RSC Northwest eLearning Focus
Volume 8 Issue 1 November 2008 RSCs - stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
AccessApps - 50 assistive technology applications available via initiative
In this issue... AccessApps initiative
Welcome to the newsletter
AccessApps is an initiative developed by the Scottish JISC Regional Support Centres in cooperation with JISC TechDis. It consists of over 50 open source and freeware assistive technology applications which can be entirely used from a USB stick on a Windows computer.
Introducing a new member of staff
Looking back at the RSC Annual Conference 2008
TASI - Still images, moving images and sound advice
Interactive Generic eLearning Positioning Statement tool
AccessApps will run without needing to install anything on a computer and provide a range of e-learning solutions to support writing, reading and planning as well as visual and mobility difficulties.
RSC Northwest online resources update
An end to “death by PowerPoint™”
The type of software solution required by users is dictated by their own individual learning support needs. The AccessApps download section allows users to choose the portable applications which best suit their individual needs and download them in a single application suite.
Upcoming RSC NW events
The QIA Excellence Gateway - one year on
From Moodle to Noodle
The full AccessApps suite will fit onto a 2GB capacity USB stick. AccessApps information, including the full list of applications and download link can be accessed at:
e-Portfolios: Tools for 21st century learning... Two JISC e-portfolios resources were launched at ALT-C in September. These are a new guide in the JISC Effective Practice series, Effective Practice with e-Portfolios, which explores good practice in the use of e-portfolios as a support to learning, and an infoKit on e-Portfolios from JISC infoNet covering the main drivers, purposes, processes, perspectives and issues around e-portfolio use.
e-Portfolios infoKit launch information at: news/e-portfolios-launch e-Portfolios infoKit at: e-portfolios See also details about the RSC NW ePortfolio eMagazine supplement on Page 9 of this newsletter. 2
Welcome to the November 08 issue of the RSC Northwest newsletter... ...from Andrew Quarmby, RSC Northwest Manager The risks and costs associated with investing time and funding in the ILT skills and infrastructure of our Learning Providers are fortunately, considerably less, and the rewards more certain than those facing our national finance systems! Yet the future of our economy surely depends as much upon learners (and those who support them) using ILT effectively, as it does upon the re-establishment of confidence in our banks. Last year was a successful one for RSC Northwest. We met demanding activity targets for the Learning and Skills Council and gave effective support to Learning Provider management teams through eProgress Reviews and support for Federated Access Management; our activity in Work-based Learning expanded considerably; support we provided includes NIACE in the eGuides programme and LSC Northwest in the Learning for Living and Work project, as well as assisting Becta in preparing for the Technology Exemplar Network. We are pleased with the balance we are set to achieve between supporting learning providers strategically and continuing to support and draw upon the strengths of practitioners. Our events and forums demonstrate your continued engagement with us, whilst our online materials through, for example, eMagazines and zipped downloads show healthy statistics. The Aintree Conference marked the successful culmination of a busy and worthwhile year. In 2008/9 we have a number of priorities: To streamline/strengthen our support for Senior Managers responsible for ILT by working with AoC Northwest To broaden the ways in which eProgress Review can be offered (including self/peer-evaluation and online methods) To engage with those who influence good practice in teaching and learning by working with the new regional structure for Subject Learning Coaches in the Northwest and with Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programmes.
Our team is now at full strength. A new appointment from September is Hilary Thomas, adviser for Higher Education, who will be supporting colleagues in HEIs and FE Colleges (see the next item). Chrissie Turkington, whom many of you already know, has also been recently appointed to the role of Senior Adviser within the team. Under our new Chair of the Strategic Advisory Group, Ruth Jenkinson, we look forward to a year in which we aim to broaden our strategic influence whilst continuing to engage with, and expand our base of eLearning practitioners. Ruth’s role at the University of Cumbria is that of Pro-Vice Chancellor for the Student Experience, a reminder of what underlies everything we do and of the role ILT can play in enabling lifelong achievement.
