Projects and Works 2009 - 2016
The co v er image is the captur ed image of 'Winds', digital motion ar t f or r einterpr etation of kor ean traditional ar t b y Jinmo Rhee in 2015
Bachelor of Architecture Korea National University of Arts RIBA(Royal Institute of British Architects) Part 1, 2 Completion 131-2304, Olympic-ro 99, Sonpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea +82) 010-9187-2216
A Prototype of Primary School in an Apartment Complex Individual Project
Jieun Lee
2nd Year, Intermediate Design Studio 1-2
Hybrid Tower with an Hotel and an Stadium Individual Project
Sunwoo Park Heejun Sim
5th Year, Advanced Design Studio 3-4
Undertension Bridges Replacing Old Kyungchoon Bridge Group work with Seulki Kwon Soomin Park
Sunwoo Park
3rd Year, Structure System
Yimoon-dong Redevelopment Plan and Clustered Houses Individual Project
Jinwook Lee
4th Year, Advanced Design Studio 1-2
Gymnasium Roof Renovation with Cable-Truss System Group work with Hyewon Kang
Sunwoo Park
4th Year, Structure Design
06 BLOA Rhino3d plug-in
Building Layout Optimization Apartment ver. Individual Project
Rhino3d plug-in software
07 Computing Nature
Work Experience/ Exhitibtion/ Miscellaneousness Co-Author with Jiho Kim
08 Other Works
Korea Information Processing Society Journal Vol.18-4
Work Experience/ Exhitibtion/ Miscellaneousness
A Prototype of Primary School in an Apartment Complex
Individual Project / 2010 / 2nd Year, Intermediate Design Studio 1-2 / Tutor : Jieun Lee /
The quailities of school in an apartment complex can be defined thorugh the surface, providing the flexibility for sharing shcool spaces with students and neighbors and student's high-level accesibility to outside from their classrooms. The surfaces, despite simple-looking, is the main idea on identification and differentiation of the prototype. The rectangle surface has four-differentiated edges and virtexes. The lowest side is relevant to the central park of a complex, and opposite side is the highest suggesting a huge space, gym, which can be highly shared with neighbors. Application of the prototype requires sensitive digital technology to create the proper surface, considering the gradient for users and responding the distribution of compositive programs.
1. Needs for large space
In Seoul, there are many of apartment complexes, which is main type of residential architecture in Korea. Although the complexes have enough facilities to support individuals' lives of the residentials, in urban scale, they are lacking of the large scale space for consisting and supporting lcoal community activities, like election and religious activitites which need many people getting together over the individual activities. Huge apartment complexes have elementary school. Thus, school can play proper role to serve the community' place with sharing the part of the school spaces.
2. schools in complex
No Fence, but buiding : it hinders residents and students to share facilities in the school. New method of defining border is required to have sharing space. High-level Accessibility to Ground : ordinary school consisted of staked classrooms, detering students to go out. Horizontal, spreaded organization of classrooms are needed to increase most students' accessibility to ground. Various-sized Outside Spaces : ordinary school has one huge outside space called play yard. Atypical way of organizing the school building, such as making various sized outside spaces is required for holding various activities of students.
Lower level area of the surface is used for large-scale activities. With gradient, the surface makes two spaces under and on itself. Space on the surface is used for only students. Space under it can be shared with neighbors. Adjusting gradient can make different areas by outside programs. The surface gradient is the key of prototype to differentiate its application by sites' different conditions. Waffle structure is used for making the designed surface.
4. Prototyping and Conditions
Applicable sites of the prototype require three conditions : main road of the complex, central park of the complex, and other school or educational facilities. These conditions will affect the arrangement and location of the building prototype which has gradient. The lowest point of rectangle, using main play field, forwards to the central park of the complex, connecting the park and the field. The highest point of rectangle, using gym, forwards to the main road of the complex, providing high accessibility to share the building. Parking lot will face the main road, and library and cafeteria will face the park for pleasant atmosphere and scenery. 6
Initial Organization
Concept of Organization more private
more public
small-multiple enclosure large-single enclosure
Vane-shaped organization is selected as an initial geometry to provide the various scale and different use of the space with the users. It has the factors to manipulate its shaped: a distance between bars, an angle between the bars, length of bars, and the number of the bars. The bars can be translated into buildings, classrooms. In plan, the vane-shaped organization has two different space. The space with large-single enclosure can be relatively more public space, because of enclosure being defining area for many people. The opposite side from large-single enclosure can be relatively more private, due to accessment of the openness suggesting never defined area.
