Jins book 2016

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晋劲 Jin Jin Male | 34 | 12/1981 |175cm | 9 Years Work Experience | Master

I am an urban designer with focused concentration, dedicated commitment, sheer will and high enthusiasm. My work field covers project management, team building, scheme creation, design-graphic expression, technical support, communication and presentations during all phases of urban planning and urban design programs. With solid professional skills and proficiency in the use of AutoCAD, Photoshop, Sketch Up, Office PowerPoint and other related supporting softwares, I can handle the various scales design projects by both hand drawn and computer graphic jobs from the beginning of site analysis, concept strategies plan to the final physical space design. Based on over 8 years of effective official work and almost the same length of time at the school Learning in Urban Planning, it trained me that extensive experience in domestic and international cooperations; focusing on communication, execution and teamwork; taking innovative idea, clear logic, delicate form and compatible with local humanism and context in planning schemes; and most important thing must be always with high adaptability and positive mood to face the challenges of design requirements in different conditions.

本人性格开朗乐观,认真细致,热爱设计,从业以来工作领域涵盖城市规划、城市 设计中的项目管理、团队建设、方案创作、设计表达、技术负责和汇报沟通,专业 技术技能扎实,能熟练使用AutoCAD 、Photoshop、Sketch Up 、Office PowerPoint等 相关设计辅助软件,掌握较强的手绘草图方案构思能力,具备流畅的中、英文语言 表达和交流能力,注重沟通、执行与团队合作。 在多年的规划专业学习和工作中形成了专注思考、不断突破的设计风格,具有丰富 的国内项目和国际合作的经验,在擅长的城市设计和空间规划领域中注重创新理念、 清晰逻辑、形式美感和地域人文关怀的兼容并进,乐于迎接不同环境下设计需求的 挑战;在项目运作中以敏锐缜密的专业思维、细腻稳重的工作作风、认真谦逊的服 务态度,赢得了各类型客户和政府部门的良好评价。

PORTFOLIO @ http://jinstage.tumblr.com/ Here will include almost all of the projects I have been involved, some very formal, some may seem relatively simple and rough, but they are treated as my own valuable experience, and worth paying the same enthusiasm and effort to complete.

个人主页 @ http://jinstage.tumblr.com/ 在这里可以看到我个人整理的所参与项目展示:有些项目相对完整,有些项目过程 阶段可能看起来比较粗陋,但是我将它们都视为我的宝贵经历,并且以同样的热情 和态度去为之工作。

