Spherebol 2015

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original elegant pl ayf ul


About Us


Spherebol is an English company specialising in premium quality dinnerware, lighting and display ornaments. Our designs are original, elegant and even playful, designed for people who appreciate that colourful works of art can enliven and enrich their daily lives. Spherebol是一家英國獨立設計瓷器制造公司,致力於工藝創新、將深受大 自然 啟發的典雅風格帶入日常家居生活,產品線涵蓋英國訂製的特級骨質 瓷餐具組、限量版景德鎮純手繪餐具組、頂級薄瓷燈具、限量版純手繪花瓶 及當代瓷版畫等。 Spherebol以原創設計為原點,著重製作工藝的提升與原料的研究改進,設 計中謹慎考慮使用者行為,器形以簡潔優雅為主要設計方向,圖案風格多受 自然影響,獨創的特殊調色及燒製方法,使得藝術風格得以更多元的呈現, 精緻細膩的筆觸,和作品中隱藏的趣味感,創造了與人們的對話,我們希望 在日常生活用具中置入實用並富含藝術意念的痕跡,使生活充滿豐富色彩 與愉悅心情。


東 西


It started with a dream, a wish to

Guy used to do risk modelling for bank

create something with their hands,

portfolios; now he does 3D modelling



for the lamps and vases. Also he used

legacy of which they can be proud.

to bury his head in analysing data, now

The journey began when Guy and

he buries his hands in clay, researching

August, two individuals who grew up

new formulas. For him this journey has

at different ends of the world and yet

been more than re–invention. He said:

have so much in common, embarked

“The bravest thing is to do what you

on a new direction in life.

want in life rather than doing what


lasts, a

Porcelain has always been a favourite

is sensible”.

material of theirs; they find the

August used to analyse business

transformation of clay into porcelain


mesmerising. So both of them gave

he sketches on sheets of paper. Also,

up their jobs and started afresh.

he used to work late to balance the

Following their hearts they journeyed

books, now he works much much

to the porcelain capital, JingDeZhen

later to ensure that all Spherebol

to learn the trade. Through the struggle

products are made to perfection.

of re-adjustment and the constant

August decided resolutely to pursue

worry of no turning back; what did not

his dream to design, create and invent

break them made them stronger. Little

objects that make him proud. His care

did they know that the world started

and attention to detail has driven

to turn for them.

Spherebol’s best attribute 'Quality'.


spreadsheet; now


是 心 裡 的 一 個 夢 ,以 雙 手 去 創 造 ,用 色 彩 記 錄 情 感 ,當 青 火 化 土 為 瓷 ,當 傳 藝 留 轉 ,心 頭 的激動如肆意揮灑的魔法, 久 久 無 法 忘 懷。

Having lived and worked across the world has enabled Guy and August to





確認每個產品都做到最好。 當西客初次東來,時常需要學習與吸

perspectives and cultures without

收文化的差異,Guy 多年在亞洲高階

forgetting their own. They hope by


realising their dreams they inspire others to realise theirs as well.

方 文 化 的 精 髓 ,放 下 一 切 後 的 全 新 領域學習,不只是轉換跑道,更是生

他們,來自世界的角落,在異地相識, 命 的 再 造 。他 說:能 放 下 虛 榮 ,不 在 卻有著共同的夢,築夢而踏實。離開 意他人眼光,勇敢追求夢想的人,才 舒適的都市生活,人隨心走,足留景 德鎮,放下了身上的驕傲,拾起了工 具及紙筆,讓血液攜附著迷人的瓷文 化,憤張湧動。 G u y ,從 開 發 銀 行 風 險 模 組 到 創 作

三維產品圖型,從埋頭分析原始資料 到徒手苦幹自創瓷泥配方。 八月,從程式分析經營績效到手繪產 品圖紙設計,從加班做帳到熬夜用心

是勇敢的。 先 工 作 後 才出國 進 修 ,回 國 後 又 外 派到國外管理分公司,數年後八月驚 覺生命不止只是對他人交作業而已, 毅然決定放下浮華,再次離 鄉 背井, 去追隨自己隱藏多年的夢,用心去設 計,用雙手去創作,天性謹慎的他,是 Spherebol 驕傲品質的防線。


食 器


‘ To bring families and friends together around a table to dine and to share

the joy of being’ 和家人與朋友圍坐一桌,享受生活的樂趣。

27.5 cm 22.5 cm 17.5 cm 28.5 cm 23 cm 12 cm

Dinner Plate 盤 Dessert Plate 盤 Side Plate 盤 Pasta Bowl 碗 Soup/Dessert Bowl 碗 Rice Bowl 碗