Introducing a new member of staff Hilary Thomas has joined the RSC Northwest team as eLearning Adviser for Higher Education. She previously worked as Manager for the Learning Development Unit in the Department of Continuing Education at Lancaster University – primarily flexible and distance learning. Hilary has worked in education, mainly HE, since 1989. What are you most looking forward to in your new role? Getting to the position where I am able to make a difference. That requires me to understand the FE sector better whilst finding the ways to tie in and create HE supports. I’m looking forward to the time when I have made strong links with the people involved in order to make all this happen!
Hilary Thomas eLearning Adviser (HE)
What experiences from your previous job challenges will be of use to you in your current role? Something I have learned from previous job challenges is to keep a sense of perspective. I have learnt to always question the basic premise on which an idea is built, and check whether it fits with what I aim for or believe in. What message would you like to send to the Learning Providers that the RSC Northwest supports? Take advantage of the RSC (in the best possible sense); it’s an amazing team and resource!
Looking back at the RSC Northwest Annual Conference 2008 RSC Northwest held its 2008 Annual Conference 'The eLearning Effect Enhance, Enlighten, Engage' on Friday 4th July at the Princess Royal Stand, Aintree Racecourse, which provided an excellent venue for the conference over three floors. There was a packed and stimulating programme for around 200 delegates, who came from all sectors and a wide range of Learning Providers supported by RSC Northwest within the region. The conference programme included: Keynote presentations from Cathy Ellis, Director of Improvement, Personalisation & Leadership, Further Education, Skills and Regeneration at Becta, and Dr Alan Clarke, Associate Director for ICT and Learning at NIACE. 22 seminar/workshop sessions covering a wide range of relevant topics - from blogging to podcasting, eAssessment to eProgress Reviews, communication and collaboration to systems integration. 16 exhibition stands from 8 Learning Providers around the region and 8 related organisations. So, what did delegates at the conference think? Positive feedback the team received included:
About the conference content... "Really good. Lots of information to take back..." "Very relevant and current." "There was so much of value to share in the seminars..."
About the conference programme... "Good representation...felt inclusive!" "Nice mix of workshops." "Really good. All workshops were enlightening." About the conference organisation... "Make it this smooth and well oiled every time!" "Well organised and well timed." "...very well organised and well ushered - kept to schedule." We will, of course, be looking to make the conference even better next year. The main way in which delegates fed back that it could be improved for next year is to lengthen the seminar/workshop session time - this is something that the team will certainly be looking at. We would again like to thank all those who attended this year's conference - keynotes, presenters, exhibitors and delegates alike - it's the contributions from all of these people that really make the conference a success! You can still access information from the conference on the RSC website, including some of the conference presentations and a selection of photographs from the day at: conference2008
Important date for your diary The RSC Northwest Annual Conference 2009 will take place on: Thursday 25 June 2009 5
New image searching tutorial...
TASI - Still images, moving images and sound advice TASI provides advice, training and guidance on the creation and use of digital media collections in learning, teaching and research.
TASI (along with Intute) has created a free interactive tutorial Internet for Image Searching – aimed at improving your image searching skills, so that you can use the Internet to find copyright cleared images for your work, quickly and efficiently. Continued on page 7...
From help with finding and using the right media, to advice on creating and delivering digital formats or consultancy on managing a digitisation project, TASI promotes good practice, technical expertise, the use of appropriate standards and the sharing of knowledge within the UK FE and HE communities. 2008 has seen TASI broaden the services it offers to include Moving Image and Sound and consequently the Bristol based team has grown to support these services. In line with this exciting period of expansion, TASI will re-brand for 2009 as JISC Digital Media. What TASI does Helpdesk Through the free helpdesk service friendly bespoke answers (from brief emails to lengthy phone calls, dependent upon the requirements of the individual) are provided to any media related question. Website The current website is home to a wealth of advice and resources covering all aspects of digital imaging, with the recent addition of some support for moving images and sound resources. The website will be re-launched in 2009 and TASI is currently looking at how the support it provides online can encompass the growth in technical advice covering moving images and sound. The TASI Lightbox (TASI’s Blog) is regularly updated with comments and links to the latest digital imaging news.
