President’s Message The 2018/2019 school year is upon us, and soon we will be gearing up to accept applications to our many scholarships! Keep an eye on B-EAF’s website, http://www.burlingtonedison.dollarsforscholars.org for all the exciting opportunities offered to our future leaders and community members.
October 12, 2018 B-EAF Tailgate Party & BBQ at Kirkby Field November 1, 2018 Scholarship Applications available online March 22, 2019 B-EAF Scholarship Applications due
May 2019 Scholarship awardees announced July 2019 Duane & Arleen Stowe Family Scholarship applications due July 2019 8th Annual All Class Picnic Summer 2019 Nick Whiton Tennis Tourney July 27, 2019 Annual Gurney Tourney Check out thegurneytourney.com for more information.
I would like to introduce myself as the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation board President for this year. I was born and raised in Burlington, attending Allen Elementary for K-8th grade, graduated from Burlington-Edison High School in 1995, then went on to Western Washington University. After a few years away in the city, I returned to Skagit Valley with my family where we could be part of the small town culture that is such a part of what made me who I am. This is my 4th year as a member of our board, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoy being part of this group. The members of our community who have come together, with the singular focused goal of helping to build the future through continued education, constantly amaze me! It is because of the generosity of our donors, and the commitment of time and energy from our board members that we continue to make a difference in the lives of so many graduating B-EHS graduates through scholarships. Whether it was community members financing special scholarships, donations, fundraising such as our annual Tailgate Party and Buy a Brick Program, it all comes down to one thing: helping our seniors further their education. This past year the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation was able to provide scholarships totally $84,500 to 50 recipients! Scholarships not only help and students and their families reduce the cost of tuition, but receiving a scholarship also gives the student confidence and a sense of community. In turn, our community benefits by helping our future leaders be the best they can be. In addition to the many scholarships we have been able to give out in the past, we are excited to be able to open new doors to giving and expand some of our offerings this year. Want a simple way to help us? Join us at the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation Tailgate Party BBQ on Friday, October 12, 2018. We will be selling hot dogs and burgers at the entrance to Kirkby Field, starting at 5:00 PM. Come hungry, support a good cause, and even take your dinner into the game to cheer on our Tigers! Jody Lease , B-EAF President 1
~ Board Members ~ Jon Aarstad: 2009-2018 Mary Elizabeth Pearson: 2012-2018 Becky Jansma: 2015-2018 Patti Chambers: 2004 - 2015 & 2016-2018
Here’s What Happened! The Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation’s Recognition Breakfast was held on April 10th, 2018 in the B-EHS’s cafeteria (aka: The PAC) Forty nine B-EHS students and their families were invited. And the B-EAF committee along with our wonderful community donors were in attendance.
The 49 students were then told which scholarship they were awarded with Andi Martin MC’ing the event, highlighting each student and their accomplishments. We as a community would not be able to accomplish this without the many generous donations, support and time given to us. We are very proud of our B-EHS students and the B-EAF Scholarship Recipients.