Oxford Sapphire is made in Stoke–on–Trent, Staffordshire, England from Fine Bone China. 英國瓷都斯托克製造特級骨 質 瓷

Pictured : Dinner plate, Dessert Plate, and Side Plate (dishwasher/microwave safe)


津 湛

Oxford Sapphire English Fine Bone China 英國製造特級骨質瓷

In the East, chrysanthemums are renowned for representing nobility and a long and vibrant life. In the West, they often symbolise optimism and joy. The orderly unfolding of their petals is said to represent perfection. Our unconventional approach of illustrating some unruly unfolding petals symbolically reflects the random changes that make for a stronger and more beautiful life. This sophisticated range has been decorated on both sides of the plate to produce a truly magnificent set of dinnerware and to enrich the connection between the china and ourselves. We have produced a functional work of art that you can dine off on either the most formal or relaxed of occasions. 在 東 方 ,菊 花 ,四 君 子 之 一 ,有 吉 祥 和 長 壽 的 含 意 。在 西 方 ,古 希 臘 人 稱 之 為 金 色 的 花 ,帶 著 樂 觀 和 喜 悅 的 訊 息 。也 有 人 說 菊 花 齊 整 而 有 秩 序 的 綻 放 ,是 完 美 的 象 徵;設 計中隨 風 擺 動 的 菊 瓣 ,意 味 著 人 生 經 歷中 的 小 插曲,使 我 們 更 堅 強 也 更 美 麗 。此 款 作 工 精 細 的 骨 瓷 餐 具 組 ,保 持 了手 繪 的 筆 觸 ,前 後 呼 應 的 設 計 ,連 存 放 時 都 能 看 見 製 作 的用心 ,大 小 器 形 間 的 圖 案 相 互 輝 映 ,營 造了縱 向 使 用 的 連 貫 性 ,用 餐 時 隨 意 的 搭 配 組 合 ,使 得 藝 術 生 活 化 。此 系 列 適用於 各 式 場 合 ,并 成 為 您 家中雅 致 經典的裝飾。


Fine Bone China Made in England

特級骨質瓷 英國製造

In Spherebol, we believe in colla-


borating with only the very finest


manufacturers. This beautiful dining set was produced in collaboration with a prestigious family firm based in

Stoke – on – Trent,







Bone China production. We have produced




product by embracing traditional methods and the latest advances in manufacturing.

具組是由Spherebol與一家代代相傳在 英國瓷都斯托克經營多年的特級骨質瓷 製造商,首次攜手合作的主打品。


花 開 湛 藍 飄 香 味 , 富 貴 吉 祥 顯 百 年

潤 澤 津 莖 層 交 疊 , 柔 光 暗 影 露 深 淺

津 湛

27.5 cm 22.5 cm 17.2 cm

Dinner Plate 盤 Dessert Plate 盤 Bowl 碗

Designed by our creative director August Wang and illustrated by our incredible team of artists led by Yan, each piece has been painted and then fired several times to achieve this remarkable design. Pictured : 'Complete' Autumn, Dinner Plate (dishwasher/microwave safe)


圓 滿

Complete Hand Painted in JingDeZhen 手繪於景德鎮

Our bespoke dinnerware with its contrasting crisp straight external lines and smooth curved inner surface comes from our desire to reflect cultural values in our products. This design was inspired by the Chinese saying “Be strict with oneself

and lenient towards others” . This influence can be seen best from the dinnerware profile, with the sweeping sides reflecting our arms outstretched in a welcoming and open fashion. The inspiration behind 'Complete' is the appreciation of the

fullness of life . This is illustrated by praising the robust and perennial chrysanthemum, as the constant across the changing seasons. Each season vividly depicts the chrysanthemum against a backdrop of leaves presented in the colour tones of that season. The arrangement of random leaves creates both depth and volume whereas the casually flowing flower gives the illusion of a gentle breeze passing through the composition. 這一款雅緻精美的手繪菊花餐具系列,在讚詠生命的交替,也描繪自然的美 好,用微妙的色彩變化突顯季節的氣息,每個時令都是獨立的設計,錯落繽 紛的葉子拉出了畫面的深度和廣度,肆意搖擺的花瓣似微風拂面,每一個畫 面都在訴說著一個故事。此款限量版手繪餐具組疊放時如同綻放的花朵。


Spring 圓 滿 ∙春 Vibrantly represents this flourishing season with distinctively beautiful light and mid tone colours. The cheerful combination of lime, emerald, turquoise and forest green leaves together with the baby pink chrysanthemum sets the mood of a romantic idyll.