2014-2015 ·Renewal Plan and Urban Design along Changjiang Road, SND, Suzhou Planning Area:2,387,700 sqm | Role: Project Director ·Haikou Port Xiuying Area Project Conceptual Master Plan Planning Area:3,400,000 sqm | Role: Urban Designer ·Urban Design of Yuandong Road Area in Fengxian District, Shanghai Planning Area:830,000 sqm | Role: Principal Planner ·Conceptual Plan of Qianshan Riverside Area, Zhuhai Planning Area:15,680,000 sqm | Role: Consultant & Urban Designer 2013-2014 ·Conceptual Plan of Catholic Church Demonstration Tourism Region in Baiquan Town Planning Area:360,000 sqm | Role: Project Director ·Conceptual Plan of Traditional District Regeneration in Maomiaoji, Baiquan Town Planning Area:102,200 sqm | Role: Project Director ·The Initial Phase of Shandong University Supporting Residential Site Plan, Qingdao Planning Area:960,800 sqm | Role: Project Director ·Conceptual Plan of Qigou District, Xiamen North Station, Xiamen Planning Area:2,571,200 sqm | Role: Project Director ·Community Urban Design of Dongjin New City, Xiangyang Planning Area:645,200 sqm | Role: Project Director ·Conceptual Plan of Xuanqiao Jewelry Town, Shanghai Planning Area:2,670,000 sqm | Role: Consultant & Strategist ·Urban Design of Riverfront Area in New District, Nantong Planning Area:29,400,000 sqm | Role: Urban Designer 2012-2013 ·Riverside Residential Conceptual Plan, Jining Planning Area:144,100 sqm | Role: Principal Planner ·Oriental Travel Project Conceptual Plan, Jiaonan Planning Area:31,381 sqm | Role: Principal Planner ·Changzhou Powerlong Complex Urban Design Planning Area:195,870 sqm | Role: Principal Planner (Cooperated) ·Taian Treasure Street CBD Urban Design Planning Area:798,000 sqm | Role: Principal Planner (Cooperated) ·Nantong International Financial Resort Bay Project Conceptual Plan and Core Area Urban Design Planning Area:6,193,800 sqm | Role: Project Director (Cooperated) ·Urban Design of Core Area in High-speed Rail District, Huangshan Planning Area:3,373,500 sqm | Role: Project Director (Cooperated) 2011-2012 ·Concept of Residential Block in Taian High-speed Railway Station Area, Taian Planning Area:760,000 sqm | Role: Principal Planner ·The Oceanic Research Park Conceptual Plan, Qingdao Planning Area:750,000 sqm | Role: Principal Planner (Cooperated) ·Qingdao Aoshanwei Town Urban Design in Regulatory Plan Phase Planning Area:6,343,000 sqm | Role: Principal Planner (Cooperated) ·Master Plan of Logistics District, Qingdao Planning Area:567,000 sqm | Role: Principal Planner ·Hefei Lakeside Changjiang Skyline Conceptual Plan Planning Area:7,000,000 sqm | Role: Project Director (Cooperated) ·Urban Design of Core Area in High-speed Rail District, North New City, Changzhou Planning Area:1,980,000 sqm | Role: Urban Designer

2014-2015 ·苏州高新区长江路沿线城市更新设计 规模:238公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·海口保利秀英港城市设计 规模:318公顷 职责:方案设计/成果表达 ·上海奉贤远东渡周边地区城市设计项目 规模:83公顷 职责:第一阶段项目负责/方案设计 ·珠海市前山河“一河两涌”地区概念规划及生态景观规划设设计 规模:1568公顷 职责:节点设计/成果表达 2013-2014 ·武汉柏泉教堂旅游示范区概念规划 规模:36公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·武汉柏泉茅庙集传统街区改造项目概念规划 规模:10公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·青岛山东大学住宅地块修建性详细规划阶段城市设计 规模:62公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计 ·厦门北站崎沟片区概念规划设计 规模:257公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·襄阳奥山集团东津新城社区概念规划 规模:65公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·上海复地宣桥珠宝小镇概念规划 规模:310公顷 职责:前期策划/方案设计 ·南通新城区滨江地区整体城市设计 规模:2940公顷 职责:核心区方案设计 2012-2013 ·济宁滨河住区概念规划 规模:14公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计 ·胶南东方商旅滨海住区概念规划 规模:3公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计 ·常州宝龙城市综合体城市设计 规模:20公顷 职责:方案设计/文本制作 ·泰安财源大街CBD城市设计 规模:80公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计 ·南通长三角国际金融度假湾概念规划设计 规模:620公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计 ·黄山高铁新区核心区城市设计及深化 规模:337公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 2011-2012 ·泰安高铁新区住区地块概念规划设计 规模:76公顷 职责:方案设计 ·青岛国家海洋科学研究中心规划方案 规模:75公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·青岛鳌山卫镇镇驻地控制性详细规划阶段城市设计 规模:880公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·青岛雨润食品国际物流中心城市设计 规模:57公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·合肥滨湖长江天际复合项目概念性规划方案 规模:700公顷 职责:项目负责/方案设计/甲方汇报 ·常州北部新城高铁核心区城市设计及深化 规模:173公顷 职责:核心地块设计/媒体演示

