Scenario Logic And Probabilistic Management Of Risk In Business And Engineering
Management and Risk.- The Human Being and Risks .- Principles of Risk Management in Design.- Risk Management at Debugging Tests.- Risk Management in Operation Basis of Monitoring.- Risk Management on Dangerous Plant.- Bases of Logic and Probabilistic Calculus.- Logic and Probabilistic Method and Risk.- Automated Structural and Logical Modelling.- Foundations of the Risk-LP Theory.- The Risk LP-Theory with Gie in the Classification Problem.- Indentification of Risk LP-Models with Groups of Incompatible Events.- Risk Analysis in Systems with Gie.- Software for Risk Analysis.- Risk LP-Models in Business.- Logic and Probabilistic Theory of Security Portfolio Risk.- Risk LP-Models in Engineering.Risk LP-Theory in Problems of Effectiveness.- Conclusion.- Bibliography.- Subject Index. EAN/ISBN : 9781402029783 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands, Springer US Discussed keywords: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Wirtschaftsmathematik Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Solojentsev, E. D.
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