1 minute read
from Sketching Bootcamp
by Jim Chapman
Element: POINT
A point, or dot, is the frst of the elements. It is simply a fxed spot in space. Visual symbols such as points enter the mind through the eye, where they are processed. Points clustered in arranged patterns can cause the eye to trigger recognition in the mind. For example, dots arranged in a curved pattern causes the mind to ‘see’ the curve beyond the dots. Drawing when using only the element of point is called stippling (AS SEEN BELOW), and is similiar to the painting style of pointillism, which uses color dots to create the illusion of space. Element: POINT
Public art in Israel, steel and concrete.
What direction do the dots at left seem to suggest?
A series of marks or shapes that fow in a direction imply continuation beyond the shapes themselves.
Do you see a pattern emerge?
Te eye picks out and groups similar shapes (colors, textures, etc.). Tese ‘felt’ relationships creates the principle of similarity. (It’s actually two triangles > <
Where do you focus on the group of dots at left?
You went to the dense area of dots, correct? A grouping occurs visually when objects gain proximity to one another. Tink of constellations in the sky, or connecting the dots. Te mind looks to make connections wherever it can. It goes frst to the area of greatest concentration, or proximity.