In The Loop November 2018

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In the Loop 18Â 0 2 er b m e Nov

A Message from the Superintendent In November, we celebrate Thanksgiving: A time to be thankful for who we are as a nation, remembering how we started and how far we have come. It is also a time in which we honor those who have sacrificed through service to our country so we can enjoy our many freedoms. On November 22, Thanksgiving Day, I will be thankful for my children, family, dear friends and you, my B-E community. It is because of you I get up every day, learn about opportunities that make a difference, and utilize this knowledge to lead. Thank you. With a grateful heart. Laurel

n e l l A At Allen Elementary, we continue our theme of Celebrating Us. We are building a culture of learning where everyone belongs to a community of learners. Together, we hold collective responsibility for the educational success of each student. Our monthly Dad’s Night is off to a great start with 72 students and their dads who came to learn and play together. Our November Family Learning Night focuses on celebrating families where students bring their families to share who they are as a family. What’s Your Story? Meet My Family! Collectively, we will discover the similarities and differences of our families. Who are we as students? As families? As a staff? Teacher - Shelee King George

B-EHS Career and Technical Education is off to a strong start this year! So little space and a lot to tell! We are excited to offer opportunities for students to participate in hands-on learning experiences that are connecting them to industry and future careers. Students are participating in Construction, Welding and Fabrication, Robotics, Engineering, Computer Science, Animal and Plant Biology, Foods & Nutrition, and many more. Our staff is working hard to show students how to apply their knowledge in the real world and make it work for them. CTE is also working with core content staff to design courses such as Food Science and Personal Finance. All of our courses are connected to Career & Technical Student Organizations (TSA, DECA, FFA, FACSE, FFA). This gives more opportunities for our students to gain real-world experience! We are looking forward to an amazing year with a lot to learn! Come by to check us out! Kirk Hamilton - CTE Instructor

“In recent years, e-cigarette use by youth and young adults has increased at an alarming rate. E-cigarettes are now the most commonly used tobacco product among youth in the United States.” – U.S. Surgeon General 2016 This month in health news, we are focusing on Vaping and E-Cig use in our community. I wanted to take the opportunity to get some facts and make that available for our families. We have an information night with DANICA SESSION, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EDUCATION SPECIALIST with SKAGIT COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH. We will address questions like: What concerns do you have when talking about these topics? What makes you uneasy? What types of things are you wanting to learn? Are there myths that you want to dispel? I hope families and staff take the time to attend Monday, November 19th at 6:00 PM at B-EHS Library. Tessa McIIraith BSN, RN - B-ESD Nurse

w e i V y Ba At Bay View, we are working on strengthening our learning partnerships by engaging students, families, and the community. Fifth-grade students hosted a Family Heritage Night this month where inquiry projects about culture were shared. Sixth-grade was incredibly grateful for their Camp Orkila experience and the amazing parent volunteers that made this possible. School-wide, students have initiated an anti-bullying project to inform and educate others on preventing bullying. Finally, we are excited to be slowly building a Family Engagement Center in our main hallway. What a great month it has been! Principal - Amy Riesner


At Edison, we continue to enjoy partnering with our community and our families! We kicked off the year by combining our Open House with a ribbon cutting for our new Community Track. The track was a collaborative effort by our community and has been well used this fall. As we look ahead, we’re preparing for upcoming conferences to connect with our students’ families on the progress of their child’s learning so far this year. In December, we will engage in our annual community food drive where we collect thousands of items to be donated to those in our community. We are grateful for our school’s partnership with our supportive community and families! Principal - Amy Staudenraus

Lucille Umbarger Lucille Umbarger School Lucille Umbarger continues to build its school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Program with monthly assemblies and celebration of positive student behavior. In addition to daily recognitions with our ¨pawsitive¨ tickets, we also recognize a number of students and staff who have been following our Wolf Pact (Kind, Safe, Responsible, and Engaged) publicly. We celebrate their contributions to our community with a positive phone call home and a special activity that builds a positive relationship. Principal -Dr. Justin May

West View

At West View, we continue to look for opportunities to accelerate student learning by strengthening our family partnerships. As a staff, we again accepted the challenge of conducting 50 family visits throughout the year. In the month of October, WV teachers were in the homes of 13 families, with another 9 visits planned for November. Over the past 12 school months, West View teachers will have been in 73 of our families homes! What a difference this has made for students and staff alike. In addition, this year we started “Together Tuesday.” One Tuesday a month, our families are invited to the school to have breakfast with their child and spend the first hour of the day learning together with us. Around 75 parents participated in our first Together Tuesday. At West View, we are exceedingly grateful for our families and their willingness to partner with us in our mission to support student success. Principal - Tamara Skeen

Citizens' Day Thank you to the Citizens' of Burlington who participated in our event: Lisa Anderson Jennifer Berner Warren Bingham John Burke Rick DeGloria Maria Pickering Mary Jo Sanders Susan Slotemaker Tana Wood

Burlington-Edison Tech. Dept. Our Technology Levy continues to support learning throughout the district. Our newly added grade levels and subjects are 1st grade, 5th grade, 7-8 English Language Arts, 9-12 English, and 9-12 World Language. Teachers are exploring exciting ways to engage and support students with digital tools. Our learning days have been amazing and we seeing some wonderful experiences in our classrooms. Our work has also been recognized by other districts and our B-ESD Technology Department Staff was asked to share at a local Technology Conference in Marysville this October. We shared successes with our Levy and how we have a truly integrated Educational Technology Team. For more information please visit our website: Coordinator of Tech and Innovation - Tracy Dabbs


Opportunity Kindergarten Opportunity Kindergarten is a program that supports students who have not had access to an early childhood program. Our students are those who have demonstrated a need for an extended kindergarten experience to prepare them for kindergarten in the fall.

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