927 EAST FAIRHAVEN AVE. BURLINGTON, WA 98233 (360) 757-3311 9 29 72 7E AE S HH AA VV EN VV E .E . B B UU RR L IL N G GT TOONN, , WWA A 9 98 82 23 33 3 ( 3( 36 600) ) 7 75 57 7- -3 33 31 1 1 A TS TF A F IARI R E NA A IN
A YMESSAG E FROM TH E SCH OOL BOARD YOUR TAXDOLLARS DOLLARS OUR TAX YOUR DOLLARS The Burlington-Edison SchoolDistrict DistrictBoard BoardofofDirectors Directorswould wouldlike liketo to The Burlington-Edison School Y OUR TAXTAX D OLLARS thank our community for the continued support of schools. As your
our community for the continued support of schools. As your The Burlington-Edison School District Board ofBoard Directors like to thank our like to Thethank Burlington-Edison School District ofwould Directors would elected officials, we take the responsibility of being good stewards of your elected officials, we take the responsibility of being good stewards of community for the continued support of schools.support As your elected officials, we take theyour thank our community for the continued of schools. As your tax dollarsvery very seriously. Bypassing passing our recentvery supplemental levy,we we are tax dollars seriously. By our supplemental responsibility of being good stewards of your taxrecent dollars seriously. By levy, passing ourare elected officials, we take the responsibility of being good stewards of your able makeupupa a2.4 2.4million million dollar shortfall created bythe the State’s delay able toto make dollar shortfall created State’s delay recent supplemental levy, we are able to make up a 2.4 million by dollar shortfall created by taxindollars very ByAs passing our recent levy, we in fully funding education. As result, School District's local levy rate the State’s delayseriously. in fully funding education. As athe result, the supplemental School District’s local levyrate rate are fully funding education. a aresult, the School District's local levy able to make up a 2.4 million dollar shortfall created by the State’s delay 2018 will bemaintained maintained atapproximately approximately the same level asthe the previous in 2018 willbe be maintained at at approximately the same level as the previous year. Your inin 2018 will the same level as previous year. Your actions allow keep providing essential learning in fully funding As aessential result, the School District's localtolevy actions allow useducation. to keep providing learning experiences and programs our rate year. Your actions allow usus totokeep providing essential learning experiences and programs to our students. students. in 2018 will be and maintained experiences programsat toapproximately our students. the same level as the previous forward, we will see in howessential our schools learning are funded. School year.Moving Your actions allow uscontinued to keepchanges providing Moving forward, we will see continued changes in how our schools are districts are funded through three tax sources: state, local, and federal. The state are will Moving forward, we will see changes in how our schools experiences and programs to continued our students. funded. School districts arefunded funded through three taxsources: sources: state,local, local, be increasing their tax collection rate in 2019, while also dramatically decreasing our funded. School districts are through three tax state, and federal. Theapproximately statewill willbe be increasing their taxcollection collection rate 2019, local tax rate The from $3.27 to $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed home and federal. state increasing their tax rate ininvalue. 2019, Moving forward, we will see continued changes in how our schools are Limitations will also be set on how our local levy funds canrate be used. We will also likely while alsodramatically dramatically decreasing our local tax rate from while also decreasing our local tax from funded. Schoolindistricts are funded through three tax state, local, see changes our federal funding. With this in of mind, we seek to sources: provide a clear picture approximately $3.27 $1.50 per $1,000 assessed home value. approximately $3.27 toto$1.50 per $1,000 of assessed home value. and Limitations federal. The state be increasing theirlevy taxfunds collection rate 2019, of our school funding andwill plans for future key expenditures. will also set on howour ourlocal local canbe beused. used.in We Limitations will also bebeset on how levy funds can We while also dramatically decreasing our