For such a main road that go through SND area of Suzhou north-south, where the Shishan and Heshan mountain sitting besides as high-quality natural resources, contacting Shishan Road central business district, we think the Changjiang road renewal plan is not just a way to update the road function itself, but should take the update benefits to improve SND economic development, enhance urban areas functions and highlight the region image as the leading role. Changjiang Road just likes the regional development trunk and artery, enhance the quality of its own to achieve the development of the surrounding area (branches) . During this project we realized a system of the Planning Concept - Implementation Strategies - Overall Urban Design - Key Block Urban Design Street Space Design - Urban Design Control Guidelines, this series of process from planning to management works together as a whole program running. 对于这样一条苏州高新区内贯通南北,坐拥狮山何山优质自然资源,联系狮山路核心商务区的中心道路,我们理解的长江路更新设计不仅仅是一条路的规划,而是要以这条路的更新来 解决高新区的经济发展、城市功能和地区形象的提升带动作用。长江路就像地区发展的树干和动脉,以自己的品质提升来实现周围地区开发(枝叶)的繁茂。我们对于这个项目实现了 从规划理念-实施策略-整体城市设计-重点地块设计-街道空间设计-城市设计导则这一系列的从规划方案到实施管理的整体项目运作。

#City Artery# 狮山城脉 ——苏州高新区长江路沿线城市更新设计 Year:2014 Type:Bid Status:Won and passed expert review Client:SND of Suzhou Planning Bureau Planning Area : 2,387,700 sqm Principal Planner:Jin Jin

The unique and cultural local cityscape will impress upon people rich attractive content : amazing views ,abundant activities , graceful buildings and nature beauty.We call it as a ”CCity“,C is the Colorful meaning,SEE what happens here,and the shape of all the public architectures/space organized like a open Circle(ring). As visitors,you can walk from north,east and south entrance then pass through the city residential block,cultural block,art block,hotel,church,civic center,nature park,public people-square,and the landmark-tower will be always in your field of vision as the local identity symbol.That’s the simple but colorful life in the city:)U are here,U will "C“. 对于这个未来城市的形象展示门户地区,我们希望人们能够在路上、在河边、在此间都能够感受到这个地区所蕴含的独特的人文魅力。方案通过针对外来人群和本地休闲人群的本能路 径组织,引导他们用自己的脚步和眼睛来感受这个地区——以一个“C”型的公共空间组织形式串联跨越河流两岸的公共建筑群体,隐喻人们在这里将“看见”城市丰富多彩的文化建筑 和公共生活。

# C-City # 看见城市 ——上海奉贤远东渡周边地区城市设计 Year:2014 Type:Commission Status:Proposal Client:Fengxian Planning Bureau Planning Area : 830,000 sqm Principal Planner:Jin Jin

For such a project with advantageous location, rich flavor of life, and a long history of traditional commercial pedestrian street, we eventually decide to locate it for the vibrant city with commercial business industry, comfortable city with the ecological environment, leisure city with the cultural heritage, and all this will achieve that people can freely wander in the Free-Walk City here. 对于这样一个区位条件优越,生活气息浓郁,并有一条悠久历史的传统商业步行街的项目,我们最终将他定位为商业商务产业的活力之城,生态环境上的宜人之城,文化传承上的休闲 之城,而这一切都将使这里实现人们可以自由漫步的Free-Walk City。

#Free-Walk City# 漫步之城 ——厦门北站崎沟片区概念规划设计 Year:2013 Type:Commission Status:Proposal Client:Xiamen Vanke Square Real Estate Co., Ltd. Planning Area : 2,571,200 sqm Principal Planner:Jin Jin

For such a main road that go through SND area of Suzhou north-south, where the Shishan and Heshan mountain sitting besides as high-quality natural resources, contacting Shishan Road central For this project, we have adopted a rational analysis and emotional design-concept combining strategy, introduced the idea of effect factor to help us orient the the land-use and layout planning of the strip site . For the client's request we design a flexible combination walking street of riverside cultural, ecological and comprehensive commercial as the core of a real estate complex community development program, but also provides two other various innovative and distinctive proposals. 对于本项目,我们采用了理性的分析方法和感性的设计概念相结合的策略,引入了影响因子的概念来帮助我们对于基地进行功能定位和布局的设计。在为业主设计了一个以柔性的结合 滨江文化、生态和综合商业的街道为核心的多元化复合社区地产开发方案的同时,也提供了另外两个各具创意和特色的构想。