Organization Testing by Lines
Into Real Scale
+10°, 1 unit interval, single line
½ unit interval
¼ unit interval
+10°, 1 unit interval, double line
½ unit interval
¼ unit interval
+10°, 1 unit interval, double line, curved 1
½ unit interval
¼ unit interval
+10°, 1 unit interval, double line, curved 2
½ unit interval
¼ unit interval
+5°, 1 unit interval, single line
½ unit interval
Length of Unit, Lines 50m
50m x 5m
Ratio of Unit, Rectangles 50m x 10m
40m x 5m
30m x 5m
40m x 10m
30m x 10m
¼ unit interval
+5°, 1 unit interval, single line, curved 1
½ unit interval
¼ unit interval
+5°, 1 unit interval, single line, curved 2
½ unit interval
¼ unit interval
Distance Interval with Lines 25m 20m
Distance Interval with Rectangles 25m 20m
Physical Model
Physical model, Surface, Resin, CNC Milling
Guide Grid 24 line X 20 line (5m)
Simple slope
One-way slope
Two-way slope
Guide - Gradient Limit for Childrens 1/12
Draw Rib Curves Following the Guide
Surface using PolynetworkSurface
Rhino3d version 4 did not include 'Poly-Network Surface' functions. This is different from ordinary network surface in that 'polynetwork' surface do not include many curves with different directions in series. Thus, I design the PolyNetWorkSurface as Rhino Scripts.
PolynetworkSurface Rhino-Scripts
Gradient Control subtly
Steep Slope
Mild Slope
Distribution of Programs following the Surface
Demanding Area
Demanding Light Intensity
Applicable Options of Distribution of Programs
Demanding Height
Program Location
Outside Space
Landscape Module
Activities with Seating
Activities with Things Activities with Standing
path Field
Activities with High Space
Activities with Running
Landscape Module Application
Path and Fields 3
1. Play Field A This field is the largest outside space within the school and the closet space to ground level. It is appropriate space to hold large scale activities, such as sports day event, soccer games, track sports.
2. Play Field B This field is secondly largest outside space, but it is lifted from the ground. It is appropriate space to hold middle scale activities, such as basketball and hand ball. 5
3. Play Field C This field is small outside space, but it is the highest space within the school. It is not appropriate space to hold dynamic activities, because of dangerousness of its height, but it is appropriate space to hold small gardens, facilities for ecological education.
4. In-Between Space Spaces between the classrooms will be used highly as children's front yards. Small game and running can be happened in this space, such as hide-and-seek, tig-tag.
5. Main circulation Overlapped diagrams show the path that will be used highly.
Inside Space
Activities and Space Scale
Low Activities Small Scale
High Activities Large Scale
Low Complexity
High Complexity
Complexity of Circulation
Possible Space to be Inside Playground
Perspective, In-Between Fields
Perspective, Inside Play Grounds
Bird's Eye View, Connected with Central Park, Facing Main Road, Next to High School
Bird's view, In-Between Space
Perspective, From Playground
Perspective, In-Between Space 16
Bird's view, Inside Organization
Bird's view, Inside Organization
Bird's view, Outside Organization 17
Plan, Roof Floor Plan
Plan, Ground Level Plan 18
Northside Elevation
West Elevation
Section 19
02 SKYDIUM Hybrid Tower with an Hotel and an Stadium
Individual Project / 2015 / 5th Year, Advanced Design Studio 3-4 / Tutor : Sunwoo Park, Heejun Sim /
After Olympic Games, along the 30 years, use of Seoul Sports Complex(SSC) is decreased due to changes of the urban conditions. Thus, SSC not is reserved for the glorious memory but subsists. The project 'Skydium' includes both city-scale and building-scale works.The new masterplan is designed for inculinding metropolitan-scale needs, suggesting the site as one of the functional area with urban infrastructures, such as metro, train, terminal, and water-transportation. The latter proposing high-rise building, Skydium, literally means hybrid concepts between sky space in high-rise and stadium space. Sky is no one's, but the other space that we can share. This building can provide how we can share the sky with stadium in the high-rise. To obtain the large space in the sky, the core of the building is deviated from the center of its plan. Also, the twisting can provide the various views of the Han-river to users.
1. High-rise with stadiums, Integrating abandoned stadiums Stadiums Spread
Stadiums Avandoned/ Changed into Different Use
Stadiums Integrated
2. Skyscraper for the Public
Most highrise buildings are possessed by the private.
63 Building
IFC Buildings
Lotte World Tower
3. Concepts of Skydium
+ Hotel
+ Stadium
= Tower
S tadium in the S k y
Hotel rooms (Private)
Game Court (Semi-Public) Stands (Public)
Ramps aisle (public)
4. Main Stadium Renovated as Part of Skydium
Demolish partial structure
Adding new volume
Install new structure
Three stadiums, two gyms, and one yard are spread in the site for have proceded Olympic games. However, after it, most stadiums are avandoned and changed into different space for different use, such as exhibition. Integrating the stadiums is the key to redevelop the site and reform the facilities after games. Thus, the new masterplan of the Seoul Sports Complex (SSC) provides 'Skydium' as not only an integrated staium, but also a new type of building available to share the different stadiums. Disappearing the stadiums which are spread can mean that many areas require to be newly developed for porperly functioned space in the city.
