ASRA Section-by-Section

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Index Introduction


Title I - National Security


Sections 1-9 Title II - Civil Sections 1-6 Title III - Commercial Sections 1-11

6-9 10 12-15 16 18-21

Image: During Exploration Flight Test 1, NASA’s Orion spacecraft launched on United Launch Alliance’s Delta IV Heavy supported by the Air Force’s 45th Space Wing.


Breakthrough space technologies have improved the human condition by transforming the way we communicate, navigate, produce food and energy, conduct banking, predict weather, perform disaster relief, provide security, and so much more. These benefits for all of humanity can be directly tied to the leadership of the United States of America in exploring and commercializing space. Unfortunately, the continued benefits from space technology maturation and increased space access are no longer assured. Space is becoming more congested, contested, and competitive. The enemies of the United States have identified space as a vulnerability, which has proven to be provocative. We must establish responsible governance that will prevent mishaps, misperceptions, and mistrust, while assuring the use of space for all responsible parties. We must be able to deter attacks, defend government and commercial assets, and defeat threats when necessary. As a military pilot, I can attest that our national security and our way of life require both military and commercial space capabilities. Our space architectures must be resilient and our national security terrestrial systems must be interoperable with both military and commercial space systems. As the United States works to ensure space security, commercial enterprise will continue to capitalize and produce generational leaps in space technology that benefit humanity and reduce government costs. The American regulatory framework must minimize regulatory burden, while maximizing regulatory certainty. The United States civil and defense space enterprises must not compete with the private sector, but rather enable domestic commercial launch and space system development. When space exploration and development are in the national interest, but the risks are too high for commercial enterprise, our civil agencies, like NASA and NOAA, must lead with a purpose to retire risk and commercialize programs. The mission of the American Space Renaissance Act is to permanently secure the United States of America as the preeminent spacefaring nation.

A Time For Space Leadership


National Security Space is no longer a benign operating environment and is becoming ever more congested, contested, and competitive. Success in modern warfare depends on effects delivered by and through space-based capabilities from GPS, to weather, to imagery, to missile warning, and communications. Near-peer competitors are aggressively developing, testing, and deploying capabilities to counter America’s strategic military advantage on the “ultimate high ground.� Our current space architectures are vulnerable to attacks. Vulnerability is provocative. We must build more resilient architectures capable of withstanding and recovering from attacks. The Department of Defense needs to develop rapid reconstitution options, proliferate capability across DOD, allied, and commercial constellations, and enhance protection among commercial systems. Our current space architectures are generally walled off from each other creating unnecessary challenges and inefficiencies for our warfighters. Custom-built, stove-piped space systems drain manpower and sustainment resources, inhibit timely information sharing and real-time situational awareness, and make it difficult to insert competitively awarded plug-and-play capability upgrades. In particular, ground segments must be considered as an enterprise with maximum interoperability. The DOD should begin to integrate architectures by requiring multiband terminals and implementing a strategy to automate commercial and military information sharing. DOD space systems often suffer from cost and schedule overruns during acquisition, and high sustainment costs and diminishing technological superiority once fielded. While some defense missions have no commercial equivalent, there are plenty of opportunities to integrate commercial solutions. Leveraging commercial enhances resiliency and reduces costs. Buying data and services in a competitive market is often more affordable compared to DOD buying, owning, operating, and sustaining its own systems. In some cases, modified commercial solutions can meet specific military requirements. DOD should leverage commercial solutions by better utilizing hosted payloads, buying commercial satellite communication services, and purchasing commercial weather data and services.

Image: Department of Defense Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite.




Success in modern warfare depends on effects delivered by and through space-based capabilities from GPS, to weather, to imagery, to missile warning, and communications.




Sec. 101. Space Doctrine, Organization, and Management Requires the President to develop doctrine for the Armed Forces and Intelligence Commu-

nity governing the U.S. response to deliberately hostile acts against USG, commercial, and allied/partner space assets. Codifies the roles and responsibilities of the Principal Defense Space Advisor consistent with DEPSECDEF memo (Oct 2015). Requires SECDEF to develop a strategy to enhance automation and increase interoperability between systems which share space and cyberspace situational awareness information across the DOD. Requires annual SECDEF “integrated program” certification for major satellite acquisition programs to ensure major segments (space segment, ground segment, and terminals) are delivered and acquired in synchronized manner. Prohibits Milestone C approval for nonImage: SES demonstrated the value of hosting government payloads on commercial satellites with the Commercially Hosted Infrared Payload (CHIRP) program.

integrated major satellite acquisition programs. Enforces Section 911 of FY13 National Defense Authorization Act by limiting funding for the Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD/AT&L) until Undersecretary certifies compliance with the existing statute.