local taxas rate from will also likely seechanges changes ourfederal federal thisinin mind,we we Our schools are see important and we take care offunding. them a With community investment. will also likely ininmust our funding. With this mind, approximately $3.27 to the $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed home value. seek provide clear picture ourschool school funding andplans plans forfuture future As we carefully plan for future, we must consider all of the factors and balance the seek toto provide a aclear picture ofof our funding and for care of our investment with the growing needs of the District. Again, we are thankful key expenditures. Limitations will also be set on how our local levy funds can be used.for We key expenditures. your continued support over the past several years. As you consider the information that will also likely see changes in our federal funding. With this in mind, we follows, do notare to contact us with questions or care comments. Our schools important and we must take them asaacommunity community seek toschools provide ahesitate clear picture of our school funding andas plans for future Our are important and we must take care ofofthem investment. As we carefully plan for the future, we must consider allof of keyinvestment. expenditures. As we carefully plan for the future, we must consider all the factors and balance the care of our investment with the growing needs the factors and balance the care of our investment with the growing needs of the District. Again, we are thankful for your continued support over the the District. Again, we are fortake yourcare continued support over the Ourofschools are important andthankful we must of them as a community
In Burlington-Edison the state contributes 68%, the federal government provides 6%, and 5% of our revenue is U N Dby E Rlocal S T resources A N D I Nsuch G TasH E OVER A L Lfees FIN Afines. N C IThe A Lfinal P I C21% TU E driven donations, grants, and is R generated by our local school UNDERSTANDING THE OVERALL FINANCIAL PICTURE UND ERSTAND ING TH E OVERALL FINANCIAL PICTURE A levy requires a simple majority voter approval thatgovernment is greater than 50% and can be approvedrevenue up to a fourInlevy. state contributes 68%, the federal provides 6%, and 5% InBurlington-Edison Burlington-Edisonthe the state contributes 68%, the federal government provides 6%, and 5%ofofour our revenue is term. Levies are the acquired property tax andfederal the levy rate is expressed inis6%, terms of5% dollars thousand In Burlington-Edison state contributes 68%, the government provides of our revenue is isyear driven localresources resources suchfrom donations, grants, fees and fines. The final 21% is and generated byper our local driven byby local such asas donations, grants, fees and fines. The final 21% generated by our local school dollars of assessed property value. For example, a home assessed at $200,000 with a voter-approved levy of driven by local resources such as donations, grants, fees and fines. The final 21% is generated by our local school school levy requires a simple majority voter approval is greater thanand 50% and be approved up levy. Alevy. levy A requires a simple majority voter approval that is that greater than 50% can be can approved up to a four$2.00 would equal $400 per year in taxes. ($200,000 / $1,000) X 2.00 = $400. levy. A levy requires a simple majority voter approval that is greater than 50% and can be approved up to a fourto a four year term.are Levies are acquired from property tax levy and rate the levy rate is expressed ofper dollars per year term. Levies acquired from property tax and the is expressed in terms in of terms dollars thousand year term. Levies are acquiredvalue. from For property tax and the assessed levy rate is expressed in terms thousand dollars ofofassessed property a home atat $200,000 with a voter-approved of thousand assessed property value. Forexample, example, a home assessed $200,000 with aof dollars per levy dollarswould of assessed property value. example, a home assessed at $200,000 with a voter-approved levy of $2.00 equal per year inFor taxes. ($200,000 / $1,000) X 2.00 = $400. / voter-approved levy$400 of $2.00 would equal $400 per year in taxes. ($200,000 $1,000) X $2.00 = $400. This $400 levy often referred to($200,000 as the EP&0 Levy X(formally M&0), funds basic education $2.00 would equal per year in taxes. / $1,000) 2.00 = $400.
