AIESEC Academy will be the digital learning platform that will allow the membership of AIESEC in Mexico to access to an entire educational database. Its main goal will be to improve the network performance and development through education.
How will it work? Information will be managed by faculties. Each faculty in AIESEC Academy is the maximun responsible for an specific knowleadge area.
How will it work? You will be able to access through any of our three learning materials.
Audioguides Access to them easily while you are using you computer or movile device.
Easy to download and ready to print them if you need to. They will always be with you.
Listen to them while you are excersizing, working, traveling or stuck in traffic.
Who will provide the information?
Every member of AIESEC in Mexico will be able to generate and provide material to help us create this crowdsourcing platform. Continue reading if you want to discover how...
men-tor. noun.
1. Someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person 2. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
How can I become a mentor?
1 2 3 4 5
Chose the faculty to which you want to be enrolled as a mentor. Check out the learning topics that the faculty will be imparting. Read carefully the criteria to develop the material. Create the learning material you think it suits better the topic. Submit it through the Webform before October 9th at 11:59pm
Educational material criteria
STRUCTURE demy Logo at the beginning 1. AIESEC Aca d what the n a o e o id g v o L e y th lt f 2. Facu the objective o is t a h w : e v ti c 3. Obje ted to learn student is specntation of the Mentor. 4. Quick prese n the student a c w o h , s n o 5. Content ti s case of que 6. Follow-up: inntor. contact the me age definition. im d n a io d u a high fidelity of inutes. a e v a h t s u m Video more than 7 m t s la t o n t s u m Video in English. Video must be
some tips!
ironment. v n e d te a in m iet and well illu u q a in lf e s r u o Record y the camera. n o s u comend to you c re fo e to w , y r n e T re c s r cord you If you like to re dio.org/ http://camstu
Educational material criteria
STRUCTURE 1. Cover: AIE 2. Objective: SEC Academy & Faculty what the stu what is the objective of t Logo 3. Quick presdent is spected to learn he handbook and 4. Content entation of the Mentor. 5. Follow-up : in case of q contact the m uestions, how entor. can the stude nt Handbooks c PDFs should an be delivered in both P PPTs should not be longer than 7 pag PT or PDF documents. Handbook mnot be longer than 20 pa es ges ust be in Eng lish
some tips!
Check your g Avoid using f rammar! Avoid using loonts that are difficult to read. w quality im ages.
Educational material criteria
STRUCTURE ademy presents" Ac C SE IE "A : se ra ph e th 1. Start with ion 2. Mention title of the sesslty of the audioguide 3. Mention the focus facu the podcast and what the student is 4. Explain the objective of spected to learn. the topic 5. Present the content of estions, how can the student 6. Follow-up: in case of qu contact the mentor. fidelity of audio gh hi a ve ha t us m de ui The audiog er than 5 minutes ng lo be t no ld ou sh de ui The audiog in English The audioguide must be
some tips!
environment. Record yourself in a quiete-voice-recorder.com/es/ You can use http://onlin n and do not talk too fast. Watch your pronunciatio
Go and download our
Learning Topics Catalogue and be part of AIESEC Academy! bit.ly/aa-learningcatalogue The best e ill b material w th i released w emy ad AIESEC Anct and will launchme special recieve a from n recognitio ! OD Team
“The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.” -Aristotle-