Lose Belly Fat Quickly - How Can You Do It

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Have you ever thought about losing weight, but you don't know where to begin? You may want to look into a 1500 calorie diet. If you want to loose weight there is one thing you need to understand first. In order to loose weight, you have to burn off more calories than you take in. This is a proven scientific fact. If you are serious about losing weight then you either need to exercise regularly, or reduce the amount of food you eat. Most people do not like to exercise, so going on a 1500 calorie diet may be what you have been looking for. But what exactly is a 1500 calorie diet? This diet is exactly as the name states, because you will be eating 1500 calories a day. A 1500 calorie diet will usually include more fresh fruits and vegetables and less fats and sugars. To begin with you should replace any type of fatty meat like bacon or ground beef with leaner meats like chicken or turkey. You will also need to eliminate all those extra junk snacks you may be eating in between meals. Eliminating snacks like soft drinks, candy, bakery treats, and alcohol will go a long way to help you reach you dieting goals. Some people claim that they do not feel full enough when they are following this type of diet. The trick to overcome this is to eat a lot of foods that are loaded with fiber. Fiber is a very dense nutrient that will leave you feeling full. Some high fiber foods that are great for a 1500 calorie diet are raspberries, beans, and any type of whole wheat pasta or bread. Another good tip when you are following this type of diet is to eat more smaller meals throughout the day instead of one or tow large meals. By eating smaller meals throughout the day (roughly every 3-4 hours), that are high in fiber, you will cur your hunger pains and feel fuller throughout the day. Below is a sample 1500 calorie diet. Begin the day with a bowl of oat meal or high fiber cereal. If you choose cereal make sure you avoid processed flour or high sugar cereals. When you get to work have a piece of fruit or a low fat cereal bar. For lunch try a low fat peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some sunflower seeds on the side. In the afternoon when you begin to feel hungry, have a piece of fruit or some vegetables. For dinner try a spinach and white bean salad. The real key to this diet is to find foods you like and mix them up a little, and don't be afraid to try some new things.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Z_Johnson

==== ==== Weigh loss secrets revealed! Bonus get the abs you always wanted. http://bit.ly/weight-loss-that-works ==== ====

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