Jinal Padmani Portfolio

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Compilation of the work done throughout M.Arch and professional practice with an exploration of five different themes of study_ Sustainability, Adaptive reuse, Biomimetic Design, Light Luminous, Construction and Aesthetics.


CONTENT Masterplan at the Bay Precinct...3 SIlo_Revisiting the history...5 Revitalising Living...9 The Tower of Light...13 Residential development at Chembur...15 Lodha School...17



Ar. Apurva Parikh Associate architect at AHC Architect Hafeez Contractor Mumbai, India (Worked under him for two years) Ar. Matthew Pullinger MATTHEW PULLINGER Architect Sydney, Australia (Thesis guide) Ar. Sue Wittenoom The softbuild Sydney, Australia (Thesis guide) Ar.Amit Choudhury Team Leader Urban Design (Arch) | City Strategy City of Prramatta Sydney, Australia (Faculty of Urban and regional design) Ar.Theo Krallis Associate director TURNER Sydney, Australia (Housing faculty)





THE BAY PRECINCT Sydney, Australia Graduation research studio Academic Group work of five Semester 2

My role_ Researched about basics of sustainable city principles and Development Control Plans(DCP), Involved in initial conceptual design and incorporated design principles like_ • flexible green space • a walkable city • green buildings • transport system • food systems • economic development • green infrastructure • community potential My learnings_ The conscious interplay between natural and cultural systems in making authentic and sustainable cities. The temporal and political nature of cities and urban design in a social democracy. The role of the designer as a critical participant in the process of urban renewal, who has the training, skills and capacity to advocate and illustrate a compelling alternative future for places.


Jinal Padmani | Academic | Group work | Masterplan at the Bay Precinct | Urban Conditions | Gradua

AutoCAD | Sketchup | Photoshop | InDesign







ation research studio 2018




contextual response map

The silo structure is t a major public boule shadow analysis of v

The idea diagram for the proposal shows the study of silo history and adaptive pedestrian connection, circular openings, digital screening on dark faรงade, e as major new public realm for Glebe Island with proposed tourist information

Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Silos_revisiting the history | Urban Conditions | Gra

n 21/3

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator

Winter 21/6

Spring 21/9

Summer 21/12

the dominant presence on Glebe Island. In the proposed masterplan it anchors new public transport and evard, and both elements bring visitors to the new centre as shown in the contextual response map. The various time period has been done to define proposed functions on ground floor public realm.

e reuse principles by addition of skylights, Subtraction through silos to create expose existing material of Silos. The ground floor of the Silos is re-imagined n centre, silo sports activity and a hotel.

aduation research studio 2018





Glebe Island Silos, Sydney, Australia Graduation design studio Academic Individual work Semester 3

My learnings_ Understanding and originality in intellectual inquiry Potency of research as a design catalyst Spatial choreography and volumetric sophistication Materiality, formal configuration, articulation & scale Detailing as an extension of design intent

Research Question



OF THE sILOs CREATE A GLObAL TOuRIsT ATTRACTION FOR EVERYONE IN sYDNEY? Sydney is an iconic destination for tourism and yet the only existing tourist information centre provided for visitors is a 50sqm outlet in the Rocks. This design gives new life to industrial remnants as a major attraction for everyone in Sydney.


Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Silos_revisiting the history | Urban Conditions | Gra

aduation research studio 2018

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion


1_Existing Silos with proposed masterplan

2_Subtraction through silos to provide pedestrian connection to transport hub

3_Observation Deck Served as a gallery skyline.

Tourist Information Centre Tourist Attraction activity Pedestrian Access Hotel

Tourist Information Centr Ramp

The new building program includes an information centre, active sports such as rock climbing and sky diving, hotel and observation deck.

• • •

Sustainable desig with rooftop solar The opening patte The journey of dis

Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Silos_revisiting the history | Urban Conditions | Gra

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion | Illustrator

k 4_Entry point through boulevard y to enjoy Sydney’s Entrance to the tourist information centre and digital screening.


5_Public realm Ground level reimagined as a major urban public space Spatial Response

Openings as per functions creating an intresting fenestration

Tourist Attraction activity Silo diving with skylight

Hotel Balcony with large openings

gn elements are integrated into the visitor experience: circular openings are unified r panels and are transformed in the evening with a light show. ern in elevation varies in size according to functions of each activity. scovery through the structure is a playful experience for all visitors.

aduation research studio 2018



8 3 5 4


Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Silos_revisiting the history | Urban Conditions | Gra

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign


aduation research studio 2018


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Observation deck Tourist information centre Tourist sports activity Pedestrian access Hotel Skate park Solar panel Services for solar




Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Silos_revisiting the history | Urban Conditions | Gra

aduation research studio 2018

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion

Active public realm


Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Revitalising Living | Housing studio 2019

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion | Illustrator




Redfern, Sydney, Australia Housing studio Academic Individual work Semester 4

My learnings_ Better local understanding and approach to Australia’s housing crisis. Explore how we can optimise the domestic space and people’s experience. Apartment development as an increasingly important driver of economic and investment activity. The right illustration _condition after increment The left illustration _condition before increment


• Design is developed on a more permanent approach of living with incremental housing and intergenerational living to acknowledge “Reframing the Australian Dream” • Proposing the architecture that solves problems by designing for a community.


• •

The major focus is on biomimetic design inspired by honey comb and step well of India. The hexagon is used as one module which gives more light and less overshadow to the existing module.

Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Revitalising Living | Housing studio 2019

AutoCAD | Photoshop | InDesign | Sketchup | Illustrator

Housing Church

Existing church and proposed housing connected by outdoor cafe which leads to a connection between Elizabeth lane to Elizabeth street. The lane connection which opens in court of vegetable garden and temporary activity area serve as an intergenerational activity. The plan suggest the simple segregation from right to left- public semi-public private.