Mailing List The TASI mailing list provides access to professionals at all levels within the education and cultural sector communities. Anyone is eligible to join the list, share information and draw on the knowledge/practical experience of the 350+ members.
...Continued from page 7
You can access the tutorial at: tutorials/imagesearching
Consultancy Consultancy services are provided to a wide range of organisations engaging in the creation of image-based materials. Consultancy can be specifically tailored to help with all aspects of digitisation projects and digital imaging. Training TASI workshops are run in small groups, giving you plenty of opportunity to discuss individual issues with the tutors and other participants. November and December Workshops (Bristol) 6 November 2008 - Digital Photography, Level 1 7 November 2008 - Building a Departmental Image Collection 14 November 2008 - Image Optimisation, Correcting and Preparing Images 21 November 2008 - Introduction to Image Metadata 11 December 2008 - Scanning with the CLA Licence 12 December 2008 - Rights and Responsibilities: Copyright and Digital If you would like TASI to provide information or give presentations at events you are organising, please email Subject to work schedules, TASI would be most happy to participate in or collaborate on appropriate events. Who to Contact TASI Director Karla Youngs: TASI Helpdesk: TASI Website:
Images shown here are from the Internet for Image Searching online tutorial. The sources are: Is a Flickr image good if its thumbnail isn't? pagedooley/1918813544/ Abstract (blue wall) 28481088@N00/ 1136610327/ House Abstract pagedooley/ 2325946549/
Interactive Generic eLearning Positioning Statement tool (GeLPS Tool) Building on the success of the Interactive Work Based Learning Tool (WeLPS) featured in our last newsletter, RSC Northwest Advisers John Dalziel, Colin Gallacher, Anita Holt, Kevin Hickey and Keith Wilson have produced 7 Generic eLearning Positioning Statement Tools for use by all Sectors. The 7 Interactive Tools are... 1 Vision & Strategic Planning; 2 Teaching & Learning; 3 Assessment & Verification; 4 Learning Support; 5 Staff Development; 6 Infrastructure & Equipment; 7 Managing & Implementing ILT & eLearning The tools have been developed to... raise a learning provider's awareness of the organisation's current position in relation to ILT/ eLearning identify the 'positional variance' within and across their organisation assist learning providers in the writing of... ILT/eLearning Strategies ILT/eLearning Action Plans Self Assessment Reports (SARs) vision statements for development of ILT/eLearning other strategy and policy documents funding bids provide additional documentation for Inspection demonstrate a commitment to ILT/eLearning within the organisation by... raising awareness of the organisation’s vision demonstrating that staff perception of the current position is valued engaging with all employees and/or stakeholders
Why 7 Tools? From experience we have found that trying to 'deal with this' in one go is not the best approach. By producing 7 tools learning providers can 'spread the workload' over time, thus addressing one or more of the identified 7 elements when appropriate.
RSC Northwest online resources update Four new downloadable supplements that can be put on VLEs, CDs, DVDs, memory sticks etc., have been produced since our last newsletter. They are... Using New & Emerging Technologies 1: Assessment & Verification – by Colin Gallacher & John Dalziel Choosing an ePortfolio – by Kevin Hickey Communication-4-Learning & Teaching – by John Dalziel Science, Engineering and Mathematics – by John Dalziel They can be viewed online via the eMagazine Archive and/ or downloaded from the Zipped eXe Library on our website. These resources have enabled us to reach a much larger audience with, at the time of publication, a total of 2,435 downloads and 2,263 unique IP Address views online. Two new online Interactive Communication Tools designed to engage a wider audience. Jog the Web - John Dalziel has been using this tool, sharing the end products with learning providers. The tool allows users to organise guided tours of 'live webpages' and to add explanatory comments. John has produced 8 ‘Jog the Webs’. Flowgrams - John Dalziel has produced three 'flowgrams', sharing them with learning providers. Flowgrams allow users to assemble and annotate web pages, photographs, documents and more, and add a voice narrative. Users can interact with any of the resulting pages by clicking on links or playing and pausing videos. These resources can be reached via John Dalziel's shared only2clicks at and clicking on the ‘Jog the Web’ or ‘Flowgrams’ Tabs.
