Professional and Academic Work Samples
Currently based in Anchorage, Alaska jyl.archdesign@gmail.com
+1 (929)334-6316
h ps://www.linkedin.com/in/archjyl
When we think about the relationship between sustainability and architecture, we realize that the two are deeply intertwined. Architecture, as a discipline, is concerned with creating built environments that meet the needs of people, both in the present and for future generations. Sustainability, on the other hand, is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Therefore, it is essential that architects take into account the principles of sustainability when designing buildings.
The role of buildings in the increasingly tense relationship between man and nature cannot be overlooked. While humans try to solve problems that inevitably emerge due to social developments, they will certainly ignore other problems to some extent, such as the destruction of the natural environment, thus giving rise to the constant updating of social problems. In this process, humans have never stopped exploring new modes of harmonization with nature or future ways of human survival, which are behaviors of self-improvement when facing social problems that have already emerged or are emerging.
Sustainable architecture is an essential part of this process of harmonization. By designing buildings that minimize their negative impact on the environment, architects can help mitigate the destructive effects of human activity on the natural world. Moreover, sustainable architecture can promote the well-being of people by creating healthy and livable spaces. By embracing the principles of sustainability in their design work, architects can help create buildings that meet the needs of people today while ensuring a better tomorrow for future generations. In this way, architecture can become a powerful tool for promoting social and environmental sustainability, and for facilitating the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.
Location: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
In Memory of Erin K. Johnson
Erin K. Johnson was born on July 20th, 1989 in Anchorage and was killed by a predatory black bear while she was working for Alaska Biological Research (ABR) near Delta near Pogo Mine. She was a beautiful, compassionate, exuberant person. She lived her brief 27 years to the fullest, finding her greatest joy outside exploring wild and remote places with her best friend and husband, Abe; her parents, Barbara and Steve Johnson; and her extended family of friends and loved ones.
Since Erin’s Memorial Fund was first established, Barb and Steve have talked about how to honor Erin’s spirit not only through giving to organizations she cared about, but also through the creation of a physical space in her memory. A er consulta on with family, friends, organiza ons, and different user groups, they announced that the Chugach State Park Superintendent, CSP Citizen’s Advisory Board, and the Eagle River Nature Center Advisory Board have all agreed to support building a new Public Use Cabin about three miles up Eagle River Valley on a point overlooking the river near Echo Bend. While the cabin will be created in Erin’s honor and with support from her Memorial Fund, construc on and maintenance of the cabin will be overseen by the Eagle River Nature Center.
Eagle River Valley is a special place for our family, so it is a fitting location to construct a cabin in her memory. Erin spent a great deal of time hiking and camping in Eagle River Valley from the time she was very small. She continued to spend time exploring the valley with her friends as a teenager and adult. The current plan is to build the cabin during the summer of 2023. Initial estimates for cabin construction costs is $80-100K, however, that is subject to change given how volatile construction materials are and the need for helicopter sling loads. Any additional funds raised in excess of construction costs will be saved for future maintenance and upkeep costs.
EXTERIOR RENDERING Programs used: REVIT 2021, EnscapePrograms used: REVIT 2021, Enscape
Programs used: REVIT 2021, Adobe Illustrator
Programs used: REVIT 2021, Adobe Illustrator
Location: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
The Knik Tribe is a federally recognized tribe providing state and federal contracted social, educa onal, and economical development services to tribal members in the Upper Cook Inlet region of Alaska. Located in South Central Alaska, the tribe has the largest Alaska Na ve Village Service Area (ANVSA) for a single tribal government covering 25,000 sq. miles. There are over 10,000 Alaska Na ve and Indian people residing within the tribal service area. Tribal Services include Adult Voca onal Training Assistance, Behavioral Health Counseling, Child Care Assistance, Report Card Incen ve Program, Cultural and Subsistence Education for Youth, Indian Welfare Advocacy (ICWA), Traditional Crafting Classes, Historical and Cultural Program Coordination, Social Services Referrals, Van Transportation, Housing Modification/ Rehailitation, Low-Income Rentals, General Assistance and Care.
