A Brighter Future & Clash of Ideologies

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A Brighter Future & Clash of Ideologies (1) By: Jim Bishay In the following series of articles James (Jim) Bishay explores the state of the United States union from various socioeconomic and political aspects. In an age where information is more available than ever and where social media avails us of platforms for any opinion regardless of validity, a new set of norms and challenges were inevitable to evolve. Social and traditional media venues have exposed and often magnify divisions and gridlocks of ideological issues and views that span the entire spectrum from social, political, race, gender, and the economy. One thing is true about these divisions: they are real, and often deep.

There is no time in US history, since the Civil War, that this chasm has been wider. What used to be a cause of celebration of diversity turned out to be a cause of societal and civil concern? The “melting pot� is boiling over, and no leader, political party, or spiritual authority seems to know where to start let alone what to do about it. It is no longer just simple ideology differences, or Republican vs. Democrat, or conservative vs. liberal. It is far more complicated and it crosses over racial, political, economic, gender, environmental, and religious lines. These rifts are real, and the disparity is here to stay, so is there a way for a society to survive the battlefield where the battle lines are many and they are clearly drawn? Is there a hope to unite Americans and heal America? Is there a hope for a great nation to even become greater by addressing its past and present and move into a brighter future? Most Americans agree that a united America is a strong America. We further agree that Americans must come together, and accept one another. But how can that be when each one has a strong set of beliefs and views that often conflict head-on with other Americans? The path is challenging, but is there any

alternative to the price this nation has to pay otherwise? In the last few weeks, we have seen a nation that was awakened to its inherent social injustice manifested in race. Peaceful protests broke out, but so did countless unruly riots, arsons, and lootings. The line between good and bad has been smeared further. Political and community leaders scrambled to identify what side they are on. The challenge was clear from the beginning, to advocate for one side is to demonize the other side. But the other side is not all bad. The majority of the “other” side is also overwhelmingly against social injustices. Their personal convictions are often similar on both sides. So why are there two sides? One side proposes to demolish the other side. The other side was sworn to protect and enhance the safety of the community, can it be abolished? Where would that leave us as Americans? Is that the answer to our differences? Is that what would bring peace and harmony to our fractured society? Questions can and often are endless. So how does such conversation start, and how should it proceed? For starters, we as a nation should all strive towards a “United” States. It is time to realize and broaden Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of equality. Equality that transcends race and color of the skin; equality that exemplifies that “all men are created equal” in everyday life. For so long, America has realized that her stained past of injustices has to belong there. We as a nation agree that unity is strength. The vast majority of us welcome such true equality. But while we yearn for such harmony, many are unwilling or un-attentive to the price of such freedom. For so long, we took pride for being the “Land of the Free”; yet we are bound with hidden and not so hidden chains of un-acceptance, discrimination, judgmental alienation, to the point of name calling, hatred-filled confrontation, and rejection of those who are different from me. If one thing is proven to be true is that more laws and regulations can curb behaviors but cannot heal or change societies. We can look to Congress, the administration, and other governmental agencies to enact more rules and directives, but the seeds of change have to start from within. From within the individual, the family, and how we raise our young. In conclusion, for me, as an individual (Jim Bishay), I believe that this over-due change in our society is attainable, yet not easy. The hope of Dr. King’s broader dream is alive, yet costly. Next time, Jim Bishay (James Bishay) will explore further what we need to do as a society and how various communities, institutional, and political leaders should approach such sensitive subjects and how they become agents of everlasting change.

A Brighter Future & Clash of Ideologies (2) By: Jim Bishay 6/14/2020 In the following series of articles where James (Jim) Bishay explores the state of the United States Union from various socioeconomic and political aspects. In the last article, I mentioned a host of socioeconomic and political issues that are plaguing our great nation. These issues are not new but many have been recently magnified for one reason or another. Nowadays, we see protests on the streets of every major city and many other smaller towns that started

as a result of the unjustifiable killing of George Floyd at the hand of a rogue police officer who had no regard for human life. But soon, it turned into violence, arsons, lootings, and disorderly conduct. What started as a noble cause for peaceful protests, soon turned into mayhem and utter chaos? In the beginning, it seemed as if there was no way any two Americans would disagree as to what they are seeing. After all, there was an unjustified murder of a black man at the hands of a white police officer. The incident highlighted police brutality and use of excessive force. The incident was underlined because it is not the first of its kind in a nation that has had history of racial divide and racial profiling. Many thought we all could agree on what we all witnessed, captured on camera, a senseless act of murder. Every media venue broadcasted the same video.

