Abstract of portfolio - Jimmie Andersson

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jimmie andersson ABSTRACT OF | 2014 PORTFOLIO

portfolio | jimmie andersson university

Chalmers University of Technology


program Architecture and Engineering 3rd, year spring 2014 21 years age mail

The Architecture and Engineering program at Chalmers University of Technology is a six year old program which combines architectural figuration with construction. The program emerged due to the lack of collaboration and understanding between architects and engineers in Sweden which is consider being not good enough today. At the program we have both the engineering courses as mathematical analysis, geometry and structural mechanics as well as architectural projects. It gives us insight in both sides and knowledge in both the figuration and the structural parts, this can be seen in our projects. Especially in my project THE HOUSING AREA BERGSTRĂ–MMEN the energy calculation affected the geometry of the house and the thick walls gave the houses an interesting expression with its deep window alcoves.


phone +4676 1866140 address Doktor Bex street 2

41324 Gothenburg Sweden

During the education we have been trained in developing the context and concept in our projects. The context where we work with the relationship between the building, site and the conditions of the site. By having a distinct and elaborated concept the project gets a strong character. Project THE MANTA is a project where the concept has been outstanding through the whole process.

computer knowledge C#, MATLAB, CALFEM

Rhinocerus (incl. SMART-form), Grasshopper (incl. Kangaroo) Google Sketchup, Revit AutoCAD Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator V-ray

working experiences

After school and during vacations I have tried a lot of different jobs. In my previous works as teacher, seller, receptionist and referee I have learned how to handle the meeting with new people. These jobs also have helped me grow socially. I easily get new friends or colleagues and I usually spread good mood around me. I believe that being able to work smoothly with your colleagues and act properly is important traits that are needed at a bureau.


The pursue to develop in architecture and engineering makes me constantly perform my very best in my tasks. With a high working moral and level of ambition I see the possibilities that my program has opened for me and in my future works I want to keep combining architecture with the art of engineering, both in Sweden and abroad.


projects 4 THE MANTA Skeppsbron, Gothenburg A flouting bath house with an optimized concrete roof where the visitors get a close contact to the surrounding river.

9 HOUSING AREA BERGSTRĂ–MMEN Viskafors, BorĂĽs A rowhouse area close to the forrest in the small village Viskafors which live up to low energyhouse standard.

14 THE JAPANESE BRIDGE Johanneberg, Gothenburg A clean bridge with a wavy construction which participated in the bridge building competition at Chalmers 2012

16 UP AND OVER Johanneberg, Gothenburg A tower combined with a bridge to get through the Chalmers area more easily.

jimmie andersson


+4676 1866140


projects 19 C# IN GRASSHOPPER AND VS Designing and making smart solutions by writing C# scripts in Grasshopper and Visual Studio

24 GARDEN SHED Edberga, Ă…tvidaberg A garden shed with demands on a close belonging with the neighborhood, at the same time a budget and time schedule would be fulfilled.

jimmie andersson


+4676 1866140


BROHUS Ă–VER VALLGRAVEN THE MANTA An active bath house in central Gothenburg Course

Architecture and optimized structures


3rd, autumn 2013


Morten Lund Ulf Jansson


Skeppsbron, Gothenburg

Project type


Project status



Matlab Grasshopper, Kangaroo AutoCAD Rhinocerus, V-ray Photoshop, Indesign



The task was to design a bath house at Skeppsbron. It would show a close interaction between the spatial area and construction where the bearing system would be in concrete. The bath house would also be floating and contain some obligatory facilities. In The Manta the main idea has been to get the visitor to feel the contact with the surrounding river, to integrate the bath experience with the site as much as possible. By constantly working towards this goal through the whole process, the project has got a strong and distinct concept. An important part of the project has also been to optimize the structure of the roof. By using to the Rhinocerus plug in programs Grasshopper and Kangaroo, my early vision of the roof became possible. Therefore the roof got an interesting form, optimized for handling the external forces.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


concept The concept for The Manta is to give the visitors a possibility to sense the site as much as possible and foremost the river, since the bath house is floating. This has been done by centring the necessary facilities, as dressing rooms and cafĂŠ, and placing the pools at the outer edges of the bath house, bordering the river.