National Security

Hosted Payloads – Requires SECDEF to leverage hosted payloads to the extent practical. After 2026, SECDEF shall give preference to hosted payloads launched on U.S. launch vehicles. Requires all Analyses of Alternatives for space systems requiring launch to consider alternatives with hosted payloads. Requires SECDEF to provide a plan to increase DOD utilization of hosted payloads through the Hosted Payload Solutions contract. Plan includes criteria and standards for new entrants to qualify for HoPS certification. Protection Capability Enhancements for Commercial – Requires SECDEF assessment of desirable protection capabilities which commercial operators could integrate in systems prior to launch. These protection capabilities would enhance the integration of commercial capabilities into national security space architectures. Establishes a mechanism for SECDEF to consult with relevant commercial space industry representatives on findings and recommendations. High Volume Satellite Manufacturing – Expresses a sense of Congress that DOD should examine opportunities offered by high-volume satellite manufacturing as the capability emerges, particularly in terms of cost reduction and resiliency enhancement.

Sec. 103. Positioning, Navigation, and Timing

Expresses a sense of Congress that current and future satellite communications architec-

Expresses a sense of Congress on the importance of positioning, navigation, and timing

tures of the Department of Defense should be resilient, integrated, and include enterprise-

(PNT) for national security and economic prosperity. Requires SECDEF to provide a strat-

level situational awareness networks.

egy to ensure DOD PNT leverages the best available signals from alternative PNT systems.


Sec. 102. Satellite Communications

rity, availability, security, and reliability of foreign PNT signals.

study makes informed and accurate MILSATCOM vs. COMSATCOM comparisons and considers commercial investments, technology insertion plans, and commercial acquisition models and capabilities. Requires GAO review of the AoA to ensure compliance with Congressional directives. Multiband Terminals – Directs future SATCOM terminal acquisition programs to require multiband capability. Requires SECDEF to approve any exception to this policy. Protected Tactical Service – Authorizes full funding for AEHF Space Modernization Initiative Protected Tactical Service demonstration and test programs. Space and Missile Systems Center Pathfinder Program – Authorizes full funding for SMC

Sec. 104. Weather Expresses a sense of Congress that space-based weather data and services can help mitigate gaps in critical weather requirements, increase architecture resilience, and augment legacy government weather systems. National Executive Committee on Weather – Requires the President to establish a National Executive Committee on Weather to coordinate weather-related matters across the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. This will be modeled after the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee.

Pathfinders. Section 1605 Satellite Communications Pilot Program – Authorizes and requires $50 million for pilots pursuant to program established by Section 1605 of the FY15 NDAA (as modified by Section 1612 of FY16 NDAA.) Department of Homeland Security Narrowband Communications – Directs DHS to report on leveraging Multiple User Objective System SATCOM to complement existing communications systems. Requires assessment of critical connectivity requirements, shortfalls, and ways to cover gapped requirements. Preservation of Electromagnetic Spectrum Access – Requires the Federal Communications Commission to ensure that commercial satellites operating in geostationary and nongeostationary orbit have primary access to the electromagnetic spectrum in the 27.5-28.35 gigahertz band without the need to participate in an auction or to purchase in the secondary market. This includes individually licensed Earth stations.

Image: Tempus Global Data is building a constellation of geostationary hyperspectral satellites to produce commercially available weather data.

The strategy will address issues associated with monitoring and verifying accuracy, integWideband AoA – Amends FY16 NDAA language on Wideband SATCOM AoA to ensure


Commercial Weather Data Quality, Security, and Reliability Standards – Requires

$30.2 million in RDT&E and O&M for the JICSpOC.

SECDEF to develop and certify quality, security, and reliability standards to facilitate use of commercial weather data into national security weather systems.