„Jog the Web‟ and „Flowgram‟ resources titles... As described (below left): Jog the Web 1: Inclusive Visualisation Tools 2: RSC Northwest's Website Resources 3: uNET Audio Software to enhance Assessment & Verification 4: uNET Communication Software to enhance Assessment & Verification 5: uNET Images Software to enhance Assessment & Verification 6: uNET Video Software to enhance Assessment & Verification 7: uNET Written Evidence Software to enhance Assessment & Verification 8: uNET Hardware to enhance Assessment & Verification Flowgrams 1: ILT Matters 2: Recording Tools 3: Web 2.0
WeLPs tool statistics... The WeLPs tool has, to date, had 359 downloads as well as being used online. 9
RSC Northwest podcasts... The subject of the latest RSC Northwest podcast is digital notepads. Kevin Hickey (eLearning Adviser for FE) talks to Sarah Nelmes, ILT Director for Training for Travel (TfT) about their use of digital notepads. The interview covers the TfT experiences of using the notepads, and how they plan to use them in the future.
The RSC NW podcasts can be accessed on the website homepage at: Previous podcasts include: Use of text to Speech/ Literacy Support Software at King George V College Second Life developments at Myerscough College
An end to “death by PowerPoint™” A new presenting technique, Pecha Kucha, has been sweeping the business world, and is now set to enter education. Pecha Kucha (derived from the Japanese word for ‘conversation’ or ‘chit chat’, and pronounced “peh-cha-koo-CHA”) was started in Tokyo, Japan in 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham as a designers' show and tell event to attract more people to SuperDeluxe, their multimedia experimental event space. The idea behind Pecha Kucha is to keep presentations concise, keep the interest level up and to have many presenters sharing their ideas within the course of one night; and so the 20x20 Pecha Kucha format was created, where each presenter is allowed a slideshow of 20 images, with each slide shown for 20 seconds. This results in a total time of 6 minutes 40 seconds per presentation, with all discussion and questions held to the end of the presentation; each event usually has 14 presenters. Presenters (and much of the audience) have predominantly been from the design, architecture, photography, art and creative fields, but recently this has stretched over to the business world, and now academia. How can we use it for education? The 20x20 format of Pecha Kucha is primarily a device to help keep presentations to strict time limits, forcing presenters to be more focused in their message, to allow them to flow uninterrupted, and ultimately to avoid the "death by PowerPoint™" syndrome of sitting through long (and often tedious) presentations. Can you imagine the impact of 6:40 seconds of high impact slides on our learners? Whilst this may not work for every lecturer, in every classroom situation, there will be many
occasions where fewer words and more images would certainly be welcomed; and those who have struggled to get younger learners to concentrate for long periods of time will understand how it is sometimes important to get information across concisely.
RSC Northwest website RSS feeds...
If you think of how much information a newsreader can get over in a 60 second news update, it doesn’t seem implausible to use Pecha Kucha to introduce a topic or a concept. PowerPoint™ was designed as a visual aid, not for presenting slide after slide of textual information, so let’s starting using it for its correct purpose again. End death by PowerPoint™; think about when you can welcome some Pecha Kucha into your teaching and learning.
You can keep up-to-date with news from the RSC Northwest website through RSS feeds.
How to get started with Pecha Kucha Decide on the information you want to deliver to your learners. Find 20 relevant images - this will probably be the hard part, but start with the following websites for help with this: Let the images develop the story of what you want to say; and although a “picture paints a thousand words” don’t just stand and stare at the images, your learners may need a bit of a clue! Practice - think about what you want to say and practice saying it, just like you would normally do with a PowerPoint™ presentation. Hopefully, the image might make learners remember what you say better than lots of text. Some examples of Pecha Kucha Not the greatest examples but as it’s a new idea for education, there are not many education related examples: &feature=related &feature=related
There are feeds available for the following news sections: Funding and projects Learning resources Access management Conferences and events Regional news Regional Support Centre news
To get these updates, click on the RSS feed links on the News section of the website at: news There is also a general News RSS feed link, and a Training & events one on the website homepage at:
RSC Northwest events coming up in 2009... Moodle User & Interest Group Forum Regional ILT Forums Netskills workshops: Blogs, Wikis & Social Networking Web Quests, Treasure Hunts, Hotlists and Subject Samplers Interactive Whiteboard & Audience Response Systems Mobile Learning: Education on Demand Collaborative eLearning JISC infoNet workshops: Risk Management Change Management Getting Your Email & Info. Under Control Managing Multiple Projects in a Complex Environment
Other events... WBL event: 19 Nov 2008 LIG - Providers of the Future Showcase Event Sutton Coldfield ALP is hosting this half day event, which aims to Continued on page 13...