# Linear Community # 奥山津街 ——襄阳东津新城社区概念规划 Year:2013 Type:Commission Status:Recommended Client:Orsun Group Planning Area : 645,200 sqm Principal Planner:Jin Jin

#Chu Art Alley# 楚风艺巷 ——武汉茅庙集传统街区改造概念规划 Year:2013 Type:Commission Status:Proposal Client:Baiquan Town Government Planning Area : 102,200 sqm Principal Planner:Jin Jin

# Flower Church # 花语教堂 ——·武汉柏泉教堂旅游示范区概念规划 Year:2013 Type:Commission Status:Proposal Client:Baiquan Town Government Planning Area : 360,000 sqm Principal Planner:Jin Jin

We understand the High-speed Railway District, is the new engine of urban development, but also should be the window of the urban culture spirit. People with various purposes starting from the first glance when they go out of the station, will be deeply attracted and impressed by the condensed Huangshan city characteristics and the regional natural landscape beauties. We will establish a “new” image(painting) for the area that builds from the natural beauty of the region. 我们所理解的高铁新区,是城市发展的新引擎,更应当是城市文化和场所精神的窗口,怀着不同目的的人们从出站的第一眼开始,就将被这处凝聚黄山城市特色和山水文化的站前地区 所深深吸引和打动。我们将从该地区的自然和人文风貌特质出发进行城市设计,为城市描绘一幅新的山水画。

# Painting of Huangshan Beauty # ——黄山高铁新区核心区城市设计及深化 Year:2012 Type:Bid Status:Won and passed expert review Client:Huangshan High Speed Rail New Area Development and Investment Co., Ltd. Planning Area : 3,373,500 sqm Principal Planner:Alan.K.Porter & Jin Jin

Create a ‘gateway’ image that integrates the River and the Bridge; ‘String of Pearls’ along the River and water. Convey an ecological image from the Bridge; Blend the land with the River and water. 24-hour, year round environment that is a beautiful, dynamic, walkable series of events. Finally the project itself form a Brightest Pearl in the riverside new district development. 结合滨江大桥和具有净水功能的内湾,构筑南通滨江金融度假核心区的门户形象;设计滨江的代表性建筑群和规划丰富的活动内容,像一串珍珠串联带动整个地区的发展。 这个项目本身也将成为江畔区域建设发展中一个最为靓丽的板块——江湾的一颗璀璨明珠。

# String of Pearls # 江湾明珠 ——·南通国际金融度假湾概念规划设计 Year:2012 Type:Commission Status:Recommended Client:Shenzhen United Financial Holdings Planning Area : 6,193,800 sqm Principal Planner:Alan.K.Porter & Jin Jin

The project becomes a progressive campus-centered community. The development is designed around a network of urban villages. Innovation and technology businesses and jobs are created by linking the university and the community. The master plan weaves significant open space into its design. The historic and natural resource of the area is honored and becomes an integral component of the project. 我们希望构建一个以大学为中心的积极发展的混合社区,设计一个多元化的城镇—村落中心网络体系。通过建立社区和大学的联系,创造创新科技的商务活动和工作机会,以此为基础 编织富有特色的公共空间和交流空间系统。尊重当地历史和自然资源,使之成为地区发展不可或缺的重要组成部分。

# A Campus – Centered Community# ——·青岛鳌山卫镇镇驻地控制性详细规划 阶段城市设计 Year:2011 Type:Competition Status:Recommended Client:Aoshan Bay Real Estate Co.,Itd Planning Area:6,343,000 sqm Principal Planner:Alan.K.Porter & Jin Jin

Phone:+86 185 0162 2160 Email:dudujinjin@163.com LinkedIn: https://cn.linkedin.com/in/jin2s

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