B-EHS Principal Welcome Letter 2018-19

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August 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year, Tigers! We are excited to begin another fantastic year at B-EHS, preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! The 20182019 school year is set to build on the work that we have done around creating a culture of college- and careerreadiness, while continuing fantastic opportunities like the October 10th “Super Wednesday” PSAT test for all 10th and 11th graders, the Smarter Balanced Assessment for 10th graders in the Spring, and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science for 11th graders in the Spring. Our focus this year continues to be connections – connections with students, parents, and partners throughout the community. Through our strong connections, we encourage all students to attend school each and every day. We have systems designed to connect with our 9th grade students, supporting them throughout this pivotal first year of high school. Strong connections support equity, providing a high-quality education for all students, preparing them with the skills to succeed in college and in careers after high school. Our goals emphasize that B-EHS graduates will be equipped with the fundamental skills to succeed in continued education or training beyond high school. As a reminder, B-EHS operates on an alternating Block Schedule. Students are enrolled in eight classes, with four classes meeting each day for just under 90 minutes each. Periods 1-4 are on Blue Days. Periods 5-8 are on Gold Days. This schedule increases opportunities for students to take courses that meet their particular goals and needs. Students will attend Advisory and then all 8 periods on Wednesday, September 5th – the first day of school. The first Blue day periods one through four – will be on Thursday, September 6th. This year we will continue our Wednesday Tiger Time (every Wednesday beginning September 12th and running through May 29th), providing an opportunity for B-EHS staff members to collaborate, review student achievement data, and plan together, while also providing students an opportunity for extra tutoring or to participate in clubs or activities. On Tiger Time days, students will be dismissed from their last class period at 1:30pm. While busses will be available to transport students home, we encourage students to take advantage of this time to get extra assistance from our support staff with homework, projects or assignments. We will also have several clubs or activities available to students. Busses will be available at 2:30pm, as well. Picture Day & Schedules All students are required to have their photo taken for ASB and school safety procedures. Students are not required to purchase pictures. Here are the dates/times for Picture Days: • • •

August 29th, 9:00am – 12:00pm (PAC) Freshmen Orientation, Grade 9 th August 30 , 10:00am – 2:00pm (PAC) Grades 10-12 Incoming 9th graders will have their pictures taken and receive their schedules at Freshmen Orientation.

Schedules will be available online via Skyward’s Student Access for all students. Additionally, students will receive a copy of their schedules in Advisory on the first day of school. Students who have outstanding fines from last school year will need to settle these fines before they can purchase an ASB card. Fines can be paid with the ASB Bookkeeper in the Athletic Office. Athletic Office hours are noted below. 1

Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

Counselors We welcome two experienced counselors new to our B-EHS Counseling team this year. In addition to our long-time B-E counselors Laural Ringler and Darcy Taylor, we welcome Kip Jones and Ellen Masten to our staff. Here’s how students will be served: • • • •

Kip Jones, Counselor (Students with last names A-F) Darcy Taylor, Counselor (Students with last names G-H; Students receiving Special Education services) Ellen Masten, Counselor (Students with last names I-Q; Students receiving Migrant services) Laural Ringler, Counselor (Students with last names R-Z; Foreign Exchange Students)

Counselor appointments are available for those students with “See Counselor” noted on their schedule. Students may be scheduled into particular courses based on their prior academic performance, state test scores and/or teacher, parent, counselor, or administrator recommendation. Schedule changes after the first two weeks of the semester will be made for extenuating circumstances and with administrator permission only. Please fill out the online form or contact Ms. Padilla at 757-3354 to schedule an appointment. Counseling Office hours are noted below. B-EHS makes every effort to help all students meet the state standards for achieving a high school diploma. Additional information to note: •

Freshmen Orientation for ALL 9th GRADERS: Orientation is scheduled for August 29th from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Activities will include school pictures, ASB and Yearbook purchases, school tours, ice breaker activities/mentorship program, club fair and schedule distribution. Students are encouraged to arrive early, as activities will begin promptly in the Gym. We strongly encourage all incoming 9th graders to attend.