Upcoming events organised by RSC Northwest Here are our events for November and December 2008, alongside information about events coming up in 2009. Online booking and further details about these events can be accessed at: 12 November 2008 Moving forward with ePortfolios at The Science Learning Centre North West, Manchester Metropolitan University, Didsbury FREE event for our supported Learning Providers. This one day event aims to provide information on the use of ePortfolios in the post-16 education sector, and will deal with ePortfolios in the broadest sense. The event is made up of a series of individual workshops, presented by RSC Northwest eLearning Advisers, from which delegates can select to attend. There will also be an opportunity for all delegates to meet together and network during the lunch break. 13 November 2008 JISC infoNet ‘Learner-Centred Process Review’ Workshop at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk FREE event for our supported Learning Providers. How to survive…learner-centred process review, focusing on putting the learner at the heart of an analysis of what you do. Is the budget disappearing down the drain? Do you suffer from duplication of effort? Is there an endless series of checks; pieces of paper passing through too many hands? Instead of 'Just In Time' are things 'Just Too Late'? Then this workshop is for you! The training for this workshop is provided by JISC infoNet.
19 November 2008 Netskills ‘Podcasting’ workshop at Lancaster University, Lancaster Subsidised event – delegate fee £50 (normally £150) Producing a podcast is simple, but producing one that people will want to listen to takes a bit more know-how! What's the best format for your show? What equipment do you need? Where will you polish it? This workshop provides a practical guide to the planning and production of the effective podcasts that will engage listeners. Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate a range of podcasts, as well as record, edit and publish their own. 11 December 2008 JISC infoNet ‘Project Management’ Workshop at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk FREE event for our supported Learning Providers. How to survive…managing projects, focusing on how you can take a structured approach to managing a project in your organisation. Are you involved in running a project? If you are preparing for an OFSTED inspection or quality review or selecting and implementing information systems, the answer is 'Yes'. These and many other activities we undertake as part of daily work can be handled more easily and effectively using a project framework. This workshop introduces you to a project methodology JISC infoNet has developed based on PRINCE2, specifically tailored to the needs of the education sector which can be adapted for any size of project. The training for this workshop is provided by JISC infoNet.
Advance notice 14 January 2009 Netskills ‘Accessibility, Usability & Your Website’ Workshop Central Liverpool Subsidised event – delegate fee £50 (normally £150)
...Continued from page 12
disseminate innovative ideas and applications which have supported the embedding of e‐learning and technology within the Work Based Learning and Skills sector. Full details on the ALP website at: www.learningproviders. providers-of-the-futureshowcase-event 09 December 2008 JISC Learner Experience of e-learning - Phase 2 finding workshop Birmingham ‘In Their Own Words – Investigating the Learners’ Experience of e-Learning; What do we know? How do we know it? What do we dare to find out?’ A series of workshops to disseminate the findings from the projects: 9 Dec 08 - Birmingham Jan 09 - London Feb 09 - Newcastle Mar 09 - Bristol Further information and online booking for the Birmingham workshop via the events section of the RSC NW website. 13
RSC Northwest Excellence Gateway case studies... The RSC Northwest (along with all the other English RSCs) produces case studies for the QIA Excellence Gateway. Recent case studies featuring RSC Northwest supported Learning Providers are: Preston College: Clearing up communication transforming communications for students and staff. Myerscough College: The E-group - broadening the use of ILT and e-learning through a sharing ethos. You can access these case studies direct from the Excellence Gateway ‘e-Learning case studies’ link, or link to them from the Staff development ‘Sharing Good Practice’ section of the RSC Northwest website.
