1 minute read
Every month, Jim will answer a question from his online students, from people who participate in his tours and workshops, or from subscribers to this magazine. If you have a question you’d like Jim to answer, please drop him a note at photos@jimzuckerman.com.
Q: Jim I have become complacent in my photography. I feel like my best images and the most exciting times I’ve had taking pictures is behind me. What advice can you give me to reinvigorate my passion for shooting?
Margaret Cohen, New York City wA: It’s a little bit hard for me to give you advice on this because I’ve never lost my passion for photography, and now with AI, for image making. But here is what I’d suggest. Do online research and seek out the 10 most amazing things to see and photograph in your area. It could be architecture (like the interior of an amazing church), the zoo (exotic birds in an aviary), a ballet school where young girls train, a museum with an amazing collection of minerals and gems -- whatever might appeal to you. Force yourself to go out once a week and make the best images possible -- better than what you see online -- and maybe this might jumpstart your interest in photography again. §