Commercial Integration Cell – Requires SECDEF to brief the congressional defense

committees on making the Commercial Integration Cell at the JSpOC permanent. Weather Forecasting Model Open Competition – Requires Secretary of Air Force to direct a full and open competition for the weather forecasting model used by the

Commercial SSA payloads – Requires SECDEF to identify the SSA payloads desirable

Air Force Weather Agency. Requires SecAF certification that competition has been

for commercial satellite operators and other non-government operators (e.g., universi-

directed. Fences AFWA funding until certification delivered.

ties) to integrate into their systems prior to launch.

Commercial Weather Data Pilot Program – Authorizes $10 million for commercial weather data pilot program. Requires Air Force to enter into at least one pilot contract to assess the viability of integrating commercial weather data into DOD weather modeling and forecasting. OPIR Weather Applications – Requires SECDEF to examine the potential of Space Based Infrared Systems to generate weather data in support of requirements. Weather Requirements Gap Mitigation – Requires SECDEF report on utilizing payloads on Defense Meteorological Satellite Program to mitigate validated DOD weather requirements including Ocean Vector Winds, Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Snow Depth, and Sea Ice. Prohibition of Reliance on Foreign Countries for Space-Based Weather Data – Prohibits DOD from planning to rely on foreign partners for cloud characterization, theater weather imagery, and space-based weather data. Space Weather – Authorizes full funding of $40 million for Air Force space survivability and surveillance research, development, test and evaluation. Geomagnetic Storm Warning – Requires USD/AT&L, in coordination with NOAA

Sec. 106. Launch Domestic Engines – Instructs DOD to consider bids from launch providers utilizing domestically-built engines as costing 25 percent less than the list cost of the bid for the purposes of the competitive bid process. Institutes this provision beginning after December 31, 2022. Venture Class Launch Services Program – Requires DOD to establish a program to competitively award launch services contracts for venture class launch vehicles. Authorizes $27 million in funding to award not less than four contracts for venture class launch services. Operationally Responsive Space – Requires ORS to prioritize market research and identification of commercial capabilities and services. Prior to new development programs, requires ORS to certify no commercial capability or service (with or without minor modifications) can meet the program requirements. Evaluation of Allied Launch Services Backup – Authorizes $4 million to conduct studies on Allied launch service providers to serve as backup to launch national security missions.

and NASA, to develop a geomagnetic storm warning capability. Capability development shall include full consideration of commercial capabilities.

Sec. 107. Command and Control

Sec. 105. Space Situational Awareness

Air Force Satellite Control Network – Requires SecAF to commercialize (i.e., fully

Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center – Authorizes full funding of

outsource) daily AFSCN operations by January 2018 (excluding mission planning and warfighting operations).

Sec. 108. Remote Sensing 9

Expresses a sense of Congress that the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office should continue efforts to implement innovative technol-

ogy upgrades, flexible licensing and sharing policies, analytic capability, cross-training, content-in-the-open, and use of international standards. NGA should expand use of open-source methods and data. Commercial GEOINT Strategy – Requires NGA briefing on options, including new acquisition authorities, necessary to accelerate Commercial GEOINT Strategy.

Sec. 109. Congressional Defense Committees Defined Defines congressional defense committees as those listed in 10 USC 101.

Image: NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer launches two Dove Satellites from the International Space Station. Photo Credit: PlanetLabs


Civil NASA is an exceptional agency that has inspired billions of people and transformed the human condition. It has taken humans to the moon and expanded our knowledge of the universe. In spite of its amazing accomplishments, the United States has seen NASA devolve from a human presence on the moon, to maintaining a presence only in low Earth orbit, and now finding itself dependent on Russia for human access to space. While this may seem bleak, NASA has made steady progress in commercializing its enterprise in low Earth orbit in order to share costs with various market segments, the Department of Defense, and international partners. American commercial enterprise now regularly resupplies the International Space Station and will soon reestablish capabilities to take American astronauts to the ISS. When space exploration is in the national interest, and the capital costs and risks are too high for commercial enterprise, NASA should focus on pioneering space with a purpose to retire risk and commercialize programs. Over the past twenty years, 27 NASA programs have been cancelled at a cost of over $20 billion to the taxpayer. Many of these have come as a result of changes in presidential administrations. Due to the decades-long timelines of many NASA programs, the NASA administrator should have a set term that spans multiple administrations. And instead of ever-changing Congressional budgets, NASA should be given certainty and flexibility to spend resources where most critical. In return for this stability, mechanisms must be put in place to ensure programs remain on track and leadership is held to account. The National Research Council reported in 2014 that NASA’s current budgets, strategies, and missions will not get the United States to Mars. Mars should be the horizon goal, and a clear plan entailing necessary funding levels and strategic missions is critical to success.

