B-E Newsletter September 2017

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WELCOME BACK! Laurel Browning Superintendent During the summer, the BurlingtonEdison School District busily prepared for another successful school year! The primary focus is expanding on the deeper learning that has been driving our entire district. What we mean by 'deeper' learning, is applying a rich core of content to students in innovative ways that allow them to learn and then apply what they have learned.

Developing inquisitive minds in our students is a valuable skill set we offer as they go forward to compete globally and to become engaged citizens at home. We are working extensively on aligning our K-12 curriculum using these six competencies as our guideline: mastering rigorous academic content, learning how to think critically and solve problems, working collaboratively, communicating effectively, directing one's own learning, and developing an academic mindset. The Burlington-Edison School District is passionate about instilling the belief in lifelong success to all our students.

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Existing 2017 Rates EP&O - $3.28 Bond - $0.19 CP Levy - $1.71 Total combined rates = $5.18

Projected 2018 Rates EP&O - $2.75 Supplemental - $0.74 Bond - $0.19 CP Levy - $1.57 Total combined rates = $5.25

A difference of approximately $0.07

WHY RUN ANOTHER LEVY? The Burlington-Edison School District employs approximately 420 staff, houses close to 3,600 students and operates with a budget of 51 million dollars. The district receives three types of funding, federal, state, and local levy funds. Our local levy dollars play a vital role to fill the gap between state and federal funding of the actual costs to provide services to students. In 2012, the McCleary Court case ruled that the state needed to fund school districts at a higher level and decrease reliance on local levies. Some progress has been made by our local legislation, but for this coming year, local levy rates were not addressed. Last year, we passed a four-year levy following state guidelines which determined our levy authority and required us to decrease the amount we could collect in year two by four percent because the state planned to fund the difference. The state did not pass a plan to address the 2017-18 levy year but passed legislation to allow districts to continue collecting levies at their current rate. For our district, this is a 2.4 million-dollar revenue impact. We will be placing a one-year supplemental levy measure on the November ballot to cover the state shortfall. The overall tax rate increase is about 7 cents per $1000.00 of assessed valuation. Approximatley: $200,000 home = $12.00 $300,000 home = $18.00

Rates are $5.18 and will be $5.25

PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE NOVEMBER 7, 2017 The Mission of the Burlington-Edison School District is to educate each student for lifelong success.


A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Rich Wesen School Board President

David Lowell District 1 Vice President

Roger Howard District 2

Our district has made excellent progress on our Road Map strategic goals. Our levy dollars have supported this important work. The supplemental levy will maintain the programs and activities of our operating budget that include: Highly Capable, music, elementary art, counselors, student support, nurses, teachers, transportation, ground and maintenance, new K-5 math curriculum, and cocurricular activities. The Board recognizes that we must use our dollars wisely and invest in rich experiences for our students so they can be contributing citizens. We appreciate the community support as partners in our mission.

2017-18 SCHOOL BOARD GOALS The Board maintains its strong commitment that Burlington-Edison students exceed Washington State average performance on assessment measures and that the system is able to deliver quality instruction for every student. They are committed to reviewing the implementation of the district's Road Map and the aligned school improvement plans that are based on a continuous improvement process. The Board will continue their strong effort to engage parents and the community in supporting high levels of student achievement.

For more information on the Board Goals or District Road Map please visit our website at www.be.wednet.edu. Board Goals

District Road Map


Rich Wesen District 4 President

Troy Wright District 5

Bay View Principal, Amy Reisner Mrs. Reisner graduated from Pacific Lutheran University, she started her career in Lake Stevens teaching 1st and 2nd grade. In 2000 she moved to the valley and was hired to teach 5th grade at Bay View and later 3rd grade as well. In 2015, she earned a Masters degree from Western Washington University and spent one year as Bay View's Assistant Principal. Last year she had the privilege of working as Assistant Principal at Lucille Umbarger, and this year she is returning home to Bay View. She has a husband who works in technology and three continually growing children who keep them very busy. When she has free time, she loves to explore new places, eat great food, spend time together, and cheer for the B-E Tigers!

Lucille Umbarger Assistant Principal, Dr. Justin May Dr. May is originally from Alaska and loves the outdoors. He was a Native American Studies/ Engineering major in college and joined Teach For America. He taught in New Orleans and then led Teach For America's first region serving Native American communities on the Navajo Reservation and Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico. He studied special education in New York City, he worked at an inquirybased public school in Vermont, and then went back to school to learn about leading for equity. He came to Bellingham for his doctoral residency and then became principal for the past three years in the Mount Baker School District at a K6, title one school. His wife and two elementary-aged boys live in Bellingham where they spend a lot of time in the outdoors. He plays bluegrass and old-time music and he makes a decent apple pie.

Each student aspires to learn Each student practices thoughtful citizenship Each student is equipped to pursue life options, including career and college

927 E. Fairhaven Ave Burlington, WA 98233

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UNDERSTANDING DEEPER LEARNING Students need to be able to successfully navigate a rapidly changing world, participate in a complex and increasingly diverse democracy, and engage fully in the ever-evolving 21st-century workplace. Students must be able to communicate their ideas effectively, think creatively, work collaboratively to solve problems and manage their own learning. They need to develop dispositions-or mindsets-that empower them to confront new challenges, take initiative, and When educators and students trust and respect persevere through difficulties and setbacks. one another and feel responsible for each other's success as learners, and when teachers function as a professional in a collaborative community, then they can design learning experiences that are meaningful to students. These experiences will lead students to regularly engage in acquiring and applying knowledge and skills through the deliberate practice of deeper learning outcomes. This will result in students leaving school with the knowledge of how, why, and when to apply content knowledge and set of non-cognitive skills to answer questions and solve problems related to the challenges of college, career, and life.

For examples of deeper learning in practice, please visit our website videos at www.be.wednet.edu.

Contact Information: Allen Elementary 17145 Cook Road, Bow, WA 98232 360-757-3352 Dr. Steve Finch, Principal Bay View Elementary 15241 Josh Wilson Road, Burlington, WA 98233 360-757-3322 Amy Reisner, Principal Burlington-Edison High School/Burlington North 301 N. Burlington Blvd., Burlington, WA 98233, 360-757-4074 Todd Setterlund, Principal; James Campbell, Assistant Principal; Jeffrey Demorest, Assistant Principal

Edison Elementary 5801 Main Avenue, Bow, WA 98232, 360-757-3375 Amy Staudenraus, Principal Lucille Umbarger Elementary 820 S. Skagit Street, Burlington, WA 98233, 360-757-3366 Nick Hayes, Principal; Dr. Justin May, Assistant Principal West View Elementary 515 W. Victoria Avenue., Burlington, WA 98233, 360-757-3391 Tamara Skeen, Principal Burlington-Edison School District 927 E. Fairhaven Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233, 360-757-3311 Laurel Browning, Superintendent Dr. Jeff Drayer, Assistant Superintendent

Website: www.be.wednet.edu Twitter @b_eschools Facebook: Burlington-Edison School District

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