In addition, the highrise building in the site, integrating the stadiums, can provide the public to experience the sky of Seoul. Although there are many skyscrapers in Seoul, most of the buildings are possessed by the private, especially the rich. The basic approach to the sky space of Seoul is limited. However, 'SKYDIUM' newly built suggest people to come here and up for experiencing the sky of Seoul. Although most facilities are used for hotel service in the middle level of the building, the public can use upper level of the building with a stadium, cafeterias, an observatory, and a lounge.
On the initial step, only conceptually, Skydium has three stadiums with the variaey of their sizes. The higher the location of the stadium is, the smaller the size of the stadium is, including many interior court in the tower. The variety of the stadium in the building is enough to gather the public lively. Also, the composition of the stand is so atypical to provide the spectator with novel experiences of diverse angle of perspectives. With the stadiums, in parallel, one of the most significant programs is a hotel. Not only hotel can afford the use of the building fiscally, but also rooms are another important program spatially. The rooms in the building is unordinary in that through the atrium guests of the rooms can watch the game of the stadiums. Of course, in development of the design process, the initial concepts are changed from three stadiums to one multi-purpose stadium.
The main stadium of SSC is a heritage of Korean citizens, reflecting their pride of economic growth and memory of Olympic Games. Even though it was originally designed for containing about 7000 visitors at once, it is not fully functioned now. Renovated part will be used as a part of skydium. Ground level and underground spaces will be used for transportation facilities as a buffer zone of transfering transits.
Ecentricity Core System Obtaining the Large-Noncolumn Space
Two - Outside cores
Two - Inside cores
One - Inside core
Multiple - Inside core
One - Ecentricity core
This images show that relationship between core and slab. Ecentricity core system seems proper to obatain the large-noncolumn space in the building in that it have the largest space on a slab. Although, in structure, it will less benefit to have one-ecentricity core, increasing the core size and thickness of the bearing wall can compensate with other benefits to achieve making large space in the middle of the building.
Process of Organizing the Large-Noncolumn Space
Stadium Floors
Merging 5 Floors
Atrium for Staidum
Space Truss
Diagonal Reinforcing
After finding volume, install the stadium in the building. It will be placed three of fourth level of the building height, dividing hotel type; rooms over the stadium and rooms under the stadium. The Atrium is designed not only for the stadium-watching in rooms, but for structural reason, decreasing the vertical loads of the building.
Building Systems
The building is composed mainly with four parts: Slabs and core, Diagrid columns for tube structure, facade frame with triangular subdivision, and glass. Especially, CCF (closed Cavity Facade) is chosen to obtain the transparency of the facade. Also, the elevator and evacuation planning are atypically defined due to the fact that the building will be opened and contain the public not the only private. 23
Process of Organizing the Large-Noncolumn Space
Model Studies
Option Studies
Sketch Studies
Model, Mass of Skydium
Concept Model, A Stadium in a high-rise building
Concept Drawing, A Stadium in a high-rise building
One building, One algorithm
Grasshopper Algorithm
To find proper mass size and proportion of the skyscraper, the initial step of the building was designed by Grasshopper Algorithm. And then the concept of 'one building, one algorithm', rather than a fixed result as a design, was experimented. If designers change factors such as height, turning angle and area, whole building and all the components of the building are adjusted. 27
1. zoom in stadium structure / 2. stadium through the atrium / 3. 1:20 standard floor structure system / 4. hotel room / 5. overall astructure system 28
Turning Hotel, Turning View to Han-river
Plans 29
North Elevation 30
East Elevation 31
Hotel Balcony View
Stadium View
Han-river - NorthernEast side
Technical Drawings
Steel Structure Details
Steel Structure Details 3D 1
Facade construction Concept 1 20mm wood floor 30mm self leveling screed 180mm concrete 600mm I beam Aluminium stud 30mm plasterboard
2 CCF (Closed Cavity Facade) Alluminium frame 30mm glass Cavity gap 15mm Double Glazaing Column r:500mm Steel column 2mm Aluminim cladding
Section Detail
3 CCF cap 80mm thickness insulation (air extract/intake duct) 600mm I beam
Stadium and Night Scenery
03 CATERPILLAR BRIDGE Undertension Bridges Replacing Old Kyungchoon Bridge Group work with Seulki Kwon and Soomin Park / 2011 / Structure System / Tutor : Sunwoo Park / Responsibility : Concept design, Rhino and Grasshopper, Building Model, 3d rendering
The project is to rebuild the old-train bridge into a pedestrian bridge to provide citizens with a pleasant waterfront space. The old-train bridge has many thick and huge columns which was blocking the waterfront view, but the main columns were sturdy enough to be re-used as main columns of the new pedestrian bridge. Structure system of the new bridge is undertension system with long span without columns between the two main columns. Undertension system is very effective on vertical loads, but not effective on horizontal loads. Thus two wires, which has opposite direction of main wires of undertenstion system, are added to bear horizontal loads, such as wind load. The form of the bridge is not intended, but it is found from the structural system. The principle of designing the main form is making the line between the wires and eliminate the unnecessary parts of the bridge to reduce the weight of the bridge.