Image: NASA’s future Space Launch System (SLS).



NASA is an exceptional agency that has inspired billions


of people and transformed the human condition.




Sec. 201. Definitions

Defines Administrator and NASA.

Sec. 202. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Expresses a sense of Congress that uncertainty in leadership and budget prevents NASA from having a clear purpose and that NASA should reorganize, refocus, and eliminate extraneous activities. Amends the Space Act of 1958 – Alters the objectives of NASA’s aeronautical and space activities to align NASA’s mission with a doctrine of pioneering space. Directs NASA to be the first to arrive at space destinations, expand access, and put in place infrastructure necessary to facilitate utilization and development. Image: Boeing CST-100 and SpaceX Dragon with the International Space Station.


Streamlines the National Civil Space Enterprise – Requires NASA Administrator to retain an independent outside entity to prepare a report identifying activities and assets inconsistent with NASA’s newly defined mission and determine which activities can be transferred to other Federal Agencies, commercial entities, or eliminated. Requires report be delivered to Congress within one year. Expresses a sense of Congress that the Administrator should take any actions in the report permitted by law and that Congress should consider legislation to implement recommendations of the report. Administrator – Establishes a five year term for the NASA Administrator to ensure that NASA has continuous leadership through political cycles. Long Term Plans – Requires NASA to develop 20-year and 10-year plans every five years. The 20-year plan will outline broad goals. The 10-year plan will provide specific objectives and budget profiles based on goals outlined in the 20-year plan. NASA Leadership and Advising Commission – Establishes a 21-person NASA Leadership and Advising Commission consisting of aerospace policy, engineering, technical, science, legal, and finance professionals equally chosen by the majority and minority parties of Congress. Directs Commission to provide a list of potential Administrators from which the President must choose his nominee.

Budget and Revolving Fund – Requires NASA to submit a multi-year budget request. Requires all appropriations to be multi-year or no-year appropriations. Establishes a $250 million revolving fund to supplement NASA programs suffering from development challenges as well as support infrastructure upgrades and maintenance. These new funding protocols will give NASA greater flexibility to plan over longer periods of time.

Mars Priority – Expresses a sense of Congress that NASA should prioritize funding to keep deep space exploration on track to get humans to Mars utilizing the Moon and cislunar space and leveraging commercial capabilities and assets.

Accountability – Requires the directorate head of any program exceeding program life cycle costs by 15 percent or more to be available to testify at any time before the relevant Congressional committees. Ensures NASA program staff is available to update the relevant Congressional committee staff at least once a quarter. Subjects NASA programs exceeding program life cycle costs by 30 percent or more to automate cancellation unless Congress specifically authorizes the program to continue. Administrator Removal – Directs NASA’s Inspector General recommend a mechanism for the automatic removal of the NASA Administrator based on program delays or a lack of adherence to long term plans. Increases accountability to ensure programs stay on time and on budget. Spin Offs – Reiterates that NASA should spin off mature capabilities to other public entities or the private sector and continually refocus on pioneering. Launch Insurance Reform – Beginning on October 1, 2019, requires NASA to determine the maximum probable loss associated with launches procured from commercial launch providers. Requires launch providers to purchase insurance for either $500 million for third party liability and $100 million for damage to government property, or the maximum probable loss, whichever is less. The objective is to reduce insurance costs without increasing risk.

NASA’s main human spaceflight priority shall be to land Americans on Mars.

Cost Savings Priority – Directs NASA to avoid developing capabilities and technologies not applicable to specified objectives including missions to Mars. Instructs NASA to leverage international partnerships. Specifics – Requires the first 20-year plan NASA submits to include a five year range in which NASA intends for astronauts to land on Mars. Instructs NASA in its first 10-year plan to address the concerns laid out by the National Research Council “Pathways to Exploration” report. Requires the long term plans submitted by NASA to specify how NASA will maintain a permanent human presence beyond low Earth orbit.