However, the fact is that, even that very unfortunate incident could not be met with unity and accord. Instead, individuals and groups hurried to define their propaganda based on their ideology. Many outspoken black leaders took the opportunity to aim at their political enemies and blame the incident on their indifference to black lives. And among white leadership, the democrats condemned the attack and swiftly switched the focus on the predominantly white administration. In return, republicans fired back. And it soon turned into another political agenda, and another platform for the venom of hate to manifest. One major culprit stands guilty. It is the media. The divided media has a unique ability of looking at the same incident and cleverly spinning it to serve a narrative. Many extremist groups seized the opportunity to try to undermine the rule of law. These groups are not new to the scene but they found a good opportunity to spread division and disorder, attacking the police, in an attempt to further their extremist progressive agenda. They mask themselves as groups that are seeking social justice, but everything they do spreads hate and chaos. What is worth noting is that these groups, such as Antifa, BLM (Black Lives Matter), and other anarchists operate in states and cities that are controlled by democratic governors, mayors, and chiefs of police. These elected officials are sworn to uphold the constitution and protect their constituents. Instead they stand down to the anarchists and give them the “go ahead� to carry out their destruction by standing

between those unruly protesters and the police. These compromised officials restrain the police, reject the National Guard assistance, and refuse any other assistance from the federal government. These radical officials have always been part of the problem. After all, these inequalities happen right under their nose, and instead of providing proper training to their police forces, they allow them to fail. They fail the constituents who elected them in every sense of the word. Many see the clash of ideologies and claim that our beloved country is going through an identity crisis. But is that really the case? In my opinion, the progressive left with a radical social agenda have declared war on Capitalism and the freedoms that are acknowledged to be the right of all citizens by the founding fathers through the Constitution. While they cry foul and protest inequality, they cling to an ideology of totalitarianism that seeks to silence any and all opposition. But it does not merely stop there. It used to be that if a conservative man or a woman kept his/ her head down and did not outwardly speak their views, it was acceptable by the hate-filled radical left. This is not the case anymore! The fanatics’ leftist ideology has now unleashed its ultimate vehement attack. It declares that “silence is violence”! These criminal thugs have the audacity to accuse the good law-abiding citizens who do not condone their destruction, to be the instigators of chaos. This is the same “play book” of totalitarianism and Marxism. Most Americans denounce such an extreme progressive agenda. But the liberal media relentlessly tailor every incident, scenario, or policy to plant seeds of hate and division in the name of equality. They never question the democrat officials in charge about their failure to protect their citizens, businesses, and infrastructure. Or why they allow precincts and buildings to be burned and stores to be looted. Instead they all repeat the same propaganda. One that is similar in tone and spirit as ISIS’ “Allahu Akhbar.” Next time, Jim Bishay (James Bishay) will explore further what can be done about radicalism and how to afford society true healing and reconciliation while upholding the rule of law and order. Not taking our freedoms for granted, but allowing these freedoms to operate and flourish in efficient and constructive manners.

A Brighter Future & Clash of Ideologies (3) By: Jim Bishay 6/18/2020 In the following series of articles where James (Jim) Bishay explores the state of the United States Union from various socioeconomic and political aspects. Have you ever wondered who controls the narrative of the highly-charged political racial “dialogue”? The answer is those who feel that they have the moral grounds to control who, what, and how people can be speaking. To these self-appointed “righteous” ones, they not only know better than everyone else, but they also have the right grounds, feelings, and solutions. They believe their right is rooted in their God-given privilege to criticize others and completely silence them. It doesn't matter where others are coming from, or others’ freedoms or rights. If anyone else dares to differ and express their opinions for the sake of healthy balanced solutions, these self-appointed ones are quick to throw every accusation, racial slur and insult in an attempt to quickly regain the upper hand and retain full control

over the narrative. The broad brush is out to paint anyone who differs with the ugly color of hate, division, and insensitivity.

For example, it is no longer acceptable even to discuss solutions that speak well of, say, law enforcement. Recently, a white congressman was attacked and silenced by another congressman. Why? Because he was of the “wrong” complexion. How could a white man have strong equality convictions and feelings!? He was immediately attacked for never being in the shoes of a black man. When that congressman attempted to respond by saying my own adopted kid is not white, and I love him very much, and I care for him with all my heart. The barrage of attack continued by the other congressman. The audacity of the attack went as far as saying: “I am a black man; I care more for your child than you do”!!! This is beyond rhetoric. This is past idiocy or ignorance. This is an intentional scheme to control society and rid it of anything that one sector does not like. Anyone or anything that does not bow, is quickly labeled “racist,” “hatred,” or at best “insensitive.” But who is the co-conspirator that allows such groups to justify themselves, and use any means necessary to accomplish their suppressive goals? You may have guessed it! It is the far-left progressive propaganda media. Gone are the days of news venues that report balanced news and equally provide platforms for opposing opinions. This country was built and thrived for 200 years on constructive disagreements, so why not now?! It is because the media has abandoned its journalism that once was. It was against the profession and the professional practice standards for any legitimate media venue to “inject” its own opinions, let alone taking sides. The press once prided itself on equally presenting conflicting views, and trusting the American people to reach their own conclusions.

