Top 7 Classic and Effective Ways to Make Money Online Now Summary: Many trends come and go when making money online. However, there are some techniques that continue to produce income as long as you do them consistently. These seven techniques will help you make money now and for years to come. Although there are many ways to make money online, some techniques work better than others and are tried and true when it it comes to making money online. Most work better if you purchase an autoresponder, domain name and some web hosting to go with it. Building a list allows you to continue to market to those who didn't buy when they visited your site. Depending on what you sell and the type of site you want to build, you can build anything from a simple squeeze page to a sales page or a content rich site using many of the platforms available like Wordpress or Joomla. Combine these types of sites for a greater impact by building a content rich site on the front end and then using subdomains for your sales letters. Wordpress plugins are available to help you with building squeeze pages and sales letters that convert, and you don't even need to know how to write HTML. 1. Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is probably the fastest way to get started because you don't need a product, you don't have to perform customer service, and you can start by choosing a product and sending traffic to the offer. You can also choose to send traffic to a squeeze page, build a list and then market to your list from there. Combining Clickbank products with blogs is a popular way to do this because the right Clickbank products have high conversions. The key is to build your blog around a specific niche topic and choose the right keywords for your niche site. Building multiple blogs also helps you because you then create multiple streams of income. Once your blogs are getting traffic, you have multiple streams of income that allow you to create an income on autopilot. 2. Blogging Blogging in and of itself is also a way to make money. If you have your own products, use a blog as a public relations tool to connect with your visitors and make them loyal subscribers. You may also seek out writing assignments as a blogger if you write really well, and some blogging jobs even pay into the six figures depending on how popular the blog is. 3. Resale Rights Resale rights allow you to sell the products of others through licensing of their products. You get to keep 100 percent of the profits from your sales, unlike affiliate marketing, where you must split the commissions with the vendor. The advantage here is that this is probably the fastest way to get started in actually making a profit because
you can set up your offer in just a couple of hours and then start marketing. What is key here is to make sure you create an offer that is unique. The easiest way to do this is to combine different resale rights products into a new offer. 4. Private Label Rights Private label rights allow you to use prewritten content to create your own products so you don't have to start from scratch. The disadvantage is that there are often others who purchase the same content you do. To succeed here you must take the content and make it different from any offers others create. This means creating new graphics, rewriting the sales letter and adding your own content. The advantage too is that you don't have to start from scratch in creating a brand new product. Most of the work is done for you. Just make the new product your own by adding value to it and not using the PLR straight out of the box. 5. Ebooks If you are a writer, or you at least have basic writing skills, then writing your own ebooks may be the way to go, especially if you are an expert in a particular topic or you have a hobby that you want to share with others. Selling your ebooks as a PDF allows you to promote to anyone on any computer platform as your document can be read on any computer. Sites like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, as well as other online bookstores help you distribute your ebooks in various formats for different readers like the Kindle and Nook. You have very little overhead here, and it allows you to deliver your content to the marketplace quickly once you learn how to format and submit your content. 6. Physical Products If you want to distribute your content in different formats, then consider creating physical products. Sites like Kunaki allow you to publish your digital content, which includes video, ebooks and audio, onto a CD and then distribute your content as a physical product. Print on demand sites allow you to distribute your content as books. If you prefer speaking or creating videos to writing, then this as an excellent way to share content because it allows you to command a higher price for your products. You have the ability to automate the distribution process too once you set up your product. Sites like Etsy or Cafepress allow you to either sell your own creations or create new ones like t-shirts, journals and greeting cards. Since these sites rank well in the search engines, they also help with your marketing. You are only limited by your imagination here when creating physical products to sell. 7. Information Marketing Information marketing takes both the ebook business writing model and the physical products model and combines it into a more complete business. You distribute your content as both physical and digital products in different formats including audio, video, books and ebooks. Getting started is as simple as creating a content site for your business using Wordpress or another content management system and then creating subdomains for all your products to build your brand. Offer a catalog of your products on your site as well as additional content like blog posts and articles to add value
to your product offerings. Affiliate marketing helps here too as it allows you to complete your offerings with additional products you may not create, like software or other tools, especially if you're marketing to other businesses. The key here in any of these strategies is to avoid only creating one product or choosing one product to sell. You want to create multiple streams of income and then automate or semi-automate as much of the marketing and business tasks, like building lists, as possible. A good autoresponder system helps you here. Regardless of which business model you choose, the best content management system for helping you build your website is Wordpress. Wordpress offers many free and paid plugins to help you with building your website, optimizing it for the search engines, creating squeeze pages and sales letters and even automating some of your marketing tasks. Let me show you 50 Ways to Make Money Online With Wordpress. With this content management system you can build just about any type of business you want including membership sites and classifieds. Jinger Jarrett is a full time freelance writer, author and internet marketer She teaches small businesses how to get started online and then market their businesses using free internet marketing techniques and automation. Her books are available on Amazon.
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