EDUCATION PROGRAMS & by OPERATIONS LEVYthe INCLUDING 1-YEAR items that are not funded the state and durationTHE of the levySUPPLEMENTAL can be 1 to 4 LEVY This referred to the Levy (formally funds basic education Thislevy levyoften often referred toas as theEP&0 EP&0 Levy (formally funds basic education years. School districts have needed these local levies M&0), toM&0), close the gap between lack of items that are not funded by the state and the duration ofofthe levy can be 1 to 4 items that are not funded by the state and the duration the levy can be 1 to 4 years. This levy often referred to as the EP&0 Levy (formally M&0), funds basic education state funding and actual school district needs for decades. years. School have these levies toof close thebetween gap lack of in School districts needed these local levies to close the items that are districts nothave funded byneeded the state andlocal the duration thegap levy can between be 1 the to 4shortfall state school district needs for decades. statefunding fundingand andactual actual school district expenditures forclose decades. years. School districts have needed these local levies to the gap between lack of Used for capital purposes including technology and facilities and the duration of the state funding andLEVY actual school district needs for decades. CAPITAL PROJECT levy can be 2 to 6 years. including technology and facilities and the duration of the Used for capital purposes Capitalimprovements levies are for for technology and facility improvements. Capital school districts are NOT considered "Basic Education" and are levy can be 2 to 6 years. Capital improvements forincluding school districts are NOT considered Education” Used for capital purposes technology and facilities and“Basic the duration of theand not funded by the state. Capital improvements for school districts are NOT considered "Basic Education" and are are can not be funded the state. levy 2 to 6by years. not funded by the state. Capital improvements for school districts are NOT considered "Basic Education" and are Bonds are issued fund the capital expenses of a school district. Typically to fund a BONDS not funded by theto state. Bonds are to the capital a district. Typically fund a new school and/or major remodel. Bonds areofsimilar to securing a loan, and use the Bonds areissued issued toafund fund the capital expenses expenses a school school district, typically totofund a new aamajor remodel. Bonds are securing the property taxand/or revenue to make payments over a similar specified of atime. Aand bond requires newschool school and/or major remodel. Bonds are similartotolength securing aloan, loan, anduse use the Bonds are issued to fund the capital expenses of a school district. Typically to fund a property tax revenue to make payments over a specified length of time. A bond requires taxapproval revenue and to make payments over a plan structured length ofup time. A bond requires aproperty 60% voter can have a re-payment to 40 years. new school and/or a major remodel. are similar tostructured securingup a loan, use the a voter approval and re-payment plan to years. a60% 60% voter approval andcan canhave haveaBonds a re-payment planstructured up to40 40and years. property tax revenue make payments a specified of time. A bond requires The McCleary ruling requires that the Stateto Legislature must fully over fund basic educationlength by September 1, 2018. Yet, even if The McCleary ruling requires that the State Legislature must fully fund basic education by September 1, 2018. Yet, even if The McCleary ruling requires that the State Legislature must fully fund basic education by September 1, 2018. Yet, basic education a is 60% fully funded, the state will notcan pay have the fullacost of meetingplan the educational needs that our Educational voter approval and re-payment structured up to 40 years. basic is fully funded, stateProjects willstate notLevy pay the of meeting the educational needs that our that Educational even education if basic is fully the funded, the will fund. not full paycost the full cost of meeting the educational needs our Programs Levyeducation and Technology Capital Programs Levy and Technology Capital Projects Levy fund. Educational Programs Levy and Technology Capital Projects Levy fund.
The McCleary ruling requires that the State Legislature must fully fund basic education by September 1, 2018. Yet, even if Budgeted District Revenues District Expenditures Budgeted District Revenues Budgeted District Expenditures basic education is fully funded, the state will not pay the full cost ofBudgeted meeting the educational needs that our Educational Budgeted District Revenues Budgeted District Expenditures Programs Levy and Technology Capital Projects Levy fund. Regular Instruction 26,154,720
Budgeted District Revenues
Local State
Budgeted District Expenditures Special Education 6,536,094 Vocational Education 2,084,938