But that all seems to be in the far rear-view mirror now. It is sadly a mere distant memory. What set these great United States apart from any other nation in the world was the freedoms she once offered, protected, and sent her own children to die for. But the press has forgotten all of that. The media has been spoiled, and what were once respected news venues, have become a platform for a growing utopian radical socialist agenda that thrives on control and more control! This is a tipping point in our nation’s history. It is the choice between law and order, peace, prosperity and liberty, where we as one American family stand between safety and security and liberal lawlessness and total anarchy. The tactics of sweeping broad generalizations and often false accusations of groups of patriotic citizens, who in many instances stand in the way of chaos, have to stop. This rush to judgement is a clear and present danger to the entire country and to the stability of its union! In the next article, Jim Bishay (James Bishay) will further discuss this and other pressing issues. For questions, or comments, please e-mail Mr. Bishay Jim.Bishay@gmail.com or James.Bishay@gmail.com

A Brighter Future & Clash of Ideologies (4) By: Jim Bishay 6/20/2020 In the following series of articles where James (Jim) Bishay explores the state of the United States union from various socioeconomic and political aspects. What are Americans doing in the face of the mob? Very little, if anything. Backed by the radical Democrats, the power of the Mob has been unleashed. It is unleashed against the safety of every lawabiding American. It has been unleashed against the rule of law. It has been unleashed against our society in very real ways. This week, in a major Democrat-controlled US metropolitan area, the radical mob wrapped the American Flag around the statute of George Washington, burned the flag, and brought down the statute. The statute of the founding father of this country. No one was held accountable. The mayor, and the police chief, along with the governor are all in, against law enforcement. Their betrayal of their country is evident and clear. T So who will stand for America? In 2016, the American people spoke loud and clear. This threat to Capitalism, conservatism, and our own way of life has been simmering for years. The people ushered President Trump into the White House because he was the “outsider” who indeed cared for America, her interests, and her people. He represents Americanism in its purest colors. And for two years both the House and the Senate were under the Republican control, but that did not seem to make much difference. With the exception of a few, many republicans and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) utterly failed to make the necessary changes to hedge our country against the sweeping waves of radicalism and socialism. They also failed to hold other politicians accountable, or simply stand in solidarity with the newly elected president who stands for America above anything else. The result, in 2018, was that Republicans lost their majority in the House and narrowly kept the majority in the Senate.

But what is going on today begs one to take a hard look at Republicanism. If Republicanism is what is standing in the face of Fascism that is masked as socialism for the sake of equality; then what are the steps and roles that the Republican Party is taking to defend the country it swore to protect? The answer may shock you, NOTHING! Career Republican politicians are too insecure to stand up for their values or convictions. Many are hesitant to even defend the president in the onslaught of assault from the radical left. They seldom appear together as representatives of the people to condemn violence and demand law and order. Their -unspoken- hope seems to be that the mob will lose its steam, and they will stop burning the flag or tearing down much of our heritage. Their “mantra” is evidently to “duck” until this evil passes. But if there is one thing that is evident, it is that the mob is only gaining momentum. And the upsurge of betrayal from “public servants” is worsening. They bought into the lie and surrendered to their fears of being called racists, if they spoke up! No wonder large sections of US cities are now under mob control. What Republicans fail to understand is that this silence of inaction will have solemn ramifications. We are already seeing all our constitutional freedoms being trampled on one after another. In many US cities you will not be welcomed if you wear a shirt or a hat with the American flag. And if you dare to wear a “MAGA'' hat, you are likely to be physically attacked and perhaps even worse. The mob does not want America to be great again. They hate America. But silencing Americans and robbing their freedoms does not stop there. Social Media platforms are freely roaming the airways and the internet to actively silence whoever disagrees with them. Where are our elected officials? They are watching chaos from the comfort of their homes that are fully financed and paid for by taxpayers. This country more than ever needs the silent majority to stand up. Yes, to condemn inequality and any face of ugly prejudice, but also to stop the extremist -and often militantjihadists on our streets. When will Americans of all races, colors, and religions rise to the occasion to protect their country and their children for generations to come? It is time to show the world that the value of our freedoms transcends color and creed. Armed by our ideals that cherish our liberties and treasure the premise of our constitution that we are all equal. We all matter. If we do so, then there is a hope for tomorrow, and the Star - Spangled Banner will continue to shine on this nation from sea to a shining sea. In the next article, Jim Bishay (James Bishay) will further discuss this and other pressing issues. For questions, or comments, please e-mail Mr. Bishay at: Jim.Bishay@gmail.com or James.Bishay@gmail.com

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