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Ask Jim
Every month, Jim will answer a question from his online students, from people who participate in his tours and workshops, or from subscribers to this magazine. If you have a question you’d like Jim to answer, please drop him a note at photos@jimzuckerman.com.
Q: Jim . . . This is a shot I did in the Vatican. I wanted your opinion on the fact that the guard on the left is not as sharp as the guard on the right. Is this acceptible or is it a mistake? I used a telephoto lens, and it would have been necessary to close the aperture down to at least f/16 to get both men in focus. That would have necessitated raising the ISO to uncomfortable heights. Would that have been a good idea? Jared Newman, Newport Beach, California A: There are many photographers, both professional and amateur, who would think this image is perfectly fine. I’m not one of them. In my opinion, when you have two subjects in a frame -- as you do here -- both should be sharp. Could I live with this? Yes. Would I prefer both guards to be sharp? Absolutely yes. I find it to be visually annoying with one subject blurred. This is a totally subjective viewpoint, but that’s what you asked for. §
© Jared Newman