Compensatory Education 4,209,753
Other Instructional 1,426,194 Support Services 10,766,562
Local Local Local Combined Historical Rates Combined Historical Rates Combined Historical Rates Per Thousand Per Thousand
Per Thousand
Local Combined Historical 2015 - $3.90 Rates Per 2016Thousand - $5.46
2017 - $5.18
L oca Local Loc all P r o j e c t e d Rates Proj ec ted Rates Projected Rates P e r T h o u sand Per Thousand
Per Thousand
Loc al Proj ec-ted Rates 2018 $4.91 Per Thousand 2019 - $2.64
SSupplemental u p p l e m e n t aLevy l Levy
Supplemental Levy
B o n d Service Service Bond
D a v i d LLowell owell David David Lowell District 1 Dist rict 1 1 District Vice President Vice President Vice President
Bond Service
TTech/Capital e c h / C a p i t a Levy l Levy
Tech/Capital Levy
$2.00 RRoger o g e r HHoward oward
DDistrict i s t r i c Howard t 22 Roger Dist rict 2
$0.00 2016
SSchool chool B o a r d PProgress r o g r e s s oon n MMiddle-Level i d d l e - L e v e l PProgramming rogramming Board
School Board Progres s on Middle-Level Programmin g There have been a number of steps that the School Board has been following to
There have been a number of steps that the School Board has been following to achieve their
achieve their Board goals around facilities and properties over the past few years. There a number that the has been following to Boardhave goalsbeen around facilities of andsteps properties overSchool Board the past few years. Considered staff and student middle-level programming group conversations achieve their Board goals around andprogramming properties over past few years. • Considered staff and studentfacilities middle-level groupthe conversations Received and considered the Middle-Level Programming Committee’s staff student programming group conversations Considered • Received and and considered themiddle-level Middle-Level Programming Committee’s recommendation to move forward with a 7-8 Middle School for Burlington Received and considered the Middle-Level Programming Committee’s recommendation to move forward with a 7-8 Middle School for Burlington-Edison. Edison. The committee considered and evaluated the current research and best recommendation to move forward withto a provide 7-8 Middle Schoolaand for BurlingtonThe committee considered and aevaluated the current research best practices for practices for middle-level with goal students well-rounded Edison. The committee considered and evaluated the current research best middle-level with a goal to provide a well-rounded education that and would education that would prepare them students to become world ready. practices for them middle-level with goal to provide students a well-rounded prepare to become worlda ready. Assessed/determined community understanding, perceptions, and support for education that would prepare them to become world ready. the• middle-level program recommendation and perceptions, options with the help of Assessed/determined community understanding, and support forseveral the Assessed/determined community understanding, and support for Thoughtexchange surveys, community newsletters, and website. middle-level program recommendation and optionsperceptions, with theour help of several Thought the middle-level program recommendation andour options withfor the help of several Analyze strategies to community realize next best middle-level option the District with exchange surveys, newsletters, and website. the help of the Construction Group Services. The scope of work will include Thoughtexchange surveys, community newsletters, and our website. • Analyze strategies to realize next best middle-level option for the District with the a facility of to the West View campus/parking, campus andwith for Analyze strategies realize next best middle-level option forinclude the District helpanalysis of the Construction Group Services. The scope ofhigh workschool will a facility thehelp requirements needed for a 7/8 middle school. the of the Construction Group Services. The school scope campus of workand will a analysis of the West View campus/parking, high forinclude the Facility Review Committee will be formed in the spring to review the report facility analysis of the West campus/parking, high school campus and for requirements needed for a View 7/8 middle school. from the Construction Service Group and make recommendations to the Board the requirements needed for a 7/8 middle school. • Form Facility Review Committee in the spring to review the report from the for a ten-year plan. will be formed in the spring to review the report Facility Reviewfacility Committee
Bill B i l l Wallace Wallace District 3 3 District
Bill Wallace Dist rict 3
R ich W esen Rich Wesen District 4 District 4 President
Rich Wesen President Dist rict 4 President
Construction Service Group and make recommendations to the Board for a ten-year