Urban Highway
Waterfront park Joonrang Stream
3. existing colums
Waterfront park
Urban Highway
2. blocking waterscape
1. abandoned railroad bridge
Before, blocked waterscape
Urban Highway
Waterfront park Joonrang Stream
3. modified columns 2. No columns
Waterfront park
Urban Highway
1. pedestrian bridge
After, opened waterscape
1. From Old Train Bridge, to Pedestrian Bridge
The old-train bridge had been used for both passengers and frieghts. However after installing the new fast train systems, the old-train bridge was stopped being used. Also, the surroundings near the bridge has been changed. Municipal Government redeveloped the water front space in Joongrang Cheon (stream). Thus the demand for demolishing the bridge is increased from citizens. However, instead of tearing it down, renovation of the bridge into pedestrian bridge is more economical and meaningful.
2. No Columns, Undertension System Bridge
The most important matter of the renovation of the bridge is to obtain the pleasant water front scenary. The existing bridge had blocked the water front's linear scape, which is the spatial feature of the water front scenary, with many massive concrete columns. Pulling down most columns, leaving just two columns using for main columns, undertension structure system of the bridge is the most proper option to recover the water scenary. Using wires can decrease its own loads and reinforced wires can resistance agaist lateral force from winds for increasing stability.
3. Re-Use Some of Exisiting, Columns with Modification
Existing columns are enought to bear a lot of loads. Leaving two columns end of the bridge and modifying its shape can provide enough bearing power to support the load of the whole undertension structure bridge, because it was designed for bearing the load of trains with freights. Modification of the column can be a more economical approach to save budget of bridge renovation. 38
Undertension Curvature Analysis
finding a curve's curvature
undertension bridge systems with curves
To define the curvature of curves of the undertension system, 'Kanagroo', which is a plugin with grasshopper to calculate structural data, mathematically as well as visually. The data showed the curvature, not a curve itself. After extracting the curvature, it can be applied to the curves in the undertension brdige systems. Not only the curves of undertension but also the reinforcing curves, which have counter direction from undertension curves, are set in this process.
Designing with Grasshopper
Grasshopper document
dividing curves
making border
weight lightening
main beam and wires
adding handrail
Detail Drawings
Section Detail
Plan Detail 39
1. structure model / 2. substructures / 3. 1:20 detail model / 4. 1:20 detail model /
Development with Integrated Study
Models are not just visualization tool of the final work. By testing, conforming, adjusting, and developing, models are the design tools integrated with digital tools. Computer can calculate information and show us data with geometry. This geometry can be realized with physical models. Repeating the process that computer calculate data, machine helps to convert these digital information into physical parts, design is adjusted and tested the model, and again these results affect the computer data, the bridge gets its own system and design. Various scale models also helped designers communicate with digital data, showing which detail parts are required to be designed. 41
1:20 detail model 42
1. structure model / 2. substructures / 3. 1:20 detail model / 4. 1:20 detail model /
Ghanges after renovation
Contrasting pictures showed above clarify the purpose of the bridge. Heavy, rusty, and industrial bridge was transformed into a light, pleasant, and non-blocking bridge. In top view, end points of the bridge will be connected to the railload urban green park. On the bridge, pedestrians can feel opened the scenery of Joongrang-Stream, when they walk corss with the bridge. Under the bridge, citizens can feel pleasant water-front park in daily lives with non-column structure systems. Moreover, drivers can obtain secrutiy of sight. 43
Yimoon-dong redevelopment plan and clustered houses
Individual Project / 2014 / 4th Year, Advanced Design Studio 1-2 / Tutor : Jinwook Lee /
The project is to redevelop the area of Yimoon 1. The old urban structures has been developed far from the limitation of the architectural codes and regulations, showing traditional town structure on the mountain slope with modern residential buildings. Thus, it has a lot of dead ends, which plays a vital role of public space that neighbors get together. The proposal of the new development plan is to strengthen the space quality of the dead ends into various scale outside space. The length of the dead ends shows how many people are using the road, if one household use a dead end, it would be extremely private space. However, if three or five households shared a dead end, it would be little more public than the former. Converting linear dead ends into public outside space with variation is the key of this project. Also, new typology of the houses are suggested, following the newly established strategies of the masterplan. This typology also try to earn private outside space, detached from the ground level. This private space is the last and smallest part of the outside spaces with a hierarchy on the masterplan.
Dead End to Urban Outside Space
Existing Yimoon 1 Area
Dead End in Yimmon 1 Area
Dead End in Yimoon 1 area is used as public space, functioning as urban aisle for houses facing it. Naturally, People use this linear space for compensating shortage of outside space in their houses. They meet each other on this alley and greet each other. Children make their friends on there, by playing outside. Extracting lines than goes to the dead ends from the map above is the initial step of this urban projects. The paths with dead ends mean some linear and the lowest hierarchieal public space, unknowned and invisible from outside of the area. Only the inhabitants knows the existence of these space. Developing this value of the space, newly development will be designed to provide more divergent public space in various scale. Converting this linear space into diverse public space is the key to renewal this city. Digital and computational methods are applied to make master plan in urban scale, following the process, mentioned below.
