1 minute read
Acknowledgement……………………………………….……...............……….……02 Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………….…03 Introduction
In India, the major population is between the age group of 18-45 which is approx. 44% and that of 45 and above is approx. 13% of the entire Indian population.
India thrives in diversity and its culture which is now slowly wearing off among the youths because of westernisation. Now-a-days, the youth prefer indo-western culture so keeping that in mind, I have come up with this innovative clubhouse idea which will also root us to our culture and at the same time provides us activities we like to indulge in.
We have so many gardens in India which are not even in use, because the youth likes recreational activities which provides them comfort instead of going out.
Today’s technology has become so advanced that you can play any indoor or outdoor games on your gadgets, electronic devices.
So to get this generation out of the loop of their reel world and to imbibe our culture and protect it we could provide them with real time experiences where they interact with each other, have fun and play games and also uplift the
cultural spirit of India which is celebrated by so many international stars and countries
Like for example- Robert Downey Jr, Mark Zuckerberg and so many other famous international stars love Indian culture, its diversity and festivals by celebrating it with much joy.
Also a fact, Yoga which is originated in India is being followed majorly by other countries. In India, we prefer gyms and western exercises instead of yoga
So keeping all these factors in mind, I thought of coming up with an idea of inculcating everything at one place.