3 1 2

Cafe at th Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Revitalising Living | Housing studio 2019

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion | Illustrator

The section shows the module placing on the road side to have an easy access when the increment is required. The active ground with vegetable garden court in the middle and retail and workshop on either sides. The exploded view illustrate the common areas provided on each floor and give an idea of overall massing.

he entrance_1

Connection to Elizabeth street to lane_2

Vegetable garden from workshop_3 21

Module 3

Corrugated Metal

Module 2

Precast Concrete

Module 1

Type A_Studio Module 1 _38 Sqm. Single user No increment 6 units on site

Units designed in three modules connect like a puzzle after increment. Module 1 is common in all thirteen units and type A, Module 2 is the addition of one bed with module 1 which is Type B, and Module 3 in addition makes 2 bed unit type C. Three materials used in its pure form reffering to brutalism. Clay brick finish_ Used on the ground floor to refer the heritage value of adjoining church. Metal louvers_ Used as an opening of incremented modules. Concrete_ Used as primary unit construction material, coloured on balcony as per type. Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | Revitalising Living | Housing studio 2019

Type 3 uni


Modu Singl

eC its on site


ule 1_38 Sqm. le user

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator

Before Increment

Type B_One Bed 4 units on site


Module 1+2 Module 1_38 Sqm. 38 +25=63 Sqm. Single user For Couple Before

After Increment

200 mm thick pre cast concrete block

30 mm thick corrugated metal sheet

200 mm thick pre cast concrete block 30 mm thick corrugated metal sheet 0 100



Module 1+2 38 +25=63 Sqm. For Couple

Module 1+2+3 63+28=63 Sqm. For Family



Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | The tower of Light | High performance

studio 2017

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion | Illustrator




Sydney, Australia High performance studio Academic Individual work Semester 1

My learnings_ Understood a city’s planning context and strategic ambition for the site within its broader context. Undertaken an iterative concept design process testing how various design strategies impact on the existing urban character in terms of scale, built form and materiality. Resolved internal planning to ensure multiple uses are well integrated. Developed strategies for structural design and environmentally sustainable building services appropriate to super towers. Analise day light and comfort in office environment and resolved indoor comfort by facade design



500m (chilled beam Clea

700m o




Highly encouraged pedestrian activity to make site welcoming. Existing heritage hotel facade restored with internal planning. As per Sydney planning strategies proposed site falls under ‘ferrer place’. The open public to enhance public domain as a ferrer place.

Pitt st lvl 2m


Existing restaurant

Hotel entrance lvl 6.15m

Cafe sitting lvl 2m

Jinal Padmani | Academic | Individual work | The tower of Light | High performance

studio 2017

AutoCAD | Revit | Photoshop | InDesign | Lumion | Illustrator

Compressed fibre cement facade panels Steel ring beam

Low iron glass panels 200mm thk raised floor

Primary diagrid steel section

mm thk ceiling m and services ) ar floor to floor height 3.3m

Secondary diagrid steel section

mm thk diagrid on upper floor

500mm thk beam for services and chilled beam

al floor to floor height 4m

al glass facade

Low iron glass panels

Facade Detail

Ground floor at 9m

Proposed diagrid Exo-skeleton structure to get column less office space. Diagrid size changes due to tapering of tower. Ring beam at every fourth floor to stabilise the diagrid. One diagrid covers eight floor, with varying thickness from 1.5m to 0.7m. To balance indoor air quality compressed fibre cement panels used, which create unique facade pattern and blocks maximum on west side and minimum on north.

h proposal of better c space contribution

Section AA Entrance lobby lvl 6.15m

Entrance plaza lvl 6m

Public space lvl 7m


Bent street lvl 6m 27





Chembur, Mumbai, India Professional practice group work

The project proposal include 38 acre masterplan with residential sales towers and rehab towers, divided in two phase, which gave me benefit of working on a masterplan in my internship and DA drawings of phase 1 as a junior architect. The residential sales towers of 170 to 210m include 4bed, 3bed, 2.5 bed and a studio apartments. My learnings_ Integrated design by coordination with consultants Involved in DA drawings and developed details with team Facade design and three dimensional modelling

CONSTRUCTABILITY AND AESTHETICS The right illustration _Phase 1 tower 1, 2 and 3 from right to left

Jinal Padmani | Professional Practice | Group work | Residential Development at Chembur | Residenti

ial, 2015

AutoCAD | Sketchup | Photoshop | Vray|


Jinal Padmani | Professional Practice | Group work | Residential Development at Chembur | Residenti

ial, 2015

Proposed road details done by me as a part of construction drawings incorporating government rules and regulation, and existing contours and proposal. Both plan and sections finalised after coordination with various service consultants, like mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structure.


Jinal Padmani | Professional Practice | Group work | Lodha school | Institutional, 2014/16

LODHA SCHOOL Thane, Mumbai, India Professional practice group work

The school proposal included 75 classrooms with Laboratory, other sports activity with 9700 sqm of total builtup. It had my major involvement from initial area calculation and study of Floor space ratio to construction drawings for approval and design details. My learnings_ Site analysis and site studies. Floor space ratio calculation and program for the design. Construction drawings for approval. Services coordination.



Jinal Padmani | Professional Practice | Group work | Lodha school | Institutional, 2014/16


My work is an inspiration from the pla I truly believe in Za “I don’t think you can teach archite

aces, nature and my own experience, aha Hadid’s saying, ecture. You can only inspire people.�


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