The QIA Excellence Gateway - one year on Just over a year since its launch, the Quality Improvement Agency (QIA) Excellence Gateway - a complete online service for all those working in the further education system in England - has reported a dramatic rise in visits. The latest data shows a total of 43,460 unique visitors, a 480 per cent increase over the year; also, the number of users who have registered to access even more services has tripled to more than 8,000 over the year. The Excellence Gateway aims to: Give everyone working in the further education system the opportunity to improve their own skills and professional knowledge by fostering professional networking and the exchange of good practice and materials. Help leaders and senior managers to improve their organizations, including through applying e-learning and technology effectively within their institutions. The Excellence Gateway is the largest further education portal available and the main online service for those working in the sector, including: Incorporating 50 education websites A resource bank comprising more than 75,000 pages More than 12,000 separate pieces of content Registration and use of the Excellence Gateway is completely free and allows further education staff to save their searches and bookmark resources for future use, submit their own resources, as well as rate and review resources for other users. To register please go to
From Moodle to Noodle In response to user requests a new means of accessing the NLN Materials from within the Moodle virtual learning environment has been released by the service’s developers, Xtensis Ltd. The NLN Materials are a comprehensive collection of e-learning materials. The release of the service in October last year has been enthusiastically received and to date almost 10,000 new users have registered. There are already a range of means by which NLN Materials can be used within Moodle, suiting local organisational requirements (see Now Xtensis has created Noodle, an extension to Moodle that allows access to the NLN Materials without the need for a local repository, but also without the need for users to login separately to the NLN site. Instead, a cut-down version of the NLN site appears within Moodle, allowing users to add an NLN Learning Object, browse NLN through a simplified version of the NLN site in a pop-up window, browse or search for a Learning Object in the usual way, and click the ‘Add to Moodle course’ button. With this last option the window closes and the selection is set, with the title and description of the resource automatically updated with those of the Learning Object. More information, with updates on the project and a video of it in action, is available on Noodle’s dedicated project page at The management of the NLN Materials service is provided by JANET(UK) in partnership with JISC and the service contract has been awarded to Xtensis Ltd, who have been involved in the NLN Materials programme since its inception and had successfully offered NLN Materials access to Adult Community Learning and offender learning providers prior to winning this contract. Support is available from local RSCs and a national help desk.
Article by Paula Smith, Facilities & Content Service Manager, JANET(UK), reproduced with permission from Janet News, Number 5, September 2008 at:
A century of news – free!...
Over 3,000 hours of historic news footage from ITN's archive division, ITN Source, has been made available to further and higher education institutions in the UK, giving educators and students cost-free access to a century of video material. The NewsFilm Online service,, featuring ITN and Reuters content, forms part of a £22 million digitisation programme, funded by JISC to promote the innovative use of ICT in education and research. A unique element of the archive licence agreement is that users from subscribing educational institutions can download clips and edit them to create their own user content for projects! Further information on the JISC digitisation programme at: digitisation_home.html 15
RSC Northwest team... Manager Andrew Quarmby Administrators Christine Hulme Helen Smith eLearning Advisers John Dalziel (Adult & Community Learning) Colin Gallacher (Work Based Learning) Kevin Hickey (Further Education) Anita Holt (Further Education) Hilary Thomas (Higher Education) Chrissie Turkington (Senior Adviser) Lisa Valentine (Inclusion) Keith Wilson (Technology) Events Co-ordinator Helen Metcalfe Information Officer John Davey
JISC Regional Support Centre Northwest 2nd Floor Bailrigg House, Lancaster University Lancaster. LA1 4YE Phone: 01524 593797 Fax: 01524 593798 Email: All RSC team staff contribute to the newsletter. Please send any comments and feedback about the newsletter to John Davey, Information Officer at: This newsletter has been produced on 9lives 55 - certified as a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) mixed sources product.