ASB Cards ($35.00) and Parking Permits ($20.00) may be purchased in the cafeteria on Picture Day (one check made out to B-EHS, please). Students may come into the Athletic Office to purchase their ASB cards and parking permits prior to picture day, if they choose. All students driving to school must purchase a parking pass. Students are prohibited from parking on the south side of campus (on or south of Victoria St.) As parking spaces are limited, preference will be given to juniors and seniors who have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance on picture day.

Yearbooks: Students may purchase a yearbook on Picture Day for the discounted price of $50.00. The yearbook captures memories of the entire school year - all the sports, clubs, activities and academics. Yearbook prices will increase to $60.00 after January. A single check can be used to pay for the ASB Cards, Parking Permits, and Yearbook.

Senior Portrait Deadline: The deadline to submit senior portraits to the yearbook this year is Wednesday, October 31st. Digital pictures should be 1.75" wide by 2.25" high at 300 dpi. Digital pictures can be emailed to yearbook@be.wednet.edu. Students may also drop off a print in the Athletic Office.

Senior Grad Ad Deadline: The deadline to submit pictures and text for a yearbook grad ad this year is February 1, 2019.

Advisory Graduation Requirement: Just a reminder that the Junior Job Shadow is a graduation requirement and part of a student’s Advisory class. We are eager to assist with career contacts. Please see Ms. Rodriguez in the Career Center for more details!


Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

Assistant Principal Responsibilities o o

James Campbell Jeff Demorest

Assistant Principal for 9th and 10th graders and B-E North Assistant Principal for 11th and 12th graders

Office Hours • • • •

Main Office Athletic / Activities Office Counseling Office Attendance Office

7:15am – 3:30pm 7:15am – 3:30pm 7:15am – 3:30pm 7:15am – 3:30pm

The First Day of School The first day of the 2018-2019 School Year is Wednesday, September 5th. Students are to report to their Advisory class, which begins promptly at 7:50am. The first bell rings at 7:45am. There is no Tiger Time or early dismissal on this day. Fall Sports • • • •

Athletic Office is open daily (7:15am – 3:30pm) Football begins on Wednesday, August 15th Cross Country, Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, and Girls Swimming begin on Monday, August 20th Contact head coaches for each program for specific practice starting times.

The first Tiger football game is on Friday, August 31st at 7:00pm at Mount Vernon High School. All students are encouraged to show their Tiger Spirit and wear Blue and Gold! The first AFTER GAME DANCE is planned for Friday, September 7th following the varsity home football game. Cost for the dance is $5.00. Students must sign a dance contract and bring their ASB cards with them and/or their receipt indicating they have purchased an ASB card for admittance into the dance. Important Dates (update dates) •

Monday, August 20th

Fall Sports Begin

Tuesday, August 21st

Counselors Available / Main Office open

Wednesday, August

Thursday, August 30th

10th – 12th Grade Picture Day (10am-2pm)

Wednesday, September 5th (7:50am)

School Begins – Advisory, Periods 1-8

Wednesday, September 12th

First Tiger Time Day



9th Grade Orientation/Picture Day (9am-12pm)

Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

Tiger Tips for Success •

Read through the Student Handbook – Students will receive their handbooks on the first day of school. These handbooks are filled with information on everything from attendance procedures to dress code policies.

Time in class is valuable – We work bell-to-bell during each class period. Encourage students to make the most out of each class period.

Attendance Every Day! – Students who miss school – whether excused or not – are at a higher risk for failure. Encourage students to be in class every day and ensure that vacations, appointments, etc. do not conflict with the student’s school day (7:50am – 2:30pm).

Independence and Responsibility – Students need to have a working alarm clock (maybe two or three alarms spaced around their room!). Students love to use the excuse that "my mom/dad did not wake me up." We want to remove excuses and promote student independence and responsibility.