The red curves shows the obligatory movements for the visitor, the movement before and after bathing. It describes how people is entering and leaving the building. The green curves shows the free movement in the bathing area. The visitor is moving along the outer edges of the building and has during the bathing a close contact to the river.

process An early idea has been to split the bath house in three parts. This is uppermost seen at the roof that has been notched like a Y-shape, the same shape as the closed facilities has in the centre of the bath house. Between the Y-lines has big openings been created to get great views and to get a large amount of daylight.

To get a living bath house, the shell and the functions in the building has been created in a close collaboration. Where the shell hits the ground pools has been lowered and etages has been made. Around the higher parts of the shell, pools has been lifted up and the high jumping towers has been placed. With a roof that is following the bathing area every room is strengthen and great contrasts between open and closed rooms are created.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140

The more round openings was changed to openings with sharpen corners to give a more distinct expression. Looking like a manta, floating on the surface of the water.


section E-E section B-B 1:300 A bathing area in three different height levels creates infinitely opportunities for the creative child. The visitor can travel from the high, light and open pool down to the dark tunnel at the bottom without getting up from the comfortable water.


After swimming into the dark cave and out through the facade of the building, the light surrounding is opening up and creates a huge contrast from the cave. Is the weather good enough the visitor could lie down on the roof for a while and enjoy the warm sun rays.



A early sketch on a crossing where the swimming visitors and the passingy people are meeting in a harmonic interaction. The entrance has been placed in the sightline from Esperantoplatsen and creates a natural way into the bath house. The entrance of the building is placed at the same height as the water level. By adding a longer part of floating bridge in front of the entrance a comfortable slope takes the visitors in to the bath house. This gives passing people the opportunity to take a seat on the low roof and take a relaxing break.






section C-C


section D-D





section A-A plan 1:400

entrance facade


Next to the child pool has a calm pool for the parents been placed, here they can relax while having a good watch over their bathing children.

1:200 jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140



The base form. To bring up the height of the roof and get a more optimized construction I used a plug in to Grasshopper, Kangaroo.

The base form of the roof consists of three hyperbolic paraboloids, merged in a middle point. Kangaroo lets a reversed gravitation work on the three roofs which are attached in certain lines and points. This creates a upside down chain curve construction. The surfaces of the paraboloids works like strapped fabric during force impact. code from Grasshopper (Kangaroo)

Proporties of the springs. These affect the surfaces and decides their stiffness.

The flexure is calibrated until the wanted shape is achieved The stressed arc in the section is showed as blue.

The force that works on the surface. How large the up/down flexure of the surface will be.

Result after the simulation. In this case I have chosen a surface (bars, point etc. is also available).

A section through a paraboloid. The working forces on the construction is led down in the sides of the stressed arc. The section is showing a added point load and the reaction forces at the supports.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


analysis of structure

deformation analysis (scaled by a factor 20)

One moment in the course virtual tools was to remake a structural analyzing script in Matlab that Jens Olsson wrote some year ago. The script is an automatic FEM solver for structural analysis with 3-D beam elements. It allows calculating deformation, loads, forces etc for an imported geometry from example Rhinocerus.

Fixed points

I did some calculations for the structure of Mantan, based on a steel beam structure. I also did a comparison between the original hyperbolic paraboloid geometry and the optimized geometry I used. The results show that the optimization helped a lot. The maximum deflection decreased with 5 cm (20 %) and the average deflection decreased with 1.4 mm (28 %).

The optimized geometry without any loads

The imported geometry from Rhinocerus.

The optimized geometry, loaded with its own weight

An analyse of the beams that shows if the elements are under pressure or tension. Pressure Tension

The original hyperbolic parabolic geometry, loaded with its own weight

reflection When summarizing project The Manta I feel satisfied. I have followed my concept throughout the whole process without doing to much compromising in the most important decisions. Grasshopper and Kangaroo has been great tools for helping me develop the optimized form and to model what I had sketched in the early stage of the project.

