Image/text: Liu Jingyi
鱼在水里。 它想去看看外面的世界。 A fish is in the water. It wants to see the world outside.
·2·3· 我是一条鱼。我在水里。我看不见自己的影子,看不见自己的 泪。我觉得我的生命没有意义。 I am a fish. I live in the water. I can see neither my shadow, nor my tear. I cannot even see the point of my life.
·4·5· 我常常看到鸟儿在天上飞,人儿在地上跑。我却只能在水里 游。我想去看看外面的世界。 I often see the birds flying in the sky, people running on the ground. However, I can only swim in the water. I want to see the world outside.
·6·7· 我每天都挣扎着,跳跃着。直到有一天,我终于奋力一跃。我 蹦出了单调无味的水。 I am struggling and jumping everyday. Finally, I try my best to jump out of the boring water.
·8·9· 我腾在空中。我想飞,却飞不起来。我落在地面。我想跑,却 跑不动。哦,我忘了,我是一条鱼。我没有翅膀,没有腿。 I cannot fly when I am in the sky. I cannot run when I am on the ground. Oh, I forgot that I am a fish, with no wings or legs.
·10·11· 原来,外面的世界,是精彩的世界,却不是我的世界。可我回 不去了。故事就这样结束了。吧。 In fact, the world outside is a wonderful one, but not the one that belongs to me. However, I cannot go back. Maybe the story is ended here.
·12·13· 但却没有。我不停的翻腾着,离水面越来越远。体内的水分开 始消失。我绝望了。不再挣扎。 But it is not. I keep rolling over and over, getting far and far away from the water. I become drier with water in my body evaporating. I am in despair and do not struggle any longer.
·14·15· 突然我感到疼痛。是蚂蚁。黑压压一片。它们在咬我。我心生 厌恶,开始反抗。我用尽力气再次弹跳。它们还在咬我。弹 跳。咬我。弹跳。咬我。 Suddenly, I feel great pain, noticing that there is a swarm of ants. They are biting me, which is disgusting. I have to get out of here, so I try to jump again. They keep biting, I keep jumping.
·16·17· 渐渐的我发现我每跳一次,就离水面更进一步。地面开始湿 润。我也开始湿润。它们步步紧逼。终于我又奋力一跃。这次 是回到我的世界。 I find that once I jump, I can get a little closer to the water. As the ground becomes wet, I become wet as well. They are still pushing me. Finally I try all my best to jump up, in order to go back to my world.
·18·19· 黑压压的一片开始向远方挪动。原来,它们是在帮我。我回来 了。故事也接近尾声了。 The black is moving away. Actually they helped me. I am back. Also, the story is approaching the ending.
·20·21· 我又回到了这片水中。在这里,我终于可以活的自由自在。 我四处游动。兴奋的想再看看我的世界。 我看到了亲切的同 伴。 我看到了漂浮的小不点们。 I am back into the water. I can live happily and freely here. I swim around, desperated to the all the things in my world again. I see my lovely companions. I see the floating plankton.
·22·23· 我看到了曼妙的水草姐姐。我看到了沉稳的礁石哥哥。我开始 发现其实我的世界已足够精彩。它那么开阔,那么美丽,那么 温馨。并且,它那么适合我。 I see the elegant sister waterweeds. I see the modest brother reef. I realize that my world is wonderful and amazing enough. It’s vast, it’s beautiful, it’s warm. In addition, it is the most suitable world for me.
·24·25· 我依旧不会飞,也不会跑。可我能在这里游出自己的美好。我 在这里,这片水里。其实,故事才刚刚开始。 I cannot either fly or swim, but I can swim in any way I want and show my talent here. I am now in the water. In fact, the story just begins.
·26·27· 我是一条鱼。我有属于我的世界。我经历了痛苦和重生。突然 我才发现,我的世界,就是最棒的世界。 I am a fish. I have my own world. After experiencing the danger and survival, I begin to explore my own world, thus being aware that my world is the best one.
生命所给予你最初的特质,便是最适合你的。不要过分强 求,难为了别人,作贱了自己。 痛也是一种给予,一种活着的感觉,一种对生的渴望,打 击和压力能塑造更好的自己。 不要艳羡他人,珍惜自己所拥有的,探索它们的美好,你 会发现,其实你已经拥有了最好的,在自己的世界里,活 出别样的精彩。 What your life offers you are the most suitable. Asking for too much is unnecessary, which will also bother others and depreciate yourself.
Pains is kind of rewards, kind of awareness of living, kind of desire for survival. Defeat and pressure can change a person into a better one.
Do not envy others, but cherish and explore the beauty of your possession. Finally, you will find that you have already owned the best, thus living a wonderful life in your world.