Summer 圓滿 ∙ 夏 Strikingly reflects this vibrant season with glowing mid and light tone colours. The bright combination of the yellow green chrysanthemum, the colourful wildflower patch and the apple, pistachio, mint and olive green coloured leaves sets the mood of a pleasant idyll.

Autumn 圓 滿 ∙ 秋 Luminously displays this sentimental season with rich mid and dark tone colours. The emotional combination of crimson, orange, brown and dark green coloured leaves, together with the peach colour chrysanthemum and loosely decorated petals sets the mood of a lovingly nostalgic idyll.

Winter 圓滿 ∙ 冬 Serenely narrates this wintry season with pale and cool tone colours. The calming combination of a thistle pink chrysanthemum with loosely floating petals, together with light brown, honey dew, lime green and periwinkle blue coloured leaves sets the mood of a tranquil idyll.


霜 凝 冰 露 賦 冬 寒 , 幸 福 圓 滿 享 安 康

菊 綻 金 黃 頌 秋 曲 , 揮 灑 合 度 顯 大 方

繁 花 半 掩 初 夏 意 , 琳 瑯 濃 綠 爭 風 華

一 抹 新 綠 點 春 妝 , 嫩 紅 繽 紛 作 衣 裳

圓 滿

27.5 cm 22.5 cm 17.5 cm 17.2 cm

Dinner Plate 盤 Dessert Plate 盤 Side Plate 盤 Bowl 碗

Pictured : 'LaLaLa' Dinner plate, Dessert Plate, and Side Plate (dishwasher/microwave safe)


LaLaLa Hand Painted in JingDeZhen 手繪於景德鎮

The beauty of lavender and its symbolism for love and devotion was the inspiration behind this exquisite dining set. The design depicts a lavender field gently swaying in the breeze under a beautiful sky on a warm summer day.

浪漫的薰衣草,訴說著愛情與忠誠,簡約大方的設計,以最直接的語 言對心愛的人表白,田野上隨風飄逸的花朵,如同愛侶間的呢喃,悄 悄地傳達著愛的話語。


Le Plat 27.5 cm The design represents a wonderful field of lavender wrapped around the edge of the plate. Depicting the scene as if on a warm summer day we are lying on the ground and looking up to the sky.


Le Plat 22.5 cm This is the reverse image of the 27.5 cm plate with the alluring purple cloud wrapped around the edge of the plate gravitating to a field of lavender in the centre.

Le Plat 17.5 cm The design shows a mirror image of a thriving field of lavender representing that good things often come in pairs.

Le Bol 17.2 cm This exceptionally decorated bowl carries a combination of the designs shown on the 27.5 and 22.5 cm plates. The outside of the bowl having a lusciously illustrated field of lavender wrapped around the edge and on the inside of the bowl we see a patch of lavender as if looking down from the sky.


如 望 天 似 遠 眺 , 夏 日 薰 鄉 風 光 好

綠 草 擺 紫 花 搖 , 藍 天 白 雲 長 繚 繞

薰 鄉


Hand Painted in JingDeZhen 純 手 繪 於 景 德鎮 At Spherebol we have a dedicated team of highly trained artists, painting and illustrating with meticulous care and love. They ensure that each item contains the most exquisite details using the most vibrant and beautiful colours. Each item is unique with subtle twists added by our artists, always enhancing the features and elements. Our devotion towards fine art has driven our decision to use a highly complicated production method known as 'in–glaze' painting and firing. The use of this technique enables us to not only deliver the most vibrant colours, but also by allowing the paint to sit under the glaze further ensures the longevity and safety of the ware. Our dinnerware makes a great statement on any dining table and a beautiful display on your walls. Additionally, this outstanding hand painted technique is also applied across our lighting and living product ranges. 在這量產製造、時尚流行的年代,我們選擇了放慢腳步,保存傳統手繪工藝, 同時研究發色創新,融入現代設計概念,創造出了一款款令人驚艷的限量版 瓷製手繪餐具ʼ光具及逸品以滿足喜愛頂級精緻工藝、享受生活藝術的藏家。 我們參考東西方飲食及日常生活中器物使用的習性, 設計了一件件我們引 以為傲的作品。清脆耿直的線條ʼ婉約優美的弧度和白皙通透的釉面,都為 精湛的手繪匠人們提供了最好的畫布。