Sec. 204. Presence in Low Earth Orbit Expresses a sense of Congress that the United States should maintain a continuous human presence in low Earth orbit and, to the extent practical and consistent with national security priorities, should utilize commercial capabilities for operations in low Earth orbit. ISS Plan – Instructs NASA to develop a plan for the remaining life of the ISS. Requires an end-of-life transition for the ISS and a plan for continued human presence in low Earth orbit. Commercial Habitat Pilot Program – Requires NASA to develop and publish standards and specifications necessary for on-orbit habitats to house NASA astronauts and science experiments in low Earth orbit.

Sec. 203. Mission to Mars 13

Commission Budget Analysis – Requires Commission to provide Congress with analysis of NASA’s annual budget submission and long term plans. Allows for the Commission to recommend changes, hold hearings, obtain documents, and interview NASA personnel.


Sec. 205. Space Debris Remediation

Expresses a sense of Congress that space debris is a growing threat to space access and that the United States does not currently have a plan for developing space debris remediation capabilities. Remediation Report – Requires NASA, in coordination with other relevant federal agencies, to report to Congress within one year on the feasibility of remediating orbital space debris. Calls for the report to address technological and cost barriers.

Sec. 206. GAO Report on Insuring Class C and Class D NASA Payloads and Cargo Instructs the GAO to report on requiring first party insurance for NASA Class C and D payloads and cargo. Directs report to assess whether taxpayers are better served by paying insurance costs for launch or by self-insuring.

Image: Sierra Nevada Corporation’s future DreamChaser docked to the International Space Station for commercial resupply.

Habitat Contract – Requires NASA to enter into at least one competitively bid agreement by the end of 2018 to test the viability of a commercially built habitat. A private entity will fully fund the development of a habitat. NASA will provide the launch. Commercial Resupply and Commercial Crew – Requires that NASA continue its commercial partnerships for resupply and crew movement to the ISS and future low Earth orbit platforms. Expresses a sense of Congress that commercial crew and resupply programs should be funded at the levels necessary to stay on track and on budget. Domestic Engines – Instructs NASA to consider bids from launch providers utilizing domestically-built engines as costing 25 percent less than the list cost of the bid for the purposes of the competitive bid process effective January 1, 2023. This section does not restrict NASA from leveraging international partnerships or entering into Space Act Agreements where not restricted by other laws.

Image: Orbital ATK’s Cygnus cargo spacecraft on a resupply mission to the International Space Station.


Image: Bigelow Aerospace’s future B330 commercial orbital habitat.


Commercial Commercial space capital requirements and risks are sizeable. The United States commercial space industry must be provided maximum regulatory certainty with minimal regulatory burden. Regulators must be properly funded to provide licenses and reviews in a timely manner. Regulations must be updated so innovative, non-traditional activities, such as on-orbit servicing and human habitats, are in compliance with international treaty obligations and provided a level of regulatory certainty. Regulations must also be updated to allow spaceflight participants to receive training in space support vehicles. Commercial solutions must be considered when assessing government missions. Commercial service providers maintain distributed, disaggregated, and rapidly refreshed constellations that add resilience to space architectures while sharing costs across numerous non-government market segments. Traditional methods of acquiring government owned and operated space systems often cannot keep pace with the technological and cost reduction capabilities of commercial service providers. A 2013 study by the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee determined that the debris population in low Earth orbit will continue to grow due to collisions even if nothing new is launched, with catastrophic collisions occurring every five to nine years. However, launches will continue with increased frequency, meaning the space environment will become unsustainable if not for responsible leadership. It is time for a new approach to the monitoring and management of the space environment. A commercialized conjunction analysis and warning center, overseen by a civil agency, should fuse unclassified Defense data with data from international and commercial sensors to provide a single integrated space picture. Eventually, this information should be used by a civilian agency with authority to take action to minimize collisions in space. This will preserve space access for generations to come.


PROVIDE CERTAINTY FOR THE SPACE INDUSTRY ADOPT COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS FOR GOVERNMENT MISSIONS The commercial space industry holds enormous potential both as a tool of economic growth and a provider of services.

Image: Worldview-3 satellite operated by Digital Globe.




