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GreenPepper Digital

Take your online revenue to the next level

GPD Hospitality Booster Who we are

Social Media


Adver sing

Welcome to experiencing innova ve, cost effec ve and visually a rac ve digital campaigns to promote your brand, GreenPepper Digital is glad to offer you Digital Marke ng Services.


Directory lis ngs

Search Engine Ads


Ar cle submissions

Social Ads

Twi er

Keyword rankings

Paid Ar cles and stories


PR writeups

Banner Ads

We are based in India serving clients across India, Middle East, UK and US with everything from basic but effec ve micro-sites to e-commerce CMS websites that are backed by robust online marke ng campaigns - Search Engine Op miza on, PPC display, Google Search/Adwords, Email marke ng, Video marke ng and Social media. Digital marke ng can change the way you market your products or services – innova ve, cost-effec ve, super fast and result oriented, using the online tools most effec vely to reach your target customers to boost the brand and sales!


Backlink crea on

Website based Ads


Web site Op miza on

Paid Subm,issions

GreenPepper Digital is part of GreenPepper Consul ng India Private Limited, an HR brand in India with 5 years of impressive track record.


Online Presence And Reputa on

Email/Newsle ers

Visual Elegance

Lis ngs in Travel websites and Blogs

Latest offers

Easy naviga on

Reviews & Ra ngs Improvement

New Facili es and Services

Mul -pla orm Compa bility

Customer Redressal system

Season Gree ngs

SEO op mized

Lis ngs in Popular Websites

SCR updates

Why us Our smart team of designers, SEO specialists, website developers, op mizers, social media managers are ready to give you best support to market your brand using cross-channel op miza on! Our team will provide crea ve digital solu ons that match your objec ves and marke ng budget. The aim is simple and the same regardless of spend – to deliver posi ve quan fiable results that exceeds your expecta ons and blows away your compe on

What we do Design - Are you looking for designing web banners, brochures, manuals or marke ng collateral? We give you world-class designs. Promote - Get our smart digital campaigns work for your brand to be visible online. Internet marke ng, Online PR and digital campaigns! Socialize - Use the power of social media like Facebook, Twi er, LinkedIn and Blogs to get you word of mouth publicity and cul vate loyal brand followers Op mize - U lize different digital channels to get you a right and op mal mix of marke ng benefits Analyze - Measure, monitor, evaluate and redesign the campaign cost effec vely for smarter campaigns

Online Reserva on Payment Gateway Instant Enquiry support Regular upda on Enquiry support

Socially Relevant News sharing

Travel Blogging

The outcome Raise awareness and popularity of the Hotel/Resort. Increase Online presence and visibility in various domains. A ract poten al customers and increase the occupancy/ bookings of the property. Con nuous engagement for acquired Fans and a ract their peer circle. Create posi ve reviews and brand image about the property.

Innovate > Attract > Engage > Convert GreenPepper Digital | 1st Floor | Esplanade | Convent Jn. | Kochi-11 +91 484 2374 222 | +91 484 2374 223

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