and to various audiences around the world
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Piensa, aprende y ten éxito
Comprende y aprovecha tu mente para tener éxito en la escuela, el trabajo y la vida
Our thought lives have incredible power over our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being In fact, our thoughts can either limit us to what we believe we can do or release us to experience abilities well beyond our expectations. When we choose a mindset that extends our abilities rather than placing limits on ourselves, we will experience greater intellectual satisfaction, emotional control, and physical health. The only question is, how?
Backed by up-to-date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers to take control of their thoughts in order to take control of their lives In this practical book, readers will learn to use:
The five-step Switch on Your Brain Learning Program, to build memory and learn effectively
The Gift Profile, to discover the unique way they process information
The Mindfulness Guide, to optimize their thought life and find their inner resilience
Dr Leaf shows readers how to combine these powerful tools in order to improve memory, learning, cognitive and intellectual performance, work performance, physical performance, relationships, emotional health, and most importantly a meaningful life well lived.
Each of us has significant psychological resources at our fingertips that we can use in order to improve our overall well-being. Dr. Leaf shows us how to harness those resources to unlock our hidden potential.
JULY 29, 2025
9798887694313 | 256 Pgs Trade Paperback
$17.99 USD | $24.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0"
Carton Quantity: 48
Self-Help / Personal Growth / Success
Dr Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist, audiologist, clinical and research neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in psychoneurobiology and metacognitive neuropsychology Since the early 1980s, she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input
Dr Leaf is the host of the podcast Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess, has published in scientific journals and is the author of 18 bestselling books translated into 24 languages, including Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess, How to Help Your Child Clean Up their Mental Mess, and Think, Learn, Succeed She teaches at academic, medical and neuroscience conferences, and to various audiences around the world
Dr Leaf has published a number of articles in academic journals and consumer magazines, and has been widely interviewed in newspapers, on radio and on television shows about her research and theories.
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Un plan probado para acabar de una vez con la ansiedad del mañana HYATT, MICHAEL
Each of us has but one life to live on this earth What we do with it is our choice Are we drifting through it as spectators, reacting to our circumstances when necessary and wondering just how we got to this point anyway? Or are we directing it, maximizing the joy and potential of every day, living with a purpose or mission in mind?
Too many of us are doing the former and our lives are slipping away one day at a time. But what if we treated life like the gift that it is? What if we lived each day as though it were part of a bigger picture, a plan? That's what New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt and executive coach Daniel Harkavy show us how to do: to design a life with the end in mind, determining in advance the outcomes we desire and the path to get there In this step-by-step guide, they share proven principles that help readers create a simple but effective life plan so they can get from where they are now to where they really want to be in every area of life.
JUNE 10, 2025
9798887694139 | 224 Pgs Trade Paperback
$15.99 USD | $21.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 52
Religion / Christian Living / Professional Growth
Michael Hyatt is the chief executive officer and founder of Michael Hyatt & Company He has launched multiple companies over the years, including a $250 million publishing company with 700-plus employees and his own leadership development company, which has grown over 60 percent year over year for the past four years Under his leadership, Michael Hyatt & Company has been featured in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for three years in a row. He is also the author of several New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling books, including Platform, Living Forward, Your Best Year Ever, Free to Focus, and The Vision Driven Leader He and his wife of forty-plus years have five daughters and nine grandchildren
Daniel Harkavy has been coaching business leaders to peak levels of success, performance, profitability, and fulfillment for more than twenty-five years In 1996, he harnessed his passion for coaching teams and leaders and founded Building Champions, where he serves as CEO and executive coach. Over the past two decades, he and his team of coaches have worked with thousands of clients and organizations implementing the plan in Living Forward He and his wife live just outside Portland, Oregon Harkavy actively serves his community as a member of nonprofit boards and a mentor to those seeking leadership advice He is the proud father of four children and an avid surfer Learn more at BuildingChampions com
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Lo que los exitosos hacen
El método para duplicar tus resultados TEME, HÉCTOR
Successful people have a unique and special way of implementing their ideas Regardless of circumstances or adversities, you can do what successful people do This book will help you find the right focus, with maximum productivity, clear measurements, and continuous learning. Héctor Teme proposes a unique and effective technique to achieve successful results: the co-creativity technique, twelve smart steps where you define your vision, link it to your mission, review your mental models, and incorporate skills, among other steps. Successful people think of the result not just as a space of concrete achievements, but as a learning process The result is not just a single event In a virtual, dynamic world with immediate communication models, the result is always more than one thing it is a sum of talents, skills, and character What Successful People Do (Lo que los exitosos hacen) is the new implementation model for doubling results in the age of connection
AUGUST 5, 2025
9798887694252 | 160 Pgs Trade Paperback
$12.99 USD | $17.99 CAN 5" x 7" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 76
Business & Economics / Mentoring & Coaching
Dr Héctor Teme is a renowned life coach who has trained numerous pastors and Christian leaders in Latin America International lecturer for more than 27 years, he is distinguished by his effective communication and his convening authority, two of the attributes that he transmits to his disciples There are already over 500,000 people who have attended his leadership and personal development seminars in Spain, Latin America, and the United States His online trainings have an international media reach, supported by offices in strategic cities in the Hispanic world
Dr Teme is the president of Global Leadership University He lives in Miami with his wife Laura, and they have two daughters
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Lo que saben los rabinos
Y que nunca aprendí en la iglesia
What the Rabbis Know That I Never Learned in Church is an eye-opening examination of what Christians can learn about God from the ones who call Him Adonai. Author Chaim Bentorah has spent forty years talking with, learning from, and studying with rabbis in order that Christians can experience the gospel through a new lens.