光 具


‘‘The pursuit of perfection, then, is the pursuit of sweetness and light. ’’ — Matthew Arnold 在力求完美的同時、也朝向了美好與光明。

— 馬修阿諾德

Eggshell Porcelain Lamps Made in Jingdezhen Our new range of lamps is made from the truly astonishing 'Eggshell' porcelain. Eggshell porcelain was first developed during the Ming dynasty (1400AD) and is famous for being paper thin with an exceptional whiteness and translucency. This translucency makes it an ideal material to produce our stunning lamps. As devotees of Eggshell porcelain, we have researched and developed our own unique recipe. These lamps are paired with a wooden base made for us by an award winning third generation family firm in Taipei. We have consciously chosen certified wood whose grain and colour complement the lamps.


限量版薄瓷藝術光具 景德鎮製造

我們極度驕傲的薄瓷藝術燈系列,改良了傳統薄胎原料配方,兼顧了透光 度與實用性, 白淨的瓷器透著珠潤的光澤,成了絕佳的畫布。 一如製作瓷器的堅持,燈具底座的選材、刻工、到表面處理,處處用心; 我 們 與 台 灣 金 典 設 計 獎 得 獎 單 位 合 力 製 作 的 木 質 底 座 ,本 身 就 是一個完美的設計。

For Spring 2015, we are introducing the following designs:

'Hopeful Mind' and 'Momentum'. 乙未初春,我們欣喜推出两款全新設計, 「韻動」和「心願」。

36 cm 15 cm

Height Diameter


Momentum (single)

As occasionally one of something is just not enough, we provide this range with single, three and six shades sitting on top of an elegant wooden base. 這組燈具設計搭配了單罩、三罩和六罩的木頭底座。

濃 綠 淡 紫 韻 , 動 靜 都 和 諧

雲 淡 風 輕 處 , 花 香 薰 衣 眠


韻 動

Momentum Hand Painted in JingDeZhen 手繪於景德鎮

Momentum was designed by our founder, Guy Thompson and illustrated by our incredible team of artists. This lamp with graceful curved surfaces expanding out from the base to the middle before gradually tapering in towards the top was designed to give the illusion of motion. Inspired by the pure whiteness of the porcelain, a beautiful hexagonal snow crystal like structure has been ingeniously incorporated to complement the piece and further to create a pleasing ripple effect on the surface. A lavender wildflower meadow has been rendered to celebrate this piece. The forest, emerald and lime green leaves provide a lush and luminous foundation to the artwork, whilst the flowing purple and blue lavender flowers generate a fantastic illusion of uplifting movement. On illumination this lamp is transformed, with the snow white sides glowing with a warm and radiant light that will warm your heart. 這款雅致而充滿動感的燈具,是由創辦人Guy Thompson所設計的,靈感 來自於我們引以為傲白淨如雪的薄瓷,採用了雪晶美麗的六邊形,創造了如 漣漪般的波浪紋路,從上沿順勢開放再收直的設計,充盈一股向上的能量。 隨風飄逸的薰衣草,茂盛而深淺不一的綠蔭,若隱若現的光暈,如同漫步 在 原 野 花 叢 間 。當 燈 點 亮 時 ,半 透 明 的 雪白波 浪 紋 路 ,營 造了溫 暖 而 有 情趣的光芒。


36 cm 30 cm

Height Diameter


Hopeful Mind

Eggshell Superwhite porcelain, matt glaze, sandy finish. Designed to accept dimmable LED light bulbs.

燃 點 心 中 火 , 寄 願 星 空 中

浮 生 千 山 願 , 半 空 雲 起 時


心 願

Hopeful Mind Hand Painted in JingDeZhen 手繪於景德鎮

This design was inspired by Chinese Sky Lanterns, set off in the evening all beautifully illuminated, taking our hopes and dreams to the stars and our worries gone with the wind. The matt glaze against the Superwhite porcelain gives an almost sandy texture to the piece and the illusion of white clouds.