Morning Routines and Breakfast – We encourage students and parents to map out their morning routines, minute by minute. Make expectations clear and make sure everyone is on the same page. Be sure to allow time to eat some breakfast. Studies consistently show that students who eat breakfast learn faster and retain more information then students who do not eat breakfast. A good morning routine starts with some work the night before – make sure that the lunch is made, the clothes are laid out, and the homework is in the backpack.

Television and Video Games – Take the TV and video games out of the bedroom. Students need their sleep to be successful in school. There are good programs to install on computers that limit game time and Internet access. Make sure all devices are powered down and shut off at about 10:00pm.

Remember, the 4 years of high school will solidify a student's trajectory for the next decade. The investments made now will pay off in dividends for their future personal and financial independence. Looking forward to this school year together,

Todd Setterlund Principal, B-EHS 360.757.4074 tsetterlund@be.wednet.edu @behsprincipal


Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

Burlington-Edison School District 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233

Restriction of Release of Directory Information Form You must complete and return this form each year only if you do not want photos or directory information released about your student for specific purposes.

OPT-OUTS REMAIN IN EFFECT FROM SEPTEMBER TO AUGUST OF EACH SCHOOL YEAR FORM SUBMITTED. Directory information can be made public without the consent of parents according to federal law (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1975, 20 U. S. C. δ 12132g.). As defined in School Board Procedure 3231P, directory information that is not covered by the privacy law includes: a student's name, photograph, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, class assignment, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, diplomas and awards received and the most recent previous school attended. Families have the right to restrict the release of directory information for certain circumstances. If you do not want directory information released about your student, please complete the form below and return it to your school’s principal. This request for restriction is recorded in the student information system, and the form is kept on file in the school and district offices.

If no documentation is on file, it will be assumed that permission for release of “Directory Information” has been granted. Please only check those circumstances when you DO NOT want “Directory Information” released. HIGH SCHOOL ONLY _____

Please do not release directory information to military recruiters (for high school students only).


Please do not release directory information for parent group directory information purposes.


Please do not release directory information for any school-related initiated publicity purposes (i.e. school and district publications).


Please do not release directory information for any purpose.

Print Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________ School: ______________________________

Grade: _________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ (Signature of parent/guardian of student or signature of student if 18 years of age or older) Date

Please use one form per student. If you need additional forms, please contact your school or the district office at 360-757-3311. You can also print this form off of the district web page at http://www.be.wednet.edu/Parents/ParentResources.shtml .


Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

Distrito Escolar de Burlington-Edison 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233

Restricción de la Publicación del Formulario de Información de Directorio Debe completar y devolver este formulario cada año solo si no desea fotos O la información del directorio divulgada sobre su estudiante para propósitos específicos.

EXCLUSIONES SE PERMANECEN EN EFECTO DESDE SEPTIEMBRE A AGOSTO DE CADA FORMA DE AÑO ESCOLAR PRESENTADOS. La información del directorio puede hacerse pública sin el consentimiento de los padres de acuerdo con la ley federal (Ley de privicidad y derechos de educación familiar de 1975, 20 U. S. C. δ 12132g.). Como se define en el Procedimiento 3231P de la Junta Escolar, la información de directorio que no está cubierta por la ley de privacidad incluye: nombre del estudiante, fotografía, dirección, número de teléfono, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, fechas de asistencia, asignación de clase, participación en actividades oficialmente reconocidas y Deportes, peso y altura de los miembros de los equipos atléticos, fechas de asistencia, diplomas y premios recibidos y la escuela anterior más reciente asistida. Las familias tienen el derecho de restringir la liberación de información de directorio para ciertas circunstancias. Si no desea que la información del directorio sea divulgada sobre su estudiante, por favor complete el siguiente formulario y devuélvalo al director de su escuela. Esta solicitud de restricción se registra en el sistema de información del estudiante, y el formulario se mantiene en el archivo en la escuela y las oficinas del distrito. Si no hay documentación en el archivo, se supondrá que el permiso Para la liberación de "Información de Directorio" ha sido concedido. Por favor, marque sólo aquellas circunstancias en las que NO DESEA que se publique "Información de directorio". ESCUELA PREPARATORIA SOLAMENTE _____

Por favor no libere información del directorio a los reclutadores militares (solo para estudiantes de la preparatoria).

