1 minute read

Doing Good Feels Great!

Doing Good Feels Great!


Crawling up t he side of a steep, crumbling hill to our Rio Seco, (Peru) group of children, we encountered this woman wearing these shoes. When your feet hurt , your whole body aches after a short while.

We could have walked on by because this wasn't our focus. Making it part of our focus meant expending resources, doing somet hing off the schedule and moving a few pieces around the board that wasn't planned.

She got her new pair of shoes. And did her children. And her husband. Then we bought shoes for the children all around t he community. The feeling that we could bring necessary help to the community was indescribable. I was particularly grateful that others around the world cared enough t o make the funds possible to provide these solut ions.

Just a small story with a big moral. We just didn't change out shoes. We changed lives. Now many of t hem are reaching out to help others, like they were helped. I nspiration came in the form of a hike up a crumbling hill. You just never know where or when or how great things can and will happen. You just have to be open to everything, everyday in every way. We can all be heroes.

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