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The Construction System in Realisation
01 Junction Parts: The SE Method
The SE method of bonding system has the smallest cross section defect of the structural material, and uses the strong turned SE hardware to firmly connect the column and the flexible way.
04 Precast Cladding: External Wall
Materials were collected from ruins and then sent to factory, being combined and reproduced into modular precast claddings. During construction, workers can fix each peice according to residents’ expectation that has generated in virtual system before.
02 Diagonal Wooden Structure
By reinforcing on the diagonal of the wooden columns and beams, the load-bearing walls can be doubled or quadrupled in strength.
05 Precast Cladding: Flooring
Meanwhile, to make full use of damaged materials, precast modular boards are made from abandoned wooden pieces.
03 Combined Wooden Structure
To make full use of abandoned wooden pieces, combined materials can be made into lightweight, high strength of FRP materials after high pressure treatment. These wooden pieces will have a higher density and a better performance under earthquake.
06 Concrete Foundation
It distributes the weight of the building to the ground, thereby enhancing its seimsic capacity. Since the site is close to the river bank, the foundation is prone to liquefaction layer, the damage of which can be inhibited by replacing it with gravel.
Construction Studies
wooden structure system of Japanese dwelling solar panels tiles waterproof mambrane plasterboard insulation
The house will firstly be transformed from voxel to a basic structure ( for Japan, usually is the wooden frame structure). The principle is to revert the form and layout into a reliable and systematic structure.
External Wall Junction Parts: The SE Method
Combined Materials: Wooden Pieses
Proposal for Tokyo Urban Meditation Cabins
Instructor: /
Originally Collaborator: Yuxin Hu, Yingwen Zhu
The new design is totally an individual work
As one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world, Tokyo’s population often struggles with stress, anxiety, and depression, the causes of which are often linked to a dependance on digital devices. As a result, Tokyo’s cityscape is one of mostly modern and contemporary buildings, with a focus on high-rise residential buildings. Space is at a premium in Tokyo, and so recent developments have been built at ever-increasing heights in order to get the most properties from a smaller footprint.
Therefore, this project aims to design a series type of micro meditation cabins to help Tokyo citizens destress and reconnect with themselves. Due to the tight land and dense urban network in Tokyo, the project is expected to build an environment-friendly meditation space convenient for disassembly and portable under the limited footprint.
As electronic products and miscellaneous news are the main stressors for people, we hope that through a filtering method, people can be separated from anxiety and high-density information for a short time and enjoy a moment of filtered purity. At the same time, it also ensures that the space has a certain urban public attribute so as not to damage the continuity of the original urban context. Therefore, the design will use layering up and down and filtering as the main core. The layering up and down will ensure the urban public attribute of the lower layer, and different forms of filtering will ensure that the meditation space has a certain flexibility to adapt to different situations
Current Issue For Tokyo Citizen
As one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world, Tokyo’s population often struggles with stress, anxiety, and depression, the causes of which are often linked to a dependance on digital devices.
Also, Tokyo’s cityscape is one of mostly modern and contemporary buildings, with a focus on high-rise residential buildings. Space is at a premium in Tokyo.
Young people facing stress
Therefore, a micro meditation cabin can be a good solution to ease young people's anxiety in Tokyo, but without taking too much land. Also, it can implant some public function to enrich the urban context.