the Construction Group and make recommendations to the Board For from morefacility information visitService our webpage: be.wednet.edu under Family/Community, plan. for a ten-year facility plan. and School Property. link: Middle-Level For more information Programming visit our webpage: be.wednet.edu under Family/Community, link:
Middle-Level Programming andour School Property. For more information visit webpage: be.wednet.edu under Family/Community, link: Middle-Level Programming and School Property.
Wright TTroy roy W right District D istrict 5 5 Troy Wright Dist rict 5
927 E. Fairhaven Ave
2 7a v Ee . F irv ha 927 E. Fai9 rh na A ev e n A v e Burlingt 3 B u r l i n g t on, o n , WA W A 9823 Burlington, WA 98233 98233
ECRWSS Postal Customer
Thearchitects architects from Zervas Group have The from thethe Zervas Group have discussed e architects from the Zervas Group have discussed the bid and timeline for the Edison the bid and timeline for the Edison sprinkler and sprinkler and high projects. The projects cussedhigh the school bid and timeline for thewill Edison sprinkler and high school school projects. The projects projects. The projects be put out to will be put out to bid over the next couple of willover be put out to bid over the next couple of inkler bid and high school projects. The projects the next couple of months. We will meet months. We will meet with high school staff months. We meet staff as as l be put out to school bidwill over the nexthigh with high staff as with soon ascouple weschool haveoffinal soon as we have final projected costs. Construction soon as we have final projected costs. Construction projected costs. with Construction is scheduled nths. We will meet high school stafftoasbegin is scheduled to begin in the summer of It is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2018. 2018. It has has in the summer ofprojected 2018. It has been Construction a slow process, n as we have finalprocess, costs. been a slow but we are moving forward. been a slow process, but we are moving forward. but we moving forward. Other are also cheduled to are begin inare the summer ofprojects 2018. It has Other projects also underway that require Other projects are also underway thatOver require underway that require permits and bids. the permits and bids. Over themoving next two years, some of en a slow process, but we are forward. permits and bids. Over theelementary next two years, some of next two years, some of the schools the elementary schools will be painted. We will have a her projects are also underway that require thepainted. elementary schools willwindow be painted. We have a be We have a short to complete short window complete Bayyears, View's some parkingoflot COMPETITIVE GRANTS mits and bids. Overto the next two short window to complete View'sinparking lot Bay parking dueregulations. toBay a change state COMPETITIVE GRANTS dueView’s to a change inlot state The Board elementary will be painted. We have a due to schools a change in state regulations. The Board regulations. The Board has had serious concerns has had serious concerns about the traffic speed, The effort to win competitive grants has led rt window to complete Bay View's parking has serious concerns about the traffic speed, about thesidewalks, traffic speed, lack of sidewalks, no lot M effort P E Toutstanding ItoT Iwin VGRANTS Ecompetitive Gfinancial R A N Tgrants S lackhad of no pedestrian light, and backedC O The led COMPETITIVE to some aid andhas some lack of sidewalks, no pedestrian light, and backed e to a change in state regulations. The Board pedestrian backed cars on Josh up cars onlight, Josh and Wilson. Theup school was notWilson. to some outstanding aid and some of our staff are hired financial to implement up cars onfor Josh Wilson. The school was not had serious concerns about the traffic speed, The school was not designed the number of designed the number offor students attending or of our staff arecompetitive hired to implement TheThe effort toprograms. win competitive grants effort to win grants led someled incredible Here is a has list of to a has few designed for the number of students its traffic. students attending or its traffic. k of sidewalks, no pedestrian light, and attending backed or incredible programs. Here is a list of a few outstanding financial aidfinancial andgrants: the hiring staff to of the outstanding recently acquired to some aidofand some traffic. cars onits Josh Wilson. The school was not of the recently acquired grants: implement incredible programs. Here is a list of a of our staff are hired to implement igned for the number of students attending or Century - Lucille Umbarger few of the21 recently acquired grants: incredible programs. Here is a list of a few Century 21 - Lucille Allen Umbarger traffic. Century 21 - Lucille Umbargergrants: of the recently acquired Century 21 - Allen BEST Mentor for New Teachers Century 21 - Allen Recruiting WAfor Teachers BEST Mentor New Teachers BEST Mentor for New Umbarger Teachers Century 21 Lucille Gaining