1. Converting Dead End road to space
Type of Dead End
Converted Space
Basic path
Program Size
Semi-Private (1-2 households) Semi-Public (3-6 households)
Public (6-15 households)
2. Types of Space from Dead End by Size
All Types of Space
Semi-Private Space
3. Road, Outside Space, and Hierarchy
Semi-Public Space
Type of Dead End is categorized by its length. The longer path of dead end is, the more houses share the path, which means more public. Thus, longer path can be converted to large public space, and shorter path can be converted to small public space.
Using Grasshopper, all the dead ends are converted to squares. This squares are categorized and merged into three parts by size.
Public Space
Road system has three degree with hierarchy, and outside space system also has three degree with it. From the position of dead ends, the city can be identified with these space.
Diagram of Masterplan : Dead End to Public Space 47
4. Building Typology with the Conversion
With new plan for urban outside space, the new housing typology is required to maximize the strategy of dead end's conversion. To response to many hierarchical outside space, the typology also consisted of various scale of outside space. Initially physical model test is the starting point to make in-between space with mass.
Without Terrain Factors
With Terrain Factors
Organization rules and logics are found, and created by using Grasshopper in the ideal plan space. However, since Yimoon 1 area is nearly mountain side, another logic that applying the former rules to real world with terrain is required.
Wall-Column/Wall-Beam Different organization of mass means that different quality of space is and different structure system from ordinary housing is needed. Wall-Column and wall-beam systems are applied to make various outside spaces, like Jenga wood block. 48
master plan of Yimoon 1 area 49
Perspective, semi public space concept model
1st Floor Plan
2nd Floor Plan 51
3rd Floor Plan
4th Floor Plan 52
Perspective, lifted private outside space
Perspective, semi-public space
Perspective, lifted private outside space
Perspective, sharing front yard 54
Perspective, master bed room
Perspective, entrance 55
Gymnasium Roof Renovation with Cable-Truss System
Group work with Hyewon Kang / 2014 / Structure Design / Tutor : Sunwoo Park / Responsibility : Concept design, Model Study, Rhino and Grasshopper, Cable Joint Design, Building Model, 3d rendering
The project is to renovate old gym of Korea National University of Arts, especially roof system and facade instead of long span roof composed of old columns and beams being very dark without artificial lighting. The focus of the renovation is retain the long span space with maximized natural lighting and pleasant envrioment which can provide the chance to experience the surrounding woods. To achieve these purposes, light roof system with undertension cable truss is selected, and the double skin system with mesh is designed. Existing structure of reinforced concrete columns and beams is very strong enough to reuse, basic structure below the roof is reused. In addition, various programs to support the gym are re-defiend. Not only digital tools are used for the examination of the forces, but also they have the mutuality with physical modeling to develop the concept design into the final roof system.
3. Dead space with cantilever
Before, outdated concrete roof
1. Lacking of Natural Light
2. Closed Wall Old Woods
Mechanic Facilities 4. Lack of Storage and Facilities
3. Cafeteria & Circuation
After, lifted roof
1. Lifting up Roof for Lighting 2. Open with Glass Wall
Old Woods
Mechanic Facilities 4. Expanded Storage and Facilities
1. Obtaining Natural Iight by Using Cable Truss Roof
Applying the cable truss roof system have three advantages on this project. Firstly, lifted roof structure can earn more space and height for the coming natural light. Also, these structure can open the upper space of the gym to outside, woods. Finally, as the roof with cable truss is much lighter than the roof with concrete beams, the roof can be installed on the existed structure, which means no other construction of foundation is needed.
2. Glass wall with, Openning and Closing
The gym is surrounded by old woods and grass, which have been 60 years old. Connecting inside of the gym and outside, the woods, is the key to provide it with improve the quality of space. Also, opening to the nature can help users feel more comfortable, when they using this gym.
3. Circulation on Extended Cantilver Space
Before renovation, despite the fact that the space on cantilever was already existed, programs of this space are uncertain. Giving the identity of the cantilever space, it is extended in order to function as independent space from main space. It can be used small and linear cafeteria and also used as circulation.
4. Facility Rooms under Extended Cantilver Space
Old gym did not have any enough space to use properly as storages, restrooms, locker rooms, and washrooms. Organizing the space under the cantilever and stands, the gym can have more spare spaces to exploit service rooms, responding user's needs. These spaces are divided with temporary partitions. When users want to change the organization of these rooms, they would re-install the partitions to obtain new space. 58
Process of the Renovation
Structure Analysis From Compression To Tension
Major force type : Compression
Flow of Force
Flow of Force
Major force type : Tension
In structure aspect, the renovation work is the change of main force type to bear the whole building from compression to tension. Left image shows the red color of the compression on almost parts of the roof, contrasting right image shows the blue and green color of the tension on almost parts of the roof.
