Pine Crest Swim Camp Brochure

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Pine Crest Swim Camp The Camp Of Achievable Dreams

June 14 thru August 15, 1998

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PINE CREST SWIM CAMP Pine Crest has always been a camp with a purpose… and a definite 4-part plan to make that purpose work. We plan and conduct everything to positively affect four key areas of every competitive swimmer’s life: The Physical, The Technical, The Mental and The Social.

The Physical: We have a complete program of training to help every swimmer develop the necessary physical conditioning to be successful. Training facilities are first class, with two 25 yard short course pools and one 50 meter long course pool. Our strength training facilities include all types of programs from Nautilus machines, isokenetic equipment, free weights, surgical tubing and swim benches. Two water workouts are held each day as well as one strength and flexibility workout. Swimmers are able to experience the latest training methods by some of the finest coaches in the world today.

The Technical: At Pine Crest, we feel that the technical aspects of stroke mechanics must come before anything else. All morning workouts are devoted to stroke classes. Swimmers are instructed in proper stroke techniques, starts and turns by our coaching staff and counselors. Stroke technique films are shown to swimmers each week, and optional private video lessons are made available to all swimmers.

The Mental: Pine Crest is dedicated to helping each swimmer develop a positive mental attitude. We help swimmers try harder to do their very best and develop their talents. They understand that what they get out of swimming is in direct proportion to what they put into it. A classroom session on mental preparation helps each camper develop the ability to prepare for swim meets and training sessions.

The Social: Learning to get along with others is a must for every successful swimmer today. Living, training, competing and playing with a close international group of swimmers and coaches will contribute greatly to developing the total swimmer. Friendships made at Pine Crest last a lifetime. Our campers all become a part of one big Pine Crest family. We want our campers to wear a smile while they are here and when they leave.

STAFF There is a certain something about a Pine Crest swimmer, a certain special spirit that is hard to explain. New experiences, new associations, new coaches, different training and a spirit of fellowship enrich the personality and per-formance of each swimmer. A summer at Pine Crest Swim Camp is fun-filled, challenging and rewarding. This all happens through our dedicated staff.

QUALITY A quality swim camp means a lot more to Pine Crest than conducting satisfactory training sessions and serving food. We work hard not only to meet the expectations of our campers but also to exceed them. We call this Total Quality Assurance. You can call it a guarantee.

SUPERVISION We consider supervision of our swimmers a 24-hour a day responsibility and one that we take extremely seriously. Our staff resides in our dormitories along with our swimmers and are always there if needed by a camper. Parents may be assured that their children are in responsible hands while they attend Pine Crest Swim Camp.

SPECIAL PEOPLE, SPECIAL MEMORIES "I attended Pine Crest Swim Camp to improve my strokes and to become a better swimmer. I reached my goals and I am happy to say I am coming back next summer.”

“Pine Crest Swim Camp was the best time I’ve ever had. My coach was like my best friend and I learned a lot about swimming. I think I am going to send my Dad there.”

Nicholas Loe, (9) St. Croix, USVI

“The things I like most about Pine Crest were all the things I learned about swimming. I also met many really nice campers from all over the world. The coaches were great and helped me with all of my strokes. I hope to come back next summer and have my mom working in the camp.” Annie Ferguson, (11) Weston, Florida

Margarita Arias, (12) Bogota, Colombia

"During my three weeks at Pine Crest Swim Camp I met many new friends. I improved my times and had the chance to swim in an international age group swim meet. I’m happy I attended Pine Crest."

"I want to make it to the top in swimming and Pine Crest Swim Camp has helped prepare me for the past three years. I hope to attend school there soon." Taryn Cokayne, (14) Alberton, South Africa

Katie Altynova, (11) Piqua, Ohio

"I came to Pine Crest looking for a good training camp, great coaches, new friends and good times. I found all of these at Pine Crest. When you arrive at camp everyone is considered equal but unique. And when you leave… anything is possible." Clay Pfrangle, (17) Worland, Wyoming

"My mother signed me up at the last minute for Pine Crest Swim Camp in 1997. I came to Florida not knowing what to expect, but found a great training camp and a wonderful place to meet friends and new coaches. I am excited about returning in 1998 for another great summer of outstanding training and special experiences." Kristina Kohler, (16) Hong Kong


SCHEDULE 7:00 - 7:30

am Breakfast

1:00 - 2:15

pm Rest period

7:45 - 7:55

am Stretching program

2:15 - 2:30

pm Stretching

8:00 - 9:45

am Morning workout: Emphasis on stroke work

2:30 - 4:30

pm Afternoon workout: Emphasis on cardiovascular work

9:45 -10:15 am Stroke class

4:45 - 5:30

pm Dryland strength program

10:30 -10:45 am Camp meeting and snack

6:00 - 7:00

pm Dinner

11:00 -12:00 pm Classroom session, films of world class swimmers, mental training course and more.

7:15 - 8:45

pm Evening activities: games, dances, movies and relaxation classes

9:00 - 9:15

pm Camper meeting with counselors

9:30 -9:45

pm Campers in rooms and lights out

12:15 - 1:00 pm Lunch

Pine Crest is a people place‌ a place where a swimmer’s spirit takes wing, where questions can be asked, where feelings are heard, where each swimmer is valued for who they are and is invited to reach for their dreams.



Camp Dances Shopping Trips Awards Night

Feature Movies Cookouts Camp Games Swimmers’ Bingo 4th of July Special Guest Speakers

Talent Shows

Florida Marlins Baseball Beach Parties

Pine Crest Swim Camp has a full time activities director in charge of evening activities and special events.

Pine Crest Swim Camp On the campus of Pine Crest Preparatory School, Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Florida Founded 1934


Dear Parents: A competitive swim camp is one of the strongest influences in a young swimmer’s development, and parents should choose a camp with utmost care. For many years, Pine Crest has been more than just a summer swim camp. In what can be the most complex years in the lives of young swimmers, Pine Crest helps them discover many things about themselves and their swimming. Pine Crest develops their full potential, interests and relationships, enabling each swimmer to succeed. At Pine Crest, our most important asset is our staff, counselors and coaches. They have been carefully selected from the most competent men and women in today’s swimming world. Each staff member at Pine Crest is here to serve the needs and requirements of each camper. Through detailed attention to the safety, health and individual needs of each camper, Pine Crest instills initiative and self assurance in each swimmer. We believe that before the end of the summer you will realize the cost of your children’s swim camp represents an investment in their future and not an expense. Our swim camp is unique in that we offer a total camp atmosphere at one location. We feel that training, residing, eating and relaxing on the same campus is very important. When swimmers leave Pine Crest, they go knowing there is “something more.” They have had an experience their peers at home can’t compare. Swimmers leave feeling self assured and confident about their swimming. The seed for future swimming success has been planted, and they have had a great time along the way. We sincerely hope that you will consider Pine Crest Swim Camp for your children this summer. If you have any questions, please call us at (954) 492-4173. We would be happy to talk to you at any time.

Best Wishes, Gary and Peggy Butts Pine Crest Swim Camp Camp Directors

Pine Crest Swim Camp 1501 Northeast 62nd Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334-5116 954-492-4173 • 954-492-4169 Fax

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PRIDE “Much of what Pine Crest Swim Camp contributes is intangible. There is no stopwatch to measure degrees of selfconfidence, spirit of determination or of pride. Swim Camp is a living commitment for swimmers, counselors and intensive course in group living, combined with state of the art facilities and training. A great summer at a great swim camp is a gift for life.“ Gary & Peggy Butts Pine Crest Swim Camp

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