==== ==== will dec 21, 2012 be the end of the world? Click below and learn more. http://dec212012endoftime.weebly.com ==== ====
Unless you have been out of touch with the world, you have at least heard the world is supposed to end December 21, 2012. How is it, this day has become the pivotal point in human history? Cultures since the beginning of time have attempted to predict the end of time: I Ching, Egyptians, Hopi Indians, Nostradamus, Edward Cayce, and the Mayans, all point to December 21, 2012 as an important date in human history. Will this day be the end of the world, or the beginning of global change? It depends which viewpoint you choose to believe. End of the World-Doomsday Many religious groups believe December 21, 2012 will be the end of human civilization through God's final judgment. Anyone familiar with the book of Revelation, the final book in the Bible, knows God's judgment on the world ends with the destruction of Earth. According to the Mayan calendar and scientists, events will take place beginning late 2010-2012 that could lead to significant planetary changes. As with all things in nature, the Sun and planets have cycles. Every 11 years, the Sun goes through a cycle that reverses its magnetic poles. This pole shift causes solar flares; parts of the Sun released into space. While polar flares are common, and rarely harmful, these solar flares could be different. In 2012 a rare astrological event will happen. As the sun completes its 11 year cycle, Saturn and Jupiter will become aligned causing a huge gravitational pull on the Sun and Earth. The increase in magnetic gravity could generate significant changes to Earth. This gravitational pull could cause the Earth's poles to literally shift: north will become south and south north; spawning destruction never seen before. Massive volcanoes and earthquakes, huge tsunamis and floods, entire continents disappearing and shifts in land masses will result in the destruction of Earth as we know it and possibly the end of mankind. Shift in Global Consciousness' The Mayan's believed that time was cyclical and 2012 is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Those who follow Mayan beliefs, theorize 2012 will change the way mankind thinks. We currently live in an age of greed, commercialism, and self promotion. We don't care for planet Earth nor do we wisely use resources provided us: we pollute, destroy, and waste natural resources. One only has to look at the economic state of the U.S. and other countries to see the greed running rampant in the world. Many groups believe the increase in magnetic energy will affect minds and revolutionize the way
humans think. We will transform into one world, global minded, community centered, god-like humans. In essence, we will save ourselves. Regardless of what theory you ascribe to, one thing is certain: we have been here before. Remember Y2K? Since time began, man has attempted to predict our final chapter. Forces are still at work that humans cannot control or predict; forces that will write our final chapter. One thing is for sure, each day that passes brings us ever closer to that fateful date - Dec 2012 end of the world or just a new beginning?
Jay Robert Edwards is a researcher for all things related to 2012. His passion is to educate and present findings to the public in preparation for this hugely significant time in our planet's history. For more information go to http://www.prophecyfor2012.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Robert_Edwards
==== ==== will dec 21, 2012 be the end of the world? Click below and learn more. http://dec212012endoftime.weebly.com ==== ====