Perspective, the KNUA HORNAUM is surrounded by Woods in campus
1. structure model / 2. substructures / 3. 1:20 detail model / 4. 1:20 detail model
East Elevation
North Elevation
Technical Drawings
Cable Truss Joint
Cable connectors with couplars and strainers are Pfiefer's products. However, to make cable truss exactly, six-direction cable joint is needed with tilting system on each sub-cables. The above joint is basically clamp mechanism, joining two parts with bolts and nuts.
1 sheet-copper corrugated panel 5mm roof seal timber h:180mm steel cable
2 2.4mm zinc panel 45mm steel square pipe 5mm roof seal Urethan filler insulation 5mm water proof h:200mm b:100mm I-beam 3 5mm mesh panel 50mm reinforced concrete 5mm water proof 80mm thermal insulation 18mm plasterboard
4 30mm wood floor 50mm self leveling screed 80mm thermal insulation 5mm water proof sealing 200mm reinforced concrete slab 500mm reinforced concrete beam
5 molded joint
6 30mm wood floor 50mm self leveling screed 5mm water proof sealing 80mm thermal insulation 5mm water proof sealing 580mm reinforced concrete slab 5mm water proof sealing 50mm leveling concrete 100mm gravel earth
7 30mm wood floor 50mm CD ext. IDP plywood, double 3/4" conical pads 5mm water proof 200mm concrete slab 5mm water proof 380mm base concrete 50mm leveling concrete 100mm gravel earth
Roof Structure 62
Perspective, natural lighting and woods
Perspective, space under cable truss 63
06 BLOA Rhino3d plug-in Building Layout Optimization Apartemnt ver. Individual Project / 2016 / Rhino3d plug-in software /
The most noticeable and unique typology of housing in Korea is 'apartment complex'. Unlike other countries' apartment, Korean apartment is likely to form a complex. It is important to design a complex with layout which is proper to architectural codes and land regualtions, and also not to lose the commercial viability and potential. Because in Korea architectural market, apartment is the main source of income to maintain or develop design companies. In thise aspect, the concept of maximization is vital when designer make plot plan of buildings in complex. Thus, designers are required to understand every codes and avoid the codes to increase the profit from apartment construction. However, it is hard to be certain that outcome is the best option without any standard of defining value. Thus, BLOA can provide the standard in short time with proper factors
Repeating Process
Chek codes
Draw and Modify
Traditional Layout Process of Apartment Complex
Choose codes Optimize
Using BLOA Layout Plug-in
To design layout drawing of an apartment complex, especially huge, traditional method sequence needs many time of feed-back process. Ultimately, it requires designers spend noticable time to finde proper layout, meeting with codes and profitability. Even though they make the layout, they are not able to have assurance that their design is the best and the most efficient drawing, suspecting that other proper designs, but they did not recognize, exist.
However, using the plug-in decrease the time to draw and test repetitive process for satisfying architectural codes and regulations. It not only saves designer's time but also to expand the human consciousness in design. Instead of using time to make layout the building, architects earn more time to increase quality of their buildings.
Human consciousness Design
Building Coverage Ratio : 16.8% (limitation is 20%) Floor Area Ratio : 277.4% (limitation is 280%)
Using BLOA
Building Coverage Ratio : 19.9% (limitation is 20%) Floor Area Ratio : 279.9% (limitation is 280%)
The images show a site, Jamsil, Seoul in Korea. Using BLOA is the tool to layout the apartment buildings in a complex. The first left image shows already existing building layout, grid layout and some additional buildings nearby border. But this layout is not proper or optimized within the regulations or codes, since human designer made the organization of the buildings. On the contrary, the right image shows more complex layout, meeting the regulations and codes and also intensifying its capacity within them.
User Convinience
BLOA is Rhino3d plug-in
Optimization Result
BLOA runs based on Rhino3d, thus, it is very easy to use it for who can handle rhino and understand architectural codes and land regulations. Clicking boundary curves, setting a main direction of buildings, and inserting some regulations and house dimensions are only the initial conditions. Adjusting number of floors and buildings, multiplication, and tolerance, user can find the optimized layout. 66
① select site boundary curves ② select main direction vector ③ select one point of boundary's point ④ insert house depth ⑤ insert house width ⑥ insert house height ⑦ insert building floors ⑧ select zoninge type e.i) 1=residential/3=type3/1=normal by presetting of zone type, user can edit codes conditions in Excel. ⑨ insert number of building cluster ⑩ insert number of repeating ⑪ a factor of defining cluster type, automatically set and updated
⑫ using zone type, checking the result. red means over the limitation.
BLOA plug-in main interface This factors are defined, added and adjusted to response the architectural codes and regulations which is differed by nations.
① program type Initial definitions include five basic categogries; residential, commercial, office, culture, education. Since they have different codes to be applied, before using BLOA, re-definite process following by specific data is needed.
② Sub type Sub type also include data that would be provided with each category. Especially, as Korean codes distinguish zone type by three parts, this plug-in include it basically. However, user who use other codes that do not include sub type, definite 0 as null.