Early Recruiting WAAwareness Teachers and Readiness for Recruiting WA Teachers Undergraduate Programs:and Allen, Lucille for Century 21 Early - Allen Gaining Awareness Readiness Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Umbarger, the High School Undergraduate Programs: Allen, Lucille BEST Mentor and for New Teachers Undergraduate Programs: Allen, Lucille Homeless Student Stability Program Umbarger, and High School Recruiting WA Teachers Umbarger, and thethe High School National Board Teacher Grant Homeless Student Stability Program Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Homeless Student Stability Program National Board Teacher Grant National Board Teacher Grant Allen, Lucille Undergraduate Programs: Umbarger, and the High School Homeless Student Stability Program Contact Information: National Board Teacher Grant
Contact Information:
C on t act Information:
Allen Elementary Allen Elementary 17145 Cook Road, Bow, WA 98232 17145 Cook Road, Bow, WA 98232 360-757-3352 6 0 - 7 5Finch, 7 - 3 3 5 Principal 2 Allen Elementary Dr.3 Steve D r. Ste v e F iRoad, n c h , P Bow, r i n c i pWA a l 98232 17145 Cook Bay View Elementar y B360-757-3352 a y VJosh i e w Wilson E l e m eRoad, n t a r y Burlington, WA 98233 15241 1Dr. 5 2 4Steve 1 J o s h Finch, W i l s o nPrincipal Road, Burlington, WA 98233 360-757-3322
West View Elementar y
West View Elementary 515 W. Victoria Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233 5 1 5 W . V i c360-757-3391 toria Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233 3 6 0 - 7 5View 7 - 3Tamara 3 9Elementary 1 West Skeen, Principal T a mW. a r aVictoria Skeen, P r i n c i p a lBurlington, WA 9823 3 515 Avenue,
Burlington-Edison High School/Burlington North 3 3 91 B6u0-757-3 r l i n g t o 301 n - E dN. i s oBurlington n H i g h S cBlvd., h o o l /Burlington, B u r l i n g t o nWA N o98233, rth 360-757-4074 Tamara Skeen, 301 N. Bu rTodd l i n g tSetterlund, oPrincipal n B l v d . , Principal; B u r l i n g t oJames n , W ACampbell, 9 8 2 3 3 , 3Assistant 60-757-4074 T o d d S e t tPrincipal; e r l u n d , P r i n c i p Demorest, a l ; J a m e s Assistant C a m p b ePrincipal ll, Assistant 360 - 7 5 7 - 3 3Principal 22 Amy Reisner, Burlington-Edison Jeffrey High School/Burlington North Bay View Elementary Principal; Jeffrey Demorest, Assistant Principal Amy Reisner, Principal 3 01 N. Burlington Blvd., Burlington, WA 9823 3, 360-757-4074 15241Elementar Josh Wilson Road, Burlington, WA 98233 Edison y Burlington-Edison School District len Elemen t a royn E l e m e n t a r y W e s t Todd V i e w gEtloenm en t anPrincipal; r yS c h o o l DJames B u r l i nSetterlund, - E dE. i s oFairhaven i s t r i cBurlington, t Campb ell, E360-757-3322 d i sMain 5801 Avenue, Bow, WA 98232, 360-757-3375 927 Avenue, WAAssistant 98233, 360-757-3311 1 4 5 C o o k Amy R5Amy o8a0Staudenraus, d1 ,M B o w , W A 9 8 2 3 2 5 1 5 W . V i c t o r i a A v e n u lBi unrAssistant gl itnognt ,o nW, A 9 8928 3 Principal; Principal Reisner, 9 2 7 E . F a iLaurel rJeffrey h a v e Browning, n ADemorest, vee, nBuu e ,rSuperintendent W A 2 333 , 3 6 0 - 7 5 7 - 3 3 1 1 a i n A v ePrincipal nPrincipal ue, Bow, WA 98232, 360-757-3375 0 - 7 5 7 - 3 3 5 2A m y S t a u d e n r a u s , P r i n c i p a l 3 6 0 - 7L5a7u- r3e3l9B1r oDr. w nJeff i n gDrayer, , S u p e rAssistant intenden t Superintendent Lucille Umbarger Elementary Burlington-Edison School District Elementary D r . J e f f D r a y e r , A s s i s t a n t S u p e r i n tendent . S t e v e F i nLEdison cuhc i,l lPer iU nmc b i paa l T a m a r a S k e e n , P r i n c i p a l r g e r Burlington, E l e m e n t a WA r y 98233, 360-757-3366 820 S. Skagit Street, 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233, 360-757-3311 5801 Main Avenue, Bow, WA 98232, 360-757-3375 8 2 0 S . S k a g i t S t r e e t , B u r l i n g t o n , W A 9 8 2 3 3 , 3 6 0 7 5 7 3 3 6 6 Justin May, Assistant Principal B u r l i nLaurel g t o n - Browning, E d i s o n H i Superintendent gh School/Burlington North y V i e w E lNick e Amy m eHayes, n tStaudenraus, a r y Principal; Dr. Principal Nick Hayes, Principal; Dr. Justin May, Assistant Principal 3 0 1 N Dr. . B uJeff r l i nDrayer, g t o n BAssistant l v d . , B u r Superintendent lington, WA 98233, 360-757-4074 2 4 1 J o s h W iLucille l s o n RUmbarger o a d , B u r lElementary ington, WA 98233
Contact Information:
Website: www.be.wednet.edu Twitter @b_eschools Facebook: Burlington-Edison School District
T6oe6dsdc h So e tot lesr l u r io n coik p :a lB ;u J arm e li ls, oAns sSi scth an 0 - 7 5 7 - 3 3W 2 2e820 b s S. i t eSkagit : w wStreet, w . b e .Burlington, w e d n e t . eWA d u 98233, T w i t360-757-3 t e r @ b3_ Fnadc, eP b l iensgCt aom n p- Ebd oto l D i s t r i c t Principal; Jeffrey Demorest, Assistant Principal m y R e i s n e r ,Nick P r i nHayes, c i p a l Principal; Dr. Justin May, Assistant Principal
ison Elementary
Burlington-Edison School District