Original geometry

Optimized geometry [m]


It has been very educational to receive such a large and complex task and avoid ending up with a hard understandable mess or a heavy, boring building without any life. Instead try finding a balance and achieve arranged complexity. The project still got some things that need to improve to receive that, but I am on a good way to this goal. I am pleased that the optimization worked out so well and that it helped for both the architectural and structural aspect. I feel satisfied with the results from my calculations.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


THE HOUSING AREA BERGSTRÖMMEN Low-energy houses in the scenic Viskafors Course

Building and climate


2nd, spring 2013


Kajsa Crona Ola Nylander



Project type


Project status



AutoCAD Rhinocerus 4.0 Illustrator Photoshop Indesign V-ray


In this task we were asked to make 20-40 town houses close to the newly build neighborhood Pumpkällehagen in Viskafors, a small village outside Borås. The town houses had demands to be energy effective and in the three approximately sizes 80-, 110- and 140 squaremeters.


It has been important to seize the quality of the site and to make the houses exciting to attract new citizens to the village. The surrounding nature has been an important factor which has had a large impact in the design process of the buildings. By large glass openings facing the untouched environment, the nature is constantly present in each residence, which makes the residents feel calm and homely.

To suit the houses for the individual integrate of each person every town house has a priavte and public zone. The buildings has been designed to make the residents feeling safe, all the way from the street entrance to the backyard of the house.

Early sketch that got rejected later in the process

Pictures/blueprints/sketches is own made if nothing else is specified. jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


80 kvm 110 kvm 150 kvm

Each row of houses consists of three to five coherent houses. In these rows, different housesizes are mixed in order to break the too repetitive look aswell as to create a better mix between different people and family situations. One row type mixes the 80- and 150 kvm houses. The 110 kvm houses has been designed as split level houses and are placed where the terrain is suitable.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140

5 10




plan 2




plan 1 plan -1




street section jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140 jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


Public zone with kitchen and living room. Here is the whole family and guests staying

Private zone. Here is the private rooms for all the family members, well separeted from the common areas. Open garage alternatively a conservatory for the residents.

section B-B (Josefin Mattson)

roof detail D-D (Josefin Mattson)

section C-C (Josefin Mattson)

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


Wall structure outside in: energy losses

1. Wood panel 22 mm 2. Air space, lying beams 45x20 mm 3. Wind protection 4. Standing beams 45x170 mm, isolation 5. Isolation layer 220 mm 6. Moisture barrier 7. Installation layer, lying beams 45x45 mm, isolation 45 mm 8. Wood panel 22 mm

Warm water Air leakage Electricity Ventilation Transmission

Town house Passive house Energy requirements 33.6 57 kWh/m2 Effect requirements 16.7 12 kW/m2 U-value 0.14 - W/m2K

U-value: Thickness:

0.08 [W/m2K] 500 [mm]

reflection This has been an intresting project, where we had to adapt to a strict low energy demand in the design process. At the same time the houses had to be exciting and attracting to people. The combination between design and construction were very intresting and it felt useful to take regard at both parts. I think we came up with an intresting proposal with a close contact to the surrounding nature. The obvious separation with zones and a garage that works as a conservatory as well is a rare idea, and I think it has worked out fine. Then there are some deficiencies with this concept, but i think the advantages is greater than the disadvantages. This was the first group project in our class. It worked fine through the whole process.

wall detail

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140 1866140 jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676

13 7


A wooden bridge over the pond at Chalmers University of Technology Competition

Chalmers Bridge Building Competition 2012


2nd, autumn 2012


Johanneberg, Gothenburg

Project type


Project status



The competition was to build a 15 meter long wooden bridge over a pond during two days. The bridge was not allowed to support against any of the edges of the pond, only on four predetermined places in the water. The amount of material was also predetermined. The bridge should bare to last the load of five persons walking on the bridge simultaneously.


Our goal was to make a clean bridge with a unique construction. At an early stage we decided that the deck of the bridge would be the highest point of the bridge. The construction follows a symmetrical pattern where the projecting beams bring the force down in the four supports. The deck of the bridge has a pattern which follows the construction below the deck. At the same time you follows the pattern you also walks on the strongest parts of the bridge.