Zoning type selcetion window
③ Property type The Korean codes deliberately distinguish zone on last parts; normal, exclusive, inclusive, specialized. Following the codes that user use, user can select the property.
07 Computing Nature
Co-Author with Jiho Kim / 2011 / Korea Information Processing Society Journal Vol.18-4 /
The most noticeable and unique typology of housing in Korea is 'apartment complex'. Unlike other countries' apartment, Korean apartment is likely to form a complex. It is important to design a complex with layout which is proper to architectural codes and land regualtions, and also not to lose the commercial viability and potential. Because in Korea architectural market, apartment is the main source of income to maintain or develop design companies. In thise aspect, the concept of maximization is vital when designer make plot plan of buildings in complex. Thus, designers are required to understand every codes and avoid the codes to increase the profit from apartment construction. However, it is hard to be certain that outcome is the best option without any standard of defining value. Thus, BLOA can provide the standard in short time with proper factors
Computing Nature
Co-Author with Howard Jiho Kim / 2011 / Korea Information Processing Society Journal Vol.18-4 / 1. Introduction
The word ‘computing’ is derived form of ‘compute’, which is made up of ‘com-’ and ‘pute’. As meaning of ‘com‘ is ‘gather’, and those of ‘pute’ is ‘think’, literal meaning of ‘computing’ is ‘thinking with gathered objects’. The prefix ‘com‘ refers to multiple objects, not a single object. Thinking with multiple objects can trigger logical thinking, such as comparing, contrasting, categorizing, and stratifying. The ordinary meaning of computing is ‘calculate’, which is ‘to determine beforehand by judgment, reasoning, etc; estimate’. Thus, exact meaning of computing is ‘logical inference, consideration, or thought on how multiple factors operate to other events’. Common thoughts about computing is almost always accompanied with computer. Computer is the machine and the tools to do the definition mentioned above. Using electrical information with 0 and 1, computer is a ‘calculating’ tool by given logics. In this aspect, computing is different from computering. However, despite the absence of computer, computing existed human world. For example, complex calculation can be done by abacus and this is old version of narrow meaning of computing. Drawing basic geometry and finding rules by hands in Greek age were also computing. Understanding the rules of arch structure and constructing many space using arch were also computing. Human beings continue computing. Not only human beings, but also the nature has been computing with most sting logical way. The nature has been transformed, and the belongings also has been evolved to maximize the efficiency and adaptation for value of survival. The system of evolvement is thoroughly logical, as un-efficient species, which is out of the logical ways, would be gone away. The nature has been operated optimized computing for value of survival. In this point, what we recognized is that the nature’s computing is essentially beautiful. Looking around, we can watch periodical changes of the nature; rain and snow, sunrise and sunset, blossoms, color changes of leaves. Almost people can feel instinctively the beauty of the nature. Where it comes from. Perhaps, it is hard to recognize specific forms of the beauty with seeming like random and complex shapes, but on the other side of the beauty, the nature reveals its own properties with computed shapes and organizations for its environments and purposes. Like the nature, authors including all people who do creative works can create something beautiful using computing process. Not using computer, but using wider concept of computing in their works they can find logically amazing points in aesthetics.
2. Catenary by computing
Here is an example of computing aesthetics. In nature, there is various rules and principles. This example is about the shapes from the valance between gravity and materials; catenary shapes. Comparing and contrasting the works from computing with computer and without computer show how computing process would be applied into the design process, what the factors have to be considered, and what potentiality of computing is. A catenary is the curve assumed by a heavy uniform flexible cord hanging freely from two points in gravity field; y=acos(x/a) (a=T/ λ, T=tension, λ=unit length).The main characteristics of a catenary is structural efficiency to minimize energy to bear its material’s load against gravity. Mirroring the curve into upside can show arch structure, which is most optimized gravity using heavy materials. A catenary can be easily made by both hands and computers. The image below is computing catenary curves using different materials with hands.
Calculation of a catenary using computer
Making these curves by hands, some rules are found naturally. As length of both curves are same, the most two contributing factors to define the shape of curve are distance between two points and weight of wires. Using Rhino3d and Grasshopper, exact catenary curves are obtained.
2.2 Catenary Tower
In practical, catenary curve’s characteristics are employed to build suspension bridges, one of the oldest bridge construction manners. Sagrada Familia, one of the most attractive buildings designed by Antoni Gaudi, also used catenary curve’s characteristics. Catenary Tower is also using catenary curve’s characteristics to expand the structural advantages into skyscraper and building scale works.
2.1 Computing catenary curves
A Catenary with thread
A Catenary with bead chain
Catenary Tower
High-rise building requires literally high height within small ground area in fatalistic. To apply catenary into skyscraper, using multiple catenary organization is good option to improve the vulnerability caused when the length is long. The organization is to join, stack, and enclose catenary curves for making a volume. Joined curves affect each other continuously and finally become stable form when they got valance from gravity. Although there is no artificial inputs to define shapes, like higher positions smaller areas, naturally it follows the rules.