Special Thanks to Jessie Bennett who graciously volunteered her time to photograph the event. To view or purchase these pictures go to: https://jessiebennettphotography.pixieset.com/b-eafscholarshipceremony2018/
Congratulations to this years
2018 BEAF Recipients Ashton Gudgel ( Torleiv & Bernice Aarstad Family )
Bowen King
Ashley Gabor ( William & Martha Atwood Memorial )
Kennady MacKay ( Kirk & Paula Wilson Family )
Karina Avila ( Brian A Hernandez Memorial )
Sarah (Afton) Field ( KATHI W LIFE )
Thomas Bernick ( John & Genevieve Ball Memorial )
Jasmin Montiel ( Anna Fay Loving Memorial )
Kailey Robinette ( J Lynn Black Memorial )
Stephanie Becerra
Kali Ortiz ( Bob & Joanne Fisher Family )
Lisbet Maclovio ( Mrs. V "Isabel Vivanco" Memorial )
Mayra Sanchez ( Bob & Joanne Fisher Family )
Cameron Meyer ( Sandra Bishop Noblet Memorial )
Ellen Mowat ( Brian Gurney Memorial )
Rachel Bratton ( Lyle & Theresa Ovenell Family )
Victor Mendez ( John & Twyla Brink Family)
Anna Dahl ( Gene and Lottie Overway Family )
Natalie Nelson ( Carol Kirkby "Live Your Dream" )
Tyson Ross ( Roland Kirkby Memorial )
Peyton Guel
( Cheryl R Bishop)
Hunter Thompson (Grace H & Atsusa Sakuma Memorial )
Mitchell Wesen ( Jack & Winnifred Chrysler Family )
Shannon Husband (Grace H & Atsusa Sakuma Memorial)
Annaleis Reyes-Guzman ( Class of 1959 )
Peyton Wright ( Charlotte Sargent Memorial )
Daisy Flores Vivar ( Class of 1959 )
Nathan Altenhofen ( Pat Smith Memorial )
Grant Stahlberg ( Class of 1966 )
Allyson Ray ( Dr. Fred & Betty Stump Family )
Ana Ayala ( Charles G Dynes Memorial )
Amy Rabenstein ( Thor Bradley Knutzen Memorial )
Javier Gonzalez Cruz
Cody Cook
(Elmer and Mabel Martin Family)
( Kirk & Paula Wilson Family )
( Melum Family Memorial )
( Thor Owen Melum Memorial)
Alfredo Hilario-Najera ( Gene and Shirley Entrikin Family ) Tyler Henry ( Tiger Power ) Lacie Hill ( Jack Fickel Memorial )
Han Hiller ( Nick Whiton Memorial )
Jennifer Gustafson ( Floyd Louia Memorial )
McKenzie Garcia- Myers (Nick Whiton Memorial )
Jacob Schlimmer ( Mildred Gaskin Memorial )
Eliu Garcia-Gutierrez ( People's Bank)
Austin Wright ( Grant and Mabel Sullivan Family )
Aleena Young (Skagit River Steel & Recycling )
Josh Altenhofen ( Harry E Worley, M.D. Golfer ) Branden Hansen ( Harry E Worley, M.D. Golfer ) Alexis Kruger ( Dr. Floyd and Anita Hamstrom Music ) Brock Brewer ( David and Fran Hansen Family ) Qingyan Cao (Nina) ( David and Fran Hansen Family ) Braden Pinneke ( In the Spirit of Joey ) 3
The faces of our future
…... and our future has never looked so bright!
Class of 2018 Recipients Report In To whom it may concern,
Dear B-EAF Committee,
I am so extremely grateful to have been chosen as the recipient of the Grace H. and Atsusa Sakuma Memorial scholarship for 2018.
My name is Sarah Afton Field and I was the recipient of the KATHI W LIFE Scholarship.
My plans to attend Whitman College in the fall are now all the more achievable thanks to your generosity. Your contributions to this community and to the students of Burlington-Edison High School truly help make a positive difference. I am inspired by your selflessness and your giving spirit. Thank you for helping me achieve my dreams! Sincerely, Shannon Husband
I wanted to say thank you so much for choosing me for this scholarship, it will help me so much next year as I head off to University of Portland to study in their nursing program. Being a nurse and helping little kids has always been a dream of mine and you all are helping make that dream a reality. I spent the past month off the grid volunteering at a Young Life Camp in Oregon where I worked for 8 hours a day to keep the camp running! I want you all to know how appreciative I am of this scholarship and how much easier you have made the financial burden of college. Thank you!
