10 million mailer

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==== ==== 10 million mailer, a great way to get your bulk e-mail out quick and easy. click below for info. http://tinyurl.com/76evlqy ==== ====

A bulk mailer is a way to send a large number of emails out to a large group of people. Bulk mailers are a service provided online by numerous companies that enables you to send a large number of emails to people who have agreed to receive those emails. Bulk mailers are used by many internet marketing people who don't have a decent sized list of their own. Most bulk mailers claim to mail out to millions of people, but the real question is how many of the people are even reading the massed emails. I believe only two categories - those new internet marketing all are go through each and every one of these emails to look for a real making money online opportunity - seekers and two - those trying to sell or offer something. The rest will just be bulk deleting emails. Does this mean bulk mailers are a waste of time? No I've used bulk mailers myself with excellent results. I've found their are certain golden rules to using them. First - you must use your bulk mailer EVERYDAY - that is the only way to get results. Second - you must have great ads that make people want to click on them. Third you must have a great offering - I found that clickbank products don't do so well on bulk mailers, unless your a dynamo in writing sales pages, however an MLM program like Global Domains International can do very well out of a bulk mailer. Most bulk mailers allow you to save a number of emails, so you don't have to keep rewriting an ad everyday. They allow HTML and pictures so you can produce a wide variety of ads. When you sign up to a bulk mailer you will be required to provide an email address of your own to RECEIVE mail - alot of email. Most won't accept a hotmail address or similar so you will need a spare junk email. With GDI you can have up to 10 emails - so I created a box just for bulk mailers. If you have a similar mail box option it is advisable to create an address just to receive these bulk emails. Bulk emailers can be a useful tool in an overall internet marketing strategy.

I want to learn more about bulk mailers This article is the property of Alastair HARRIS and his immediately family. It may be freely republished over the internet but must include original links. Still an online Loser? Need to learn more?

==== ==== 10 million mailer, a great way to get your bulk e-mail out quick and easy. click below for info. http://tinyurl.com/76evlqy ==== ====

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