This project is a new construction of eight identical 4-plex structures on one site, lo cated within the Matanuska-Susitna borough. The work includes but is not limited to structural insulated panels, new slab on grade foundation, and siding system, roofing system, double panel windows doors and exterior finishes, double garage, utility room, and utility services for the site. The project is currently under construction.
The design of the public interface for the resourcing, making, distribu on and waste management of food, construc on, products and the logis cs that drive their movement
Individual project
The FreightNYC plan and NYC Environmental Jus ce Alliance waterfront jus ce map provide ways to explore how architectural design, urban ecosystems and environmental jus ce play out differently in specific historical, cultural and poli cal contexts. The topic examines polluted post-industrial sites in a context of new systems of environmental injus ce produced by the logis cs of the consumer economy - the movement of people and goods regionally. This comprehensive planning issue encompasses a huge range of ins tu onal and community partners that will provide addi onal sources of knowledge, informa on and feedback.
This project poses ques ons of the role of architecture with a complex public program, which is explored in detail through the course of the semester. The semester includes a series of short exercises, moving in scale from regional analysis, to the design and representa on of an urban neighborhood, to detailed architectural resolu on of a public interface. The architectural program is not the designing of a making space, but understanding how materials are resourced, how things are made, how they get to a place, and how not to produce waste. The design problem is how to enable resiliency for those occasions when a system breaks (Sandy and COVID).
The food waste treatment issue has been a big problem, and most of the me is considered worthless and their des na on will be the landfill. Also, the scrap metal yards that can be found mostly in the street corners and the curb side areas, are having a strong nega ve impact on the overall appearance of this neighbourhood. Scrap metal is basically trash unless being tossed into giant furnaces. Yet they are being produced every second.
How can local produc on and employment play a larger role in the regional economy? While the public realm has too o en become designed as a place for consump on, how can public space be designed for resourcing, making, moving and recycling things? Can we get work closer to where essen al workers live? These themes pose ques ons on the role of architectural design within a complex social-ecological program, which is explored in broad strategic and detailed tac cal scenarios on work/produc on/life rela onships.
Research on Exis ng NYC Last-mile deliverySite Analysis DiagramsI chose to make the best of the special topography of the site, where the freight line goes under the subway sta on and from now on, they switch the le and right posi on, and con nue to the further south-east. The site itself has a big slope, which connect the lower freight line level all the way up to the street level. It gives me great opportuni es to create a mul -level architecture for both public use and recycling. The exis ng access to the site is to be kept, which are the ones on the 8th avenue. One entrance is added, and it leads to the 7th avenue as the complement to the accessibility on both ends.
The first one tells the story of how the space in front of the compos ng centre can be appealing to the communi es, as people can come here and actually engage themselves in this mixing process voluntarily, as the pathway has circled out this area as the area a ached to the architecture. Of course inside of the building people are visi ng the interior garden, watching the staff experimen ng with the new fer lizer product, and children are listening to small lectures in the ac vity room.
The second one shows part of the core lobby, where people have the access to the learning centre on the upper level. There’s a courtyard in the front, where trees and vegeta ons are planted, fer lized by the food compos ng product. Here the freight line is s ll not fully visible as it goes under the subway.
The third one cuts through the food waste processing room, which is a twostory space with a viewing pla orm for people to watch the process. On the exterior side, it is the start of the connec on corridor that leads to the entrance of the next fun place. Here the freight line is visible form the site level, and the landscape stairways provide people with the view of the rail, of the graffi arts on the old retaining walls, of the part which has always been hidden under the bridges and kept away from people’s sights.
The food compos ng centre is on a rela vely higher level close to the 8th avenue side and the vehicle entrance, since the food waste transporta on method is ground transporta on, mainly by trucks or the micro haul electric bikes. the three volumes contain different func ons. The scrap metal repurpose centre mainly has three func ons: the artwork gallery, the workshop and the raw material processing. The two architectures are connected by a corridor. Here the rela onship between exterior public spaces are more explicit. In front of the food compos ng centre is the mixing area, which contains the treated materials from the processing room where the bio-filter is applied so that there will not be unpleasant smell. The landscape stairways provide people with a wider view and bond the freight line to the site.
