In The Loop September 2018

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In the Loop Welcome Back!

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Photo by: Andy Porter

A Message from the Superintendent Burlington-Edison School District is making a special effort to ensure that all students fully benefit from their education by attending school regularly. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. DID YOU KNOW? • Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) increases the chance that your student will not read or master math at the same level as their peers. • Children chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade. • Being late to school may lead to poor attendance, missed learning, and embarrassment for the student. • By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school. • By 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8thgrade test scores. We know that there are a wide variety of reasons that students are absent from school, from health concerns to transportation challenges. Thank you to all our staff who are prepared to help if a student faces challenges in getting to school regularly or on time. Please contact the school's principal, counselor, or nurse for assistance. We promise to track attendance daily, to notice when a student is missing from class and to identify barriers and supports available to overcome challenges a family might face in helping a student attend school. We welcome, Kim Welling, Administrator for Student Services, who will be supporting our efforts on attendance to help keep our schools strong and successful. Best, Laurel

n e l l A

Allen Elementary welcomed in a new school year with 420 family members at our annual Back to School Barbecue. This year, we will celebrate us! We will cultivate a culture in which everyone feels like they belong. Together we will build a sense of community in which every member- all staff, students and parents- feel that they are seen, heard and respected. We will also be continuing our work to establish consistent practices and structures throughout the grade levels that maximize the use of research-based practices we know work. Stay tuned as we Celebrate Us this year! Principal - Marsha Hanson

Bay View We are very excited for a new year at Bay View! One of our goals this year is to continue building great relationships with our families. We are working on a new family gathering and resource center by the PTA desk in our main entryway. Last year we invited families back to school in the evenings for celebrations and learning. This year we are continuing this practice and also looking to publicize and organize the events even more. We are committed to teaching through inquiry and our Concept-Based Units of Inquiry. The work the District is doing this year to provide resources for these units is very exciting. Finally, we are taking a closer look at our inclusion model in an effort to learn more about how we support our students within it. It’s going to be an amazing year! Principal - Amy Riesner

n o s i d E

It has been a wonderful beginning of the year at Edison! Our goals this year are two-fold as we balance our focus between supporting students’ social and emotional well-being (heart) while growing their academic skills (brain) as well. We will do this by continuing the PBIS work we began last year of fostering positive interactions and building positive relationships with every student to help them increase their ability to self-regulate their emotions as well as exhibit kindness to everyone. We will focus on the academic side by creating engaging and strong core instruction which will be inclusive and accessible for all types of learners. It’s going to be a great year! Principal - Amy Staudenraus

B-EHS We are excited to begin another fantastic year at B-EHS, preparing ALL students for college – 1, 2, 4 or more! The 2018-2019 school year is set to build on the work that we have done around creating a culture of college- and career-readiness, while continuing fantastic opportunities like the October 10th “Super Wednesday” PSAT test for all 10th and 11th graders, the Smarter Balanced Assessment for 10th graders in the spring, and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science for 11th graders in the spring. Our focus this year continues to be connections – connections with students, parents, and partners throughout the community. Through our strong connections, we encourage all students to attend school each and every day. We have systems designed to connect with our 9th-grade students, supporting them throughout this pivotal first year of high school. Strong connections support equity, providing a high-quality education for all students, preparing them with the skills to succeed in college and in careers after high school. Our goals emphasize that B-EHS graduates will be equipped with the fundamental skills to succeed in continued education or training beyond high school. Principal—Todd Setterlund

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This is a year of transition for us. We said goodbye to Kari Hollands, our school counselor last year. We also bid a fond farewell to Linda Larrabee who retired from education and looks to work full time as a grandmother. We welcome back Holly Wood to our staff. We also welcome Andy Olson who will be splitting his time between Bay View and B-E North. As a staff, we are excited to participate in the lives of those students we serve. We will continue where we ended last year. We had 22 students graduate last school year. This is the most that we have had graduate since the program began. Our focus will be to meet students where they are in their educational program and help them graduate from high school, become productive members of our community, and prepare for post-high school success. Assistant Principal - James Campbell

Lucille Umbarger Lucille Umbarger School Fall Update The Wolfpack is back in action with terrific staff, students, and families! We have a fierce focus on two areas this year: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS): PBIS is all about our community learning the LU “Wolf Pact,” and how we will be kind, safe, responsible, and engaged. First, we defined positively-stated expectations throughout our school. Then, we taught these expectations in all areas of our school. Now, our staff are recognizing students following these expectations with "Pawsitive" tickets. We have a school PBIS team working hard to implement this positive approach and we are bringing back school-wide assemblies to celebrate the success of our wolf pack. Literacy Practices: In partnership with our district teaching and learning team, LU staff are taking a close look at our literacy instruction practices. We are working to determine best practices and areas of need across our school as it relates to our students learning to read and write. Principal -Dr. Justin May

West View Our theme at West View this year is “WV Adelante” (WV Forward). We are excited about all of the positive changes and growth we have made over the past few years, but as a school community, we reject the notion of thinking it is “good enough.” We intentionally want to lean into the challenge of being a Dual Language/Deeper Learning school. Our plan to move WV Adelante involves specific attention to our instructional moves – both big and small, becoming effective practitioners of data, strengthening the reciprocal relationship between home and school, and deepening our collaborative practices as professionals. As a part of our plan, we have set a school goal of conducting 50 Family Visits, at least 30 Learning Walks, and reading the book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond. Collectively, we are ready to lean into our own professional growth and the risk-taking necessary to be a culture of continuous learning. West View Adalenate! Principal - Tamara Skeen

Nurse's Message The Burlington-Edison School District and our nurses are committed to helping keep our students, parents and our community healthy throughout the entire flu season. That’s why we have partnered with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association to provide “flu shot clinic(s)” for our schools. Clinic Location and times Burlington-Edison District Office Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Nurse - Tess McIlraith Patient Consent Forms are available as an attachment to this email. Please complete one for each person and bring the form(s) with you to the event. Forms will also be available at the clinic. All participants will be asked to provide their health insurance information (card) to receive an immunization. SVNA will electronically bill the insurance plan for your flu shot. They bill almost all insurance plans, but are not able to accept Cigna. Flu shots are considered preventive care and normally are not subject to deductibles or co-pays. Students 18 years and under without current health insurance coverage will be offered a flu shot at no cost. Adults without current insurance coverage may pay the $40.00 immunization fee for standard Quadrivalent with cash or check.

Athletic Department Now that we have moved to the WPA Network for Middle School Scheduling please encourage parents to subscribe to the website. This will notify them immediately if we need to make a change or adjustment due to a ferry schedule or a cancellation. In order to subscribe to the website, they just need to go to and look for the ORANGE subscribe button. Athletic Director - Don Beazizo

Burlington-Edison Tech. Dept. Thanks to our Technology Levy we have been able to provide upgrades to more classrooms. This year we are adding 1st grade, 5th grade, 7-8 Language Arts, 9-12 English, and 9-12 World Language. We also continue to focus our efforts on strengthening our infrastructure and have completed some projects this summer including increasing our wireless capacity at both Allen and West View School. Our goals to support learning and leverage digital tools continue to guide our work. Coordinator of Tech and Innovation - Tracy Dabbs

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