On this background our artists have painted an

abstract landscape reminiscent of a misty Chinese mountain and water scene. The dark blue gives the impression of a beautiful landscape on a crystal clear, chill morning with the mist gently swirling around the mountain peaks. On illumination the lamp is transformed into the symbolic representation of glowing sky lanterns in the midnight sky. 這款令人激賞的燈具設計,靈感來自於乘載著人們美好願望的天燈,當燈緩 緩昇空,彷彿心裡的夢想被傳達到星夜,所有的煩惱也瞬間消逝。 高白的瓷體配上如細砂般的釉面處理,像是空中繾綣的白雲,以極簡風格詮 釋中式潑墨山水,將山水融為一色,又依稀可見林間的霧氣,山頂空氣中的 露珠。當燈點亮後,如同靜夜中的爐火,放送著溫暖,感動直達心底。



逸 品


‘‘ Life is a dream, realise it. ’’ — Mother Theresa 生命是一場夢, 用心實踐它。— 特蕾莎修女

限 量 版 瓷 製 純 手 繪 逸品 景德鎮製造

抱 著 歸 零 的 決 心 ,用雙 手 去 創 造 生 命 ,用生 命 去 實 踐 夢 想 ,以 夢 想 去 感 動 他 人 。 在Spherebol我們用最認真的態度,製作最好的器皿,美化人們的生活。逸品全系列 選擇傳統手拉坯製作工藝,從選泥、成形、修坯、上釉、瓷燒、手繪、再經過數次覆燒,每 個階段都由專業的資深工藝師完成,完美的將細膩的藝術涵養轉置于日常家居之中。 乙未初春,我們隆重推出三款全新設計, 「純夢」、 「鐘沁」和「原點」。


Handcrafted Vases Made in Jingdezhen

We started with the determination of making porcelain with our own hands and hoping that by realising our dreams we inspire others to pursue theirs. At Spherebol we have realised our dream by developing a range of exquisite vases to complement your surroundings. Our vases are hand thrown and trimmed to our unique designs using the finest JingDeZhen porcelain clay by the master ceramic artisans. They are then fired under high temperature to produce a shiny and smooth surface before being passed over to our artists to paint. Each individual vase takes hundreds of hours of shaping, painting and enduring many firings. For Spring 2015, we are introducing a new limited edition vase design 'Innocent Dreams', and later on in the season 'Chime' and 'Couture'.


45 cm 18 cm

Height Diameter


Innocent Dreams Vase Trilogy

Attention to detail is what differentiates a Spherebol product. Every 'Innocent Dreams' vase requires time to paint and multiple firings to achieve our exceptional high standards. We are proud of what we do and excited to know what you think.

赤 子 初 生 夢,純 真 新 發 芽 紫 顏 怒 綻 放,窈 窕 正 當 時 黃 韻 開 沉 靜 ,柔 弱 亦 剛 強 胼 手 築 夢 行,心 想 事 竟 成


純 夢

Innocent Dreams Hand Painted in JingDeZhen 手繪於景德鎮

This magnificent vase trilogy was inspired by those innocent dreams we had when young. The elegant Calla Lilies reflect the purity of youth, with hundreds of meticulously painted tiny bubbles representing the dreams we had when we were young and innocent. Reminding and encouraging us that anything is possible. The three main colour themes of the trilogy signify the common path of humanity from the purity of youth, depicted by the red vase, through the exuberance and blossoming of early adulthood depicted by the purple vase and finally the wisdom and understanding of maturity by the gold vase. 這件獨一無二的窄口瓶三部曲,以馬蹄蓮為主角,華麗而優雅地訴說著純潔 的夢,化成眾多無瑕的泡泡,隱約可見的綠葉,彷彿夢想融入生命而成為記 憶,全心的謄錄著。 三個色系表示三種時空,從赤裸裸的新生,蛻變到

綻放的青春,而後靜逸地積累成金黃婉約的暮光之年。 在Spherebol,我們擅長細節的處理,每一件純夢的花瓶製作都是經歷過數 十道工藝洗禮加上反覆燒製而成,製作期間長達數周,每一件都是我們引以 為傲的逸品。



Bespoke Custom Made Service

We believe that creativity has no bounds. Our customers and partners are encouraged to use their imagination and be inventive. If the proposal is truly original and executable, then the sky is the limit. 如您有意定制,歡迎與我們聯絡



Contact Us Spherebol Limited | 八福商貿(上海)有限公司 www.spherebol.com Guy Thompson | 蓋 MANAGING DIRECTOR

+86 15717987920 guy.thompson@spherebol.com August Wang | 八月 CREATIVE DIRECTOR

+86 13681905278 august.wang@spherebol.com

Follow us on WeChat!

Spherebol Limited is registered in England and Wales: No. 09282896


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