Gravity and threads using physical material
mulitple catenaries using computer
Unlike Catenary Tower using two dimensional concepts of catenary, Catenary Curved Surface is the experiment of expanding using three dimensional catenary system. The basic process of the experiment is inserting half-fluid material, which would be solidified, into fabric surface with fixed points. Like a catenary, length of the fabric and fixing points are most contributing factors of shapes. Also the detail of hanging points are another factor to define the shape. Though using one points as a hanging point can make sharp shape with one vertex, using linear shape as a hanging point can produce edge shape. Dimensional changes of geometry can broaden the potentiality of shapes.
making process of catenary surface
In catenary surface, effect of material is more extreme than a catenary, as it has more quantity of materials, not only changing whole shape but also texture. In principle of catenary, mass per unit length refers the effect of material. Without function designed by computer, using hand also can compute the influence of material properties. In this work, main properties of material, elasticity of fabric and weight of half-fluid, are correlated and in gravity field they have their own optimized shapes. Moreover shapes from material difference can be found. On same fabric, concrete has much deeper knee of curve than plaster by its density of
materials. Using 3d software, human can r e co g ni ze the calculation of surface shapes. However, computing catenar y surface reveals essential logics to form the surface, reflecting more detail factors like texture, density, and viscosity and including all other factors as environments. By making same shape using computer 3d software, more exact difference between computing and computering is found. Using computer can provide more accuracy, speedy simulation and flexibility of data, which are not possible to physical worlds. However, it is too difficult to reflect irregular characters of the nature. Without defining factors, the nature can operate their rules within various relation. Micro and macro factors and parameters that we cannot recognize runs the world. To express this idea, which kind of tools for computing are needed?
plaster catenary surface
Concrete catenary surface
Digital catenary surface
2. Conclusion
Material is the key point in this matter. Not only as a medium of computing but also as a factor itself affecting overall logics or algorithms, material is important as much as rules. In the experiments above, concrete texture includes the environmental factors that human beings are not able to detect, such as temperature, humidity, and times, during the 28 days for solidifying. As the nature’s work is also output of both detectable and undetectable factors.
The beauty of the nature comes from the material that contains numerous and unexplainable factors. To approach this aesthetics, developing rules or algorithms is not enough. There are already works with perfect logics and algorithms, lacking of the beauty of the nature. However using properties of the material in computing process will be the answer of the beauty. Moreover, nowadays, the importance of results of design is dwindling, whereas process of logical ways to make results is becoming more important. In this point, we can imagine the absolute point of computing in aspect of aesthetics.
Howard Jiho Kim -Y design office -Media studio tutor in Korea National University of Arts, Dep. Architecture -Project architect in MAAD Beijing -University of Virginia, architecture - Jinmo Rhee -RIBA(Royal Institue of British Architects) part1, 2 -Korea National University of Arts, Dep. Architecture -
08 Other Works
Work Experience/ Exhitibtion/ Miscellaneousness
House of Yeesang
Internship (Architectural Assistant), SSWA Architects 2010, 2011 Memorial house of the poet Yeesang. Modeling works and basic process of architectural practice.
Astana Tower
(Kazakhstan Expo Tower) Facade Modeling Consultatnt, MLNP Architects 2013 Podium of the tower. Facade pattern design and modeling. 72
Haedo Elderly Center
(Competition Winner, First Prize) Internship (Architectural Assistant), SSWA Architects 2013 Welfare facility with circular courtyard. 3d modeling, basic design, interior design, and rendering.
Urban Farming in Pagoda Park
Personal Design Project, 2013 Welfare Center with urban farm, Whole design Process 73
Siheung 5-dong Community Center
Internship (Architectural Assistant), SSWA Architects 2014 Community center renovation works. 3d modeling and rendering.
Hangang and Anyangcheon Confluence Area
Internship (Architectural Assistant), SSWA Architects 2014 Waterfront Pavilion. Actualization, Digital and physical Modeling, CG.
Ann's Garden Tutoring Center
Interior Design 2014 Flower shop interior renovation. Whole Design Process
Folly, Guemcheon Park
Architectural Assistant, SSWA Architects 2016 Bench in the park. 3d modeling, basic design, and rendering.
(Catenary Surface) Artist, Exhibition on Moonji Cultural Institute SAII, 2011 Co-Work with Jiho Kim, casting work with fabric molds. GRC(Glasswoll Reinforced Concrete) surface.
Real DMZ, the Memory from the Ruin
Artist, Art Seonjae Gallery, 2013 Co-Work with Jooyoung Lee, art-installation work. In ruin of Cheolwon, miniature work with white sculpture. 76
Between the Leaf and the Eye
(Jewerly Design) Product Design 2013 Pendant design, 3d printed prototype, silicon molds, and silver pendants.
Rhino3d for Architecture
(with V-ray and Grasshopper) Publication 2016 Write about Rhino3d, V-ray, and Grasshopper for basic user in Architecture.
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