TODOS LOS ESTUDIANTES _____ Por favor no libere información de directorio para los propósitos de información del directorio de grupo de padres. _____ Por favor no libere información del directorio para propósitos publicitarios iniciados relacionados con la escuela (es decir, publicaciones de la escuela y el distrito). _____ Por favor no libere información del directorio para ningún propósito. _____

No incluya la foto de clase individual de mi hijo/a en su anuario escolar.

Escribir Nombre de Estudiante: ______________________________________________________________________ Escuela: ______________________________

Grado: ________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Firma del padre / tutor del estudiante o firma del estudiante si tiene 18 años de edad o más) Fecha Por favor use un formulario por estudiante. Si necesita formularios adicionales, comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo/a o con la oficina del distrito al 360-757-3311. También puede imprimir este formulario fuera de la página web del distrito



Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

The district will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorablydischarged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs will be free from sexual harassment. Designated to handle inquiries about nondiscrimination policies are: •

Affirmative Action Official, Dr. Jeff A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-331)

Title IX Official, Dr. Jeff A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311)

ADA Coordinator, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311)

Section 504 Coordinator, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) Address: 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233

El distrito proveerá igualdad de oportunidades educativa y tratamiento para todos los estudiantes en todos los aspectos del programa académico y actividades sin discriminación por motivos de raza, religión, credo, color, origen nacional, edad, veterano honorablemente descargado o estatus militar, el sexo, la orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, estado civil, la presencia de cualquier discapacidad sensorial, mental o física, o el uso de un perro guía entrenado o animal de servicio por una persona con una discapacidad. El distrito proveerá igualdad de acceso a las instalaciones de la escuela para los Boy Scouts de América y el resto de los grupos de jóvenes designados que se mencionan en el Título 36 del Código de los Estados Unidos como una sociedad patriótica. Los programas del Distrito estarán libres de acoso sexual. Las personas encargadas de manejar las preguntas sobre la política de no discriminación son: •

Oficial de Acción Afirmativa, Dr. Jeff A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311)

Oficial De Título IX, Dr. Jeff A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311)

Coordinador ADA, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311)

Coordinador de Sección 504, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) Dirección: 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233 7

Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

The Burlington-Edison School District is an equal opportunity employer. The District shall provide equal employment opportunity and treatment for all applicants and staff in recruitment, hiring, retention, assignment, transfer, promotion and training. Such equal employment opportunity shall be provided without discrimination with respect to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability. Dr. Jeffery A. Drayer, Assistant Superintendent, Title IX Officer; Mr. Jeff Brown, Special Education Coordinator, Section 504 Officer. The District is a smoke-free/drug-free workplace. Designated to handle inquiries about nondiscrimination policies are: • • • •

Affirmative Action Officer, Dr. Jeffery A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) Title IX Officer, Dr. Jeffery A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) ADA Coordinator, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) Section 504 Coordinator, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) Address: 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233

El distrito escolar de Burlington-Edison es un empleador de igualdad de oportunidades. El distrito proveerá la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo y tratamiento para todos los aplicantes y el personal de reclutamiento, contratación, retención, asignación, transferencia, promoción y formación. Tal oportunidad de igualdad de empleo será proporcionada sin discriminación con respecto a la raza, credo, religión, color, origen nacional, edad, veterano honorablemente descargada o estatus militar, sexo, orientación sexual, incluyendo la expresión de género o identidad, estado civil, la presencia de alguna discapacidad sensorial, mental o físico, o el uso de un perro guía entrenado o animal de servicio por una persona con una discapacidad. Dr. Jeffery A. Drayer, Asistente Superintendente, Oficial de Título IX; Jeff Brown, Coordinador de Educación Especial, Oficial de la Sección 504. El distrito es un lugar de trabajo libre de humo/drogas. Designado para manejar las preguntas sobre las políticas de no discriminación: • Oficial de Acción Afirmativa, , Dr. Jeffery A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) • Oficial de Título lX, Dr. Jeffery A. Drayer, jdrayer@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) • Coordinador de ADA, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) • Coordinador de la Sección 504, Jeff Brown, jbrown@be.wednet.edu (360-757-3311) Dirección: 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233


Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

2019 Yearbook Information ALL STUDENTS • Yearbooks can be purchased ONLINE (credit/debit) or IN PERSON (cash/check). Save time and buy your book at school picture day in August! • Cost is $50 until 1/31/19 (guaranteed a book) • Price goes up to $60 if purchased after 1/31 (sold until books run out) • GET YOUR SCHOOL PICTURE TAKEN You do not have to buy pictures; you will not have a picture in the yearbook if you don’t get your school picture taken. SENIORS • Senior pictures are due BY 10/31/18 and can be submitted multiple ways: o Upload directly to us: From the high school website go to STUDENTS -> SENIORS and click on the link. o Email to us: yearbook@be.wednet.edu at least 300 dpi resolution, saved as jpg and include your full name. o Don’t have it digitally? Drop your picture off in the Athletic Office with your name on the back and we’ll scan it and return it to you. • Class of 2019 “19” picture will be Super Wednesday October 10th, 2018 on Kirkby Field. Plan to be there ON TIME – more information will come later. • Grad Ads are available ONLINE for a discounted price or can be made by yearbook staff for full price. Grad Ads are due by 2/1/19, no exceptions. More information will be mailed in regards to Grad Ads in September.


Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

Schedule for Wednesday, September 5th


Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School


7:50 – 9:08 9:13 – 9:53 9:58 – 11:15 11:15 – 11:45 11:50 – 1:07 11:20 – 12:37 12:37 – 1:07 1:12 – 2:30

1st / 5th Period 2nd / 6th Period First lunch 3rd / 7th Period 3rd / 7th Period Second lunch 4th / 8th Period Tiger Time

Tiger Time Wednesdays (No Advisory)

1st / 5th Period Activity 2nd / 6th Period First lunch 3rd / 7th Period 3rd / 7th Period Second lunch 4th / 8th Period


7:50 – 8:58 9:03 – 9:23 9:28 – 10:35 10:35 – 11:05 11:10 – 12:17 10:40 – 11:47 11:47 – 12:17 12:22 – 1:30 1:30 – 2:30

1st / 5th Period 2nd / 6th Period First lunch 3rd / 7th Period 3rd / 7th Period Second lunch 4th / 8th Period Assembly

Half Day

1st / 5th Period Advisory 2nd / 6th Period First lunch 3rd / 7th Period 3rd / 7th Period Second lunch 4th / 8th Period Tiger Time

7:50 – 9:19 9:24 – 10:53 10:53 – 11:23 11:28 – 12:56 10:58 – 12:26 12:26 – 12:56 1:01 – 2:30

1st / 5th Period 2nd / 6th Period 3rd / 7th Period 4th / 8th Period

7:50 – 8:33 8:38 – 9:20 9:25 – 10:07 10:12 – 10:55

Half Day Assembly

Tiger Time Wednesdays (Advisory)

1st / 5th Period 2nd / 6th Period First lunch 3rd / 7th Period 3rd / 7th Period Second lunch 4th / 8th Period


Regular Schedule

B-EHS Blue/Gold BELL SCHEDULE(S) 2018-2019

1st / 5th Period 2nd / 6th Period 3rd / 7th Period 4th / 8th Period Assembly

7:50 – 8:28 8:33 – 9:10 9:15 – 9:52 9:57 – 10:35 10:40 - 11:00

7:50 – 9:04 9:09 – 10:23 10:23 – 10:53 10:58 – 12:11 10:28 – 11:41 11:41 – 12:11 12:16 – 1:30 1:30 – 2:30

7:50 – 9:12 9:17 – 10:38 10:38 – 11:08 11:13 – 12:34 10:43 – 12:04 12:04 – 12:34 12:39 – 2:00 2:05 – 2:30

Preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! | Burlington-Edison High School

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