Sec. 301. Office of Commercial Space Transportation Importance of FAA/AST – Finds that the commercial space industry is a

source of economic growth for the United States. Recognizes the role the Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST) plays in facilitating this industry and its need for adequate resources. New Assistant Secretary of Transportation – Establishes the position of Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Commercial Space Transportation and designates this person as the Associate Administrator of FAA/AST. AST Appropriations – Authorizes appropriations for AST for fiscal years 2017 through 2021. For FY 2017, $43,200,000; FY 2018, $55,500,000; FY 2019, $66,000,000; FY 2020, $80,500,000; FY 2021, $99,000,000. FAA/AST Workload Metric – Requires AST to develop a new metric to represent the workload of the office. Current metric is number of launches. New metric will be utilized in budget requests for AST beginning with Image: Virgin Galactic will operate SpaceShipTwo for suborbital space tourism and experiments.


Regulatory Update – Directs AST to begin updating regulations within one year. Requires regulations to be reviewed and updated at least once every three years.

Sec. 302. Office of Spaceports


Defines spaceport. Office of Spaceports – Establishes an Office of Spaceports within AST to support and promote current and potential future commercial spaceports. Space Transportation Infrastructure Matching Grants – Updates the Space Transportation Infrastructure Matching Grants program and funds it by setting aside one half of one percent of funding in the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. Designates the Director of the Office of Spaceports as the agent acting on behalf of the Secretary of Transportation to carry out this program. GAO Report – Requires a GAO report on spaceport activities, user fees, and application process.

International Agreements – Requires the Secretary of State to seek bi-lateral and multi-

report on the demand for launch facilities. Instructs the Office of Spaceports to

lateral agreements with spacefaring nations to standardize regulations.

facilitate additional spaceports if needed.


Launch Demand Report – Requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit a

Global STM – Requires Secretary of State to work through interagency and multilateral processes to develop a unified, global space traffic management architecture.

Orbital Debris – Finds that the growing number of objects and debris in Earth’s

Sec. 305. Space-Based Data

orbit pose a danger. Recognizes the need for robust space situational awareness. Space Situational Awareness Transition – Authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to gather data to provide SSA services and information to customers including the Federal government, foreign countries, and commercial entities. Advisory Committee – Establishes a Space Awareness Advisory Committee made up of commercial, academic, international, and government experts to advise the Secretary on matters related to SSA services. Commercial SSA Capabilities – Directs the Secretary to utilize, to the extent practical, private sector capabilities to provide SSA services. SSA Quality Assurance – Instructs the Secretary of Transportation to work with the

Finds that commercial space data can address critical government needs. Commercial Data – Expresses a sense of Congress that Federal agencies should utilize commercial data and establish programs to enable commercial capabilities. World Meteorogical Organization 40 – Directs NOAA Administrator to promulgate rules on the treatment of weather data acquired from commercial space-based systems. The rules should ensure that the United States releases only the minimum amount of proprietary data required under World Meteorological Organization Resolution 40. Earth Science Missions – Requires NASA to deliver a report within 270 days evaluating how the government can leverage industry capabilities for Earth science missions.

Secretary of Defense to ensure the quality of services provided and ensures there is no gap in information to the affected stakeholders.

Sec. 304. Space Traffic Management Defines Space Traffic Management (STM). STM Lead Government Agency – Directs that a lead Government agency be designated for STM by September 30, 2020. Agency has a mission to minimize collisions in Earth orbit utilizing information and services provided under Sec. 303. STM Regulations – Instructs lead agency to promulgate regulations by September 30, 2020 necessary to prevent collisions in Earth orbit. Requires agency to publish a regulatory decision process that will provide clarity to all affected parties. Image: XCOR Aerospace will operate Lynx for suborbital space tourism and experiments.

Sec. 303. Situational Awareness of Objects in Earth Orbit


Sec. 306. Department of Commerce Space-Related Activities

Sec. 308. Weather

Department of Commerce Space Organizational Report – Requires the Secretary of Commerce to review the feasibility and benefits of rearranging space-related activities within the Department. Requires the Advisory Committee for Commercial Remote Sensing to comment on the report.

Commercial Data Budget Line Item – Instructs NOAA to include a line item for commercial space-based data buys in its annual budget request.

Sec. 307. Commercial Remote Sensing Licensing Reform Remote Sensing Licenses – Expresses a sense of Congress that the process for licensing remote sensing systems can be unclear, puts American companies at a disadvantage, and often fails to account for mitigation practices before denials are issued.