Bentorah wades through the complexities of how Jews and Christians live, breath, and digest Scripture. Rabbis taught Bentorah that there were always new insights that could be learned from Scripture and he presents these not only through Jewish tradition and customs, but also through the importance of the Hebrew and Greek languages
This book will constructively challenge believers to discover the roots of Christianity from a Jewish perspective providing cultural context and insights Come with a heart and mind prepared by the Holy Spirit to learn and live anew in God.
AUGUST 12, 2025
9798887694276 | 256 Pgs Trade Paperback
$15.99 USD | $21.99 CAN 5½" x 8½" x 0"
Carton Quantity: 48
Religion / Biblical Studies / History & Culture
Chaim Bentorah has a bachelor of arts degree in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute, a master’s degree in Old Testament and Hebrew from Denver Seminary, and a doctorate in Biblical Archaeology He studied advanced Hebrew under Dr Earl S Kalland, who was on the executive committee for the translation work of the New International Version of the Bible Bentorah taught classical Hebrew and Old Testament for thirteen years at World Harvest Bible College, a division of LeSea, Inc He presently teaches Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek to lay Christian leaders and pastors in the metro Chicago area and writes daily word studies on his blog at www chaimbentorah com He speaks to church and parachurch groups about the nature and means of studying the Old Testament in the original Hebrew His books combine a devotional emphasis with scriptural studies into the deeper meanings of Hebrew words Some of his published books are Hebrew Word Study: Revealing the Heart of God (2016) and Journey into Silence: Transformation Through Contemplation, Wonder, and Worship (2018)
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Sopas de letras Mujeres de la Biblia
Discover some of the many women who are part of biblical history in Women of the Bible Large Print Word Search
With more than 150 easy-to-read, large print word searches that are sure to inspire your faith, you will discover heroines such as Ruth and Esther, prophets like Moses’s sister Miriam, the Shunammite woman who provided a place for Elisha to stay, Samuel’s mother Hannah, and many more.
Word search puzzles are a fun, relaxing way to pass the time, whether you are waiting for a friend or just need some stress relief Searching for words from some of the stories that have come down through the ages about biblical heroines and women who shaped history can be thought-provoking and edifying Word searches can also improve your vocabulary and spelling, develop pattern recognition skills, and keep your memory sharp
MAY 6, 2025
9798887694078 | 208 Pgs Trade Paperback
$12.99 USD | $17.99 CAN 7" x 9" x 0½"
Carton Quantity: 50
Games & Activities / Word & Word Search
Buscadores de la Palabra
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Sopas de letras Devocional de Mañana y Tarde para Paz y Bienestar
Letra grande
Enjoy 100 easy-to-read, large print word searches from “the Prince of Preachers”!
Morning & Evening Devotional on Peace and Comfort Large Print Word Search features the inspirational words of Charles H Spurgeon from his classic devotional In the 1800s, Spurgeon’s compelling sermons and lively preaching style drew multitudes of people, resulting in many coming to Christ He preached to an estimated ten million people throughout his life and at one point, his sermons sold 25,000 copies every week! Morning & Evening remains one of his most popular works today.
These selections from Spurgeon’s classic devotional are sure to bring a calming balm to your heart as you discover more about God and His promises Word search puzzles are a fun, relaxing way to pass the time, whether you are waiting for a friend or just need some stress relief
Word searches can also improve your vocabulary and spelling, develop pattern recognition skills, and keep your memory sharp.
MAY 13, 2025
9798887694085 | 208 Pgs
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892), the “Prince of Preachers,” preached his first sermon at age sixteen and became a pastor at age eighteen Spurgeon drew large crowds and built the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London in 1861 to accommodate them During his lifetime, he preached to an estimated ten million people Spurgeon founded and supported charitable outreaches, including educational institutions He also founded a pastors’ college and the famous Stockwell Orphanage Spurgeon published over two thousand of his sermons, as well as numerous books, which constitute the largest collection of work by a single author His printed Sunday sermons were so popular that they were literally sold by the ton He continually appealed to his audiences to allow the Lord to minister to them individually Highlighted with splashes of spontaneous, delightful humor, his teachings still provide direction to all who are seeking true joy and genuine intimacy with God : Buscadores de la Palabra