We recieved second price in the competition. The jury, consisting of e.g. the city architect of Gothenburg Bjรถrn Siesjรถ, judged the bridge from four criterias: function, beauty, construction and innovation. The japanese bridge was alone in getting the maximum score in the beauty criteria.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


reflection The bridge worked as we had planned and looked very similar to our model. As group leader of the bridge it has been a very exciting and rewarding project. To have certain responsibility and working in a group was both giving and fun, especially when we disagreed in some decisions. The collaboration has been fundamental, we observed that if we did not hold the group together it was very hard to get something good done. The building of the bridge was relatively easy, probably because we had good blueprints and that we knew exactly how it should look. The hard part was to make the material limitation. Just like in all projects the goal is to keep the material cost as low as possible, therefore the limited material. After good planning and accurate working we managed to finish the bridge with the handed material.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140



Bridge and tower at the Chalmers area Course

Room and geometry


1st, spring 2012


Magnus Persson


Johanneberg, Gothenburg

Project type


Project status



AutoCAD Google Sketchup V-ray Indesign Photoshop


As a last task in the Room and geometry course we were assigned to design a tower and a bridge over Skeppsr채nnan. These would connect two areas that today are separated by the chute. The end of the bridge pointing at R채nnv채gen would have a small stairwell to take people the three meters down to the road. The tower and the bridge are made separatly and can be seen as two different elements.


In this task the main focus laid on the design part instead of the construction part , but on the design part instead. My concept for both the bridge and the tower has been to make the the visitor experience the outer shape when walking inside. The tower is designed to give the visitors an unic experience through the stairwell, where the inner walls follows the outher shape while the stairwell goes straight up. The tower consists of several circel segments which are put on eachother.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140

The cylindric form was chosen to keep the soft forms in the area and not create a too large contrast to the half cylindric Skeppsr채nnan. As with the tower I created a bridge where the outer shape expressed the same feeling as walking inside. The bridge has a convex bending over the chute, increasing the feeling of walking over it.


plan 5 - final and early sketch

section A-A jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


reflection I think I have managed to convey the base ideas of the tower and bridge, to give an exciting expression from the outside and making the inside live up to this expression. My first idea was that the cylindrical segments of the tower should lie on top of eachother, but this was not possible to construct and the segments was therefore overlying eachother. This reduced the feeling of a sliced cylinder with offset segments, which was the original shape I wanted. But I still think I got close to my original idea.

I am more pleased with the bridge part, especially the angel over Skeppsr채nnan. It has a small rising that is indicating that one walks over the chute, but the rise is not so high that it feels exhausting to walk over it. To underline the end of Skeppsr채nnan two support columns has been placed under the bridge on the easter side of the the chute. These columns also provide necessery support.

In the bridge and stairwell part of the project I devoted much time to the bridge part and not so much time on the little stairwell at the other end of the bridge. I do not think that the stairwell suits the bridge and it feels clumsy.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


C# IN GRASSHOPPER AND VS Writing components in Grasshopper and Visual Studio with C# Year

3rd, spare time


C# Grasshopper

koch snowflake The length of each segment

Number of iterations


In my spare time I have explored combining scripting and design tools as Grasshopper. Both from the engineering and architects point of view I think this combination can be very useful and it can take programs as Grasshopper to a new level. The following slides will show an abstract of programs I have developed in Grasshopper with C#. I started doing some basic C# projects in Visual Studio and used what I learned there to develop projects in Grasshopper. Some of the C# projects I have made in Visual Studio are shown at the last page. If requested, basic components made in Grasshopper and some C# projects in Visual Studio can be sent as well. Some programming code will be shown, the rest can be sent if requested.

All lines displayed. The fifth iteration for example gives 3072 lines

The script for the koch snowflake is mainly a large for-loop. In each iteration every line is divided in four parts and of these parts is four new lines created. The lines increase with the relationship 3*4^i, where i is an integer increasing with 1. This formula is used to determine the number of lines the next iteration. These new lines are once more divided in four parts and this repeats for every iteration. The code above shows the iteration part and is a segment of the whole script

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


steel wiring construction

Start curve, which will be the base for the other curves

Imported curve and surface, evaluated points per curve, offset distance and number of iterations

This was a task in the course Virtual Tools where the assignment was inspired by a facade concept by snรถhetta used for the Center of world culture in Saudi arabia. The concept is based on wiring a thin steel thread around a peble stone essentially covering the whole surface of the stone with the steel wire. This facade is then build from steel pipes that are bent. By using C# the results got more accurate than if it just had been modeled in Grasshopper.