Dear Sullivan Family, Thank you so much for the scholarship through the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation. This scholarship will help further my education at Arizona State University, Where I plan on majoring in Mechanical Engineering. My step-brother went through Mechanical Engineering through Cal Poly and recently got employed at Callaway Golf. Seeing his success and love for his job has inspired me to follow in a similar path. My goal is to be an engineer in the Baseball industry. Your generous gift will certainly help. Sincerely,
Sarah Afton Field
Dear B-EAF Committee, Thank you so much for selecting me for the Thor Bradley Knutzen Memorial Scholarship. It is an incredible honor and I am so grateful. The $2000 over the next two years will be beyond beneficial in covering part of the expenses of college. Love Life Like Thor is something I really took to heart when I heard of his passing. I continue to strive to live in his legacy. Thank you, again, for this truly amazing honor. Amy Rabenstein
Austin Wright Dear Family and Friends of Nick Whiton, To the David and Fran Hansen Family: Thank you for awarding me the scholarship! I will use it to pursue my education to the fullest.
Thank you for selecting me as a recipient for the Nick Whiton Tennis Scholarship. This money will be extremely beneficial in paying for my education. I look forward to playing in the memorial tournament this July. It will be a blast just as it was the last few years.
Again, thanks and best wishes.
Nina Cao
-Han Hiller 6
……...Recipients Report In (continued) Dear Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation,
Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation,
I was awarded the Pat Smith Memorial Scholarship and I want to begin thanking the foundation and the Smith family for this award. This money will allow me to continue my pursuit of my goals in college and to follow my dreams. Although I didn’t know Mrs. Smith, I’m sure she was a fantastic human being. Once again thank you very much! Sincerely,
Thank you very much for awarding me the Tiger Power Scholarship!
Nate Altenhofen, Class of 2018
Dear Class of 1966,
Dear Worley Family, Thank you so much for the golfer scholarship! I grew up participating in Colonel Betz’s golf program and can vividly remember Dr. Worley teaching me how to putt. I am going to be attending the University of Idaho to major in Marketing with a focus in PGA Management! This scholarship allows me to be able to focus more on my schooling & not the financial aspect at college! Thank you again!
I am extremely grateful for every scholarship I have received. I plan on using this money to help pay for my tuition in the fall. Again, Thank you very much! -Tyler Henry
Thank you for your generous contribution to my college education. I am proud to report that not only will I be a B-EHS graduate, but I have already completed 1 year of college through the Running Start Program at Skagit Valley College. Your scholarship will go towards finishing my AA Business Transfer Degree, then I will attend University of Montana to follow in my dad’s footsteps. Thank you again as I take the next step to success. - Grant Stahlberg
Sincerely, Josh Altenhofen
Thank you to the Elmer & Mabel Martin Family, Thank you for the scholarship that you awarded me. This scholarship will help me pay for my education at Bellingham Tech. My Goal is to pursue a career in welding. This scholarship will help me achieve my goal. Thank you so much for this scholarship. Sincerely, Javier González Cruz
Generous Doug and Luella Jerns, I would like to thank you for helping me pursue my life’s dream through the steps of college. Your generous contribution to my education and those of more students ahead of me will allow us to pursue higher ambitions and our dreams. But you already know that. You knew in these times that the price of attendance is falling more and more on the students. You knew that many students will work hard to pay their college tuitions through what ever opportunities they can find. You knew that secondary education can provide growth and maturation to students. I’m highly grateful that you saw me as worthy of your scholarship. I have a better financial chance of pursuing my dream. I am excited to attend Evergreen, study people, and how to lead for them. Thank you again for choosing me for Thor’s scholarship. I proudly accept it in his memory. I promise I will not disappoint you. Gratefully, Cody Cook
Want to Create a Scholarship? Have you ever thought about creating a scholarship and didn’t know how to start? The foundation can send you information on what we do and how to go about contributing to an established scholarship, or creating a named or endowed scholarship. We are also glad to meet personally with you at your convenience for more in-depth discussion. The process can be tailored to the donor’s desires in a number of ways and major donations of $10,000 or more are recognized by placing an engraved granite plaque on one of the pillars at the entrance to Kirkby Field. For more information contact:
President- Jody Lease Vice President - John Burke Treasurer - Ashley Stowe Secretary -Veonne Brown Past President - Ashley Stowe Ex-Officio Member Laur el Br owning Directors Scot Buchanan Barb Dahlstedt Roger Howard Linda Johnson Kathi Marilley Andrea Martin Stacy Murdock Doug Noblet Marvin Omdahl Christie Peterson Holly Peterson Maria Pickering Mike Sargent Peggy Stowe Kristen Tuttle Keith Wilson
Kathi Marilley at 360-757-0835 or email kathkev@comcast.net
For more than 50 years, Scholarship America has worked directly with students, parents, colleges, businesses and communities to empower people to fulfill their college dreams. As the nation’s largest provider of private scholarships, having distributed over $3.1 billion to more than 2 million students, Scholarship America is now working to further engage the private sector to support programs and policies that advance equity in postsecondary education and help students overcome barriers to access, persistence and attainment. More information is available at scholarshipamerica.org.
About Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation, Dollars for Scholars: In existence since 1993, the mission of the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation, Dollars for Scholars is to support the educational opportunities for students in the Burlington-Edison School District. We accomplish this mission by awarding grants to teachers and providing scholarships to graduating seniors. We also are able to provide scholarships to alumni who are pursuing their educational goals and provide a link to alumni and the community.
2018 Members and Donors Jon & Susan Aarstad, Rodney Anderson Steve Barnes & Sandra Coons, Theresa Bergen, Cheryl Bishop, Rodney Blunt, Twyla Brink, Veonne Brown, Robert & Diane Carrigg, Cathy Christoffer, Alice Clark, Linda Codlin, Barb Dahlstedt, Norm and Pat Dahlstedt, Joe & Connie Farina, Joan Atwood Hale, Jim Friedrichs, Jim & Gayle Hernandez, Barry & Maryanne Hopsprung, Roger Howard, Becky Jansma, Doug & Luella Jerns, Linda Johnson, Ed & Marsha Knutzen, Kurt & Julia Klomos, Don & Ardell Leach, Jody Lease, Carmel Lenske, Louie Lopez, Scott Louia, Gale Mamstead, Kevin & Kathi Kallstrom Marilley, Cassie Martin, Jane Mason, Dr. Rick & Ann L. Bodle-Nash, Jack Norman, Jeff & Kristal Ovenell, Lois Painter, Peoples Bank, Holly Peterson, Keith & Christie Peterson, Bob Porter, Ph.D., Don & Michele Power, Skagit Valley Tennis Association, Steve &Kari Ranten, Bruce & Eileen Reichert, Tim and Tracy Reichert, Arnie & Pam Robinette, Nancy Ovenell Rockwood, Ron Sakuma, Steve Sakuma, Ron & Karen Schutte, Skagit Speedway, Gail & Buell Smith, Peggy Stowe, Debbie & Michael Schwarz, Mile & Kristine Tamman, Arnold Woll, Catherine A. Worley, Brad Wyman, Jr., Brad Wyman Farms
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Just email Stacy Murdock at: schibret@gmail.com Include your name and best email. Your next newsletter will be in your inbox instead of your mail box. It’s that simple.
B-E Bricks Make Great Gifts & Memorials B-EAF continues to offer personalized bricks for sale in the “Pathway to the Future” project at the entrance to Kirkby Field where they are engraved on site. They are available in three sizes: 6 x 6 inches with two lines of information for $100; 6 x 12 inches with three lines for $250; or 12 x 12 inches with four lines for $500, with a maximum of 16 characters, punctuation or spaces on each line. Proceeds of brick sales go to the Foundation’s Scholarship Fund, and as such a portion of the cost is tax deductible. Gift cards or personalized letters will be gladly provided upon request. Order forms and additional information can be obtained by calling 360-757-0835 or emailing kathkev@comcast.net 9
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Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation