2013 S.NLDC Newsletter #1

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AI ESECKor ea 2013S. NL DC News l et t erI s s ueNo. 1

I NDEX AboutAI ESECKor ea AboutS. NL DC Al laboutKor ea!

Contact li ne

AI ESECKor eahas16ent i t i es ,13L Csand 3ex pans i oni ni t i at i v es .13ent i t i esar el oc at edi nSeoul ,2i nDaeguand1i n Bus an.

Wear epr ov i di ngi mpac t f ulex per i enc est oy out hi nKor eas oc i et y andouri mpac ti sgr owi ngev er yy earandev er ypr ogr amme.We hopewec oul ds har et hei mpac t f ulexper i enc est hr oughc ol l abor at i on.

F OREWORD Hiev er y one I ’ ms ey eanan,c hi eff ac i l i t at orofSNL DC2013. AI ESECKor eahasbeent r y i ngt obr eakdownt he l anguageandc ul t ur albar r i er ss of ar .Thenf i nal l y weof f eri nt er nat i onalenv i r onmenti nnat i onal s t r at egi cc onf er enc e,SNL DC2013,f ort hev er y f i r s tt i me. Thi sc onf er enc ei sf oc us edonpr ov i di ng t heoppor t uni t yf orAI ESECKor eamember st o dev el opnec es s ar yl eader s hi ps k i l l s ,under s t and ourpr oduc tbet t er ,andal s ot oc ommuni c at ewi t h AI ESECer sf r om v ar i ousc ul t ur albac k gr ounds .

Obj ec tof2013S. NL DC Fi r s t l y ,t hi si st hes t epf orc hec k i ngt hepl ansandout c omesandr epl anni ngt oac hi ev et hegoal .Del egat i onst hi nkofc l ar i t yofWHYandf i ndt he r eas onwhyAI ESECdoest hi swor k sandwhywedot hat . Sec ondl yt hi si sas t r at egi cc onf er enc eal i gni ngAI ESECKor eamember s wi t hgl obalandnat i onaldi r ec t i onf orbr oadeni ngourper s pec t i v es . L as t l yt hi si sabes tl ear ni ngenv i r onmentf ormember si nAI ESECKor eat o i nt er ac tandc ommuni c at ewi t hv ar i ouss t ak ehol der s( EPs ,TNs ,ex t er nal s ) andot her swhohav edi f f er entbac k gr ounds .

2013W. NL DC@AI ESECKor ea

A E R KO ORE T h a n ky o u



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