Last but not least, we have come to the scrap metal repurposing centre, with the stair leading down to the art gallery on the lower level. Same with the interior garden I introduced earlier if I did not then here it is. it has the skylight to allow more sunlight to come in, as the site is facing northeast. Through the glass window again people can see the freight train passing by and be aware of what these artworks is made of. If they want to get involved more, then they are welcomed to access the workshop next door. The volume in the back is the scrap metal processing room and the off-loading point for the freight trains.
Individual project
Since WWII, home construc on has been the result of a concerted effort by the petroleum and chemical industries, mber barons, realestate developers, automobile manufactures, the US government and military to shape the form and organiza on of post-war America.
Based on pla orm wood construc on, the typical American home is an accumula on of standardized parts, systems, products and construc on techniques that have sought to maximize short-term profit, leveraging global distribu on chains, and low skilled labor. In 2020 we are now witness to the result of this par cular form of corporate, state-funded capitalism. The American home is made of a toxic soup of petro-chemical products, accessible only by privately owned or leased automobiles, through roads paid for by military-sponsored funding, constructed without regard to solar orienta on, designed and built to last less than the length of the typical mortgage. Reflec ng the increasing income gap in American society over the last 50 years, more than 5.6% of Americans live in mobile homes, notorious for poor construc on standards, and elevated levels of toxicity. In the absence of strict na onal energy codes and a viable renewable energy policy, homeowners are forced into a dependence on fossil fuel consump on, making each home and thus home owner an accomplice in the ensuing climate collapse, where the embodied energy of home construc on coupled with opera ng systems guarantee an untenable future for future genera ons.
What if the basic ingredients of the architecture of the American home changed? What if the social structure for occupying and using the home was reflected in the architecture and land-use configura on of the American house? What if the home was designed to accommodate aging in place and mulgenera onal living and produc ve work? What if the materials of construc on an cipated a completely different understanding of systems of architectural produc on and construc on economies? What if the materials of the home were locally grown, and the home served as a carbon sink? What if human and climate health was the priority rather than short-term financial returns?
The site is right at the Northeast corner of the whole neighborhood, which is great for view yet challenging, because two sides of the house are fully exposed to the public, meaning that the residents’ privacy should be promised, and at the same me there should be connec ons with the surroundings.
Local bus has a stop at the corner outside the pedestrian walk, so people tend to gather a bit, which is why the corner of the house is cut off. -The porch as well the vegeta on provides another layer that in a way block the sight from the passerby, and affect nothing from our having this big picture window to let in more natural light. This is where the first public, semi/private and private spaces are defined.
A er walking through the house, you might have a sense how the transi on blends in here.
You just walked from the public areathe living room, to the back of the house where the bedrooms are located. Meanwhile, the glasses and courtyard forms a so ened edge of the house, where the other side of the house, which faces the street, has a rela vely solid enclosure with limited amount of windows. The transi on happens in two way, both inside the house and regarding how the privacy can be protected from the exterior forces. yet opens up to the nature.
Since it is 2030, the situa on of global warming is s ll ge ng worse and solving environmental issue is s ll be considered prior. Thanks to the wider spread of use of the new material, houses nowadays are more eco-friendly. Our house is built with tradi onal wood frame but the main insula on material is HEMP-LIME block. Apart from carbon-nega ve which is the absolute advantage, building with hemp-lime can reduce the using of plas c product by a significant amount.
Location: Xiangyang, Hubei, China
Modern educational philosophy believes that the 21st-century university should create a campus space and place that is conducive to teacher-student exchanges, inter-school exchanges, and interdisciplinary exchanges. A good campus space environment and landscape environment can affect the behavior of teachers and students and stimulate creativity. Based on this philosophy and humanistic thinking, our design has created a multidisciplinary liberal arts college that conforms to the spirit of "innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing" advocated by the 21st-century university, and inherits the spirit of traditional Chinese academies. The joy of landscape and pastoralism is not only the lofty realm pursued by traditional Chinese literati but also the modern grandeur. The foundation of open sharing. This design respects the characteristics of the university’s planning and discipline development and pursues. The unity of tradition and modernity, with key patterns as the basic unit, through deduction, combination, to create different forms of space that meet the requirements of the environment and public functions, forming an enclosed courtyard with the characteristics of traditional Chinese academies.