Zixiao Ji Worksample

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Housing Depot Factory design in Tuscon Building area : 404500 ㎥ 2016.2 - 2016.5 Instructor: Benjamin Aranda Independent work This project aims for inventing a new mode of manufacturing prefabricated house and a new kind of shopping experience. The factory is like a IKEA for housing where the prefab houses are manufactured and displayed on different subdivision layouts, and customers drive through the factory to explore the space and find their favourite house. The continuous and curvilinear perception of the topology and space make the driving experience spatially rich and unique.

Manufacturing Space

Display Area


The Scanwich Office design in New York Building area : 3600 ㎥ 2015.6 - 2015.8 Instructor: Phu Hoang Independent work The project combines the programs of hotel and co-working office, using sound to reorganize the relationship between served and servant space. The hotel rooms and meeting rooms are seen as the servant spaces, while the served spaces include co-working spaces, restaurants and bars. The project seeks to create unique yet consistent acoustic environment for each space and program, which also become the pattern of the plan layout and spatial configuration. In this case, spaces and programs are not isolated by walls, but rather united by sound.

General pattern

Served space plan


Servant space plan

Green Incubator Community center design in New York Building area : 7800 ㎥ 2015.9 - 2015.12 Instructor: Gordon Kipping Independent work The design proposal focuses on integrating sustainable strategies on facade and whole building scale, and creating open space for local residences and outsiders to learn, communicate and start their own business.


Heating and cooling



Folding Agora Library design in Beijing Building area : 4350 ㎥ 2012.9 - 2013.1 Instructor: Zhao Zhifeng Independent work The site is located in Panjiayuan, Beijing, China. This area is well-known for its antique market and may old residential communities. The design of the library hopes to provide an open public space for people around the communities and a natural, energy-saving space for them to enjoy reading.

Seasonal Ventilation

Air Atrium




Double skin glass curtain wall

Plastic mesh with embedded plants

Steel frame and shear wall structure

Urban Oasis Hotel design in Beijing Building area : 28340 ㎥ 2013.9 - 2014.1 Instructor: Fu Yuefeng Project responsibilities: Schematic Design, modeling and rendering The site is located in WangFuJing street, Beijing, China, which is famous for the big shopping malls and a church surrounding the area. The area is a mixture of cultural and visual signs and building functions, so the primary goal of our design is to blend in the environment and purify the interior space.

Stone panel cladding

Mutation of Modern Residential Residential design in Beijing Building area : 3300 ㎥ 2014.3 - 2014.7 Instructor: Liu Gang Independent work As the city grows more and more dense vertically, people living in it are gradually getting alienated. Adding more public space to the high rise residential building, I hope to address the problem in an architectural way.

City in the Sky Vertical cemetry design in Tokyo Building area : 7200 ㎥ 2016.7 - 2016.9 Project responsibilities: Schematic Design, modeling and rendering In this vertical cemetry, the ashes are stored in the caskets inside bricks, in this way, each brick resembles a house for the death, and people's remains, as part of the material of the building, could long reside in the city where they once lived. On the inside, with the traditional wood framed doors covering the brick "houses" and ample skylight poured from the top, hopefully, the space can comfort people that death is not a terrifying path to nowhere; it is a peaceful journey back to home.

Origin Bath house design in Korea Building area : 20096 ㎥ 2017.1 - 2017.3 Independent work What the project tries to achieve is a total revitalization for the DMZ area both environmentally and socially. On the border of Korean Peninsula, the project proposes a river on which there would be public bath houses that open to people from both countries. The design tries to provide an ambiguous atmosphere inside the whole space of the bathhouse where clear edges are melted by the water, steam and light poured down from the sky, which would hopefully ease the tension in the air and get people to interact with each other.

194-49 Foothill Ave

Michael Kang Architect

Single family house design in Queens, New York 2016.9 - present Project responsibilities: Zoning & energy analysis, Construction documentation

45-13 78th Street

Michael Kang Architect

Multi-family residential design in Queens, New York 2016.11 - present Project responsibilities: Design, Zoning & energy analysis, Construction documentation

139-04 Hillside Ave

Michael Kang Architect Mixed-use hotel design in Queens, New York 2017.1 - present Project responsibilities:

Design, Zoning & energy analysis, Construction documentation

2718 Fulton Street

Michael Kang Architect Hotel design in Brooklyn, New York 2017.3 - present Project responsibilities:

Design, Zoning & energy analysis, Construction documentation

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