The imported geometry

Center of world culture - Snohetta

writing methods/functions in Grasshopper When I started doing more advanced scripting in Grasshopper I began writing my own methods/functions, just like in Matlab and C# in Visual Studio. A great advantage with methods is that they can be used in other projects, and one gets a kind of function library. By writing them as specific to one task as possible it ease using them in other scripts.

Two wired surfaces with different distance between the wires

Calling the method and showing the result Component containing the method and is showing the calculated lengths

The following example shows a simple method that calculates the length between nodes.

The imported nodes with lines between them to show which lengths that are calculated

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


rocket trajectory simulation Shows any possible error Start velocity [m/s] Length from start position when the rocket hits the ground [m]

Direction vector

The graphs show the trajectory of the rocket and some specified positions, which the curve is based on.

Maximum height of the rocket [m]

The C# component creates points based on the direction vector and the start velocity, which gets reduced by the gravity. When the y-position of the points gets below 0 the rocket hits the ground and the script stops.

An example with a different direction vector, approximately the same start velocity.

convertor - decimals to fractions This is a Grasshopper component that converts a number in decimal form to a number in fractions. This could be very useful if working in a country where inches are used for example.

Precision of the fractions Maybe the lengths of some construction components, measured in inches

The lengths, now displayed in fractions

The precision is changed which results in more accurate lengths

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


basic projects in Visual Studio animation of rocket


start direction in x- and y-axis

This is a basic animation I did on the rocket in Visual Studio before I did it in Grasshopper. Focus have been laid on the function, I haven’t spent much time on the design since it was just a test version. By using a timer the rocket looks like it is flying continuously, the following pictures shows print screens of the animation.


the yatzy game

A calculator with the basic commands. The program is able to calculate addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. It can also calculate negative numbers.

This is a simplified version of the classic yatzy game in two player mode. The score of each dice is determined by a random component. The program evaluates the total score of the dices for each player and decides who has the highest score. This player is then proclaimed as the winner of the round.

The following code is for the +/- button. If one press the button a negative sign appears in the textbox (as the picture shows). If one press the button again the sign disappear and the textbox shows a positive number.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140



Garden shed in a villa neighborhood Client

Roy Andersson


Summer 2012


9000 kr

Time schedule

3 weeks


Edberga, Ă…tvidaberg

Project type


Project status



AutoCAD Rhinocerus 4.0 Google Sketchup Excel


The client wanted a garden shed, 6-10 kvm, which would be placed on a approximated place. The garden shed would fit in the neighborhood and make a given budget.


This task was foremost not a desgin assignment, but more a construction task. So I could learn a lot about the process in a real project, from start to end. Except doing the blueprints and the modelling I also participated in the building process with the client.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


placing and color choice

The garden shed was placed with its entrance facade facing one corner of the clients house. It then gets naturally to enter the shed independent which side of the house you are headed from. In this position the shed shows two sides when you are passing by from the street, instead of just one empty wall. The light yellow color gives the shed a connection to the nearby houses with their yellowish brick.

abstract from the budget

Purchases Amount/meter Piece-/meterprice Cost [kr] Concrete plinth 700mm 2 95 190 Concrete plinth 500mm 2 71 142 Beam 45x120 21 20 420 Joist hanger 45x97 8 10 80 Angel iron 4 10 40 Chipboard 600x1800 8 88 704 Beam 45x95 58 11 638 Concrete baording 120x274 3 108 324 Furring 28x70 25 8 200 Tin roof 1080x3000 4 236 944 Clapboard 200 10 2000


section A-A 1:25

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140



plan 1:25

reflection To design and build the garden shed has been a rewarding project in a practical view. I got to feel how it is to work towards a real budget and a settled time schedule. The garden shed suit the original blueprints and the models. We did not manage to make the budget and it was exceeded with 1000 kr, most to waste of material. By also build the shed I got a lot of practical experience and I learned how to simplify much for the builders and save mioney by using standard measurements etc.

jimmie andersson jimmiea@student.chalmers.se +4676 1866140


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