Commercial Options – Requires NOAA to assess all commercial options to meet its mission requirements when updating, augmenting, or following-on current programs. Commercial Weather Data Budget – Authorizes appropriations for commercial space-based weather buys. For FY 2017, $15,000,000; FY 2018, $30,000,000; FY 2019, $55,000,000; FY 2020, $90,00,000; FY 2021, $130,000,000.

License Adjudication – Amends the deadline for adjudication of remote sensing license applications to 60 days from receipt of an application with the option for the Secretary of Commerce to extend the review period for 30 days. A second 30 day extension is allowed in the event the SECDEF or DNI determines there is a national security purpose. License Denials – Requires any license denial to include a rationale. Provides for denials to be submitted to Congress and any applicant with the necessary security clearances. Retroactive Changes to Licenses – Establishes that retroactive changes to commercial remote sensing licenses shall only be made for national security purposes certified by the DNI. The affected entities shall be compensated for lost revenue. Foreign Country Downlinks – Currently, commercial remote sensing operators require licensing approval to directly downlink raw, remote sensing data in foreign countries. This requires the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with SECDEF and DNI, to maintain a list of nations eligible for expedited licensing. Requires Secretary to update the list every two years. Remote Sensing License Categorization – Instructs Secretary of Commerce to create categories of remote sensing licenses taking into account national security concerns.

Image: PlanetIQ will operate a constellation of GPS radio occultation satellites in low earth orbit to provide commercial weather data.

Sec. 309. American Space Competitiveness 21

Regulatory Certainty – Expresses a sense of Congress that the Secretary of Transportation has authorities to determine compliance with the Outer Space Treaty. Directs AST to enhance the payload review process to include on deployed payloads. Space Launch Vehicle Uniqueness – Prevents any commercial space launch vehicle or mission with an AST permit or license from being subjected to other regulations governing non-space transportation vehicles. Prize Account – Establishes a prize account, administered by AST, for commercial space activities such as lunar, asteroid, and Mars missions, debris clean up, and point to point missions on Earth. Updates the definition of government property to include state, local, and federal. Domestic Launch Payload Tax Credit – Creates a space payload tax credit equal to 10 percent of the insured value of a payload if launched by a domestic launch provider or on a vehicle that meets the requirements of the Buy American Act. GAO Study on Indian Launch Impacts – Requires that before any restriction is lifted on Indian space launch vehicles, GAO must do a study on how the domestic launch industry would be affected. After the study is finalized, requires the USTR to allow a 30 day public comment period if the USTR decides to move forward with lifting the restriction. Domestic Space Industry Loan Guarantee Program – Establishes a loan guarantee program within the Department of Commerce to support a domestic space industrial base for national security. Directs the Secretary of Commerce with the Secretary of Transportation, the NASA Administrator, SECDEF, and DNI to develop a list of activities eligible for loans. Electromagnetic Spectrum – Expresses a sense of Congress that commercial launch providers require access to spectrum during launch. Requires NTIA and FCC to ensure access to frequencies and reduce the number of authorizations required per launch.

Image: MoonExpress will be launching a lunar lander to compete for the $30 million Google Lunar X Prize.

Sec. 310. Space Training Aircraft Spaceflight Training Aircraft – Permits Secretary of Transportation to allow experimental aircraft to be used for commercial compensation for spaceflight training. Requires passenger notification and informed consent. Requires these flights to originate and terminate at an FAA-licensed spaceport.

Sec. 311. Workforce Enhancement Deferred Employee Tax Liability on Stock Options – Recognizes that startup space companies are often limited in their ability to offer cash compensation to employees. For stock or option compensation, defers employee tax liability until liquidation. This applies only for domestic commercial space companies and to employees who own less than one percent of their company.


Vi si t S p a c e R e n a issa n c e Ac t . c o m f o r: • In - d e p th e xp l a n a ti o ns • Co m p l e te b i l l te xt • F e e d b a c k su b m i ssi o n • O n g o i n g u p d a te s

secure the United States as the preeminent spacefaring nation.

Renaissance Act is to permanently


The mission of the American Space Rep. Jim Bridenstine Oklahoma’s First District 202-225-2211 Š 201 6 Rep. Jim Bri de ns t ine

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